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FancyLvricz | KPD Application


Level 3
˚.⋆ Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section ⋆.˚

IGN (In-Game Name):

FancyLvricz [Alt | Chosen KPD account]
FancyLyricz [Main | Col-Cheer]

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:


Describe your activity on the server:

I did recently return from a bit of a break, although I’d say I’m quite active, considering that I am currently on the Spartan Cheer Team on my main account. I am also the head of the Uemara family, which requires me to be active for a good portion of my time on SRP. After tournaments I did, as I said, go on a bit of a break, but before that I’d say I spent around 6-8 hours or more while on the server, just about every day. Now that I’ve returned, I’m making an effort to increase my activity once again without overwhelming and tiring myself out.

What is your motivation for applying?:

I've been a player since 2018, and for my first year I was primarily welcomed into the gangrp community. I enjoyed it at the time and I made plenty of amazing friends during then, but it also quickly got me involved with KPD. I quickly took an interest in the KPD faction, but at the time I knew that it was too soon for me to join anything relatively large at the time. Over time, I continued to meet new people and I began to broaden my experiences within RP through SRP. For the last 4 years, I've dedicated my time to primarily teams. I started out on college fem volleyball, soon transferring over to high school and after 2 years I took on the role of captain, carrying that position for another 2 years. I was royally dedicated to the plugin and the volleyball community, but at a point I realized I wanted to experience something new and, once again, encourage myself to meet new people and engage with other communities. I've now joined college cheer and I'm hoping that, after finally configuring the courage to apply, take my chances with KPD as well. I want to experience a sense of maturity with not only Roleplay, but overall within a faction and seeing as KPD has had my attention for years now, I believe its the perfect place for me to do so. As much as I enjoy JockRP, I'd really love to give something more serious a chance.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Unfortunately, I know very little of KPD work from a first hand perspective but from spectating and listening I've gathered a bit of information related to the activities that the KPD have to deal with. Though I've made sure to familiarize myself with the public forum posts.

Overall, I'm aware that Police Work requires a great deal of teamwork and communication. Without either of these tools, not only will cadets be trained incorrectly, but cases could be overlooked or even written in too many times. Unfortunate situations can unfold on patrol if two co-workers aren't on the same page, resulting in failure to rightfully detain a target or to just get along with one another. As a cadet there's a LOT of rules to learn and training to undergo.

Activities + Tools
Training alone isn't just learning the more private terms and information, but there's also practicing of how to be prepared for any given situation. This can range from R.Os and desk work, to taking calls, going as far as to apprehend an armed criminal. This would explain why everyone is required to undergo training.
Protective Custody
Protective Custody is important for those that have been threatened or feel unsafe. A good example of this is if a witness has the courage to approach the KPD with information related to a crime or criminal. If they feel afraid that they will be attacked or harmed, they may ask to be held in protective custody for a period of time.
CCTV is often used to determine whether reports are true or false, the KPD often use the cameras scattered throughout town to catch individuals after they've commit crimes or to ensure that witnesses are telling the truth before they proceed to make an arrest. They are also useful when tracking criminals that might be on the run at the moment in time.

Executing Arrests
An officer is never meant to make an arrest on their own, it's always important to have at least one other officer on duty with them to assist them in swapping positions and
making a search. If a successful arrest is made and the individual has been detained, it's important for an officer to remember to fill in their arrest log.

Aside from the equipment and activities, there are more tasks that go on, not only inside the department but outside.
Inside Department
Outside Department
Take Reports
Officers stationed at the front desk will listen to civilians as they proceed to make a complaint or file reports of crimes they may have witnessed or been the victim of.

Search / Pat Down
Pat downs and searches are not only limited to patrol, but officers are also given a plausible reason to search if witnessing the alert of a metal detector setting off. Whether this be in the Hospital or in the Police Department itself. Officers can also pat civilians down if they are wearing masks or give a reason of suspicion. [Or detain if they match the description.]
At the time of arrest, dependent of the charges applied, a bail is set. After a set amount of time, in most cases, a character is permitted to be bailed by a second party if they speak with the officer who arrested the criminal.
Arrests are pretty standard as an officer. Arrests can be made if a 'civilian' is carrying illegal weaponry, assaulting someone - person or animal - , overall committing any act of crime.

