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[ Ekaterina Kanada-Kuznetsov ] - Biography (28-9-23 update)


Level 4

DISCLAIMER: This format was created by me, feel free to use it; just be sure to give credit <3
This is a never-ending work in progress so there will be newer versions





♡ ♫ ♡ ♪ Ekaterina's Playlist ♪ ♡ ♫ ♡




Ekaterina Mikhailovna-Misha Kanada-Kuznetsov

Katya or Kat

10/10 original and only Tatsuo is allowed to call her this

7/10 basic but cute


Cis Female


[H] - 5’3” | 152 cm
[W] - 117 lbs | 53 kilos
[BMI] 20.2

July 17th, 20XX

Kazan, Russia.


Chaotic Good

Pride, Lust


Married <3

(LORE) Upper Class



Russian Orthodox

Russia, JSL, Japanese. (Lore based, Korean as well.)

College Bachelor Student

Majoring in Psychology and Communications

Minoring in Education




Kat’s overall personality really just depends on her moods/ who she’s around. She’s normally quite relaxed and kept to herself. She isn’t one to spark conversation up with just anyone, unless she’s in a good mood. Though she loves meeting new people; she gets extremely nervous doing so. Kat just tries to be a really good person to those around her; whether she knows them or not. She’d never be mean to a stranger. In her eyes she doesn’t see a reason to take her emotions out on someone she doesn’t even know.

Kat by herself is… unpredictable. She doesn’t really like being alone, most days she just spends with Tatsuo anyway so at this point there isn’t much time that she really is alone anymore. But, when she is, she is normally just quiet.. And has to be doing something. She can’t really sit still when alone since it’ll cause her mind to wander into negative thoughts. Therefore she has a lot of at-home dance parties with herself, long.. Long showers and reading. Anything she can do just to keep her mind busy; she’ll do it.

Kat is just.. Really crazy with her friends normally. She gets a little talkative and energetic. She has her moments obviously… Like when she’s a bit tired she may not be as hectic.

Kat is her real self with her significant other around. Truly, as long as she feels comfortable with the person.. She’ll be her real self around anyone. Sometimes, Kat has bursts of energy with her SO but also has lots of times that she just wants to lay in bed and cuddle. Kat LOVES to cuddle. Physical Touch is her love language.. Well that and acts of service.

Katya is on her absolute best behavior when it comes to being around her family. Especially her mother. She’s quiet, and listens well to ensure she doesn’t find herself in trouble. The only family that she isn’t really up-tight with is her cousins: Carson, Jordyn and Chance.. And her sister Nadia. Around them she normally just matches their personality and can either be really chaotic (Carson.) or really chill (Chance.) Another thing is whether she’s in Japan with her family or in Russia. In Russia she’s her best since most of the time everyone’s not in the best of moods.. But in Japan she’s a bit more….. Relaxed?

Working Out | Something Katya has always been into, ever since she was little, she has always enjoyed a hard work-out that really tests her limits. Even just a simple run or hour long yoga session will do the trick. More recently, with everything she's gone through. . She does it more as a coping technique. It helps her feel clear, calm and overall just mentally sane.

Swimming | Swimming isn't something Katya was able to do much as a child, though more recently. . Since moving to Karakura; she has found herself loving the feeling of the cool water against her. She enjoys how it makes her feel refreshed. She isn't the strongest swimmer, but it's something she likes to work on after school at the beach with a few friends.
Reading and Writing | Just something Kat does to keep herself busy when she doesn't have anything else to do. She loves to learn, whether its new languages or just her textbooks.. She enjoys feeling like her brain is being put to use.
Cleaning | Another way Katya has learned to cope is by cleaning. When she gets stressed or just doesn't know what to do; she cleans non-stop. She really enjoys it as well. Fighting OCD since she was little, she's learned to organize and how she likes to organize. Everything has a place and if it isn't there, it's a problem. Her own apartment is almost always completely clean and you wouldn't be able to find a single dirty spot. The way she thinks about it is if her house is clean, her mind is clean. Therefore, her apartment is dirty. . It's a tell tale sign that she's in need of a deep conversation.

