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Eileithyia Osiris; Biography 'A dove trapped in a cage'


Level 87

[!] Do not take any of this icly [!]

P.S. I will have the backstory in a spoiler as more can be added, will be a chapter thing as the line goes down via interactions, if you see red hands within the Bio, it's a placeholder until I figure out what to do in those spaces


Elaine Osiris | Family, sister
Golden strands of laughter, her delight,
Echo through the corridors of twilight.
A sister's bond, an unspoken vow,
Together they navigate life's ebb and flow.

Sélene Osiris | Family, sister
Beneath the night, where stars do gleam,
Sélene dances in a way where it seems to beam.
Her eyes, like silver pools, enchant,
Reflecting dreams.

Anisha Osiris | Family, daughter
She illuminates all my days
with her charm and smile –
She helps me gain perception
on only things worthwhile

Shu O. Iszae | Family, daughter
The passions shared are many
But each is so unique
They stand for what they believe in
And aren’t afraid to speak

Yaki Osiris | Family, eldest son

In my eyes, I saw the stars,
His dreams, his hopes, near and far.
With tender care, I nurtured his flame,
In my love, he found his name.

Akemi Osiris | Family, daughter
Akemi, jewel of her gaze,
In my arms, the universe sways,
A daughter's laughter, a melody rare,
In every breath, a mother's prayer.

Hyun-Jae Sakura-Ki Osiris | Family, daughter
So let the stars sing their song,
With my love, unwavering and strong,
In Hyun-Jae's heart, where dreams belong,
A bond eternal, forever lifelong.

Rest of the Osiris (The ones I didn't add, there's above 20 of y'all so just dm or ping me if you want added on);
Life is passing so quickly,
Dreams are proliferating so rapidly,
But in the middle of all these,
Memories are embracing so tightly...

The time we spent together was most memorable,
The days we live apart were most dreadful,
The fights we shared together were most dangerous,
Still the care we tend to do is most wondrous...

Rare is the love which I receive from you,
Precious is the knowledge which I receive from you,
But paramount of all these,
You are still dear to my own heart.

Sio Hagino | Disliked.
Cold gaze, bitter words sting,
Dislike whispers in shadows,
Frosty ties persist.

Extended family / pets:
'Judas' | Pet, considered as a baby
Whiskers gently twitch,
Paws that tread in faithful grace,
Love's purr, warm embrace.

'Rampage' | Pet, considered as a baby
Rampage's heart's soft purr,
In warm embrace,
Pet love, pure and sure.

'Ginko' | Pet, considered as a baby
Silver fox named Ginko,
Graceful shine of night.
A loyal friend's embrace.

Friends / Acquaintances:
Henry K. Hamilton | Friend?
New friend's laughter blooms.

Alan Jackson | Acquaintance
Acquaintance in muted,
Silent bridges stand.

Noriko Kirishiki | Acquaintance
Silent Noriko.

Eileithyia, was born into the Goto clan, and her life started in a world of tradition, a strict life where they think that everything would be solved from discipline in general. Her parents always had high expectations of her ever since she was able to walk, say her first word, and had her first bite of solid food. The part of the clan she was known for the long-standing legacy within the arts, mostly geisha as they admired them and wanted to be like them. With this, she was raised in a secluded environment, Eileithyia's early years were forced into learning and in the traditional arts. They had trained her on how to brew tea from scratch, how to cook, bake, even do laundry, what was considered to be the 'perfect' housewife in general due to how traditional they were in their thoughts.

At the age of 15, against her will, she was chosen to follow the path of a geisha, a destiny predetermined by her family's centuries-old customs. Eileithyia's training was rigorous and demanding. She spent countless hours perfecting the art of tea-making, cooking, baking, and the skills required of a geisha when they were hosting tea-parties. Despite the beauty that she had shown in performances and to people in the public to where they felt mesmerized by her performances, she felt stifled by the suffocating expectations placed upon her.

The turning point in Eileithyia's life came with a painful personal experience. She fell deeply in love with someone who shattered her trust by betraying their commitment by cheating on her. This heartbreak left an indelible mark on her, making her wary of forming emotional connections to others so easily like a heart on her sleeve, with fear of being toyed, she had kept her true emotions away in a box, only opening them to people who she truly had known or trusted enough for them to wield her heart.

