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Esmelah_ KPD application #1


Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Amelah_ {MAIN}

Esmelah_ {APPLYING}

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Central Time Zone

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
{Main ACC}
Professor Application - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server ranges from 4-7 hours. This truly depends on the day of the week, the activities I have, and the work I am given. I enjoy participating in drama-induced roleplays, which take up most of my time, along with my professor role and carrying out that. These things are what keep me online for hours at a time, and in any case, if I am extremely busy I always attempt to log on for at least an hour a day to make sure my activity is being kept consistent and constant.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Since I am learning about police work in real life, I believe It would further benefit me to obtain knowledge of how my studies could further go while being able to have an impactful roleplay experience. Police officers have difficult duties, and have a lot of action-packed things they go through on a basis. I am motivated to join this force because I want to expand more on my roleplaying abilities and know what it would be like to be put head-on into one of these scenarios.

“When I was younger, I will admit I had a close run-in with sudden death. Upon arrest by an officer, the officer was there for me, even when nobody else was. This officer took care of me, attempting to show me that there was more to life than committing crimes and causing pain to others. He helped me go to the****utic sessions, taught me how to show empathy, and walked me through other ways to deal with hard situations. Once I was released, I sadly found out that the same officer was killed in the line of defense. In motivation, I sought to be like this officer, to teach people there was more to life than living in the darkness of the world. I then came across the KPD, noticing they were looking for cadets, I took this as his calling to fulfill what I had sought to start.”

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work is a big responsibility for one to personally take on. It can range from dangerous arrests, chase downs, difficult detainment, etc. Officers and their higher-ups do not have easy jobs and devote their lives to protecting the city. Being a part of police work can be slow one day and extremely intense another. It shows how they must also be ready for anything at any given moment.
CadetPatrol OfficerCorporal/higher-upsDetectives
These officers are recently accepted and new to the faction. They are to be monitored for their safety while on patrol and cannot yet go off-duty unless permitted. Cadets are Officers who are also currently undergoing training to rank up which can last up to 3-4 ICLY/OOCLY weeks.An officer who has passed their PO exam and completed their training. At this point, they are now given their badge and are permitted to go off-duty whenever they feel fit! Since they are also no longer a cadet, they can patrol by themselves without having to have a higher-up alongside them.The highest ranks in the KPD. These officers can train incoming Cadets, make big decisions for the force, and many more. They have usually been officers for a long time and can range from 3-4 months OOCLY. Detectives are a different part of the division, while yes they work with the KPD I believe they are given a different training to become detectives and must pass a different exam to rank up to this rank.
Police Baton
Riot shield
Pepper spray
Restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists in proximity to each other. This can allow officers to safely escort prisoners to jail or to prevent them from attempting to attack another officer while listing charges, collecting evidence, etc.​
A weapon that is simple and lightweight. It can be used to easily knock out a delinquent or criminal if the officer cannot reach for their taser in time.​
This can incapacitate one with a single shot. It can be long-distance, ranging from about 11 feet. This tool can knock a criminal down quickly, allowing an officer to apprehend the criminal and arrest them without further harm.​
A giant shield with tempered glass. This shield is usually only equipped during big events or even raids. It can protect the officer on the other side from weapons coming directly at their face, stomach, etc.​
A lachrymator product with capsaicin as an active ingredient can cause eye irritation, burning, pain, and temporary blindness. This tool can be used when the attacker is not wearing a mask or the mask has been removed, it stuns the person and makes them unable to see so the officer can catch the attacker off guard and hopefully without further damage.​
A device that measures a citizen's drunkenness, helping officers determine if they need to be fined for public intoxication (limit 50%). It also helps identify underage drinkers under the legal age of 20 to drink alcoholic beverages.​
A device connected to the officer's suit for easy access. With the radio, officers can easily communicate with one another while being farther away. In a sense of needing help, an officer can quickly inform their colleagues where their location is to have a backup.​

