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Film Club - Grap3Puncher123


Level 11


IGN of Club Leader
RPName of Club Leader:
Grap.e Chu Murphy​
Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):
Gr ape#2360​
Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position:
Film Club​
Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
I think I should become Club leader over other applicants since in the past I have dedicated time and a lot of effort into other clubs and thought that I should have a club of my own. I was a member of the film club for a decent amount of time and was good friends with the last Club leader so I do know a bit about what the club is supposed to be about. My goal is to not only make this club amusing for everyone who has interest in joining the club but also create an enjoyable environment to be in where you can make new acquaintances in hopes of creating a friendship. I also want the club members to feel like they really are a part of the club. For example, I'd take all of their ideas and not reject the ones that don't particularly interest me. I wouldn't make all of the decisions, we'd make a vote or I could even create a poll where we could decide what movie to watch between the choices given. If someone has a movie suggestion and it fits the criteria of what our discussion about the movie later on will be then I have no problem adding it to the movie of choice. I am quite organized and will host a weekly club meeting that is not obligatory unless stated in the club announcement, the meetings will simply be for catching up on what others have been doing and talking about recent movies we have watched. Other than that a club meeting will be about event ideas. We have many types of movies we'd like to watch. I want to revive the club and overall have a good time roleplaying with friends.​

What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
I've been meaning to apply for Club leader for a while but never had the motivation or time to be a Club leader, now that I do have the time to organize events and club meetings I would love to be a club leader. I've been in the film club for a while and when it disbanded I told myself maybe I should apply for the club but I never did, now I am applying and giving you a few ideas of what I would love to do with this club. My motivation for this club is really to create a safe place where students can express themselves through film making and watch the movies that interest them and have passion for. I want to share my love for motivational movies and want to learn about other's favorite movies and the reason why they love those movies. When I applied to work at Joyoung shop there was this question, "What's your favorite Disney movie and why?" for some reason I really loved to write about my favorite movie and realized that I had good points and loved the movie for the moral it gave out. I want to help others realize what a moral of the movie is and not just forget about that movie the next day. I want help others create a passion and admiration for different genres of movies.​

What activities will the club do?:

Club Members Activity:

For the members I was planning on finding a film that isn't only interesting and has a good moral that is good to start conversations about, I want to find a film that could educate each and every one of the club members and give them a new perspective about themselves, school, life etc. My plan is to make Film club a bit like a book club, for example sometimes it might be a movie to watch on its own and we have an IC discussion about the movie and other times we go in a voice call and I would stream the movie. Of course if someone for example doesn't have Netflix or the site that the movie is on, I would stream it and we could watch it in small groups. The club members and I would be having a discussion a week about what we’ve been interested in, what documentaries have we watched recently. What would be the topic for next week and the weeks after that, these are a few of the questions I would ask the club members so I could organize the next club meeting.

School Event | Short Film Screening

We’d team up with the performing arts club to realize a short horror film where they would star in it and we’d be in the background, taking differently angled shots, producing, writing and directing the short film. Once finished I would make a YouTube Channel for the club and post film while we made the gym look like a cinema room and the stage would have a big white screen hanging from it. We’d darken the whole gym and make booths around it to buy popcorn and sweets that we usually eat during a movie.​
How will the club benefit the School?:
Everyone loves to watch a fun and educational movie from time to time, the film club would organize amusing events for every age group. It would allow other students to develop new interests and help the film club grow, if they decided that they liked what the film club did and applied, they would make new friendships and bond with others which would be my goal.​

These are a few of my plans for the club but I have plenty more, some will be written in the questions above but if you'd like me to add more event ideas/general ideas for the club please tell me and I'll further discuss my ideas. I really would like to revive the club !​


Level 35
Thank you for applying, however, I am currently under the impression that you are taking over the Acceptance Club. Additionally, the Film Club unless otherwise proven to be better integrated with the server may be fully disbanded.

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