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Level 0

~ ♛ ~

"The human mind is an abyss, one I wish to explore.. One I wish to- . . conquer"

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Very Active​
Very Active​
Moderately Active​
Very Active​
Very Active​
- Able to VC from 10:00am until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 03:00pm until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 10:00am until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 10:00am until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 03:00pm until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 10:00am until 08:00pm AEST- Able to VC from 10:00am until 08:00pm AEST

As I am taking a 6 month break from ooc studies (at the very least), I will be very active over the next few months, being able to hop on SRP 3+ hours a day, morning, afternoon or evening, depending on how busy I am irl. I am free during this time to attend anything from training, to shifts, to casual rp, to lore events.

In the future, this schedule is subject to change, as I would like to continue studies, however, as I have said, this will be in 6 months time at the very least, and despite that, I will still remain moderately active.


Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST GMT+10)


This is my first application :)

[Grade-12] Eun-Yi "Rose" Han (APPLYING)
[Grade-12] Hephaestus T. Han (Old Character)​


I’ve been roleplaying for 9 years, through various mediums. I began roleplaying on Roblox from 2015-2017, and conducted the majority of roleplay through Discord from 2017-2022.
I was first introduced to SRP in 2021. Unfortunately, this experience was fleeting, and I lost interest after a few months. At the time, minecraft roleplay was too jarring to swap into after spending years writing as a means of roleplay.
As of recently, Discord roleplay, from my point of view, has pretty much rolled over and died. Instead, I have continued writing on my own, which I still do today. Over the past 4 months, I have truly begun getting into SRP. Although I may not be as accustomed to using Minecraft as a roleplay medium as others, I still nevertheless have roleplay and literary experience.


Outside of in-character motivations for Eun-Yi I would like to see through, my main motivation for applying is to finally find a community on SRP to which I can socialise with. My main lack of motivation in 2021 to continue roleplay on SRP was that I could not find a community to return to when booting up the server. Had I, through my character, found people to consistently roleplay with, I would be a very active member of the server by now (it would also help to have a quota I need to reach to force me to turn up). Joining Hospital staff would give me the motivation to truly become a consistently active member of the community.
Joining psychiatry specifically? I’ve always been drawn to more logical fields of study, so it’s no surprise that I’ve chosen to study Physics irl. However, if I had not chosen Physics, I would have chosen Psychology. Although I can’t call myself anything near professional, I have personal experience in providing help to those in distress, and have found myself genuinely interested in mental health as a subject, ever since I began independently learning how to deal with my own struggles.


Psychiatrist :)

DoctorDoctors tend to the majority of physical injuries that appear at the hospital. They are in-house staff with general specializations, completing tasks such as check-ups, surgery, diagnosis, pharmacy, transplants, assisting forensics teams, and even working the desk. Because of this, they can sometimes contribute to other departments of the hospital, if a more steady approach is needed.
PsychiatristPsychiatrists at Karakura Hospital are doctors of the mind, going through their own specialized training aside from Doctors. This gives them a more distinct role in the hospital, treating people's mental health through therapy sessions. This leads to diagnosis and treatment, much akin to their physical health counterparts. However, Psychiatrists collaborate with other hospital departments, and even other factions, much differently to Doctors, Paramedics or Veterinarians. This can take the form of psychologically assess victims of physical violence alongside Doctors and/or Paramedics, or mentally evaluating Police Officers post-incident.
ParamedicParamedics are the newest sub-group of the Hospital Faction, being one of two sub-roles. This means hospital staff must pass their residency exams and already be Doctors before applying for their paramedic certification, which adds onto their usual Doctor's duties. Paramedics often work alongside the Karakura Police Department (KPD) as first-responders, often attending ongoing emergency situations before a patient is moved to the hospital, or specialised doctors arrive on-site.
VeterinarianVeterinarian is a sub-role, much like the Paramedic. This means the same process above applies with becoming a Vet: In which one must become a Doctor first and must pass their residency exams before training for their Veterinarian certification. Although Vets are therefore trained in tending to both human and animal patients, their Vet role often overrides their Doctor's duties when treating animals and wildlife, unless a dire situation arises at the hospital and their help is necessary.