KPD officers also have access to various tools such as Crowbars, Badges, Luminol Spray, First-Aid Kits, Gas Masks, Body Cameras, Finger-Print Scanners, Stun Blasters, and Tranquilizers to use in the proper situations.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
The police are important to SchoolRP because without them it wouldn’t give a realistic and enjoyable roleplay in the pain and combat situations. If the police were not on the server, there would not be a bigger force to maintain constant peace between people. Gangs and lots of combat rp would occur even more often than now because there wouldn’t be a force able to properly stop them ICLY. Police provide the defender side of roleplays, which intend to protect, serve, and help any person in need of it. These reasons are why police are needed in the server, because without them roleplay would become unfair and unpleasable.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge this, and I will attend training whilst they are being held if I am active and online.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
“My full name is Ye-Jün Dahana”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“I am 38 years old! Born on May 23rd of 1986.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I am a male, and for pronouns, He/Him works just fine!”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“Well, I am fluent in Korean, considering I was raised there. I learned JSL when I moved here to better communicate due to my being partially deaf.”

Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique.

Ye-Jün, a man with a chiseled physique and visible scars, exudes an enigmatic aura. His faded blue eyes and tanned skin hint at a past shrouded in mystery. However, beneath his intimidating demeanor lies warmth and tenderness. He possesses a caring nature beyond his imposing presence. Ye-Jün's silky blonde hair and towering physique add a playful side to his overall appearance. His signature scent, reminiscent of blooming roses, adds a touch of femininity to his rugged image, creating an alluring charm that draws people towards him. His confident stride and playful side make him an approachable figure.

Ye-Jün is fiercely determined and dedicated to his work. He is known for his no-nonsense attitude and unwavering commitment to justice. Despite his tough exterior, he is fiercely loyal to his colleagues and deeply empathetic towards victims and their families. He is a natural leader, always taking charge in high-pressure situations and making quick and rational decisions.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
“In a professional situation, Uh I could say I am all business. I take my job seriously and will not tolerate any incompetence or disrespect. I would approach any task at hand with a strategic and straightforward mindset, ****yzing every detail and always having a backup plan. I also REALLY value teamwork and would ensure that everyone is working together efficiently. It has been said that I tend to be strict but fair, holding everyone, including myself, accountable for their actions. However, if needed, I am not afraid to make tough decisions and take risks to ensure the safety and justice of others.”

“Ooo uhm in a casual situation, I usually come off as reserved or distant, especially to those who don't know me very well. I often struggle with small talk and can be uncomfortable with showing vulnerability. However, once I am in the company of close friends or family, I can let loose and enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere. Hey, I may even crack a few jokes and show my playful side if we’re good friends! Despite my tough-looking exterior, I do value my relationships and enjoy spending time with loved ones.”

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“Well, I’d say I work greatly with others! I enjoy having company, especially during work. Helps me from losing my mind if you know what I mean. I also really enjoy my co-worker's insights on things! For things such as disagreements or even a simple idea, I like to include everyone's opinion equally. I am pretty friendly I’d say! I love to just kind of talk it up with people that I work around or with. I feel it’s better to know and trust the people in your workplace rather than be strangers.”

“While I do prefer to be independent, I admit I love working with teams. In teams, it brings back some old memories and helps me to relax knowing I'm not alone. Now I do feel more built-up anxiety when being alone while in public, it sends me millions of signals and has me checking every move made by anyone to ensure that I am not in any grave danger. Some of this anxiety can sometimes cause me to act dangerously, making big deals of small things. In groups, I feel more at ease. This is because I know I am more likely to survive in a dangerous situation because of the number of people around me.”

What's your character's backstory?

{Before birth}
Judice Dahana, a 15-year-old girl, was always found drunk in her room. Once she became pregnant with her child, she only sought to drink through the pain of abandonment by the father of her child. In tears, she would care less and less about her health, going days without eating or drinking. Her parents took care of her best they could, up until the child was born.

Ye-Jün Dahana, born on May 23rd of 1986. His childhood consisted of chores and constant yelling from his mother and grandparents. There wasn’t a day that went by when they did not scream. He envied other kids at school, bragging of their lovely parents, and their happy homes, and this made him mad. Ye-Jün was known as the bad kid, he made fun of everyone who ever spoke of a happy family. His mother never scolded him, too drunk in her world to even bat an eye at her growing child. One day, Ye-Jün got into a bad fight. This caused him to be suspended, where he was yelled at and reprimanded by his mother. His grandparents, against the violence, began to argue with his mother. The argument lasted for what felt like hours, until his mother was so angry, so drunk, and so fed up that she walked out.

