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Drnqk's KPD Application #2


Level 11
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

I have a total of 4 accounts.
My main account being;
And 3 more accounts being my alts;
Yknqs (Account I’d like my role, if being accepted.)


Discord Name & Tag:

Redn. (With the dot)

Which timezone are you in?

I live in the southern hemisphere; therefore, I have two different timezones. In winter (for me), my timezone is EST or GMT-4, and in summer (for me as well), I’d go one hour ahead, my timezone being GMT-3.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

French Application [DENIED]
JSL Application [DENIED]
JSL Application #2
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Spanish Application [ACCEPTED]
JSL Application #3 [ACCEPTED]

Italian Application [ACCEPTED]

1 Denied KPD application
Korean Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Receptionist Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Filipino Application [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server:

I joined School Roleplay back in 2021, a random month whilst being on lockdown. At the start, I had no idea what I was playing, but with the passing of the years, I’ve been getting more into this server. After my greenie or namemc days, as people call them, I got myself involved in GangRP, where I familiarized myself with the rules and everything that you needed to be a good criminal. I was a part of gangs like Valhalla, Kaku Kai, and others. I spent a lot of time in gangs, and I even got to be a higher-up in some of them. I also had my activity, where I focused mainly on P2L. I was never a big fan of rolling with the bad luck I had. (My biggest brag on the GangRp side of SRP is that I majored and killed a few individuals, but that never happened to me, as none of my OC’s ever got stabbed or such.) After my criminal days, I had a break, some time for myself where I had forgotten a bit about this server, and on a random day when I joined back, one of my friends convinced me to try out for a sports team, more specifically the team they were on, the College Basketball Males. I was a part of this team for a solid 8 months, which was impressive, or at least to my eyes. I made lots of friends here and got better and better at the plugin as I also developed my roleplay abilities and became familiar with JockRp. After quitting basketball, I knew where I wanted to go, as one month later I joined the College Football Team, a team where I am right now, as a co-captain. I’ve been through a lot with this team; I even survived the purge on it and attended many mini-events. (Some, not many, were organized by me!). Now I just run around, hang out with my team, do some JockRP, and do a lot of other things, where I even include my alts with my adult role and my grade 10 characters.

Now I believe my activity on this server is very high, as lately I’ve been logging on a lot. I’ve had a lot of free time to hop on the server to joke around. If I had to rank from 1 to 10, I would probably give it something near a 9. It’s never specific what day I will be on, and when not, it depends on what I have to do. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays I have much less time than any other day, which difficulties my odds of logging on, but the other days I have no problem with that, as I log on for a couple hours a day.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying appeared a few months ago, at a point where my activity wasn’t at its highest, and I was around looking for new roleplay scenarios to engage in. At the time, I already had experience on the GangRP and CriminalRP sides of School Roleplay, by being in a few gangs. I always wondered what the opposite side of the coin would look like and what being a KPD officer was about. Since then, it has always been a goal in the future for me to apply. I did once and got denied, but that still didn't stop me from wanting to apply again. I have not lost any type of motivation to join this faction, and actually, with more time passing, I've felt even more confident about applying after meeting and becoming friends with some officers. icly and oocly learning about their jobs and characters whilst getting closer with them to the point where I’d love to participate in an area like this with these interesting people, as well as getting to know more about the KPD itself, from how fun it looks based on past events and the situations or encounters I’ve had with them myself. And just to use as proof? Sort of, it is more of a comment. I’ve never been a big fan of writing applications as I usually surrender half way through, but whilst writing this one, I’ve noticed that how much I want to join KPD, it may have turned easier for me as I’ve had a lot of motivation to apply. I also wrote it in a short period of time (not that short still), but while having fun thinking of what to reply for my character and how to make him, it was surely an interesting format or application to fill. I believe this same motivation would be reflected in my KPD role in the game if accepted.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

General Knowledge:

I feel like I have a good amount of knowledge regarding police work. I should start off by prefacing that I have gathered my own knowledge, through observing the officers and how they do things, as well as asking around. Nevertheless, I can offer a general perspective of police work.

In Karakura, like many places, police work is a complex and demanding profession. The officers have to balance maintaining law and order with ensuring the safety and well-being of the community they serve. This often involves a wide range of duties, from patrolling areas such as the central plaza, business and shopping district, to the sewers, and many more, to investigating crimes and apprehending suspects.

One crucial aspect of police work is community engagement. Building trust and strong relationships with the local residents and fellow officers is paramount. Officers in Karakura, as in many places, strive to be visible and approachable figures within the community, attending local events and addressing concerns from residents. This not only helps in preventing crime but also fosters a sense of security among the population.