Organized | One of the few good sides of Kats OCD is how overly organized she is. She has her set schedule and sticks to it, knows exactly where everything is and where she can find it and overall needs everything to be exact for it to seem right to her. She’s very clean-focused and loves maintaining a spotless apartment. Others might say that Katya’s organization can be extreme but to her, it’s the perfect amount to not set off her OCD.
Nurturing | Since a young age, around the time her sisters were born, Katya has always been the one sibling in her family to take care of the others when their mother is away, Her nurturing skills have spiraled a lot since her siblings are all back in Russia now, but she still acts overly motherly to her friends, teammates and especially her boyfriend.
Empathetic | Along-side the nurturing, Katya is surprisingly good at reading and helping with people's emotions. She tries not to push it but when she knows something is wrong with her friend, it’s nearly impossible for her not to speak up. Due to this, she has always been passionate about learning different kinds of mental illnesses and emotions, trying to diagnose people as she gets to know them. Though she never tells them about it, it’s just something that she keeps to herself and sometimes (rarely) talks about it to her mother; who is a Psychiatrist at the Karakura Hospital.
Persistence | Another thing that comes along with her OCD. Katya has always been persistent with almost everything. It has to be the same otherwise it won’t work well for her schedule. She gets the same meal from restaurants at each visits, has the same chores on certain days every week, as well as her schedule that she has perfected to fit everything she needs to get done in a day.

Over-Sensitive | Coming from childhood, when Katya and her family were dealing with a bit of abusive-ness from her step father. Since all that, Katya has been a bit sensitive to critics and struggles to take them. Especially if its about how she lives her life and how she does things. Though she has been working on this and it hasn't been AS bad lately.
Indecisive | Kat isn't the brightest bulb in the pack and when it comes to making decisions (especially important ones) she struggles to decide whether which option is better for her life. She tends to over think it and can often find herself spending a good deal of time trying to pick the simplest of things.
Obsessive | The bad side of her OCD. Kat struggles enough with having a slight addictive personality, though the obsessiveness only comes through during bad times or when something in her life doesn't seem right. No matter what it is, she will do anything to make it exactly how she needs it to be and if she can't, she'll simply throw the item away or drop that person from her life.
Self-Destructive | Katya doesn’t talk about this often but when she does it’s only to her sister; Nadia. She doesn’t like to come off as an insecure person so she doesn’t bring it up to most people. Kat goes through mental spirals in which she stops working on herself, stops going by her schedule, becomes quiet and sticks to herself until she finds her way out of it. During these times
Compulsive | Once again, a part of her OCD; Katya has a lot of urges to do things and fighting them off isn't the simplest thing for her. Sometimes they're so bad she questions if its not coming from another problem. Though her psych has assured her its just her OCD.
Persistence | The bad side of persistence is never fun for anyone, especially Katya. Since she sticks to everything she knows, when something random comes at her and gets in the way of what she's doing.. It can send her into a spiral. As stated, Katya works on something till she masters it, whether its school related or team related. She tends to exhaust herself with perfecting things.

Allergic to Cats | since birth

OCD | Diagnosed at age age 8 | Katya has always had a problem with things not being exactly where they need to be, things not being at their best and often just gets urges to do something or she thinks something bad is gonna happen to her. They can be strange sometimes, though she can’t help but do them.
Social Anxiety | Diagnosed at age 10 | This is just minor, only really affects her if she has to perform something or give a speech in front of a large group.
Glossophobia | fear of performing / public speaking
Thanatophobia | fear of losing someone to death or death itself
Alcohol | Just has a strong hatred for alcohol, makes her panic because she doesn’t feel like herself.
Being a second choice | For obvious reasons.
Being talked down to or yelled at | This is one of the only times Katya will cry, she loathes being yelled at especially.
Agility: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Endurance: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡
Health: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Intelligence: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Luck: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Morality: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Perception: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Privilege: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡
Sanity: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Social: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Strength: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Wisdom: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

HEADCANONS (My fav part)
LOVES to make tik toks.. Especially with Tatsuo
Can’t use chopsticks to save her life
Has to wash her hands twice every time
Very emotional when drunk
Pulls lots and lots of pranks, mainly on Tatsuo
Mom of her friend groups
Terrible liar
Hopeless romantic
Passenger princess for life
An attention whore from honestly anyone
Loves to run/play in rain
Kicks in her sleep
No sense of direction, and cant drive
knits/ crochets

Definitely a Slytherin with a bit of Hufflepuff
Her fav song is Cupid by Fifty Fifty
Needs glasses but just doesn’t wear them half the time, doesn’t wear them around other people





- Stargirl Interlude | The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey

Katya is as Russian as Russian gets.. Literally. She has a strong jawline accompanied with a pointed chin. From certain angles, her face can be claimed to be 'flat' but as some might say.. From the side especially; you'd see that her nose has a slight upturn to it with a flat bridge. Her eyes are almond shaped and an incredibly light shade of blue.. nearly grey. Her light blonde hair cascades to her hip level and is soft to the touch. Her hair is her prized possession.. It's her favorite part of herself.. Besides her body of course. Depending on who she's next to, Katya is about the average height for a woman.. maybe a little shorter. Though her curves are still defined to an hour-glass shape. She looks fit.. to say the least. Her muscles are toned, and her skin is a golden-tan from the hours on end she spends in the sun. Katya adores looking her absolute best at all times, no matter the occasion.