Eileithyia was fueled by desire, she wanted independence and a genuine connection to others, on an emotional level and not for transitions and expectations by people who don't care for her own true emotions. With this, Eileithyia made the difficult decision to leave the Goto Clan and abandon the life of a geisha. It was hard as she had many loving family members that were around her age, and she left them behind. However, she did truly know that they would one day change the ways of the Gotos by due time, but that time wasn’t now considering the bitter-hearted goodbyes from her parents which had made her go with her plan. She had to carry the weight of her upbringing and the burden of a shattered trust within her.

With this, she moved to a city in Japan. She had moved to Yokohama. Eile had found a figure skating rank where she spent countless hours learning how to skate and knowing the general ideal of it since it’s a concept she’s not used to. She slowly progressed, it was something she had a passion for since it was easy for her to use her emotions by ice skating, slowly going into dancing territory once again, she knew it wasn’t like the traditional arts, something different so she rolled with it. As she progressed to get better, she quickly progressed, catching the attention of coaches and fellow skaters alike. With this, it had propelled her into the competitive side of figure skating, and she began participating in local and regional competitions. This was mainly done out of fun, something she enjoyed doing without any stress. Eile didn’t care about winning, only that everything was worth it to her whenever she saw others feel amazed by her figure skating moves.

However, fate had other plans for Eileithyia. One day, she suffered a serious injury during practice, shattering her dreams of competitive skating. The incident left her unable to skate at the level she once did, forcing her to confront the harsh reality that her figure skating career had come to an abrupt end, it crushed her as she felt like she couldn’t do anything but sit in a wheelchair, watching other people having fun in general and laughing mostly since she cannot join in. With this, she had another hole in her heart. This was now another part of her life she cannot redo so she decided to call it quits and start a new life somewhere else in Japan.


TW: Violence, not detailed, but implied
As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows through the dense forest in Karakura, Eileithyia found herself on a mission. She had heard whispers of a tumultuous relationship between Shio and Andy, rumors swirling about their toxic dynamic, and the final straw of Andy's callous breakup with Shio had stirred something within her.

Determined to confront Andy and make them answer for their actions, Eileithyia plunged deeper into the woods, her steps steady but purposeful. The tangled branches seemed to reach out, snagging at her clothing as if warning her to turn back, but she pressed on, her resolve unshaken.

Eventually, she spotted Andy standing alone the cabin, their silhouette illuminated by the fading light. Without hesitation, Eileithyia approached, her expression hardening with each step. Andy turned at the sound of her approach, surprise flickering across their features before being replaced by a guarded wariness.

"I want answers," Eilethyia stated, her tone cold and uncompromising. "I want to know why you thought it was acceptable to treat Shio the way you did. To toy with her emotions, to hurt her again and again. She's a savior, a saint... an angel to this family. Her naivety may say to not harm others, but I am not an ally."

Andy's eyes narrowed, a defensive edge creeping into their demeanor. "■ ■ ■ ■ ■" they replied.

In a flash of anger, she walked forward, her nails slowly reaching with Andy's body as she slowly pierced their skin with them, her mask jingled as she let out a soft sigh. The sudden pain reached which caused Andy to look at fear, but Eileithyia didn't relent. She continued to rain down of cold insults "■ ■ ■ ■" was the words repeated by Eileithyia.

Andy cried out in pain, begging for mercy, but Eileithyia's cold expression didn't change. She wanted Andy to understand the pain they had caused, to feel even a fraction of the anguish they had inflicted upon Shio. "■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■" A new phrase that was given to Andy, before her hands slowly went to their hair once realizing the speaking did nothing, it did no appeasing. She dragged Andy to the fireplace.

"■ ■ ■ ■ ■...." Eileithyia faced Andy as she slowly removed the kitsune mask, holding the lighter as there was a thought, shaking her head as she used a piece of metal and placed it near the fireplace "Repent and hate your actions, you're not worth being in this Earth thinking it's okay to harm one so much... Karma shall come back, realize this one and for all.... You're. Not. Special. NO one likes you, whoever does is BLINDED."

Finally, when her anger had been spent, Eileithyia stepped back, her chest heaving with exertion. Andy lay on the ground, bruised and bloodied with bruns, but alive. She knew she had crossed a line, had succumbed to her primal instincts in a way she hadn't before. But in that moment, she couldn't bring herself to regret it.

