Level 35
The Herrington Popovich Trial
Karakura's first public court case.. and it will not be the last.
[!] The details of this document are not to be taken IC, but considering the vast amount of news reports and witnesses, asking around about what happened on the forsaken 21st of August will likely allow you to find out the true details soon enough. [!]
A special thanks to @Pinkyqaz for her amazing assistance with this document, @Prosthettics for all of his efforts with both the faction and these events and @oph and @Loooper for making this all possible before their resignations. As well as this, a thank you to all of those present and key in the roleplay that took place on the fateful day.
Upon the 15th of August, the newly established jury of Karakura’s government was approached with the details of the first public trial the court would be hosting. A lawsuit against Preston Herrington from Nicholei Popovich. When the jury, consisting of Chief Judge Monica Blackwell, and jurors Bianca Achille, Primrose Fernley, and Bruno Beckermann, and Fumitsu Tatsuma, pressed for more details on the case, they were presented with the following agreed-upon recount by both Popovich and Herrington;
“A Myriad Tower employee by the name of Nicholei Popovich had recently been clearing out some of the newly brought in stock in the underground parking lot when one box was opened & Nicholei was greeted with something that he was not expecting; a small 7" pocket knife coated in blood. Nicholei had taken it out and held it in his hand.
Whilst he was inspecting it- the elevator bell had gone and the doors opened, K500 (Preston Herrington) exited the elevator. Upon spotting Nicholei, he walked towards him expecting a friendly chat before Nicholei stared at him with his eyes widened, holding onto the bloody knife in his right hand.
Preston instantly took his Glock-17 from his utility belt, keeping it lowered down aiming at the ground, however slowly approached Nicholei in an attempt to restrain him. Nicholei complied with K500 & allowed him to detain him & soon arrest him for possession of illegal weaponry on top of conspiracy to murder.”
Herrington was assigned Tyler Hakioru-Maiya as his defending lawyer, whilst lawyer Yuuka Ohikoa was assigned to Popovich. Both prepared extensively thorough and cutthroat cases. But the trial turned out to present far more surprises than just the petty professionalism of two experienced lawyers.
The Trial
The day was the 21st, only 6 days after the trial was originally announced to happen. The jury was assembled, the then-bailiff Alex Koji was present, and lawyers were ready to fight for their clients. Perhaps, if you looked closely enough, you could see said clients, Nicholei and Preston, exchanging smug sneers from time to time.
Preston Herrington's Lawyer (Tyler Hakioru-Maiya) built their defence around the pocket knife never being in the delivered box. The goal was to show there was no evidence to suggest the knife was ever in the box despite Herringotn’s ownership of packages.
Nicholei Popovich's Lawyer (Yuuka Ohikoa) built their defence around proving that Herrington was in possession of the weapon along with the fact the blood was artificial.
Both Herrington and Popovich were cross-examined by rival lawyers before the trial moved on. Unfortunately, their words did anything but save them. Both slipped up, and Popovich even openly mentioned his past affiliations with the Karakuran Black Market.
Cross-examinations were finished, and then Chief Judge Blackwell took the moment as an opportunity to present the footage that seemed to be a game changer, once and for all.
The CCTV footage showed a closed box with nothing surrounding it. Nicholei Popovich was then seen opening the box, and being caught entirely off guard by a shipment of weapons.
Preston Herrington was then shown; pulling his Glock-17 and pointing it at the floor as he arrested Popovich unlawfully, entirely misreading the situation and allowing the individual no time to explain the surprise shipment of weapons.. a shipment within the Myriad Towers that Preston Herrington owned.
And so, the CCTV footage disproved plenty of statements.
Preston firstly incriminated himself by claiming that he was the only one who could order packages to the towers. Preston claimed that he arrested him due to him holding the weapon and that Nicholei complied. Preston lied in the interview and in court as the story said did not match CCTV.
Nicholei incriminated himself by changing his story on the stand from the weapon being inside a box to being in between boxes - he claimed he picked it up because it looked like a microphone handle from where he was standing. He created an excuse to be holding it. Nicholei also lied in the interview and in court as the story said did not match CCTV.
They were both found to be lying about the scenario. Based on CCTV footage, Nicholei was unlawfully arrested (Could it have been a setup?). Nicholei did in fact lie about holding the weapon and what went on to match his story to Preston's despite the fact he could have had the case go his way from telling the truth.
Despite both of them lying, things looked pretty dim for Preston Herrington!
Closing statements were established to the shocked crowd, and to an even more shocked and perhaps disappointed jury. But that only meant one thing; it was time to make a decision.
