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Denied Fail_RP's school librarian application


Level 25
[OOC section]
In-Game Name: Fail_RP

School Employee Role you are Applying For: I am applying for the role of School Librarian.

How often do you log onto the server?:
I log onto the server every day without fail, the only days I can't log on are important holidays such as Christmas or when I'm sleeping over somewhere, Whenever I am able, I will make sure to spend as much time in-game as I possibly can, spending hours on the server at a time.

Do you have discord?:
Yes, I do have Discord. My username and tag is Winston Churchill#2227

Do you have a microphone?:
I do not have a microphone, unfortunately.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
I have been banned on the server when I first joined for toxicity to a staff member, I had joined that day and it was months ago, after I got banned I went to the moderator in DMs and apologized to him. However, I do believe that was my only ban, if it wasn't then I have a terrible memory and this is in no way an attempt to try to sly myself past it.

Can you ensure that you will often come on:
I can guarantee this. I come on every day without fail already, this would be another driving factor and hopefully will lead me to come online even more if that is possible.

Do you recognize that you can be ICly fired?:
I do recognize this, I would expect nothing less. If I broke the rules I would fully understand that I can be fired and would agree. School employees are to be kept to the highest standard, there is no reason why a staff member shouldn't be fired if they do something wrong.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: The school Librarian is the person who makes sure the college students and high school students have access to books and can get a good supply of knowledge. There will likely be people coming there to study, read, or to buy books. It would be my job to make sure the library is quiet and a good place where people can study.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:
No, unfortunately, I do not. However, I will be willing to put 100% effort into this job and role and gain experience in it. I am open to new experiences and will make sure to get the most out of this opportunity if I am given it.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for easily over a year, I joined SchoolRP around Christmas and played it every day for months. I had a break of a few months when the COVID pandemic started due to homeschooling, but after a break from roleplaying, I'm back. Started around a month ago I came back and have been roleplaying on here every day since. I also have experience in roleplays outside of SchoolRP, these including Discord roleplays.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:
I am familiar with the functions of a school librarian. They are to make sure the library is a nice and quiet place students can come to for a variety of reasons, from buying books to studying or reading. They sell and supply books to the population of the school and college students. Making sure they have a constant stream of knowledge and reading material.


During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I would ask them kindly to stop, everyone makes mistakes and everyone gets angry. I would understand and if they stopped, I would thank them, ask them not to do it again, and let them go. If they continued, I would raise my voice slightly and get more strict with them. And if they still didn't, I would likely call for a teacher, or someone with a high enough rank to punish them accordingly.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
If it is dangerous, I make sure everyone is away from the area and approach with extreme caution, However, if it is un-nessecery I would ask them to consider not making me do a dangerous job. But I would do it if it was necessary or required.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I remind them that they are an adult and as a staff member of the school or college it is their responsibility to make a shining example for the students to follow. If they refuse to stop, I ask them again and if they don't, I call for the principal or vice-principal in order to punish them accordingly. I sincerely hope they change their ways and leave it in the hands of higher authority.

[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Leon 'Hideki' Lethern
Chosen Job:
School Librarian

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining KHS is simple, I want to help students spread their knowledge. Not as a teacher or professor, but as a librarian. In my opinion, they are just as important. They provide a quiet and safe place for students to read or study. I want to help the students in any way I can, And I feel this is my way of helping them. I want to increase my academic experience also, and I feel working in a school would be a perfect place for me to learn more as I am constantly looking for new information. Along with this, as a child, I was constantly picked on for spending hours upon hours in the school library and reading in my spare time. I want to make sure no student ever feels like the odd one out due to striving to get smarter. I feel the students who read and make and effort should be treated equally to those who don't.
Age (Minimum age is 25): 28

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe I should be accepted over other applicants as I will put my 100% in, I will promise to help the students who strive to learn more, to improve. To me, they help me put effort in. To see the younger generation spending their own time learning and studying. I also know how the library works. Witch is an important feature. They select a book, they pay and they get the book. A very basic system but an important one to know.


Level 105
Thank you for applying!


Unfortunately, your application has been DENIED.


- Good luck in the future if you wish to re-apply!
- DM Sun#0040 over Discord if you have any questions.



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