Level 5
Evalise von Moltke
Table of Contents
General Information. . . I
Appearance. . . II
Personality. . . III
Psyche & Health. . . VI
Relationships. . . V
Backstory. . . VI
Extra. . . VII
Table of Contents
General Information. . . I
Appearance. . . II
Personality. . . III
Psyche & Health. . . VI
Relationships. . . V
Backstory. . . VI
Extra. . . VII
"I miss you, but at the same time? I don't."
"I miss you, but at the same time? I don't."
1.) General Information
-Full Legal Name-
Evalise von Moltke
-Meaning of Name-
The name Evalise tends to mean to give life or my god is perfect.
- Titles & Nicknames -
1.) BuhBuh
"My ex-sister used to call me this...I miss her, dearly."
2.) Eva
"Everyone calls me this, my actual name is too long."
3.) Lise
"Only he used to call me this, now my very close friends use it."
4.) Hun
"My father-figure calls me this! I love him a lot."
5.) Dear/Love
"Auntie Abeni calls me this! I like her.
- Gender / Pronouns -
Evalise identifies as a female and uses she/her pronouns.
- Age / Birthday / Star Sign -
Evalise is 14, being born on February 11th, which makes her an Aquarius.
- Sexuality -
Evalise is demisexual.
- Birth Place -
Gorlitz, Germany
- Occupation -
Evalise is currently a high school student, unemployed.
1.) General Information
-Full Legal Name-
Evalise von Moltke
-Meaning of Name-
The name Evalise tends to mean to give life or my god is perfect.
- Titles & Nicknames -
1.) BuhBuh
"My ex-sister used to call me this...
2.) Eva
"Everyone calls me this, my actual name is too long."
3.) Lise
"Only he used to call me this, now my very close friends use it."
4.) Hun
"My father-figure calls me this! I love him a lot."
5.) Dear/Love
"Auntie Abeni calls me this! I like her.
- Gender / Pronouns -
Evalise identifies as a female and uses she/her pronouns.
- Age / Birthday / Star Sign -
Evalise is 14, being born on February 11th, which makes her an Aquarius.
- Sexuality -
Evalise is demisexual.
- Birth Place -
Gorlitz, Germany
- Occupation -
Evalise is currently a high school student, unemployed.
"I'm not afraid of you, not anymore. . ."
"I'm not afraid of you, not anymore. . ."
2.) Appearance
- In-Game Description -
A small German female - well, she was really small, only standing at 4'8. Her hair was a pretty shade of blonde, reminiscent of the glistening sands of a beach. . . it reached down a little past her shoulders. Eva's gaze was that of bright jade, curious and inspecting everything. Alongside that, an obscure beauty mark laid under her left eye & her frame was rather thin, as if she were somewhat malnourished. On her left wrist, a small carving of what seemed to be a butterfly rested there.
- Height / Weight -
4'8 - 97lbs
- Body Shape -
Evalise had small shoulders, and almost no muscle mass. She had a pear shaped body, her hips being wider than her chest.
She was skinny, almost malnourished.
- Skin Tone -
Her skin was light, as if she got no sun on a daily basis. Evalise was so pale she seemed sickly.
Her skin was smooth, soft and the color of milk.
- Eyes -
Evalise has jade green eyes, looking around with curiosity and keen observance.
She sported heavy bags underneath her eyes, and her eyes darted around, as if she was afraid of being watched by something, or someone.
- Hair -
Evalise's hair was the color of sand dunes, it was curly and soft.
Her curly hair cascaded down to her mid-back.
- Extra -
Evalise sported multiple piercings, including a double helix, an eyebrow piercing and a triple piercing on the lobe.
Evalise also had a small and crude carving of a butterfly in her left wrist.
She had a bunch of tiny scars mainly around her knees and elbows, from childhood incidents, no doubt.
"Help me, please.. Anyone..."
"Help me, please.. Anyone..."
3.) Personality
On the surface, Evalise appears to be a happy go lucky child!
But when she thinks no one is looking her eyes go blank and her smile drops. She often trusts too easily, leading her to get hurt.
She's easily overwhelmed, especially when triggered past trauma comes up. She finds it difficult to cope; having never been taught proper coping skills. She finds the most comfort with someone she loves and trusts.
- Traits -
Very kind and sweet, often reliable, good at keeping secrets, hard to anger.
Tries to hide her true self, has trouble expressing what she really feels and asking for help, pushes people away.
- Extrovert or Introvert -
Ambivert, a little bit of both.