The Verdict
The Jury then made their way to a more private setting, to discuss the matters of the trial. Whilst neither client did a wonderful job of surviving the tactical questioning of the lawyers, the footage and information revealed from the testifying clients caused the jury to come quickly to their decision, within minutes.
And so Monica Blackwell returned, making a simple statement to the clients, to their lawyers, to the crowd.
“The jury has discussed the verdict and we have come to an agreement. The court finds Preston Herrington guilty.”
But that was not all.
“He will be losing ownership of Myriad Towers.”
The slam of a hammer was heard as the chief Judge brought her gavel to the table.
“Court is adjourned.”
The Aftermath
[!] The paragraphs marked with exclamations before and after will touch lightly on gun fatalities and shooting. Skip past said paragraphs if you may be sensitive to said details. [!]
Preston Herrington did not take kindly to the verdict. Nicholei Popovich certainly did, smirking as he taunted the Commissioner of the KPD one final time.
“Better luck next time, Preston.”
Even before he was approached, before Popovich’s gloating, Herrington’s expression only demonstrated fear, fear that perhaps seemed to do with the secrets of his tower… what was truly within?
Whatever it was, it was enough for Herrington to react violently as Officer Raleigh Delgado approached him with handcuffs, about to state the man’s arrest. He was unable to finish as Herrington turned around, lunging for Delgado’s glock-17 and using it to quickly shoot the officer in the heart. Before anyone else could react, Preston also took the opportunity to fire on Nicholei, catching him straight through his chest.
Popovich collapsed nearly immediately, only to be dragged away by Alex Koji. But just as Herrington forced Officer Trey Allemburg to lower his weapon only to fatally shoot Allemburg, Popovich managed to send a final shot to Preston, killing the commissioner instantly.
And so Popovich and Herrington both did not leave the trial alive thanks to Herrington’s retaliation, his death instant and Popovich’s minutes after despite Koji’s attempts to resuscitate him, with two additional officers counted as casualties.
The events of the day left citizens feeling confused, devastated, and betrayed. The mayor, Suruga Sengoku chose to resign after the events; Alex Koji was elected as the town’s new mayor. But with questions rising from the citizens, the government and KPD is left expected to be taking action… there is only more to come.
To read more about the events IC, including Sengoku’s resignation speech, you can find a report from a present News Reporter who just so happens to be the head of Karakura News here:
The Herrington Popovich Trial

Karakura's first public court case.. and it will not be the last.
[!] The details of this document are not to be taken IC, but considering the vast amount of news reports and witnesses, asking around about what happened on the forsaken 21st of August will likely allow you to find out the true details soon enough. [!]
A special thanks to @Pinkyqaz for her amazing assistance with this document, @Prosthettics for all of his efforts with both the faction and these events and @oph and @Loooper for making this all possible before their resignations. As well as this, a thank you to all of those present and key in the roleplay that took place on the fateful day.
Upon the 15th of August, the newly established jury of Karakura’s government was approached with the details of the first public trial the court would be hosting. A lawsuit against Preston Herrington from Nicholei Popovich. When the jury, consisting of Chief Judge Monica Blackwell, and jurors Bianca Achille, Primrose Fernley, and Bruno Beckermann, and Fumitsu Tatsuma, pressed for more details on the case, they were presented with the following agreed-upon recount by both Popovich and Herrington;
“A Myriad Tower employee by the name of Nicholei Popovich had recently been clearing out some of the newly brought in stock in the underground parking lot when one box was opened & Nicholei was greeted with something that he was not expecting; a small 7" pocket knife coated in blood. Nicholei had taken it out and held it in his hand.
Whilst he was inspecting it- the elevator bell had gone and the doors opened, K500 (Preston Herrington) exited the elevator. Upon spotting Nicholei, he walked towards him expecting a friendly chat before Nicholei stared at him with his eyes widened, holding onto the bloody knife in his right hand.
Preston instantly took his Glock-17 from his utility belt, keeping it lowered down aiming at the ground, however slowly approached Nicholei in an attempt to restrain him. Nicholei complied with K500 & allowed him to detain him & soon arrest him for possession of illegal weaponry on top of conspiracy to murder.”
Herrington was assigned Tyler Hakioru-Maiya as his defending lawyer, whilst lawyer Yuuka Ohikoa was assigned to Popovich. Both prepared extensively thorough and cutthroat cases. But the trial turned out to present far more surprises than just the petty professionalism of two experienced lawyers.
The Trial
The day was the 21st, only 6 days after the trial was originally announced to happen. The jury was assembled, the then-bailiff Alex Koji was present, and lawyers were ready to fight for their clients. Perhaps, if you looked closely enough, you could see said clients, Nicholei and Preston, exchanging smug sneers from time to time.
