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Accepted EzayeRP Professor Application [Edited]


Level 7


]What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username?

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity on the server is quite often recently due to me being able to have shorter classes, i would say.. I'm on schoolRP everyday when I can be… I'm mostly on for 8 hours or more just depending on how I feel and if I'm busy at all.
Here is the current schedule with school-
4pm- 12am​
5pm- 11pm​

This will change soon as when school ends I will be full time at work.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I've been playing SchoolRP for around 4 years now, I've had a lot of experience in all the different type of roleplay that SRP offers such as being a college student myself in SRP and I use to be a professor and much more but those applications i cannot find currently as they seem to be gone

Roblox is one thing I use to roleplay in as it is a simple game not but roleplay goes into it but i have roleplayed using Roblox for around 10 years

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
EzayeRP [Grade 12] Alt
I am currently applying EazyeRP as a professor

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Physical Education
Art [Any form of art]
Law and justice


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My main motivation for becoming a professor is to teach others in a very unique way, as i wish to teach others reality of Law and Justice and I myself can learn stuff as I do want to personally pursue the dream of going to college and studying for Law and justice, and i believe that learning law and justice should be more fun instead of just having student sit there and not do anything that is why I'm motivated to come up with classes that have the students moving and socializing best as possible. But in general i want to have a new learning experience in roleplay as this is a big step into roleplay becoming a leader to others who are students

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

The first interactive class i would host is a quiz allowing the students to answer correctly or not to certain questions for example we can say it was a true or false quiz

Question; Does the legislative branch has a important role in the criminal system?
True or False?
Answer- False the legislative branch does not have a important role in the criminal system

Those who answer all the questions correctly can receive a sticker for their hard work, and those who don't can receive a praise as a good effort

For the next interactive class we will hold a court case in class, allowing students to pick roles and play in a court case to accurately understand the importance of certain roles as students will be allowed to have a research period to research a certain case that will be presented in class

Students can act as lawyers, Witnesses, Officers, the Defendant and or the plaintiff as Ishimaru would be the judge to predict if the evidence shown is good enough.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip for possibly Law and Justice i would hope to possibly get the police station as Ishimaru is friends with some of the officers wanting to show their students a ideal interaction of what officers go through hopefully educationally showing them that doing crime is bad and what can result from doing crime as this is possibly a two way teaching style between Ishimaru and a possible Officer, if this field trip doesn't work out he would take the students to a park and do his lecture there informing students on the same matter but allowing them to get different scenery

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Ishimaru would first get their attention by making a sound such as coughing and or just a “Ahem’ trying to get their attention, soon if they do look at him he will ask the jocks what they were doing and gladly as them to step away from the bobcat Jock depending on the two different stories between if it was a bully incident and or just for fun and games. If to say it was a bully incident Ishimaru would first address the situation as to get both sides of the story, giving the College jocks a warning to stop unless evidence is provided he can give the boys a detention depending on how bad the situation was going to get, if they per say do not listen in the beginning the boys can possible get a couple warnings if they do not move away from the other Jock I will threaten with a detention, as if that does not work out Ishimaru would have to call another employee to get assisted with if there was none on, he would step between the students trying to separate them.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Ishimaru would look at the student, questionably unaware if these questions are genuine as if the student was curious on something certain, Ishimaru would most likely go to the student and tell them to ask the questions outside of the detention time and to inform the student to be quiet, as Ishimaru would happily answer anything after detention that the student would be asking even if it was just stupid questions, but if this didn't work out, he would look at the student eyes narrow slightly, and give them a warning to be quiet if that doesn't work out either Ishimaru would explain to the student the student that he will get SLT involved if this continues and once again if it does continue, Ishimaru would of course address this with a SLT member later on to inform them on the students behavior a bit unhappy due to the students before to whatever punishment that may come towards them as he does not like seeing his students or any student get in trouble

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Firstly Ishimaru if this were to happen he would first tell the cheerleaders to stop and put their phones away in a stern like voice he would make eye contact to the cheerleaders to make sure they know he is talking about them and so they can see he meant it after giving them a first warning, if they do continue he will go to the students and stand in front of them making sure they are looking at hm he will ask the girls and or boys to leave if they don't stop playing on their phones and or disturbing the class during a lesson giving a second warning, if again they continue he will soon kick the girls and or boys out of the class, and IF they possible disturb the class outside by yelling and or again trying to play music he will walk out there and give the cheerleaders a stern look again telling them to leave and to stop disturbing the class, as if they do not leave they will get a detention slip for disturbing the class and now following instructions

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
When encountering this fight Ishimaru would first try to tell the students to back up from each other, but if his warning didnt work towards the kids, he would get between the kids as best as possible to separate them, if they do separate they will be handed a detention slip for fighting but if they do not decide to stay separated he will most likely raise his voice, and or call another employee over to assist him, as hopefully that will stop the two kids and then they can both receive a detention slip for after school for fighting on school grounds