In small groups she can be the most social one there but she gets overwhelmed easily by big crowds.
3.) Personality
On the surface, Evalise appears to be a happy go lucky child!
But when she thinks no one is looking her eyes go blank and her smile drops. She often trusts too easily, leading her to get hurt.
She's easily overwhelmed, especially when triggered past trauma comes up. She finds it difficult to cope; having never been taught proper coping skills. She finds the most comfort with someone she loves and trusts.
- Traits -
Very kind and sweet, often reliable, good at keeping secrets, hard to anger.
Tries to hide her true self, has trouble expressing what she really feels and asking for help, pushes people away.
- Extrovert or Introvert -
Ambivert, a little bit of both.
In small groups she can be the most social one there but she gets overwhelmed easily by big crowds.
"Why did you leave me all alone?"
"Why did you leave me all alone?"
4.) Psyche / Health
- Physical Health -
- Mental Health -
- Fears -
Being Alone
Ballistic Masks
- Diseases / Illnesses -
Weak Immune System
4.) Psyche / Health
- Physical Health -
- Mental Health -
- Fears -
Being Alone
Ballistic Masks
- Diseases / Illnesses -
Weak Immune System
"I'm so sorry, you have no one to blame but yourself, Evalise."
"I'm so sorry, you have no one to blame but yourself, Evalise."
5.) Relationships
- Family -
Name: Luke Luther
Age: 43
Relationship: Father
Status: Incarcerated
Evalise hates her father, but also misses him.
He was a drunkard who had anger issues, but he was very kind while sober, and always apologized for his actions.
Name: Sofiya Lebedev
Age: 36
Relationship: Mother
Status: Dead
Evalise's mother was emotionally manipulative and neglectful, but Evalise still loved her, despite her flaws.
Watching her get murdered was a harsh blow to Evalise's psyche.
Name: Anna Hilt
Age: 33
Relationship: Foster-Mother
Status: Dead
This woman was Evalise's foster mother until she turned 13.
They were close, but Anna had Bipolar Disorder which caused her to act in ways that harmed their relationship and ultimately ended it.
Name: Deno von Moltke
Age: 18
Relationship: Adoptive Brother
Status: Alive
This man adopted Evalise from powerplant after she had run away from her foster mother,
Evalise is forever grateful for him taking her into his home and giving her a little bit of the childhood that she missed growing up.
They have always been close, since Deno met Eva.
Name: Eliza Chuprov
Age: 18
Relationship: Ex-Sister
Status: Alive
This woman also accepted Evalise into her home.
Although Evalise is grateful, ever since Eliza kidnapped Eva under the guise of a joke, their relationship has been bipolar.
- Friends -
Name: Zixin Togomi
Age: 18
Relationship: Father-Figure
Status: Alive
Zixin has always been there for Eva, saving her when she got into trouble, and comforting her, like a father would.
Although he is not yet old enough to adopt, he plans to officially adopts Eva when he gets older.
He's one of Eva's emotional support pillars.
Name: Hae-ryung Shin
Age: 18
Relationship: Sister-Figure
Status: Alive
Hae has been there for Eva with recent events, having become as close to Eva for her to call Hae-ryung her sister.
Hae originally thought Eva was annoying, but as they grew closer Hae's opinion changed.
Name: Ivan Lebedev
Age: 18
Relationship: Uncle-Figure
Status: Alive
He's like a rich uncle, he gives Eva everything she wants and always protects her, despite his sickly disposition.
Name: Valentino K. Chereau
Age: 18
Relationship: Uncle-Figure
Status: Alive
Valentino is a bit rough around the edges but has shown to be a reliable person.
Name: Sophia Dot Hanazono
Age: 18
Relationship: Aunt-Figure
Status: Alive
Sophia is a good friend, no notable interactions have happened between the two…
Name: Abeni-Zari Togomi
Age: 30
Relationship: Aunt-Figure
Status: Alive
Aunt figure who is always around for Eva!
To be added to the relationships section please DM qtkyoi on discord.
5.) Relationships
- Family -
Name: Luke Luther
Age: 43
Relationship: Father
Status: Incarcerated
Evalise hates her father, but also misses him.
He was a drunkard who had anger issues, but he was very kind while sober, and always apologized for his actions.
Name: Sofiya Lebedev
Age: 36
Relationship: Mother
Status: Dead
Evalise's mother was emotionally manipulative and neglectful, but Evalise still loved her, despite her flaws.
Watching her get murdered was a harsh blow to Evalise's psyche.