Upon being arrested, the criminal will be charged and then escorted to a room where their photograph will be taken, this being used to link a face to the arrest / file {arrest log}.
During a raid, a batch of officers will set out, readily equipped, to enter a building or room - often searching for weaponry or any kind of contraband.

After someone has been taken under arrest they can ask for visitation rights or be asked if they agree to visitation (if someone requests to see them). If it is accepted, both the visitor and inmate will be escorted to a room in order to see one another.
While on Patrol, the set of officers goes out on a route, clearing and seeking any dangers that might be undergoing at the time. This is the most common and consistent way to ensure civilians are safe on their day to day activities.

Interrogations [Detectives Only]
If a major crime has been committed, those involved will be seated in a room, one at a time. During the interrogation, the Detective will proceed to flood the individual with questions related to the case, making an effort to gather as much useful information as possible.
Response Calls
A response call can consist of many things, unfortunately troll calls are one of them, but if a call is dire, an officer will respond, asking about the situation and depending on the event, a number of P.Os will make their way to the scene, dealing with it professionally.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?

The KPD, and police themselves, are important to SRP because like any other game or community, rules are required, and the best way to keep things to a level of balance, is to lay down a set of rules, and that’s what the police do in an In Character manner. Things tend to get violent quite often, from day to day rp, jockrp, to crimerp. If there aren’t rules that apply to the way we Roleplay, then it'd be complete and utter chaos. Of course, KPD is not alone in this, they have EMS and Government at their side to assist, but the officers themselves are more engaged in the dangerous work, whether that's returning a rabid bear to the forest or taking down a dangerous wanted criminal, they always step up to ensure that civilians are safe.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

As previously stated, I’ve spent most of my years of SRP on teams so I understand the expectations of being active and available for training and gatherings.

˚.⋆ In-Character (IC) Section ⋆.˚

What's your character's full name?:

Jiayi Zhǐ

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

She'll be around the age of 36 years old. [1988]

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Female ; She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors in Criminal Justice [ Still studying through online courses] ; Masters in Sociology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

At the moment, only Japanese [ Have not yet applied for her language, Mandarin ]

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Jiayi is a little bit of a throwback enthusiast, admiring the 80’s aesthetic; And despite residing in Karakura, where new was the only fashion around, she still resorted to flaunting her excessive blow outs and studded leather jackets. The Chinese woman stood at 5'3, around the average height, with her chocolate lavender colored voluminous 80's blowouts. Her deeper shade of brown eyes peeked from beneath her eyelids. As of today, Jiayi's pale skin was decorated with two tattoos. One which fabricated the image of a serpent wrapping itself around her collarbone, at it's mouth, it's teeth sank themselves into a bleeding heart. As for the other, a shaded cross and date " 2009" were printed along her inner ring finger.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

To strangers, or at first approach, Jiayi is quite cold and closed off to sharing her own opinions or emotions. In a more natural and comfortable setting, she’s more inclined to give her own word on matters. She’s got a personal opinion on anything and everything, but as someone who’s more observant, she typically will wait for the right moment to share her own thoughts. Jiayi is not particularly warm to strangers, but others wouldn’t consider her rude either, just more cautious of her own boundaries. She's more of a 'if you want respect, earn it" kind of girl.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Jiayi is a very loyal and protective companion. The company that she keeps is often full of people that she cares dearly for. In risky or dangerous situations, she is quick to be of assistance, unfortunately, putting herself in harm’s way to defend or help others. She's had years of history working beside friends and watching the backs of others. Jia believes nothing can really be done alone, in one way or another everything relies on the work or assistance of someone else. She isn't one to easily trust, though she's always willing to hear others out, which will benefit her alongside others because she won't be making decisions on her own if she's paired up and working in a group.

What's your character's backstory?

Jiayi Zhǐ, a girl with a troubling story, only ever learned to overcome her struggles on her own. She was born in the year of 1988, she was born alongside a few of her siblings, although none of them grew up to be close with her.
Youthful Years

During the early stages of her life, she was often looked up to, despite being so young. She was the eldest of her siblings, pretty and perfect as her family would say. She was often fascinated with silly trinkets, chewing gum, double letters, (such as ‘Terrible Twos’) but most of all, coins. Anytime Jiayi spotted a quarter, she abruptly paused whatever had her attention and soon enough the coin was pinched between her fingers. Over the years, she continued to save them up, there were so many that her mother purchased for her a caboodle, a small box shaped carrier, to store them. She had quite the connection with her mother, so much so that they could almost never utter the word ‘no’ to one another. Jia loved her siblings dearly, and she loved how they admired her, but as she grew older it soon began to feel like more of a weight to her.

