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Denied Event-Team Application | TaxH03_


Level 1


Main: TaxH03_
Alt: Jexxie_

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
My activity on SchoolRP has increased since I first joined a team sport and gained a second activity based role which allowed me to focus on coming on as much as I could everyday to partake in practices, events, training and/or situations that would allow character development. My time online can go from at least 4 to 8 hours a day unless I have plans that get in the way of my activity but as I have much more freedom than most, I am able to get on more than the average player and am available mostly everyday. Based on my knowledge, in my one year of playing SchoolRP, I haven’t had any warnings or bans though the only reason I have been kicked for would have been for role changes but I hope to keep my punishment record as clean as it still is.

Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
‘Jexxie_’ | Accepted | Accepted | Denied | Accepted

Age Request [x3]

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
My discord is Jexxx#0069 and I do have a working microphone which I can say I use everyday!

What is your time zone and country of residence?:
My time zone is MST and I currently reside in the United States.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
[ ICLY ]
I have been a member of the KPD department for about 4-5 months now and attempt to get on at least twice a week up to 4 times, as best I can. There are some parts in KPD where teamwork isn’t needed but most of the things we have to do involve constant communication and support given to one another as to promote IC safety and success within our duties. I try to keep myself on my toes whenever on, responding to radio calls as quickly as I can and keeping the fellow officers informed as we all work together towards a common goal. When you’re on duty, you’re most likely always going to be doing something with another person or multiple, whether it be for raids, patrols, training, or responding to calls due to safety in numbers as we will be able to help one another in any situation and I attempt my best to protect and help the others as best I can without allowing the pressure to get to me. Not only do we work together on duty, there are times where we take part in events that have to do with teamwork as well and it’s always fun to see everyone working with one another, congratulating and being supportive of each other OOCLY and ICLY.

Basketball Team Member
I joined the female’s basketball team around 5 months ago and as we all know, basketball consists of constant teamwork when in group games or for tournaments. During practices, I and the girls are nothing but supportive of each other and praising each other whenever we do something cool or make a rare shot, or even when we do make a simple shot, we still continue to hype up one another, giving advice on how we could better our gameplay and movements every so often to one another. I have become close to my teammates over these months and we’ve learned how to communicate well with one another, giving call outs during games and not being afraid to give constructive criticism, taking them with an open mind. I get on my basketball account almost every day of the week for about 4-8 hours, spending most of the time with my teammates.

Sport Teams
Growing up, I have gone through soccer, basketball, and even gymnastics! Soccer took a lot of hard work and learning with the many movements and techniques they wanted us to be able to insert into actual games, making ends meet with my other teammates during games so that our movements all worked together to make goals. We’d work together to figure out and plan out the best tactics to win games which was a very communicative process where we’d be able to see other peoples outlook on how we could possibly win through each of our assets. Basketball didn’t last too long but it was honestly really fun as while we practiced, you had to rely on how your teammate moved around and become adapted to most of your teammates to be able to know what their next move may be just in case it doesn’t work out and you had to be there to make up for their mistake and be their backup. Last but not least, gymnastics; I was a gymnast for about 3-4 years and although not a lot of teamwork went into this, constant support and motivation from your friends and fellow gymnasts played an enormous part during training and competitions as it would boost your confidence and really gave you the push to continue trying harder even after making mistakes and anytime you didn’t know something or even if I myself didn’t know something, the others were always there and available for me to ask questions to and were always willing to help just as I was to them.

Builders Club
Builders Club is a community service club, almost seeming like a support group in a way, where we’d go around picking up litter, hosting parties for elementary students, and talk with each other about our life goals or troubles where we’d offer advice to one another, though we mostly helped the people in the area with tasks and didn’t go out of state or too far. I was a member of this club around 2-3 years ago where my participation and time spent lasted up to 2 years of just working with the club's members to make the world a better place, step by step with the small things we’d do for the environment and for one another.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:
[ CHRISTMAS EVENT ] // The Grinch Kidnaps The Director

Volunteers // Minions, Dog
The locked chest located in the cave
A button or lever
A cell/cage built
Edible candy cane to substitute weapons as fun props
All around Karakura
1-3 Hours OOC

PLOT: The Grinch and his little sidekick come down for the winter to stock up on more supplies at 11/7 where the Director would unsuspectedly would be. While the two were minding their business, taking whatever they needed, the Grinch caught the Director’s eye and that’s when a conversation would be brought up as the Director would ask and say all sorts of backhanded insults which would then begin to anger the Grinch. Fed up as he was, the Grinch, with anger, dropped all his belongings and swiftly swept up the Director and began running back to his lair with him where screams would be heard the entire way which would alert passersby and soon the police department.