Name: Anna Hilt
Age: 33
Relationship: Foster-Mother
Status: Dead
This woman was Evalise's foster mother until she turned 13.
They were close, but Anna had Bipolar Disorder which caused her to act in ways that harmed their relationship and ultimately ended it.
Name: Deno von Moltke
Age: 18
Relationship: Adoptive Brother
Status: Alive
This man adopted Evalise from powerplant after she had run away from her foster mother,
Evalise is forever grateful for him taking her into his home and giving her a little bit of the childhood that she missed growing up.
They have always been close, since Deno met Eva.
Name: Eliza Chuprov
Age: 18
Relationship: Ex-Sister
Status: Alive
This woman also accepted Evalise into her home.
Although Evalise is grateful, ever since Eliza kidnapped Eva under the guise of a joke, their relationship has been bipolar.
- Friends -
Name: Zixin Togomi
Age: 18
Relationship: Father-Figure
Status: Alive
Zixin has always been there for Eva, saving her when she got into trouble, and comforting her, like a father would.
Although he is not yet old enough to adopt, he plans to officially adopts Eva when he gets older.
He's one of Eva's emotional support pillars.
Name: Hae-ryung Shin
Age: 18
Relationship: Sister-Figure
Status: Alive
Hae has been there for Eva with recent events, having become as close to Eva for her to call Hae-ryung her sister.
Hae originally thought Eva was annoying, but as they grew closer Hae's opinion changed.
Name: Ivan Lebedev
Age: 18
Relationship: Uncle-Figure
Status: Alive
He's like a rich uncle, he gives Eva everything she wants and always protects her, despite his sickly disposition.
Name: Valentino K. Chereau
Age: 18
Relationship: Uncle-Figure
Status: Alive
Valentino is a bit rough around the edges but has shown to be a reliable person.
Name: Sophia Dot Hanazono
Age: 18
Relationship: Aunt-Figure
Status: Alive
Sophia is a good friend, no notable interactions have happened between the two…
Name: Abeni-Zari Togomi
Age: 30
Relationship: Aunt-Figure
Status: Alive
Aunt figure who is always around for Eva!
To be added to the relationships section please DM qtkyoi on discord.
"I can't believe you! How could you do this to me. ."
"I can't believe you! How could you do this to me. ."
6.) Background
Starting us off, Evalise Dawn Luther was born in Görlitz, Germany. She was born to Luke Luther and Sofiya Luther. She was an only child, an accidental pregnancy. The Luther family was well known for producing great male soldiers, and as such, had been disappointed when their firstborn had turned out to be a girl! Luke was a well known and high-rank soldier in the nations army, despite his track record of being an unruly drunk; something which he had done frequently. Sofiya, on the other hand, was a stay at home mom, she had no job and stayed home to take care of the house.
Growing up in the Luther household was not an easy feat for young Evalise! She was often neglected and abused, due to Sofiyas negligence and Lukes drunken ways. There was an incident where a friend of Lukes had walked in on him beating Evalise and reported it, causing Luke to be dishonorably discharged from his position in the military. Thus; the beatings had grown worse, and Evalise just had to deal with it. Keep in mind, Evalise was not the only victim. Sofiya was also often beaten and sported new bruises almost everyday.
One day, when Evalise was 9 years old, her father murdered her mother. He had gotten blackout drunk and they had started fighting which escalated. Sofiya M. Lebedev was then stabbed 27 times and shot 3 times in the head. Meanwhile, Evalise watched, although she’d rather not remember she wasn’t spared that night; almost being beaten to death. The neighbors had called the police for a domestic disturbance, having heard both Evalise’s screams and her mothers. The police came and lead Luke away in handcuffs, leaving Evalise to be tended to in the hospital. Evalise was in the hospital for a week before being transferred to a foster home where she was greeted with a young lady; Anna Hilt. Anna was a stout and kind woman who had always longed for a child of her own but she was infertile and had no lover, therefore she decided to foster! Anna was diagnosed with bipolar disorder since the age of 8. This caused her mood to fluctuate and be volatile. Anna was a kind woman, never neglecting Evalise, but they fought often. One day, Evalise was on her way home from school when she saw flashing lights outside of her house. It was the police, Anna had killed herself. The police interviewed Eva and had released her to another person’s custody. Shortly after, Evalise had run away to Karakura; seeking a fresh start.