Teen Tantrums

Around the age of 14, Jia had assembled her own group of friends. With the feeling of having something of her own, that wasn’t shared among the string of siblings bound to her, she made more of an effort to spend her time away from home. While she was still young, it wasn’t uncommon for girls her age to venture off around the town they called theirs, it was considered a safe haven after all, aside from all the territorial wars between the older kids. But Jia did her damned hardest to keep on her own path, away from the dangers of ‘greasers’ and what-not. Now, Jiayi never had any issues with her family of course, but she was getting to the age where she wanted to have her own fun, the bird abandoning the nest, as some might call it. She was still too young to do so of course, but that wouldn’t stop her from trying. She started spending most of her time at the diner with her friends, where they considered it their Home Away from Home.

Sixteen Steps

At the age of sixteen, Jia had really done it. After 16 YEARS she and her mother had gotten into their FIRST actual fight. It was over something quite silly even. Jia had wanted her first job, and at first her mother was in agreement over the idea, until Jia insisted it be as a waitress at the diner. Her mother was reluctant, refusing the idea, she believed the place was dangerous for the precious daughter of hers. The diner itself wasn’t only the preferred get-together spot for Jia and her friends, but for ‘Hoods’ as well and her mother wasn’t going to risk them tainting or disrespecting her eldest prodigy. With that knowledge, Jialya had no choice but to listen to her mother, but that didn’t mean that she would obey. That upcoming Friday, after her friends all dispersed from the diner, she approached the girl behind the counter, asking to be hired, promising she’d do her part, but the woman didn’t need convincing. She’d seen Jialya’s face almost everyday for 2 years, she knew the girl was perfect, everyone did.

J had somehow managed to keep her shifts shielded from her mother’s view, although it meant she’d be visiting her friends table, rather than sitting beside them, she easily considered it worth it, especially with the amount of quarters she’d collect at the end of each week. One Friday night, just as Jia was asked to close up, she took nearly sixteen steps from the door, the toe of her shoe tipping against the crack in the sidewalk when a sudden force shoved her to the ground. Before she could make sense of what was happening a sudden male voice spoke. Hovering over her was a masculine build, entirely swept of color, only shadow. He appeared to be in a rush, slurring his words at a speedy pace. He lifted Jialya to her feet, his face still tucked beneath his hood. He asked if she was okay, in which she nodded and asked for his name, only that’s where he went mute. The male turned his head in the direction in which he had come from before leaving abruptly, without another word. Jialya didn’t stick around to discover the sight of what he was so afraid of.. She herself hurried home.

Over the next few months, a new face entered the diner, each and every day. As Jia became a regular worker, she could only remember her regular customers, hoping they’d do the same for her. But this specific individual never ordered anything for himself, he requested nothing other than a strawberry milkshake, leaving it at the counter for Jia with a 50¢ tip.


It was only a matter of time before Jia was caught staying out too late too often. Her parents finally caught word of her ‘secret’ shifts at the diner and forbid her from continuing to even visit. J refused, and she grew to love the diner, so she was left with an ultimatum. Quit or Move Out. Torn between two homes she loved, she had to make a decision. Jia knew if she stayed, she’d be worshiped by her family and friends, everything being handed to her, whereas a life of her own would benefit her in only ways she could control.

Later that night, Jia found herself seated back at the door of the diner. It was a gloomy night, setting quite the scene for such an unfortunate occasion. As an hour or so went by, she was greeted by ‘milkshake guy’, asking about the situation and ensuring that she felt safe. He took her in, welcoming her with a new roof over her head and a new number of faces to acquaint herself with. Jialya never quite questioned why he was there to rescue her that night… As a few months went by, she quickly adapted to the new lifestyle that her new group of friends led. Jia was soon proud to consider herself… ‘a hood.’

Moving On

Jialya had finally turned 18, but it wasn’t only her birthday she’d be celebrating that year. . but two more, maybe three if you wanted to include her hidden lover. She would have two children, twins, Zhen and Xia with the man she’d quickly fallen in love with. To you and I, the narrator, it’s quite obvious to say we know who it is, but they made an effort to keep things discreet as Jia was too paranoid of her mother sending the town’s officers to apprehend her and return her home. They felt like her new purpose in life, she wanted to raise them right, to let them make their own choices.

