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Film Club | ProblematicIdiot


Level 44

IGN of Club Leader
(In-Game Name): ProblematicIdiot

RPName of Club Leader: Akimi C. Park

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Problematic#1010


What is the Official Title of the Club: Film Club

Your current Members RPName & IGN:
Co-Leader: Nishioka Fujihara | eyeonah
New Club Members:
Nanako Xiao | SweetBre
Raika Miki | MuziekAapje
Emma Hashirama | NuggieRP

What is your Motivation for Creating this Club:
The motivation for this club is that we wanted a fun and joyful club for all! So we decided what would be better than making short films, while also watching and discussing movies. We made this club to have those super fun movie nights that everyone enjoys and to act out scenes that will be incredibly fun as well! We also wanted to make short films for the school to watch, and view as we have fun making them. We plan on watching movies/shows then discussing the movies/shows, and finally creating a new ending for the movie/show. We also would love to get better at acting and writing, and when making our own shows/movies we will learn acting and writing skills! This club we wanted to bring all those film students/players together as we watch movies and make amazing movies to make and create to show the school. We just wanted to make a very fun and interactive club!

What Events could your Club do?:
Movie nights, cinema trips, movie marathons, short film creations, and finally script creating and screening.

How could your Club benefit the School?:
It teaches and guides students to have a wider perspective on things - we read into the meaning of a film more than just the surface and educate ourselves on the context. It allows students to bond over similar interests and make new friends. It also creates a great community to turn to, to just relax and take a break from all that stress of school as we sit back and watch movies and make movies!

Could your Club benefit from a club room or space on school grounds? If so, how?:
We need a cinema room/cosy room for the movie watching process - things like bean bags or comfortable seating is appropriate as we wish for our students to feel comfortable and have an appropriate space to watch movies. We would also need a board that will help us with scripts and knowing what movies are upcoming and what movies are sent out.

Does your club have a supervising Professor/Teacher? If so, who?:
Yes we have a supervisor Professor! Dominic Delgado | Fxxkie

Is your club global, or only open to specific students?:
Our club is open globally! We accept all and any students that is in 10th Grade - College.


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Congratulations! Your Club has been accepted. Next thing you need to do;

- Locate the Academic Discord and @WiffyBanter in #help. This will allow me to give you your Discord role. While doing this send me a DM to confirm you still want to run the Club and that you've seen this message.​

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