Katya has a very well fit body. Mainly known as an 'hourglass figure', Katya does a lot to maintain her body. Her waist is significantly smaller than her hips and as well as her chest. Her shoulders and arms are toned and are accurately proportioned to the rest of her body. She has wide-set hips, with slightly large, toned thighs and calves.


Katya has a soft voice, she’s been told in the past that it is quite relaxing. Katya’s Russian accent is still quite heavy and can be heard when she speaks certain languages.

Katya doesn't overly have a set wardrobe style. The way she dresses normally depends on the day and how shes feeling. She wears a lot of skirts and sweaters, and shorts. She will pretty much always be wearing long sleeves as she is slightly insecure with how her arms look compared to the rest of her body. If its cold out, she can be seen wearing yoga pants or jeans normally. On the chance that shes having a lazy day or has practice later in the day, she'll normally be seen in her volleyball uniform as she finds it as the comfiest clothes she owns.

The only tattoo that Katya has is very small and cant be seen on a day to day basis. Upon further examination, two small, simple koi fish can be seen on the right side of her chest, almost covered by her arm. She got this on a trip back to her home town right after she turned 18. It's in remembrance of where shes from as her family has a koi fish pound back at their Kazan Estate.




Xanthippe Wendigo | Biological Mother | Alive

“I love my mom a lot. I wish we had a better connection like she does with Nikolai.. But I know she does her best with everything that’s been going on. I hope she gets better soon so I can see her more often. Russia is a long plane ride away.”

Mikhail Kuznetsov | Biological Father | Unknown
“I would do anything to see my father again. He was my best friend, and biggest supporter. I know he did my mom wrong but he’s made up for it significantly.. Plus I know she still loves him. He’s genuinely just an amazing person and I’d only want the best for him.”

Nikolai Kuznetsov | Biological Twin Brother | Dead
“The Neek” “Neek-hoe-lie”
“Nikolai will always have a special place in my heart. We may not have had the best relationship but he's still my twin, my womb buddy. He will always be apart of me. I'll love him forever. I wish I did more for him but I know he's watching down on me everyday.”

Nadezdha Kuznetsov | Half Sister | Alive
“My second favorite person in the world besides my mother, I love this girl with all my heart. I’d do anything for her. Heck, I learned a whole new language for her and I’ve never felt like a better older sister. She's the only person I really open up to besides a the******.”

Lena Kuznetsov | Half Sister | Alive
“Lens” “Lean”
“Nadia’s full sister, I’m not really close with her, she’s closer to the other siblings (AKA Nikolai and Chance.) I still love her and would be there for her no matter what.”

Carson Kuznetsov | Cousin | Unknown

Jordyn Kuznetsov | Cousin | Unknown
“She was one of my closest friends. I loved her with my whole heart and losing her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through. I loved our adventures and even though we both panicked, getting kidnapped with her was fun and exciting.”

Lotte Wendigo | Aunt | Alive
“Auntie Lotte”
“Nothing much to say besides the fact that we don’t overly get along. Neither of us agree on things if I’m honest. Though as much of a people pleaser as I am, I can never do enough to please her.”

Other Family:

Kuznetsov + Popovich

Tatsuo Kanada | Husband | Alive
“My love” “Tatty-Tatsuo”
“Tatsuo will forever be the love of my life. Without him I have nothing. I'd do anything for him, genuinely. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him.”

Willow Aderyn | First Friend | Unknown
“Willi” “Will”

Izzy Matsuo | Close Friend | Unknown

College Female Spartan Volleyball | Current (again)

Karakura Debate Club | Former
College Track Team | Former

Fashion Club | Former




- You're On Your Own, Kid | Taylor Swift

July 17th, 20xx, Specifically 3:32 a.m. Ekaterina Mikhailova-Misha Kuznetsov was born. A mere two minutes after her brother: Nikolai Mikhail Kuznetsov. The twins were brought up in a happy household. Their mother, Xanthippe and Mikhail married shortly after their birth. As they were both pretty young at the time. Around the age of three is when Katya took up the hobby of Ice skating. Little did she know it would become one of her most favorite things, even to this day. She started for her dad, as his grandmother (Katya’s great grandmother) was once an olympic figure skater. Kat spent most of her younger-years at the rink, prepping routines, practicing skills and also lots of competing. Though-- Her loved, amazing life came to a quick end well.. Not so quick, but it is still very unfortunate. Katya’s father was caught in an affair. It quite literally tore their family in half. Katya still wanting to love her father and being closer with him, she spent a lot of her time with him. While Nikolai, his mothers golden boy.. Stuck by her side. Their parents didn’t get divorced right away, it actually took a while for them to come to that point but eventually.. Xasha made the decision to make it happen. She gained full custody over the twins but their dad remained to get visitation when allowed. Kat and Nikolai spent most weekends with their dad, as their mom did still love him and wanted to make sure her children had an active father. But, it didn’t take long for her to find a new man. Andrien. This is Kat’s absolute least favorite person in the world. You see, Andrien was insanely protective over Xanthippe. To the point where he cut her off from Mikhail, in turn.. Cutting the twins off from their father. Kat went years, and years.. Almost 12 years without contact with her father. Xanthippe fell pregnant shortly after the wedding.. With another set of twins. Vladlena and Nadezhda.

