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Eli Myung


Level 0
First Name: Well, their birth name (they don't use it anymore) is Viola, but they use Eli (Ee-Lye)

Surname: Myung

Preferred Name: Eli

Aliases: They have none.

Gender: Agender (Please use they/them/their pronouns!)

Age: 13

Height: 5'1

Weight: 114

Build: Slender

Skin Color: Ivory

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

Hair Style: A fringe that is going to the left

Hair Color: Caramel Brown

Fashion: They wear large sweaters (they do this to hide their boobs because they can't afford to buy a binder) usually with cute patterns on them. Their jeans are almost always ripped. They wear off-brand copper colored or silver sneakers. They sometimes enjoy wearing flower crowns (but they only buy them for likes on social media, even though they say they don't care about social media)

Abnormalities: They have a little burn mark (they played with a match when they were four) on their right wrist.

Date of Birth: April 2nd, 2001

Place of Birth: Cape May, New Jersey

Nationality: American

Race: Half Korean-Half American but when asked on forms they usually checks off Korean.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic

Political Beliefs: They don't like politics.

General Appearance

Appearance: They have large, dark brown eyes. Their eyes are monolid and also have rather long eyelashes. They have an aquiline nose with light freckles and lots of blackheads on it (they use pore strips once every two weeks but they don't seem to be helping!). They have slightly thin, pinkish lips which are in a constant state of being chapped. They suffer from an extreme case of bedhead.

Personality: They're very awkward and a bit naive at times (although they never would admit to it). They have trouble interacting with people. They can be a little bit gullible at times. They're a bit of a pacifist and they hate getting into drama. They're a little bit anxious and very indecisive. They pretend to like memes and be sarcastic so that they seem cooler. A lot of people would describe Eli as nosy and annoying. They are a loyal friend and a bit of an idealist! They don't really understand social interactions.


Character Voice: They have a sort of raspy voice (because they normally try to deepen their voice so they sound less feminine)

Equipment: a cute, beige lunchbox, color pencils, regular pencils and noise canceling headphones.

Clothes: They just have a bunch of baggy sweaters and jeans.

Hobbies: Drawing.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: A mild general anxiety disorder and mild autism.

Skills: They are mediocre at art.

Querks: They enjoy eating icecream with raspberry jam (the kind for bread) and they obsess over things for small periods of time.

Family: Mom, Dad, Mark (Their 19 year old brother), Lexi (Their 12 year old sister)

Backstory: Eli was born on April 2nd, 2001. Their mother worked as a math teacher and their father was a doctor. They had a basically normal life until they turned eight years old. At age eight they realized that they didn't feel female. This puzzled them and caused a lot of stress until one day, while they were scrolling through the internet they found a web page about gender identity. It was then that they realized that they were agender. When they were 12 they came out as agender. This was met with their brother stopping talking to them. Mark and Eli still do not talk.
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