Preston Herrington's Lawyer (Tyler Hakioru-Maiya) built their defence around the pocket knife never being in the delivered box. The goal was to show there was no evidence to suggest the knife was ever in the box despite Herringotn’s ownership of packages.
Nicholei Popovich's Lawyer (Yuuka Ohikoa) built their defence around proving that Herrington was in possession of the weapon along with the fact the blood was artificial.
Both Herrington and Popovich were cross-examined by rival lawyers before the trial moved on. Unfortunately, their words did anything but save them. Both slipped up, and Popovich even openly mentioned his past affiliations with the Karakuran Black Market.
Cross-examinations were finished, and then Chief Judge Blackwell took the moment as an opportunity to present the footage that seemed to be a game changer, once and for all.
The CCTV footage showed a closed box with nothing surrounding it. Nicholei Popovich was then seen opening the box, and being caught entirely off guard by a shipment of weapons.
Preston Herrington was then shown; pulling his Glock-17 and pointing it at the floor as he arrested Popovich unlawfully, entirely misreading the situation and allowing the individual no time to explain the surprise shipment of weapons.. a shipment within the Myriad Towers that Preston Herrington owned.
And so, the CCTV footage disproved plenty of statements.
Preston firstly incriminated himself by claiming that he was the only one who could order packages to the towers. Preston claimed that he arrested him due to him holding the weapon and that Nicholei complied. Preston lied in the interview and in court as the story said did not match CCTV.
Nicholei incriminated himself by changing his story on the stand from the weapon being inside a box to being in between boxes - he claimed he picked it up because it looked like a microphone handle from where he was standing. He created an excuse to be holding it. Nicholei also lied in the interview and in court as the story said did not match CCTV.
They were both found to be lying about the scenario. Based on CCTV footage, Nicholei was unlawfully arrested (Could it have been a setup?). Nicholei did in fact lie about holding the weapon and what went on to match his story to Preston's despite the fact he could have had the case go his way from telling the truth.
Despite both of them lying, things looked pretty dim for Preston Herrington!
Closing statements were established to the shocked crowd, and to an even more shocked and perhaps disappointed jury. But that only meant one thing; it was time to make a decision.
The Verdict
The Jury then made their way to a more private setting, to discuss the matters of the trial. Whilst neither client did a wonderful job of surviving the tactical questioning of the lawyers, the footage and information revealed from the testifying clients caused the jury to come quickly to their decision, within minutes.
And so Monica Blackwell returned, making a simple statement to the clients, to their lawyers, to the crowd.
“The jury has discussed the verdict and we have come to an agreement. The court finds Preston Herrington guilty.”
But that was not all.
“He will be losing ownership of Myriad Towers.”
The slam of a hammer was heard as the chief Judge brought her gavel to the table.
“Court is adjourned.”
The Aftermath

[!] The paragraphs marked with exclamations before and after will touch lightly on gun fatalities and shooting. Skip past said paragraphs if you may be sensitive to said details. [!]
Preston Herrington did not take kindly to the verdict. Nicholei Popovich certainly did, smirking as he taunted the Commissioner of the KPD one final time.
“Better luck next time, Preston.”
Even before he was approached, before Popovich’s gloating, Herrington’s expression only demonstrated fear, fear that perhaps seemed to do with the secrets of his tower… what was truly within?
Whatever it was, it was enough for Herrington to react violently as Officer Raleigh Delgado approached him with handcuffs, about to state the man’s arrest. He was unable to finish as Herrington turned around, lunging for Delgado’s glock-17 and using it to quickly shoot the officer in the heart. Before anyone else could react, Preston also took the opportunity to fire on Nicholei, catching him straight through his chest.
Popovich collapsed nearly immediately, only to be dragged away by Alex Koji. But just as Herrington forced Officer Trey Allemburg to lower his weapon only to fatally shoot Allemburg, Popovich managed to send a final shot to Preston, killing the commissioner instantly.
And so Popovich and Herrington both did not leave the trial alive thanks to Herrington’s retaliation, his death instant and Popovich’s minutes after despite Koji’s attempts to resuscitate him, with two additional officers counted as casualties.
The events of the day left citizens feeling confused, devastated, and betrayed. The mayor, Suruga Sengoku chose to resign after the events; Alex Koji was elected as the town’s new mayor. But with questions rising from the citizens, the government and KPD is left expected to be taking action… there is only more to come.
To read more about the events IC, including Sengoku’s resignation speech, you can find a report from a present News Reporter who just so happens to be the head of Karakura News here:
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