DirectorThe Director is the highest ranking hospital staff member, which manage and organize everything about the hospital from roles and responsibilities given to certain members of hospital staff, to pay distributions, to event management, to universal hospital policy. The position of Director can only be obtained by a member of SRP staff. The Director is ultimately in charge of all those working at Karakura Hospital.
Clinical ManagerThe clinical manager is the second-in-command of the hospital, and has the ability to temporarily take up the Director's duties if there isn't one present. Clinical managers also provide a supervisory role to each clinical lead, which in turn allows them to oversee each department, and each sub-role. Any and all problems go to the clinical manager before reaching the Director.
Clinical LeadClinical Leads oversee their whole department, including managing the training of new staff. These managerial positions can be spoken to if there is a problem local to a department, and, if need be, can speak to the clinical manager or the Director themselves. There is only one clinical lead per department. Fun fact: There are also Lead ranks for both Paramedic and Veterinarian sub-roles.
Clinical SupervisorClinical Supervisors have the same qualifications as attending doctors/psychiatrists, however have begun to ascend into management positions. Each department, Doctors or Psychiatrists, have 2 clinical supervisors. These act as seconds in command to the clinical lead, being middle management between hospital higher-ups and standard doctors/psychiatrists.
Attending Doctor/PsychiatristAttending Doctors/Psychiatrists have completed the full length of training and probation, and have now earned a permanent placement at Karakura Hospital. This rank attends to the majority of high-priority incidents with complete independence, while also tutoring newly accepted trainees.
Senior ResidentSenior Residents, as their name suggests, are residents who have completed their training, and have remained at the Hospital for some time. Senior Residents have enough experience of their own to even tutor trainees and newer residents, however not enough to practice with complete independence.
ResidentDoctor/Psychiatrist Residents have completed their training and have been given more responsibilities to attend to when working at the Hospital. However, residents are still under supervision, especially if they have only recently completed their training.
TraineeThe lowest rank of hospital staff, for those whose applications have been accepted and are currently in training, which can take multiple weeks to complete. Trainees aren't given the same amount of tasks as higher ranks, due to their inherent inexperience, and not to apply too much stress on new members.
StadiometerA stadiometer is a particular height-measuring stand, often used by doctors in their offices for standard checkups, or anything that requires a doctor or nurse to measure the height of a patient. This is done when the patient stands on a scale, putting their back up against a beam with a measuring scale along the side. The doctor would then bring a sliding paddle down the scale, which would rest on top of the patient's head, and point to a particular measurement on the scale which coincides with the patient's head height.
StethoscopeThe archetypal doctor's instrument. Used by the majority of both roles and ranks, stethoscopes are used to listen to the inner workings of a patient, from the clarity of a patient's lungs or the rhythm of their heartbeat. This is done by placing the small metal disc (sometimes referred to as the 'diaphragm') up against the chest of a patient, and listening in via the earbuds.
ScalpelThe basic tool of a surgeon. An incredibly sharp, always cleaned metal blade, made to open cuts into flesh to peek into where an ailment may be, or to strategically cut somewhere prior or during an operation.
DefibrillatorDefibs can be found around the hospital, and in first aid rooms all around Karakura. These can be used by the average person, even if paramedics always keep one in reach. Defibrillators provide automatic instructions as to exactly what to do when a patient is unresponsive, and their heart is in an abnormal rhythm, or about to stop. Electrically charged paddles are attached from the Defib onto the patient, to provide a jolt and restart normal pulmonary function, if first aid and CPR is ineffective.
StretcherUsed by paramedics in order to transport a patient safely and securely in a bed from location to location. This allows a patient to be safely and smoothly transferred from incident area into an ambulance, then transported into the hospital without moving any afflicted part of the body, aside from a potential bumpy ride.
AnestheticAnesthetics are a class of drugs that produce partial or complete loss of feeling, in certain parts of the body, or the entire body altogether. These drugs are carefully curated to allow for patients to go under surgery completely unconscious and healthy, as they are potentially opened up by surgeons. Anesthetics can also be used by paramedics to ease the pain of a patient on-scene. Tranquilizer can often mimic the effects of anesthetic at particular doses, which can knock humans or animals unresponsive for a short period of time.
MRI MachineAn Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner is a particular machine that use strong magnetic fields and low-energy radio waves to map out organs of a patient's body, used to provide similar results to an X-ray scan, although with more clarity across multiple cross-sections. A patient sits on the bed in the centre of a donut-shaped machine, which the bed acts as a conveyor, moving them under the machine while it scans the body, producing images on the acting radiologist's computer. An MRI can produce scans of any section of the body, and can famously provide images of the brain without the need for brain surgery. Brain scans can be utilised by both Doctors and Psychiatrists at Karakura Hospital.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Oh I would be disappointed if this wasn’t the case. This would provide the motivation I need.

