What's your Minecraft Username?: Darketru
What's the title of your suggestion?: Emoting Feature
What's your suggestion?:
Before I mention my suggestion, I don't know if this is possible for SRP itself. Whether it'll conflict with plugins or just general things that the development team has made for SRP.
When emoting or aka actioning your characters thoughts, actions etc when typing a dialogue inside your /me's, /it's after you disclose a dialogue with quotation marks in order for it to return to your emote color you need to do &u. If you don't do &u then we all know it'll remain white. Then for starting a dialogue we need to do &f . I don't have an issue with this at all- BUT - what if there was a way to make this easier?
Example Action Usage with &u and &f:
/me would wave. &f"Hello!" &uSmiled.
I'm suggesting that when writing a /me or an /it after you disclose a characters dialogue with quotation marks have it where the chat system will detect this and automatically convert into your emote color instead of doing &u. This is for the same thing when starting a dialogue with quotation marks instead of using &f the system will detect the quotation marks and have it automatically convert to the color code white. Personally, it'll save time and make it more easier.
Example Action Usage Without Having To Use &u or &f:
/me would wave. "Hello!" Smiled.
No, I'm not saying remove the &u and &f feature over all. I'm simply suggesting an alternative &u and &f way for those who don't want to use &u and &f and want something faster and more efficient when typing actions for your characters.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
A simpler and faster way when typing actions. As well as saving space for the character limit for those who don't have appends and just an overall alternative way for those who don't want to use the &u and &f code.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Emoting Feature
What's your suggestion?:
Before I mention my suggestion, I don't know if this is possible for SRP itself. Whether it'll conflict with plugins or just general things that the development team has made for SRP.
When emoting or aka actioning your characters thoughts, actions etc when typing a dialogue inside your /me's, /it's after you disclose a dialogue with quotation marks in order for it to return to your emote color you need to do &u. If you don't do &u then we all know it'll remain white. Then for starting a dialogue we need to do &f . I don't have an issue with this at all- BUT - what if there was a way to make this easier?
Example Action Usage with &u and &f:
/me would wave. &f"Hello!" &uSmiled.
I'm suggesting that when writing a /me or an /it after you disclose a characters dialogue with quotation marks have it where the chat system will detect this and automatically convert into your emote color instead of doing &u. This is for the same thing when starting a dialogue with quotation marks instead of using &f the system will detect the quotation marks and have it automatically convert to the color code white. Personally, it'll save time and make it more easier.
Example Action Usage Without Having To Use &u or &f:
/me would wave. "Hello!" Smiled.
No, I'm not saying remove the &u and &f feature over all. I'm simply suggesting an alternative &u and &f way for those who don't want to use &u and &f and want something faster and more efficient when typing actions for your characters.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
A simpler and faster way when typing actions. As well as saving space for the character limit for those who don't have appends and just an overall alternative way for those who don't want to use the &u and &f code.