{Teenage years}
From the moment his mother walked out, and every horrid moment before that. Ye-Jün found himself fond of hurting others. Joining a gang, He was put through many tests that involved him being hurt, cut, and even drowned to prepare him for the real world. Now only 15, he was stronger than most. He got along with all his members, sparring with them on occasion, always having their back no matter the cost, and genuinely being there when they needed him. His gang, despite being discreet, had also gained multiple enemies. In a flash, they were met face-to-face with a rival. They had gotten ahold of Ye-Jün and were not in any state to let him go. His gang, standing awkwardly before them, showed no worry or empathy in their eyes. The leader of his gang decided he would not care if they killed Ye-Jün, and that if they did he wouldn’t fight them on it. This caused Ye-Jün to go into a fit of rage, he began struggling to break his captor's grasp and tried to push the katana away from his body. The gang took this opportunity and attacked them. The katana, being bumped into, slashed down on Ye-Jün’s chest. Moments later, the police showed up and began arresting everyone, including Ye-Jün. An officer, known as Choi, quickly sprung into action to stop the bleeding. He saved Ye-Jün’s life that night and was the one who put him behind bars.

Ye-Jün felt embarrassed and still sat filled with anger. He swore to himself that he would get revenge on the one who hurt him, and on his gang as well. He built up resentment, training every day so when he was released he could kill every one of them. Choi, the officer responsible for saving Ye-Jün’s life, wanted to talk him out of it. He saw that Ye-Jün was hurting more than physically and wanted to help him. Ye-Jün refused any help but began to be convinced once Choi offered to bring him outside the prison to go to therapy sessions. In the moment, Ye-Jün saw it as an escape, he figured he could easily best Choi and get away for his revenge. Once arriving at the facility, Ye-Jün was met with tons of care and love. The facility didn’t pressure him, they talked with him slowly and were trying to help him overcome this hatred he had for the world. After the first visit, Ye-Jün begged Choi to let him go more. He no longer thirsted for his revenge, and now rather sought to change and leave his old life behind. Choi, happy with Ye-Jün’s enthusiasm, agreed to let him keep going as long as growth was seen. In the 4 years of attending, Ye-Jün left behind all the violence he once had. Becoming very close with Choi, he looked up to him as a father. They both bonded over little things, interests, and sometimes even small fighting techniques. At times, Choi would explain some of his policing stories to Ye-Jün in full detail. These stories always intrigued Ye-Jun, always awaiting one after the next. Near the end, the last 2 weeks he remained in jail, he never saw Choi. This made him upset, wondering if Choi was avoiding him and if the last 4 years were truly a fake, scared that maybe Choi was just truly doing his job and never cared for Ye-Jun. The day he was released, he was reunited with his grandparents. As he told them about his time and Officer Choi, he noticed their expressions become sad. He was then informed Choi was recently killed in the line of duty. Ye-Jun wanted to cry, Choi being the closest thing to a father he had, he couldn't take the fact that he was gone. Unsure how to take the pain, Ye-Jun continued to attend the facility classes. He did this to honor the bit of memory still with him.

19 years old, Ye-Jun found a woman he loved. A girl by the name of Jaelynn Eunbi is the same age as him but also a pure spitting image of his mother. Ye-Jun ignored this, as he knew Jaelynn was different. Jaelynn was a young counselor in training and shared the sadness Ye-Jun felt about Choi. The two clicked almost instantly and enjoyed each other's presence. Eventually, this love led to Jaelynn having Ye-Juns child. Yeong-suk, a gorgeous baby girl born on October 8th, 2006. She had her father's same blonde hair but took on her mother's vibrant skin. Ye-Jun devoted his time to his daughter, wanting to give her the father figure he never had during his childhood. 3 years later, Jaelynn and Ye-Jun were married. Combining their last names, they started the Dahanaeunbi family. Their family was the embodiment of happiness, nothing but smiles and laughter. Ye-Jun spent most of his years teaching his daughter how to defend herself and trained her to be kind to whoever she met. This took up so much of Ye-Juns time, that Jaelynn began to become jealous of the attention Ye-Jun gave their daughter. She would sometimes break out into a fit of rage towards Yeong-Suk, yelling at her for the smallest things. No matter how hard Ye-Jun tried to calm her down, she never listened to him.

