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Accepted EuropeanBNOFI's Assistant Nurse Application

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Level 7
[OOC section]
In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
Assistant Nurse

How often do you log onto the server?:
I am very often online unfortuantly school and homework can get in the way of this

Do you have discord?
Yes i have discord BNOFI#0797

Do you have a microphone?
Yes i do

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
On this account I have never been banned and on my main account BNOFI i have never been banned as far as i can remeber but i have been warned for PowerRP and Spam

Can you ensure that you will often come on:
Yes i can ensure this

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:
Yes i recognise this

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: The role of the assistant nurse is to both assist the head nurse and help injured or ill students and encourage students to eat healthy and stay active

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:
No i do not have past experience is this type of roleplay

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have experience with GangRP FightRP and other basic forms of RP

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:
Yes i am familiar with what my job does.As a assistant nurse i am a physically active and healthy person my job involves helping ill or injured students as well as assisting the head nurse in any activities she may need done or helped with


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I ask them why i am pathetic and ask what i can do to make this better and would ask them to kindly stop cursing if they were to give me a valid reason i would try my upmost hardest to correct this if they were to give me and invalid reason id say this is not a valid reason to curse or accuse me of being pathetic and would ask them to kindly leave the office if they were to refuse id give them a detention and report them to the principal if they were to leave id go back to helping other students and the head nurse

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
I'd react by asking the risks of the job depending on the answer id say either sincearly apologise and deny the request and if it was a reasonable request id say sure thing and do the request to the best of my ability

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I'd ask them what they are doing if they were to respond with a valid reason i'd let them know to be careful and leave if they were to not respond id evacuate the area and then report them to the principal if they were to respond with a suspecious responce id eveacuate the area and report them to the principal

[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Jhonathen Azamoki
Chosen Job:Assistant nurse

Motivation for Joining YHS:
My motivation for joining the YHS is i wish to be a part of this school due to its kind students from what i have seen so far the students of the YHS are great and id love to make sure they are safe and healthy and the staff of YHS seem to be great and enjoyable people to work with

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I should be accpeted over other applicants due to my vast knowlege of the medical proffession i was in a nurcing program for most of my college life and studied under some great medical proffesors i was given A's in all of my subjects and majored in Nurcing and human Bioligy


Level 118
Ducks has been notified. If you do not receive your rank within 1-2 days, please contact either me or Ducks via PM.
Other than a few spelling errors and grammar mistakes, you're accepted.
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