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Essiona 'Ess' Lycan biography


Level 40
[ Essiona Lycan ]
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Basic Information

First Name: Essiona
Surname: Lycan

Nickname: Ess

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 54 lb

Build: Petite

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Style: Long, straight

Hair Color: brown

Fashion: Slightly punk with flowers mixed into the look.

Abnormalities: None

Date of Birth: June 6th

Place of Birth: Osaka

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Wiccan

Political Beliefs: Little young to have true beliefs as she is still developing them. She would like anything that allowed people to be themselves and just live life.

General Appearance

Appearance: pale ish skin always seen with flowers around her. She would not wear makeup but would have clear skin.

Personality: Kind, but with some anger traits. Is cautious of people. She has a short fuse and will go off if only slightly bothered by something.

Character Voice: Soft, and with little emotion shown in it. She would speak monotone.

Equipment: Always seen with her drawing journal and a pencil. Likes to carry around oranges as they are her favorite.

Clothes: Black and dark grey plaid pants with cream colored shoes. She wears a dark grey long sleeve shirt under her brown tee shirt. Would have a chain walled in their back pocket.

Hobbies: Drawing, walking around the city, browsing the web, listening to music.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Autism

Skills: Anything involving numbers.

Querks: Draws her interactions in her notebook to keep track of things that happen. Often finds herself in awkward social situations.

Family: The Lycans

Backstory: Her family moved from America to Japan before she was born. Her mother had gotten a job as an English teacher. Her dad worked in an accounting business. Her dad split from her mom as soon as he found out that she had gotten pregnant. On June 6th In Osaka, the place her family resides. She grew up with just her mom, she had many struggles as a kid as she was born autistic. These troubles had caused her mom to become extremely frustrated to the point of putting her daughter in a orphanage at the age of 2. She was moved to an orphanage near Karakura, she grew up in the system struggling though her time stuck in a disaster while being autistic. The others never understood how she was the way she was. They would often tease and bully her for being so different from them. unable to understand social interactions she never knew what to do about this. She ended up making one friend through her time in the system, this friend was mute. This made them a group of people that were perfect for each other. She learned sign language in this with the help of her friend and the help of a tutor that she was set up with. The orphanage felt it might help the girl who was mute to have someone who could understand what she was saying. So she grew up and was never taken in do to the to her being autistic, no family wanted to deal with such a troubled child. Eventually the family that ended up taking her in was actually a family of orphans themselves. They took her in at the age of 13.​
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