{The future}
Now recently divorced, he tried his hardest to handle his life as a single father. He shared custody with Yeong-Suk's mother, and she visited Korea multiple times a year. Once Yeong-Suk turned 16, she asked her father if she could permanently move to Japan, and to stop seeing her mother permanently. Ye-Jun was shocked by his daughter's request but understood not want to travel so often. Placing his trust in her, he helped her pack and met her mother at the airport for a final goodbye. Jaelynn remarried and is now happy with another child, she scolded at the sight of Ye-Jun. He refused to allow her to bring him down at the moment and allowed his daughter to say goodbye to her mother. Jaelynn was hurt and began to make a scene in the middle of the airport. She screamed, yelled, cried, and even tried to grab her daughter to keep her from leaving. Airport security eventually had to escort her out, but Yeong-Suk did not react to this. She just hugged her father and asked him to always protect her no matter what. Ye-Jun began to realize he didn’t have any solid ways to protect her and from this motivation, he sought to complete what Choi had started. He had waited years to do so, and now being 38 he knew if he didn't do something soon he wouldn’t do anything at all. He signed up for the local police force, not sure if he’d even qualify but he figured it was worth a shot to help the world. He sought to protect his daughter from any harm to come her way, just as she had asked of him. He worked tirelessly, and put in every effort he had to ensure he got in.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“A pocket knife? No, that is illegal here in Karakura. Being caught with one of yourself can result in being arrested and charged for possession of illegal weaponry. This type of charge could land you up to 3 months in jail and a criminal record.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“5 medical items, let's see…”

“Bandages, these do not need to be prescribed as they can easily be bought at any store”

“Eye patches, I don’t think those classify as band aids. They can also be easily bought or obtained by a doctor when needed”

“Vitamins, unless they are specialized to a person but they can also easily be picked up at stores whenever needed.”

“Gauze, this is a good thing to have on hand in situations and doesn’t have to be given by doctors.”

“Final item, I would have to go with antibiotic cream. Again with the other things, it’s easy to obtain and can help keep infections from wounds!”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“I would not hesitate to step in and stop the abuse, using my authority and training to defuse the situation. I firmly believe in justice and fairness for all, and I will not let anyone, not even my co-workers, tarnish that belief. After the abuse is stopped, I would then ask my co-workers what led them to hurt the inmate, and if they were being assaulted. If my co-worker were to give me an unreasonable answer for harming another person, I would report the incident and ensure that proper disciplinary action is taken, regardless of the consequences.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“ I would immediately spring into action. I would then ring for backup instantly and tell them the location. I would assess the problem at hand and use my training to quickly and efficiently handle the situation. I will not hesitate to put myself in harm's way to protect my colleagues and subdue the attacker. First, I would stun the criminal with my taser to make sure they cannot further harm my co-worker. Once the criminal is stunned, I would handcuff them to a solid object and would then proceed to help up my co-worker and ensure they are okay. If they are severely harmed I would make sure another officer can watch the criminal who attacked and would then quickly take the officer to get the help they need. If not, I would carefully remove the handcuffs from the solid object and would be sure to have my baton ready in case the criminal tried anything and take the criminal to jail with assault on an officer as their charge.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“If I were to find out that a co-worker was corrupt and involved with criminal organizations, I would not hesitate to report them to my superiors. My loyalty to the law and the community will not allow me to turn a blind eye to such wrongdoing. I would then gather evidence and work tirelessly to ensure that the corrupt officer is brought to justice. I hold the belief that a few corrupt individuals should not tarnish the reputation of the entire police force and I would do everything in my power to protect the integrity of the KPD.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Bribing an officer? That would be brave. Nonetheless, my expression would remain neutral as I listened to the offer, being as professional as possible in the given situation. I know that as a police officer, I would have a duty to uphold the law and no amount of money could change that, especially not a criminal's money. With a stern voice, I would firmly reject the bribe and remind the suspect that their actions had consequences. I then would proceed to charge the criminal with bribery on top of their other charges.”


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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