Technology is yet another crucial aspect of police work. Officers are equipped with various tools and systems to aid in their work, such as databases for their criminal records and evidence ****ysis. Some of these tools consist of a taser, a baton, a radio, and many more. Systems include CCTV’s and body cameras. The police force likely employs cutting-edge technology to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.

Of course, police work without its challenges. Dealing with criminal activity, crisis situations, and making split-second decisions can be mentally and emotionally taxing. However, the officers in Karakura, like their counterparts worldwide, are dedicated to upholding the law and safeguarding their community, even in the face of adversity.

Police Ranks:

Cadet Officers:
Cadets are the new recruits of the KPD. They undergo a month of rigorous training, which determines whether or not they are fit to be an official police officer. One who is able to face, and overcome the challenges they go through. As a cadet, they must sit at the front desk and answer any questions asked by the citizens of Karakura. A test near the end of their training is required to possibly become a patrol officer.

Patrol Officers:
Patrol officers are just one rank above the cadets, and are incharge of patrolling the areas around Karakura with a partner. Being still quite new, and official officers, patrol officers must behave accordingly, otherwise they could potentially risk their position on the force.

Corporal Officers:
Corporal officers are the ones in charge of assisting in training cadets, other than the higher ranked officers. Essentially, they’re the role models for new recruits by demonstrating their skills, and teaching them the ropes around the police station. More specifically, the skills being teamwork, communication, and leadership. Sergeants and lieutenants watch corporal officers, but also assist them with things, such as training cadets, but are also there to answer any questions asked.

Sergeant Officers:
Sergeant officers closely observe those of lower ranks in the police force, ensuring that they are all doing their job correctly, as well as behaving accordingly. Not only this but they are also incharge of managing the departments. Sergeant officers are the fourth rank you can become a part of, after passing your exam.

Lieutenant Officers:
Lieutenant officers are the high ranking group of the main division within the police force. Their job is to notify the commissioner of any misbehaving and or misdemeanor the officers ranked below them could be showing, whether that’d be openly, or in secret.

Police Detective:
Police detectives are one of the most trusted within the force, and are incharge of investigating crimes, collecting evidence, and writing thoroughly detailed reports once their investigations are looked over, and complete. They also carry a glock for protection, as well as a necessary tool that may be needed at any given time.

Police Detective Chief Inspector:
Any officer within the force is to report anything they find, whether that’d be evidence for a certain situation, or anything else, to the Police Detective Chief Inspector. They’re also the ones who specialize in police forensics, and are also incharge of assisting in cadet training, as well as any other police training underneath their rank.

Police Detective Superintendent:
Police Detective Superintendent is the highest, achievable rank throughout the detective division. They’re responsible to look over ranks below them, as well as assist in patrols and training if needed.

Police Captain:
The Police Captain is almost like the Commissioner’s partner. They’re ranked second at the top, alongside Commissioner being the first. They have the absolute authority to examine officers closely, and take control of the station when the Commissioner is unable to.

The Commissioner is the leader of the police force, and manages all of the KPD operations and decides who is let in on the force, and kicked off if needed. They serve as the main role model for everyone who works underneath them, and even the citizens of Karakura who aren’t necessarily directly associated with the police force.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

They are important because every crime-related thing that happens in this city has to be handled by them; the town’s security is in their hands, and it is their job to keep a safe space, especially in this server where gangrp is a big side of it. Police are needed to keep peace and order whilst also controlling and offering themselves to help the government faction in things they need. They are quick to act and smart, and they are usually parts of events, playing an important role in them. They are basically always involved in whatever side of SchoolRP you look at. I would say they are the most important faction in the server, as they do the most out of all the factions.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes I do acknowledge, and I will face punishments if needed.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Akjae Iverson

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:


Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

School and University graduate, with a Bachelor degree in law enforcement and a Masters degree in criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

As of right now, it's just Japanese. But he is working on it.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Akjae Iverson is a Montenegrin male with straight black hair that would bring out his shiny, light blue eyes and warm ivory skin to the fullest. You'd always see the male dressed ceremonially, as if every situation he participated in had a high level of importance, in which Akjae could not disappoint, complemented with a short and tidy haircut, as Akjae uses a large amount of products to keep it the way he wants it to be. His sharp jaw would definitely highlight his features, as it was taken good care of. Even though Akjae believes that hygiene is very important for him, sometimes he can't keep up with the growing speed of his facial hair, which would lead people to see the male walk around with somewhat of a mustache or a beard. He would usually come up with something to excuse himself. "I'm embracing my inner rebel today". Akjae's height is not one of his pros; it wouldn't affect him in a bad way either, as he stands at a very decent height for a Karakuraean male. About his weight, well, he's usually around 170-ish pounds; it would depend on the type of diet he is on. As much as this Montenegrin adult acts his age, he could easily get caught snacking on some sweets. Calories that he will soon lose after overthinking his decision and considering himself a "pig" for not sticking to his diet A special thing about Akjae would definitely be his high level of IQ and quick thinking, qualities that led his friends to call him AI, as if he were a real artificial intelligence. His voice tone was clear, but it was quite dry as it had no special intonation. His first and last names also happen to have the initials for AI, so after all, it's not an unfair or fake decision to call him after an artificial intelligence. Even though Akjae might look like a greedy or selfish dude, he's a really understanding and easy-going guy, as he's not out of his desire to not be liked without being formally and well met. After all, Akjae is a single male, and this is not something anyone would like to brag about, so he'd rather not talk about the topic if he's single or mention it a couple times if he is in something. Who wouldn't?