6.) Background
Starting us off, Evalise Dawn Luther was born in Görlitz, Germany. She was born to Luke Luther and Sofiya Luther. She was an only child, an accidental pregnancy. The Luther family was well known for producing great male soldiers, and as such, had been disappointed when their firstborn had turned out to be a girl! Luke was a well known and high-rank soldier in the nations army, despite his track record of being an unruly drunk; something which he had done frequently. Sofiya, on the other hand, was a stay at home mom, she had no job and stayed home to take care of the house.
Growing up in the Luther household was not an easy feat for young Evalise! She was often neglected and abused, due to Sofiyas negligence and Lukes drunken ways. There was an incident where a friend of Lukes had walked in on him beating Evalise and reported it, causing Luke to be dishonorably discharged from his position in the military. Thus; the beatings had grown worse, and Evalise just had to deal with it. Keep in mind, Evalise was not the only victim. Sofiya was also often beaten and sported new bruises almost everyday.
One day, when Evalise was 9 years old, her father murdered her mother. He had gotten blackout drunk and they had started fighting which escalated. Sofiya M. Lebedev was then stabbed 27 times and shot 3 times in the head. Meanwhile, Evalise watched, although she’d rather not remember she wasn’t spared that night; almost being beaten to death. The neighbors had called the police for a domestic disturbance, having heard both Evalise’s screams and her mothers. The police came and lead Luke away in handcuffs, leaving Evalise to be tended to in the hospital. Evalise was in the hospital for a week before being transferred to a foster home where she was greeted with a young lady; Anna Hilt. Anna was a stout and kind woman who had always longed for a child of her own but she was infertile and had no lover, therefore she decided to foster! Anna was diagnosed with bipolar disorder since the age of 8. This caused her mood to fluctuate and be volatile. Anna was a kind woman, never neglecting Evalise, but they fought often. One day, Evalise was on her way home from school when she saw flashing lights outside of her house. It was the police, Anna had killed herself. The police interviewed Eva and had released her to another person’s custody. Shortly after, Evalise had run away to Karakura; seeking a fresh start.
"I always come back."
"I always come back."
7.) Extra
- Nationality -
- Race -
- Religious Beliefs -
Believes everyone can do as they wish as long as they aren't hurting themselves or others.
- Political Beliefs -
Evalise doesn't involve herself in politics...
- Character Voice -
Eva is soft-spoken, she has a soft voice normally, but is not afraid to use her broad vocal range to get what she wants.
- Hobbies -
- Running around -
Evalise can commonly be found anywhere but her house, unless it's important. She mainly hangs around plaza and the shrine, waiting for someone to bother!
- Writing -
Evalise has taken up writing in a diary, writing fairytales, and writing stories since her arrival in Karakura, it helps her keep track of what has happened and her experiences.
- Drawing -
Evalise learned how to draw from Emelia, often drawing bunnies or cats in her diary when she feels overwhelmed.
- Skills -
- Keen observance.
- Ability to read the room.
- Handwriting -
Evalise writes in a messy semi-cursive font, with big loops similar to calligraphy.
- Lying Habits -
Evalise often adverts her eyes, starts twirling a strand of hair around her finger or rubs the inside of her wrist while lying.
- Mindset -
Evalise's main goal is to protect her family, from any harm.
She mainly has a pessimistic view on life, especially when she's overwhelmed.
7.) Extra
- Nationality -
- Race -
- Religious Beliefs -
Believes everyone can do as they wish as long as they aren't hurting themselves or others.
- Political Beliefs -
Evalise doesn't involve herself in politics...
- Character Voice -
Eva is soft-spoken, she has a soft voice normally, but is not afraid to use her broad vocal range to get what she wants.
- Hobbies -
- Running around -
Evalise can commonly be found anywhere but her house, unless it's important. She mainly hangs around plaza and the shrine, waiting for someone to bother!
- Writing -
Evalise has taken up writing in a diary, writing fairytales, and writing stories since her arrival in Karakura, it helps her keep track of what has happened and her experiences.
- Drawing -
Evalise learned how to draw from Emelia, often drawing bunnies or cats in her diary when she feels overwhelmed.
- Skills -
- Keen observance.
- Ability to read the room.
- Handwriting -
Evalise writes in a messy semi-cursive font, with big loops similar to calligraphy.
- Lying Habits -
Evalise often adverts her eyes, starts twirling a strand of hair around her finger or rubs the inside of her wrist while lying.
- Mindset -
Evalise's main goal is to protect her family, from any harm.
She mainly has a pessimistic view on life, especially when she's overwhelmed.
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