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Eliana Episcopo > Character Biography


Level 33
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Table of Contents

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I. General Information

II. Physical Appearance

III. Personality

IV. Family/Relationships

V. Backstory

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General Information



✢ First Name ✣

✢ Middle Name ✣

✢ Last Name ✣

✢ Nickname(s)/Alias(es) ✣
Ellie, Ella, Ana, Lana.

✢ Age ✣
13 years old.

✢ Date of Birth ✣
26th of November.

✢ Zodiac Sign ✣

✢ Place of Birth ✣
Trieste, Italy.

✢ Current Residence ✣
Karakura, Japan.

✢ Sex ✣

✢ Gender ✣

✢ Pronouns ✣

✢ Sexuality ✣
Panromantic, Demisexual.

✢ Nationality ✣

✢ Native Language ✣

✢ Languages Spoken ✣
Italian, Japanese, Dutch and Vietnamese.

✢ Accent ✣
A light Italian accent.

✢ Occupation ✣

✢ Mannerisms ✣
Eliana often fidgets with her hands, hair and skin, she will frequently pinch, scratch or pick at her skin, run her fingers through her hair, rub her index finger and thumb together, adjust her glasses (if she's wearing them), play with her eye contacts (if she's wearing them), readjust or fidget with her bows and headband, tap her fingers on a desk, click a pen with her thumb, twirl a pen or pencil in her hand and bite the inside of her cheek along with many, many other things.

Her eyes often flicker back and forth between a person and her environment if she's talking to them and she can get easily distracted by loud noises or shiny/pretty objects, she will also frequently blink to show emotion, usually its to show confusion.

Eliana will often rock back and forth or side-to-side when standing still, when sitting, she will tap her foot or bob her knee. It's also common for Eliana to elevate herself up onto her tiptoes and then back down to her heels in a rocking motion as well.

✢ Speech ✣
Eliana hums, ah's, um's and oh's in her sentences and will occasionally stutter or repeat words in the middle of a sentence, it is also common for Eliana to make random or unintelligible noises in the middle of conversations or to start conversations.

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Physical Characteristics



✢ Height ✣
4'11', Eliana is short for her age, heritage and height.

✢ Weight ✣
60 lbs, Eliana is very underweight for her height, build and age.

✢ Hair Colour ✣
Natural, dirty blonde hair.

✢ Hair Length ✣
Eliana's hair is just below her shoulders.

✢ Hair Style ✣

✢ Eye Colour(s) ✣
Eliana has light grey eyes, similar to the colour of a soft drizzling storm cloud.

✢ Eyesight ✣
Eliana has astigmatism and nearsightedness, faraway or close objects may look blurry to her if she is not wearing her contact lenses. Due to her astigmatism, light looks like large lines or stars, especially at night or in darkness.

✢ Skin Tone ✣
Eliana has fair skin with yellow and grey undertones.

✢ Piercings ✣
Eliana's ears are both pierced.

✢ Jewellery/Accessories ✣
Eliana is often seen with her iconic large white bows and headband.

✢ Tattoos ✣
Eliana does not have any tattoos.

✢ Scars ✣
Eliana has lines of scars on her arms and thighs which are often hidden by her clothing.

✢ Distinguishing Marks ✣

✢ Figure/Build ✣
Eliana has very little to no muscle on her body, she is mostly skin and bone due to her poor physical and mental health.

✢ Outfit/Attire ✣
Eliana will try her best to wear clothes with long sleeves and pants or skirts that cover her thighs due to being insecure about her scars, however, she will wear clothes that show them if it is unavoidable such as a swimsuit.

✢ Posture ✣
Eliana often keeps her head down and she tries to make herself as small as possible.

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Character Personality



✢ Personality Traits ✣
As an INTP (Logician), Eliana possesses a unique blend of intellectual curiosity, ****ytical prowess, and a penchant for abstract thinking. Eliana's mind is a playground of ideas, constantly exploring complex concepts and seeking to understand the underlying principles of the world around her. Eliana's approach life with a rational, logical mindset, preferring to rely on facts and reason rather than emotions or conventional wisdom.

Eliana's insatiable thirst for knowledge drives you to delve deep into subjects that capture your interest. Eliana is not content with surface-level understanding; instead, Eliana strive to grasp the intricacies of systems and theories, often developing innovative solutions to complex problems. This intellectual depth, combined with Eliana's ability to think outside the box, sets you apart in both personal and professional spheres.

✢ Good Qualities ✣
Quick Learner:
Eliana's ability to absorb and synthesize information is unparalleled.
Idea Synthesizer: Eliana's mind excels at linking seemingly unrelated concepts.
Objective Observer: Eliana's rational approach helps you see situations clearly.
Truth Seeker: Eliana's commitment to honesty drives personal authenticity.

✢ Bad Qualities ✣
Emotionally Distant:
Eliana's inclination to intellectualize feelings can hinder personal growth.
Socially Awkward: Eliana's discomfort in social situations may limit her personal growth.
Overthinker: Eliana's tendency to ****yze can lead to decision paralysis.
Perfectionist Paralysis: Eliana's high standards can prevent you from starting or finishing tasks.

✢ Hobbies ✣

✢ Talents ✣

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Family and Friends



✢ Mother ✣
Cecilia Episcopo.

✢ Father ✣
Edoardo Episcopo.

✢ Sibling(s) ✣

✢ Pets ✣
None yet.

✢ Love Interests ✣
None yet.

✢ Friends ✣
Ryohei Liam Sakaguchi-Adler

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