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Work is work, so family, friends, and every other non-KPD-related person should try their best not to bother Akjae at work, so he is very determined that he will give 100% of himself whilst working. He’ll try his best to remain professional throughout the day, yet he gets distracted now and then, maybe by a lady or food, but in a thought or two, he’ll snap back into the situation. Even though his looks or attitude may seem like he isn't the type of guy to talk much, he is in need of new friends, so he feels forced to drop a joke or smart comment around to try and engage in a conversation. The Montenegrin male is also well known for not being a big fan of technology; therefore, if seen in his free time, he will most likely be reading a book, and if it weren’t because he has to be at the station, he would be cooking, but since he can't, he’ll have to speak with his buddies about it, somewhat brag, and promise a sample of his top plate, baklava, a classic in Monte*****'s sweet culinary. Walk around and come up to Akjae; engage in a conversation with him, and you will learn much more about him. He wants to talk to you, but it is better if you approach him.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

For Akjae, the idea of teamwork is a key piece to any type of job, not only for KPD but for every other job around, and there are many aspects to it. His focus on this is mainly on how interesting it is to mix ideas and views of certain situations or ideas to find a better solution as a group. He also believes that when working as a team, the individual flaws aren't as noticeable, as teammates compliment each other to work based on what's best for each individual so that they can work the best they can and be as productive as they can be. Akjae will never turn down a teammate trying to help him; neither one is asking for his help. He believes that in the world we live in, communities are made to learn from each other and progress together based on positive and helpful ideas. As he states, “Good ideas are copied and improved. It’s not bad to say or make something that has been done before, so don't get mad over it” or something like that.

What's your character's backstory?

On a random Tuesday morning in Monte***** back in 1990, around the cold nights of February, a child by the name of Akjae was born. first of five in his family, so as he grew up, he was affected by the older son/daughter curse, where he had to live up to be the ideal child whilst also being treated in a much more strict way. The young Akjae hated it, but with time he started to like it, as he now thanks his parents for being treated this way, as this created a tough and sharp attitude in him, teaching him his manners and his morals, something he has not lost but keeps improving.

Now in school around 2003, Akjae was not a school-dumb student , but when you had to pick between studying and playing with your friends or using your younger siblings as toys, the second option was much more fun for him, so his grades were terrible. terrible to the point his parents had to intervene in the situation, and from now on, he spent every break at school with a book and pen in hand, and back home he had to study even more to then go to bed early. It really sucked for him, but his grades did change for good. Now he stood at the top of the class, and everyone wanted to work in pairs or groups with Akjae, and from here is where he starts to develop his teamwork abilities.

Moving forward in time, around 2005–2006, the young Montenegrin boy gets some shocking news, as he had found out his father and mother had passed away, both of them. In a plane disaster, and as an elder brother of 4 he was, his leadership and maturity kicked in, as he thought they were all under his control. Little did he know that Akjae and his 4 brothers and sisters had booked flights to their new homes, as friends and family from Mr. and Mrs. Iverson had adopted all 5 kids themselves, but no one would or could be able to adopt all 5 of them. That was absurd for someone to do. And as Akjae was the oldest and more mature, he was the one that got picked to be sent the furthest from the rest, and here is when he arrives in Karakura. Oh boy, little did he know what this place was like.

This poor man, who is now solely focused on his studies and lives in a small apartment with his Japanese aunt, came to Japan with no knowledge of the language and struggled during his first few months there. However, with time and the realization that he would have to adapt to a culture that was very different from his own, the Montenegrin man eventually began to study the Japanese language and learn some of the local history. quickly assimilating with the masses to appear local.