With one last disdainful glance at Andy's prone form, Eileithyia turned and walked away, her distaste for them solidifying with each step. She had sought answers and justice, and while her methods may have been brutal, she couldn't deny the satisfaction she felt in delivering a taste of the pain Andy had caused.

It was here that Eileithyia found a new family and purpose. She crossed paths with Osiris, a family bound not by blood but by shared experiences and the desire for a supportive family. Within Osiris, Eileithyia discovered newfound sisters and a sense of belonging that had eluded her throughout her life.

Eileithyia's path had taken a turn when she became the adoptive mother of Shu, a young girl who had faced her own share of challenges. Eileithyia embraced the role with determination, providing Shu with the love and support she had craved as a child. Then, there was Anisha, this caused Eileithyia to eventually take on life with a new light, thinking everything beforehand was something to not be reckoned with, considering how she feels glee from just taking care of the children she considered her own. A new family and goal, to keep the children content and happy.

As time passed, Eileithyia's heart expanded even further when she welcomed more children into her loving embrace. Yaki, they brought a joy that filled their home. Akemi, with her compassionate nature. And then there was Hyun-Jae, the considered youngest child of her branch. Her ideal life was to support as many children she can, away from her past life of being raised.

With each new addition, Eileithyia's love only grew stronger, and her commitment to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for her children remained.

TW: Violence, not detailed, but implied
Eileithyia's encounter with Sio began innocently enough, a chance meeting in the crowded plaza of Karakura. At first, she paid little attention to the child, Sio, who seemed to possess an unrelenting curiosity that bordered on annoyance. He would follow her around, constantly pestering her with questions and comments, his presence like an incessant buzzing in her ear.

Initially, Eileithyia tolerated Sio's behavior, chalking it up to childish antics and a lack of social awareness. However, with every interaction, his behavior became more intrusive and unsettling. He would corner, invading her personal space with an unsettling grin plastered across his face. Despite her attempts to ignore him, however most of the time she stayed with a crowd of her family members to 'avoid' him.

It was within the claustrophobic confines of the sewer that Sio's true nature revealed itself. His small hands wrapping around the throat of another boy, Jason, who is Eileithyia's nephew. Panic seized Eileithyia as she watched Jason struggle against Sio's grip, his face contorting in desperation as he gasped for air.

Eileithyia's fight or flight response kicked in with a vengeance. In that moment of crisis, she chose to fight. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her, she launched herself at Sio, her fists connecting with his body with a ferocity born out of primal instinct. She slammed him against the rough concrete floor of the sewer, each impact fueled by a potent mixture of fear and rage.

As Sio's grip on Jason loosened, Eileithyia didn't relent. She continued to rain down blows upon him, her movements fueled by a burning desire to protect herself and keep the 'threats' away from her family. Only when Sio lay battered and unconscious at her feet did Eileithyia allow herself to breathe a sigh of relief.

In that moment, as she stood amidst the darkness and filth of the sewers, Eileithyia realized the depth of her hatred for Sio — a hatred that had been forged through countless moments of harassment.. She regretted she had to resort to violence, but at the time, it was the only answer. It sadly made her feel like she had relapsed to the worse parts of her judgement of what she did to someone else.
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Level 87
Thread starter
Pending update;

  • Relations; I have more kids as her
  • Making backstory to text only as it'll be in chapters, spoiler for each section


Level 87
Thread starter
↠ Relations; Updated
Yaki Osiris | Family, eldest son
In my eyes, I saw the stars,
His dreams, his hopes, near and far.
With tender care, I nurtured his flame,
In my love, he found his name.

Akemi Osiris | Family, daughter
Akemi, jewel of her gaze,
In my arms, the universe sways,
A daughter's laughter, a melody rare,
In every breath, a mother's prayer.

Hyun-Jae Sakura-Ki Osiris | Family, daughter
So let the stars sing their song,
With my love, unwavering and strong,
In Hyun-Jae's heart, where dreams belong,
A bond eternal, forever lifelong.

'Ginko' | Pet, considered as a baby
Silver fox named Ginko,
Graceful shine of night,
A loyal friend's embrace.


Level 87
Thread starter
↠ Backstory updated;

  • Chapters, will fix the headers later when I can finally get Canva or Fire Alpaca to work, I used another program for this
  • A chapter about Eileithyia and Jason will come out whenever I feel like it

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