It was a depressingly dark evening, and Jia could feel the sorrow in the air. Tonight would be a gang war, one in which her lover and his friends would fight for a location, only this one was special. It was a battle in which the winner would keep control of the diner as their main hangout, and strawberry milkshake wanted to fight for J and their children, in hopes the building would one day be standing for their kids to visit. However, she begged him not to go. Call it witchcraft, but she knew it wouldn’t go their way, he refused.
. . .
As predicted, their fight came to an end, and not a favorable one. Jialya’s aching sobs filled the lot that night as he lay there in her arms, a knife sunk through his heart. She cried, each yell hollowing her heart. He extended a hand, holding her face against the blood in his palm, gazing up at her with a shimmer that was soon to fade. She whispered through her unsteady words, “I’m pregnant..” And with one last “I love you” he was gone.

Jiayi Zhǐ, with assistance from the others, lifted his body to his car. His brother tug the leather jacket from his body, that was once so full of life, and laid it over the back of JIa’s shoulders. She offered him a weakened smile before untucking a coin from her back jeans pocket. She tossed her quarter into the air, watching as it flipped a countless number of times, and landed back in the palm of her palm. Tails.

It was Tails.

And from there, she took their children and left town.

˚.⋆ General knowledge ⋆.˚

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"Obviously not, that's, without question, illegal. There's only one main purpose for a pocket knife, and it isn't slicing sushi. Pretty much anything capable of puncturing is categorized as illegal, I'd like to think that's common knowledge."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Well, firstly, Paracetamol, as it's one of the more 'everyday' used drugs to assist with relaxing fevers and headaches. Secondly, cough syrup, that one's pretty much used for even the simplest of the common flu. A wooden cane, I hear those come easier than crutches nowadays. An unbranded bandage is self explanatory, there's no real danger that comes with those, aside from the number of plastic strips I find littered all over the place... not that I was any better at their age. Oh! And a 5th item? Glasses, of course, those are pretty easy to come by, real or fake."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"Oh jeez, sounds like a pretty unfair fight to me. Well, as I'd hope any loyal officer would, I'd contact a superior. On a personal note, I prefer keeping it a little under the rug whilst ratting anyone out, because logically thinking, if someone is aware their actions are being brought up to someone with higher superiority, they'd cease their actions - avoiding being caught in the act of things. So that being said, I'd make an attempt to find a higher up after getting some sort of proof on my body cam, or an audio recording. Let's say, unfortunately, there's no one that I can go to at that time, I'd wait for an opportunity and reach out to my superior the next time they are at their desk, or if they aren't, then through email.. you guys still use email right?"

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"Well, if I'm on duty and I'm rightfully equipped, it would depend on the number of co-workers I'm with. But let's say for the sake of the question, it's just me and one co-worker. If the situation has yet to escalate, I'd make an attempt to stall while getting into contact with others, or even a superior, over the radio. But if it's already gotten to assault, then I wouldn't hesitate to unholster my taser, aiming it at said individual, and doing what needs to be done. I'd further await instructions from my superior, and as backup arrives I would suggest that EMS be called or that we escort our own officer to the hospital, depending on the severity of said encounter. From there, we'd apprehend the assaulter, taking them into custody as they had obviously just commit a crime."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"A corrupt officer you say? Do you get those often?" "Well, I suppose if this were to happen in my presence, I'd seek any quick evidence that I could gather in that moment, although if the encounter seems to carry on long enough for me to gather evidence and discreetly contact my superior, giving them a chance to confront the officer in the act. Though, after making the call, no matter how nosy one might be, it's no longer my concern if nothing else is asked of me. From that point on I'd drop it, no point in causing any ruckus or work drama until our higher up makes their decision on how to punish this 'corrupt co-worker of ours."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"Well if the criminal, in this case, is attempting to bribe me, they wouldn't mind paying the price of a fine, right? I mean, what's the point bribing an officer, the guy's gonna get caught eventually. Hell with that, I say fine the guy, a verbal warning even, let him know I'm not some lackey that's just going to sit there and permit criminals to act out and slip under the radar for a small fee, and you better believe I'll be sure they don't bother trying it again! If I'm going to be taking up the role of a respected Karakura Police Officer, I'm not going to evade the rules that I'm subjected to follow for a little bit of pocket yen. But um, overall.. yeah, I'd refuse their bribe."
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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