Moving on, Akjae never possessed strong social skills, and because of the language barrier, it was much more difficult for a young person like him. Because of this, he developed good academic talents. Iverson grew up at the top of the class because there was nothing else he could do at school but study. We are all aware of Karakura's criminal environment, with its gangs, violence, and other issues, and this undoubtedly attracted his curiosity. Even though Akjae was aware of how risky or difficult a scenario like this could become, he would still like to scurry about and go beyond his comfort zone to see or learn more about it. He was there for the tea. Akjae, who was entering college, may have first focused on his schoolwork, especially what to study, as a result of all of this. He could have been a reporter based on what he enjoyed doing, but it was not his style; his accent was a little too strong; perhaps the locals wouldn't have liked the terms he used or the way he wrote. The male said, "No," but then he thought, “Why don't I engage myself in this world that I talk about and am surrounded by so much, but in a positive way, being the good guy?” From this point forward, Akjae was only interested in becoming a police officer.

Akjae would go thru college and university with ease, getting his bachelor degree in law enforcement and a masters degree in criminology quickly, now he would speak japanese in a much more fluent way, and after living these many years in this town, he sworn to know it like the palm of his hand, he really liked what he did, and when he thought of applying to be a cop at the KPD, things went on a downhill pretty quickly as Akjae has to make an escape back to Monte***** place where three of his four brothers live, and unluckily one of them had suffered a car crash, ending in severe conditions, Akjae as a caring big brother dedicated the next 3 years from then to help and provide money and attention to his little brother Aleji. The problem was that he still wanted to pursue his dream job as a police officer, but he was not in Karakura any more, yet he applied, and he got accepted into the 8th KPD… But that’s not Karakura; that’s Kotor. He is a police officer in Kotor now. And he was for the next 7 years.

As a cop, Akjae gained a lot of knowledge; even though he was never of high rank, he did learn a lot about terms and the way to act as a cop. He was very experienced. But his adult life and now friends were in Karakura, and there was something about this town that he liked, plus Aleji was doing much better, he could move alone, and he was back in Karakura.

Akjae, who is 33 years old and has just returned to Karakura, is prepared to help the KPD if he is accepted. He recently returned to this town and is still catching up on all that has occurred throughout the last few years. He has still to meet up with certain friends. He might ask a few questions to obtain a better understanding of this location since it seems to be quite interesting.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"No, and if I were to be in a situation like this, where I see someone with a pocket knife, or if I were to know that someone owns one, I would involve myself in the situation right away to pat them down, interrogate them, and most likely end up arresting them for possession of illegal weaponry."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Well, paracetamol and melatonin are two of them—medicines that do not need a prescription, correct. Even though there are a few, these are some of the most important to my eyes, them being, eye patches, canes, and bandages. It is very important to keep our civilians safe, and our local hospital does a great job at it, yet it is amazing that if needed, you can use any of these items or supplements without a prescription."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"Right away, I would step into the situation, standing in between both of them. A situation like this cannot happen, at least not in front of me. After separating them, I would make sure to call a higher-up, keeping them apart from each other and trying to calm down the situation. Once my higher-up has arrived, I would let them handle the situation, but at the same time, I will be ready to help them in case they need anything, maybe to even explain the story and share my point of view with them."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"I would quickly press on my radio and call for backup. Now that backup is on their way, I would act depending on how bad the situation is, checking how many people are around him and if they are armed. After this fast decision, I would engage, or not engage, with them, trying to get my co-worker out of there as healthy as possible, but to call for backup is highly important so that the civilians that assaulted my co-worker get sent to jail and charged with their corresponding crimes."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"If a situation like this were to happen to me, I would make sure to tell a higher-up I trust enough for them to handle the situation. Now I would expect them to abandon the KPD, get sent to jail, and be charged with gang affiliation, yet I would never remain silent and not spill about the situation, as one does not apply to the Karakura police department to become a traitor. If you have done enough to join the department, then you should clearly know what’s good and bad and how ashamed of yourself you should be, as being enrolled with a gang is what we fight against, and to see a public figure of importance like a police officer being part of one of these gangs would affect our image badly. Therefore, anything that is needed from me to stop such things, I will be open to giving help. Count with me in any situation; this is what I studied for, after all."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Obviously, this situation is unacceptable, and only a dishonest, at this point, and unprofessional human being would be this terrible to allow something like this to happen. I believe that if anyone’s open to doing such things, it is because they don't deserve, nor own, what they have accomplished, and even though I believe that a grown man or woman is strong and smart enough to solve his own problems and make his own decisions correctly, in a situation like this, when you’ve seen someone cross the line this bad, I feel the need to step in the situation and put a stop to this. It is not just ethically incorrect, but it is a situation you shouldn't be proud of. So I would reach out to a higher up without stepping in the situation myself, as it is not much of my concern, even though it should be, since we are a team and we work all together to help each other, although it’s not ideal to cause rivalries inside our unit, but more of my higher ups, to see who we got around in the KPD, and decide the consequences that will be taken with said situation, a point in the problem where I wish to no longer be linked with, not about this individual, nor no one else.”

Thanks for reading.


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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