~ ♛ ~

"Hm? You wish to admire me?. . . " - "I'll give you that privilege, I guess.."



Eun-Yi ‘Tsumugi’ Kokushibo Han-Martinez


Cisgender Female (She/Her)

〚 CHARACTER'S AGE (if accepted) 〛♥

25 (16/01/1999)


As of right now, Grade-12. During the timeskip between being 18 in Grade-12 till being 25 in EMS, she will have a Bachelor degree in medical science.


Korean / Italian / Japanese




Shintoism | Ō-Inari Okami Worshipper


Japanese, applying for Korean in the future


Eun-Yi had a late entrance into Karakura compared to her twin brother, Saeran. While he had joined the highschool in Year 7, Eun-Yi elected to remain a solitary student in the Han estate. Once she does arrive, she is immediately set apart from Saeran, as Saeran had become socially adept by the time Eun-Yi joined Karakura High. Because of this, Eun-Yi’s highschool experience was uneventful and quiet, not that Eun-Yi had any problem with her lack of socialisation.
Eun-Yi, from when she was a child, had been prepared for a role of nigh-regal importance: To become the Lady Han. To become the utmost example of power and grace. Refined, intelligent, ruthless, motherly. She had never seen an issue with this. Never a realisation of independence, nor an outburst of rebellion. Eun-Yi instead, having only heard rumours of her mother as a young adult in Karakura, chose to define herself prior to taking her predestined role. Her independence came not in the form of resistance to her fate, but confidence in twisting her fate the way she wanted. Endless lectures on when she’s finally allowed to find a partner, or finding a friend group like her twin brother, always fell on already deaf ears. None of this was on her mind to begin with. She only needed herself.
Thus, she set out, leaving Karakura after graduating, trying to find what she was interested in most, refining herself, rather than let her lineage define her.

Fate drew Han into medicine, like her mother before her. Medical school was.. A chore. Time not wasted per se, but not spent as efficiently as she would have liked. Like highschool, she went into medical school expecting a lack of connection, especially since she was only attending a prestigious Korean university for a limited time. There was no need for such things. She would return to Karakura, where the Han clan had begun to slowly migrate to just before she graduated highschool. But, the unforeseen happened.
More and more, her eyes were drawn to the studies of her roommate, a psychology student. The inner workings of the mind began to fascinate her - drawing her attention at every moment - and then irritate her. She eventually spent more time studying psychology on the side, than the degree she already enrolled in. Of course, she went into medical school with no preconceived denomination of health science to specialise in, believing a general degree in medicine could entertain her interests until she found a calling. As it turns out, such a vocation found her prematurely.
Her roommate was not oblivious to her occasional scrying eyes, but instead of introducing themselves to Eun-Yi via judgement, they opened with a proposition: To join them when privately studying psychology, to get a proper view of what psych students are taught.

Years later, nearing the end of her degree, she migrated her major from medicine to psychiatry. The study of the mind opened her heart. She found herself mingling happily among her classmates. No more silent glares of disdain or over-importance. A feeling of contentment came over her, as she practiced. The warmth of seeing someone's mind ease to your words is unlike any other feeling. The intricacies of the psyche, how the world alters it, endlessly intrigued her. Then suddenly, it ended. She had forgotten that the friends she would make, and the fondness of her new-yet-brief home, would not follow her back to Karakura.
Once again, she was alone, with the only faces familiar to her being family, and this made her feel.. cold. So, once she returned to Karakura with her newfound professional experience, it was as if she hadn't changed at all, and yet.. there is an air of tragedy about her. Quiet moments of bittersweet reminiscence, before bursts of silent, elegant determination.

Regardless of how she got here, she needs to continue down her own path. Thus, she applies to join Karakura Hospital as a Psychiatrist. Maybe she will be able to rekindle her openness, even find new family, and most importantly, chase the comfort she found in comforting others.