The arrival of their sisters changed their lives permanently. It showed a new side of their step father.. And not a good one. He became quite the alcoholic from all the stress and during this time.. He took his feelings out on the household. Yelling, hitting, punching and kicking at them all.. But mostly Nikolai. Nikolai took a lot of the blunt force of the abuse for his family.. And for this, Kat will always remember. Though.. She still had to deal with some. Lots, and lots of bruises is all that can be said over the situation. It got to the point that she wasn’t able to leave the house anymore. This somehow was able to continue on for nearly two years. Around that two year mark is when Xasha decided to pack everything up and move in with her brother in Karakura, Japan. Katya spent a lot of her time trying to learn Japanese and also having to learn to cope with the past trauma and the move. Their mother was quick about putting all of the kids into therapy; whether they continued it or not later down the line she didn’t care.. Just mainly wanted them to see someone to get everything out of them. Kat loved going to therapy and still does. A few years going by, Kat was still struggling to find her place. Even starting at the community college. When she got into college, she was quick to join her schools track team and she loved it! She had loved running for a while so genuinely it was very good for her and her mental health. During this time she and her brother Nikolai were slightly going through a rough patch.. After all the abuse he put up with, Nikolai completely changed as a person. Who used to be a loving, caring brother.. Quickly turned into the abuser himself. He rarely ever ACTUALLY hit Katya, just a lot of threats to kill her, or telling her to do it herself.. Kat really struggled with this and during the time she unfortunately found a love for drugs. Specifically the kind that literally made her feel nothing. This still would be continuing if it wasn’t for family therapy. And for her cousin Chance who completely called her out during said therapy. Props to him because in a way, it got Nikolai to realize what he was doing to Katya. Though when this information came out, the hospital was quick to cut Katya off of her medications and put her into extensive therapy to help her return to where she was before her brother’s anger changed. She had to quit track during this time.. Since she was spending most of her afternoons being monitored by her family or the******s themselves…

After about a year into college, she found a lot of interest in volleyball-- Well actually she had known for a while she really enjoyed it.. Just wasn’t sure whether she should try out for the team or not. Her friends eventually convinced her to give it a try.. All it really came down to was genuinely starting to understand how the game works. Who else to go to other than the (Previous) Males captain: Tatsuo Kanada. Kat had been aware of who Tatsuo was for… A while to say the least. She was always quite attracted to him but by this time she had slightly gotten over that. As anxious as she was.. She actually was able to bring herself to ask Tatsuo if he would help her practice for tryouts… And he didn’t even hesitate to help her out. The two of them spent a lot of time together… Their relationship was incredible…. Questionable? At first. Quite flirty. Even after just meeting, they both had an attraction to each other that was undeniable. After about two-three weeks of them hanging out nearly everyday.. Not even just to practice at that point. Kat was informed over.. The worst.. Information.. To hear.. EVER. Tatsuo. Had. A. Girlfriend. And it was a girl Katya knew! She was on the track team with her. This drove Katya and Tatsuo apart.. Up until Kat went to one of his practices and got into a screaming match with him. Fully expressing their feelings and emotions for each other.. At the beach… And screaming. Once all of it was out of their systems, they actually decided to take a break from each other. The break was incredibly short though as they both missed each other too much to not talk. They just felt comfortable together, as if they were supposed to be. Tatsuo took Katya on a picnic later that week and asked Katya out.. Obviously she said yes. He continued to help her practice up until the day of her tryouts-- Finally making it onto the team. Which quickly helped her form new friendships easily.With the new volleyball title, and boyfriend.. Kat’s life was going amazingly for the first time since her parents divorce. She also was able to get herself into the sorority for her college before it was disbanded. Making even more friends.






Drawing of Katya with her husband, Tatsuo Kanada.

me lol
Drawing of Katya at the beach :)

as I said at the top, this is a never ending work in progress and will be fixed/ edited at a later date when I feel needed<3
thanks for spending the time to look at this, been working on it for like three years now lmao
- rae <3


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