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e4c4 | Shopkeeper Application: Ryuketsu


Level 1
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 16 years old.

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Time Zone (EST)

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is currently all over since I’m coming back after about a year's break. I’m also fixing my sleep schedule at the moment, but this is what it looks right now.

I wake up and do my morning routine, which takes about an hour and a half. From there I play a selection of games which include SchoolRP on Minecraft. Even if I don't play SchoolRP in the morning, I still eventually play it for hours throughout the day. These hours can spread from 3 to 8 hours each day. Not only this, but I can get online on any day needed or in any situation where I would need to get online like if I missed an opening the day before when I was supposed to open that day.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that if I am to become inactive I will be demoted.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Appeals (Accepted and not accepted)

Applications (Accepted and not accepted)’s-Italian-application.57257/

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
College Bachelor

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:

I am applying for Ryuketsu.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I would like to become a shopkeeper because I believe with more and more ways to interact with active shops and active things in School Roleplay, it attracts more players and makes the game more fun for people. My shop is built to be very interactive between players and is meant to be unique from any other shops, hoping to attract more attention to the server and my shop all together. Secondly, I want to be a shopkeeper because of my unique idea to make a hibachi restaurant. Hibachi is a Japanese traditional food style, and Karakura is based on Japanese culture and sometimes Japanese traditions. I want to bring more culture to Karakura since you don't see much of it today. Most would argue that you see more other cultures and traditions in Karakura than in Japanese. One of the solutions to this would be to bring a hibachi restaurant back and add more of the original culture of Japan back to Karakura. Lastly, I have always aspired to be a shopkeeper in School Roleplay. I joined about 4 years ago and from the start, I always looked up to people in the shopkeeper position. I thought one day I could do what they were doing on the server and I believe now is my opportunity. I finally feel confident in my ability to make an application that has a chance of acceptance and an idea that has an even higher chance of being accepted.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I plan to hire workers skilled at making their actions and have them do flashy tricks in front of people in my restaurant, also known as hibachi. I plan to have a hibachi restaurant where people can have fun and interact with the hibachi chefs that I hire at my restaurant. The hibachi will be the main attraction, however, more sections of the shop like a normal order-and-serve restaurant will be available, as well as a bar. The restaurant is meant to be fancy and overall meant to be fun for the chefs working there, and the people who order. My restaurant and bar are meant to be different from anyone else's in special ways like a hibachi restaurant. To add on top of this, I can host events at my shop and decorate it with decorations you would see for that month/holiday. For example, decorate it Christmas-themed for December or Christmas.

What will you sell in your shop?:
I plan to sell several things, but not a crazy amount.
The hibachi section would consist of fried rice, eggs, ramen, chicken, onigiri, and other items in high protein; since that is traditionally sold at a hibachi restaurant. The food is not supposed to be the main attraction of the hibachi section, so the only food being sold is what I said, with more additions to the menu as more items are released on the server.
The actual restaurant section is where you will be able to order food from someone like a waiter or waitress in a traditional restaurant manner. The items being sold here would be:

Garlic Bread
Rice Bowl
French Fries

Main Courses:
Pancake Stack
Lobster Tail
Filet Mignon
Macaroni & Cheese
Margarita Pizza

2-Tier Cake
Frosted Pink Donut

20+ Beverages:
Sparkling Sake
Premium 1759 Guinness Beer
Hanako Sake
Bombay Sapphire East Gin

Non-Alcoholic Drinks:
Hot Chocolate

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan to keep my employee account at a solid 22 at almost all the time. One of the spots goes to the shopkeeper, one goes to the co-owner, four goes to the hibachi chefs, 8 spots will contribute towards waiters and waitresses, four to bartenders, and the last four to the chefs.

Shop Owner [1/1]
The shop owner is an easy position to wrap your head around. They keep the shop up and running, and observe all of their employees closely to make sure they do their job correctly. The shop owner is expected to restock any item needed when the item stock is getting low. The shop owner should keep track of every item that is sold for a couple of days after each restock, adding up all of the numbers of that item bought each day, adding them up, and dividing them by the number of days that it was tracked. The shop owner can then calculate when they will need to restock to keep track of every item and make sure it never runs out of stock. The shop owner is in charge of keeping employees in line, from making sure they don't steal to making sure they know the prices of items.

