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Erel Naginta Ironbolt Bio


Basic Information

First Name: Erel
Surname: Ironbolt

Preferred Name: Leon

Aliases: Puppo

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Build: Small Skinny

Skin Color: Very white

Eye Color: Twilight blue

Hair Style: Messy

Hair Color: Bleached blonde

Fashion: Overshirts, Skinny jeans, at least 1 thing that's blue

Abnormalities: Abnormally smaller than most other people

Date of Birth: March 12 1997

Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Nationality: North American/Korean

Race: Korean

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Irreligious

Political Beliefs: Doesn't particularly enjoy politics

General Appearance

Appearance: Shorter than most other males and looks very young for his age. In most photos he has a very youthful aura and in general just has a cute face.

Personality: Erel is a really nice and easily lovable person, and is described by the other family members as 'a human puppy'. Erel cares about others a lot and loves to spend time with others especially with friends. He is naive and believes things that are told to him more often than not, even things that couldn't possibly be real. As a result, he is often unforgiving to his naive nature.

Diseases/Illness: Nothing major

Character Voice:
(Closest thing to his voice)

Equipment: Glasses

Clothes: Blue overshirt with a white t-shirt and some skinny brown jeans

Hobbies: Gaming, studying, relaxing

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Very possessive with things and tends to hallucinate some people as completely different people at times.

Skills: Good with veterinary

Querks: Needs constant auditory stimulation otherwise he gets fidgety (Tapping his desk in class, tapping his foot, snapping his figners, etc)


Born in Seoul, South Korea, Erel had a bit of a troubled childhood for being part American. As he made it through many age groups, getting some counseling and therapy along the way, his life turned up better and better as his grades began to climb and his mood in general began to increase. Around the age of 15 - 16 his mother became ill, requiring medical care and not being able to leave for full recovery. This was very impacting on Erel and his grades began to decline along with his mood, causing him to become solitary for a while and only leaving to see his mother. After a while of therapy his grades averages out, becoming not as good as before but they were average along with his mood getting better.

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