OBJECTIVE: The police department will search all over the forest for sights of the Director where they’d come upon two of the Grinch’s minions and must distract them and fight back while the other officers head further towards the Director. There will be 3 layers the officers must go through in order to save the Director, where there will be assigned different obstacles/minions but at the last layer, it will be the officers against the Grinch himself and his sweet little puppy.

GRINCH: “Figure out my riddle and you’ll be presented with the key to the jail cell’s fiddle.. Swoosh.. Splash.. It’s around.. Open it up and there it will be, the answer you need, but let’s just hope you know the code”

/ita &fThe Grinch and his sidekick stood back just far enough while the officers placed the button down that would unlock the cell.. A rather odd heavy breeze then entered their encavement, dust daubed the eyes of the officers as it disguised the perfect escape for the unsupervised two, no traces left behind of where they could have gone.

[ KPD ONLY EVENT ] // Police Department’s Weaponized Scavenger Hunt

5-6 different weapons
Event team members located at each suspect
A staff member to take all the weapons from this event back
All around Karakura
1-3 Hours OOC

PLOT: An unsuspecting suspect orders a rather large order from the black market, dressed in a specific attire and mask where they and the dealer would soon meet up. All of a sudden, multiple masked individuals would come and ambush the dealer, each of them taking a single weapon with them and then would split into different directions. Angered by this, the dealer would call the emergency line saying..

DEALER: “Around 6 masked people just ran past me with visible weapons varying from katanas, nagis, to cleavers, they ran past 11/7 towards the beach.. CCTV will be able to catch it and I took a photo just as they dipped.” [!] Proceeding to send a photo to the line of the attired individuals but then a rather large booming and crackled sound would be heard as if the phone was dropped then smashed. [!]

OBJECTIVE: The officers would then search around Karakura for these attired individuals where they would still have a weapon visible each time one is found. The officers then will continue with their procedures but these individuals will be rather stubborn, running away and resisting as much as they can until they can no longer. (Lost a major roll that would give the officer an upper hand) While the officers attempt to cuff the individuals, that is when their masks will disappear as they turn their head slightly around, towards their back, showing the officer their faces.. Rotten and pale almost seeming dead and then they would disperse into particles, leaving nothing behind but the weapon they were holding.

/ita The individuals head turned to show their face slightly where the mask that covered them had disappeared to show a pale, rotten and discolored face that seemed like the dead before the figure began becoming transparent from the bottom then rising to their head before completely disappearing, leaving nothing behind but their stolen weapon

EXTRA INFO: These attired and masked individuals will actually be dead GangRP’ers who have returned for one last gang activity with one another, aiming to cause havoc and mess with the officers. All weapons will be returned to the storage room but then sent back to the black market dealers to insert a ‘corrupt cop’ idea within the force.

[ EMS AND FACULTY EVENT ] // School and Hospital Staff Conference

A conference room will need to be either built or chosen, big enough for around 6 or more players with a board around the end of the meeting table to act as a holder or presenter for presentation or projects and we will need at least one representative from each department.
Unknown//Designated conference room
45 Minutes - 1 hour OOC

SUMMARY: A conference is planned for both the school faculty and hospital to talk to one another about the student injury, bullying and depression rates to further think of better ways to promote safety and support within the students’ lives where each conference member will be able to input their thoughts and observations to come up with better plans for the benefit of the promoting the school environment.

EXTRA INFO: If the participants wished, they can create a power point or some sort of paperwork to show the others to promote more of a realism in the roleplay but this meeting is to allow more opportunities for the adults to roleplay with one another in the different factions as there are not many opportunities for them to converse seeing as the hospital staff members are stationed only at the hospital unless situations call for otherwise.

[ SHOP-OWNER EVENT ] // Shop Inspections

All that’s really needed is for a player to take on the role for inspections and for the shop owner’s to get on at least once during that week. Once inspection week has been completed, a document will be released of what was observed to show what the shop’s need to work on, how sanitary they’ve kept their shop icly and if there are any wrong doings that need to be revised and improved.
The shop’s around in the shopping district
A week OOC

SUMMARY: An inspector comes into town to, as the name goes, inspect the available shops and restaurants the days that they open to allow a more serious roleplay opportunity for the employers and employees almost as just how the school was supervised for a short time. They will be checking off everything on their clipboard from how sanitary the shop’s are, how the customer service is portrayed and run as well as how admirably the working environment between the workers is. The inspector role will be made to enforce superiority and professionalism on the shop-owners to really make sure they’re doing their jobs right in creating spaces that satisfy and are safe for the customers.

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Level 111

After having been discussed with event team, we have chosen to deny your application. We thank you for putting the time and effort into making one, however, as it is not easy whatsoever! We believed that your event ideas were lackluster in that it was not befitting of what is expected upon a member of event team. They do not benefit much server-wise, and we urge you to re-apply when the opportunity comes with ideas of better quality.​

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