Co-Owner [0/1]
The singular co-owner is meant to make sure the shop owner correctly knows when to place a restock or let them know when they are about to need one. They keep the shop alive and maintain it through help sorting the restock, or even hiring employees. The person who holds this position is the most trusted by the shopkeeper and should be respected by other employees.

Hibachi Chefs [0/4]
The hibachi chef position is the first chef position on the list, but the hibachi chefs are meant to be skilled and quick with their actions. They are supposed to be quick-witted and work the main attraction of the whole building, the hibachi section. They are arguably the most hard-working of all the positions and for a good reason. Hibachi chefs are expected to remember what their party has ordered from them and tell this information to a waiter or waitress when they are finished so their bill can be handed to them.

Waiters/Waitresses [0/8]
The waiters and waitresses are another very important part of each shift. Without them, each shift will not go smoothly and the customers will not get their food. The waiters and waitresses are expected to seat parties and hand out menus to each person in their party. They are to report to the chefs what food they want, pick up the food, and deliver it to the party back at their seats. The waiters and waitresses may check on customers to see if they have any questions or concerns.

Bartenders [0/4]
The bartenders are expected to work the bar as a waiter or waitress would. Any person who wants to get a drink that isn't on the other two menus (hibachi menu and restaurant menu) may come to the bar to get a drink. The bartenders are to I.D. any person who wants to get an alcoholic drink from the bar. They are to hand out menus when asked and give menus when anyone sits at their bar.

Chefs [0/4]
The chefs are another part of the shop where the shift cannot function without them. They take orders from the waiters or waitresses when given, cook the food, and hand them off to the waiter or waitress to give back to the customer. Although they don't get much credit from the party, they are highly respected members of the job and are to be respected by every other employee, just like everyone else.

How will you determine workers pay?:
Every worker is paid by how much money they make themselves. The shop will not be run by paying each member 10% or 15% of what is made as a whole. Instead, each worker keeps 30% of what they make, and gives the rest of the 70% to me, where I give the co-owner half if they worked that shift. This ensures that every worker is paid for how hard they work and brings out their work ethic. This also ensures that no worker is lazy, and doesn't do anything all shift, and expects to make any money.

How will you decide who works on which opening?:
The system to decide which workers will work for each shift is pretty easy to wrap your head around. It is like a first come first serve type of thing. Whoever puts in a request to work that shift first and beats any other person to it, gets to get paid for that shift and work. A certain number of shifts attended will be mandatory for each employee and if this standard is not met each month, they will either get a strike or in most cases, have a spot locked for them for future shifts which they will be informed of in advance.

How do you decide which employees to fire and which ones to hire?:
Each employee has a certain number of strikes that will reset every three months. Three strikes and you're out. One way you can gain a strike is to not attend enough shifts each month, and another way to gain a strike under your belt is by being rude or acting aggressively to customers or other staff at Ryuketsu.

What are the rules for your establishment?:
The rules of my shop are kept simple and easy to understand. They are similar to other shops to ensure you know the rules by heart if you already know the rules of other shops.

1. No weapons or anything commonly used to hurt people. People with weapons will be kicked out.
2. No masks. Anyone in a mask is asked to take it off, and if they do not comply, they are to leave
3. Comply with staff at Ryuketsu.

Employee Rules:
1. Absolutely no stealing. Stealing will not be tolerated and will end up in 3 strikes and possibly the police department.
2. If you don't get paid and an item is given to the customer, you pay it off with your paycheck.
3. Follow the base rules, and don't serve anyone with masks or weapons.
4. Please leave other customers a chance to get a shift or an opening!
5. Be kind to everyone and all customers especially.
6. No aggression should be shown to anyone.


What is the discord link for your shop?

(The roles, channels, and everything else are done)

What will your attire look like for faculty and staff in your shop?
The two attires are currently being made and are scheduled to be done soon.

Additional notes about your application:
No, thank you for spending your time reading and reviewing this application.

Do you have any questions?:
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