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Ichiyama is a tall male, he stands around 5’6 he has dark brown hair which was shoulder length, he had two different colored eyes as it was Blue on the right and on the left it was white he would be wearing a black shirt tucked into a black working pants, he wears a ring on his rings finger with the initial carved into it saying ‘H’ showing he is clearly married to someone with the name starting as ‘H’ when people are around him he seems intimidating but in general he is a sweetheart when he is outside of school…

What makes Ichimaru unique? Well his teaching style is very different from others, as he gets to the point and doesn't seem to really baby the kids, he also is unique because of his appearance he has two different eye color that interest people, but in general he is a very common guy and doesn't seem to be much different from anyone else

His outlook on his students is something wild he wishes for them all to succeed as he pushes them to the hardest and to the best of their abilities, he knows all the kids he teaches have potential and really wants them to understand that they all have some potential and that they understand the subject they are learning, still wishing them luck on their journey once they have college that they will succeed in a job they would to pursue, as for the kids that are still in college he hopes to help them find out what they would want to do with their life giving them choices of what they can do.

[Outlook on teachers]
He sees the teachers as only colleagues, he wishes them luck and is always offering help on certain things that are school related, his opinion on the staff will stay minimum as he does not want it to interfere with outside life and or bringing outside life into school matters visa versa, either or he wishes his colleagues luck as he hopes they enough his company and companionship within the work space

Ishimaru is a very settle man, he is stern when he needs to be but in general is a very soft giant some people can say he is Bipolar but he is certainly not he is just a neutral fellow, he keeps his mind on school separating certain feelings towards students such as being stern and serious and a tad but fun towards his students , but outside of school grounds He has a very bubbly personality, being very talkative and very observative over certain things, he is known as a father figure due to his kind manner towards others outside of school

Ishi hopes to keep teaching for a couple years, before retiring at 50 he is hoping during those years that he is teaching he can also create a family, such as adopting kids possibly having his own maybe in the future and hopefully be happily married to someone he loves and trust in he also wishes in the future to see his students he has taught accomplish anything that they wanted to be as he has high hopes for everyone in their lifetime. Overall Ishi hopes to live out a fulfilled life and continue teaching as long as possible no matter what happens

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

In the beginning of 1989 July 2nd is when Ishi was born , he had a loving family. His mom and dad were quite happy as for his siblings he got along with all the time, his childhood is known as a great childhood. But once he hit the age of 3 his parents hit a rocky part of life they began to fight constantly sometimes even becoming violent, Ishi’s siblings would hid in a room with Ishi keeping him calm, as later in life around a year later, Their parents decided to divorce, His mother Arisha took Ishi and left the other kids to her husband. They soon moved to Karakura for a get away and a better life, as his mother tried her hardest to have a job and keep it she soon drove herself down a deep hole of depression.
Later once Ishi was around 6 he began school his mother always told him to get good grades and always showed a smile towards him even though she was sad, she always wished for Ishi to have a better life wanting him to be successful.
Throughout the years of school Ishi kept getting good grades he even started to work at a small shelter at the age of 17 which is when he got into college due to his good grades he was actually able to skip a year or two, as he was in college he soon realized his path of work. Working harder in college he soon learned about Atom physics as he then himself began to learn as a student teacher in that same college. With the years flying by he soon shows gratitude towards the line of work… His mother was very proud of his accomplishments as he soon became a professor. His dreams came true as he now would nurture his mother making sure she would never have to work again in her life….



Full Name:
My full name is Ishimaru Grey Hamilton

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
I would like to be addressed as Mr. Ishimaru

Given Name(s):
Many people like to call me Ishi

Preferred Name:
I would prefer to be called Ishimaru or Ishi

I am currently Thirty-Nine years old I was born on July 2 1989

Gender & pronouns:
I am a male and I go by He/him and They/Them

Religious Denomination:
I am Atheist but i respect others religion as it does not affect me

Marital Status:
I am currently not married

I am only Japanese

Current Location:
I am currently living in Karakura. Japan in a small apartment behind the hospital.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

I have had around 3 years of teaching experience. I was a student teacher for many teachers in the past, learning the certain ways to teach and treat children while being a student teacher.

Working Experience (# of years):
I would say i've been working for 5 years in general, as i did work at a shelter for some of my life, and then slowly transitioned into working as a private tutor for outside folks who needed help with tutoring…

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:
I would have graduation in 2009

Literature, Physical Education Law and Justice

Astronomy, baking Science Physics,

Native Languages:
Japanese is the language i know just from growing up in Japan

Other Languages:
I only know Spanish and common JSL as I also know Japanese as the first language.

Preferred Teaching Subject:
I would really like to teach Law and Justice, but if that is taken i would like to do either Literature, Art, and or Physical education If those are not taken​
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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