What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus? 〛♥

As described in detail in her backstory, Eun-Yi chose Psychiatry after finding both intellectual motivation and fulfillment to both study and practice the specialty. Although she originally went into medical science as a means to start off her journey in a similar way to her mother, psychiatry came to her wholly independently, which allowed her to open up to others in shared passion for the discipline. Psychiatry simply fits her interests, as she was always surrounded by.. interesting psychological cases within the Han extended family growing up. She's always been fascinated on how people are and how the environment changes their thoughts overtime, for better or worse. Ultimately, she finds contentment in becoming an almost motherly counsel to those with struggles of the mind.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school? 〛♥

This would be Eun-Yi's first, as she immediately moved back to Karakura following graduating her Bachelors of Medical Science (Psychiatry).

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions? 〛♥

Medical school inherently puts students on temporary practical assignments, or 'pracs'/'temps', to hospitals or medical clinics, to give a more realistic experience to a medical student, who's only experience up until that point is within the classroom. This would be Eun-Yi's only form of experience, however experience nonetheless, in more junior psychologist, lab assistant, or hospital intern roles. Due to initially beginning her degree majoring in medicine, rather than psychiatry, she also has some experience in pharmaceuticals and physical healthcare.

Has your character completed any additional schooling? 〛♥

Aside from graduating from her Bachelors? No. Not yet.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others? 〛♥
Beauty and Elegance was the best way to describe such a gorgeous girl. Her curvy-slim, model-like figure, toned and towering over most at 6'8ft tall. She is the pinnacle of Han beauty. Her hair was silky and long, a stunning raven shade. The girl had deep, crimson eyes, much like the shade of her makeup and she radiated the scent of fresh Roses and Miss Dior Parfum.​

The first physical feature most discovered when meeting Eun-Yi is her height. Standing at around 6’8, she is a shining example of radiant beauty. Her raven black hair is impeccably well kept, without tangles or knots all the way to the ends by her hips. Intricately designed kitsune-style markings are painted on her face, which almost eerily match her sly, attentive, piercing scarlet red gaze. The rest of her body is just as well maintained, as she keeps the musculature of an active surfer. Her wardrobe simultaneously exemplifies her figure whilst remaining conservative, yet dignified and at the very least, semi-formal.
Her actions flow with overwhelming confidence and precision, even in situations where she has no idea what she is doing. Even her tone and choice of words emanate careful grace and intelligence. Because of this, she often finds it somewhat hard to relate to those who have not grown up in environments as formal as the Han family.

How does your character act on and off duty? 〛♥

Eun-Yi is reserved, rather than shy. She is quiet, yet authoritative. She is not incapable of socialisation and animation, however an air of coldness is permanently around her. Oftentimes she only displays negative emotion through a glare of distaste or judgement, rather than outbursts of emotion. To Eun-Yi, she does not need to put up a front in either professional or casual settings. Regardless of where and when, she always provides the utmost example of respect and distinction. Through all of this, she is elegant, not robotic. She provides genuine human care and concern to patients, hospital staff members and friends.

Does your character function better on their own or with others? 〛♥

Although Eun-Yi appears introverted, she has grown used to working in a team environment. She is friendly, and most importantly, respectful, with co-workers and teammates, despite her more reserved, mellowed personality.
Despite this, independence, and independent work, puts her in her happy place.

What plans does your character have for the future? 〛♥

Ironically enough, despite Eun-Yi’s precise and refined nature, her aspirations are intentionally vague, left to her own gut feelings on where she should take her own life, before she takes up her ultimate role. Perhaps she should remain as a Psychiatrist in Karakura; stay and find contentment in tending to others’ struggles. Perhaps she may swap disciplines back into becoming a doctor. Her feelings on where to go aren’t spontaneous, however they are never predictable.

Last edited:


Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to place your application on pending, as we do not currently have any open slots within the faction.

When more slots are opened, your application will be re-reviewed, meaning you are not required to submit a new application when the next wave is announced. Nonetheless, we recommend you spend time editing your application if you are still interested in joining the faction. If in this time you decide you no longer wish to apply, change the title of this thread to "REMOVE"

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.


Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to apply to the faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around. This is due to the following reasons:
- When choosing applicants for the Hospital faction, we tend to look for individuals with a decent reputation on the server. You can try to apply to other factions or community teams, or interact more around the server, to boost this!

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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