Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
I am located in the GMT+2 time zone.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I used to be in the School Employee faction, but I quit, because I’m trying to find some more opportunities on SchoolRP, and try out something new.
Describe your activity on the server:
What is your motivation for applying?:
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
And last, but not least… A commissioner
A police officer is REQUIRED to have equipment on himself to, for example, protect himself from the criminals. The standard issued equipment of an officer consists, but is not limited to:
Ranks are very important to the police faction, as they decide, how much experience you have as an officer. The deciding factors of ranking up are:

As an officer, you have to perform certain duties, which will allow you to protect the city from lawbreakers.
Once someone mentions a police officer, the first thing that comes to ones mind, is his patrol duty. During a patrol, an officer has to make a few rounds around the city, looking out for anyone breaking any laws, or endangering other people. A police officer, whilst on a patrol duty, has to be ready for anything, be aware of his surroundings and make sure the officer they're patrolling with is safe and sound.
Whilst an officer is on duty, one of his other responsibilities is to answer 110 calls. Once an individual is endangered, feels threatened or notices someone breaking the law, they should call the KPD hotline, letting the Police Department know, something is happening. Once an officer answers it, they need to know everything, like what's their location, how much people are there ect. and based on that information, an officer has to let other officers know something is happening, and if he needs backup or if he does not.
Once an officer arrests a felon, who is found to have illegal weaponry on himself, has to let his higher-ups know, whom will at that moment contact either the Commissioner, or the Judge, requesting a warrant for the felons apartment. Once a raid is in progress, everyone who takes part in it, has to be ready for anything to happen. You don't know who's inside of there, what type of weapons the criminal has. During those raids, an officer has to be equipped with a riot shield, to protect himself from any attacks.
Whilst an officer is located inside of the station, he has the right to check the CCTV, looking out for any crimes who haven't been already reported to the KPD through the hotline. Once an officer notices someone committing a crime, he has to let his co-workers know about it, and go towards where the offense is taking place.
An officers only duty isn't catching criminals, but also helping other citizens. Every inmate has the right to have a close friend or family to visit them, which an officer on desk duty can do. Officers can also help out citizens by answering questions about the law, so they will not break it. Desk duty is, in my opinion, one of the calmest parts of the KPD.
Once a criminal gets caught by KPD, and it turns out they are gang affiliated, an officer is obligated to interview the gang member about the gang, what they do, who is the leader, and what are their goals. The gang member has the right for a lawyer, which he can acquire from the government, if one is available.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
"Hi, I’m Tyrone. Tyrone Takada… Tyrone Takada SANTOS!"
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"I’m 27, I know, pretty young."
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I’m a male, and my pronouns are He/Him."
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"Oh, I finished College at the Masters.
I’ve got majors in Communication and minors in English."
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"I currently know English, Polish and Russian."
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
What's your character's backstory?
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, a citizen can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. If one is found with a pocket knife, they could end up with the minimum sentence of 3 months for Possession of Illegal Weaponry."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"Here’s a small list of the medical items that don’t require a prescription:
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"If I were to ever notice my co-worker physically abusing an inmate, I’d make sure the cameras have a visible view of it happening, if not I’d next make sure no object is obstructing my bodycam from noticing the situation, next thing I would do is make sure that they’re actually abusing the inmate, and not just self-defending themselves from an aggressive prisoner. After making sure, that it is 100% abuse, I’d try to distract the co-worker away, to speak with them about their behavior, and what they’ve done, later I’d speak with the inmate, on what has happened beforehand in there. After getting answers from both sides of the story, I’d instantly contact my higher-ups, to speak about the behavior of my coworker."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"If I were to ever see my co-worker being attacked by other individuals, the first and most obvious thing I’d do, is to jump into the fight, as to protect them from being hurt. Instead of directly attacking the assaulter, I’d try to pull them away from the interaction, letting them unholster their taser, to stun the individual, or try to pacify them. If none of that works as planned, and they still try to attack us, we’d be forced to take out or batons, and try to counter-assault them, in self-defense. We’d also make sure that our body-cams are online and are connected to the cloud storage, as to have video evidence of them assaulting police officers. If we were to pacify them, or disarm them from weapons of any sorts, we would put them in cuffs and arrest them for assaulting a police officer."
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Instead of instantly reporting them to the higher-ups, I’d try to collect as much evidence as I can over a few days, as to have enough proof of him, and on the criminal organization which he is helping, as to ‘’kill two birds with one stone’’. Once I’ve got enough proof of the corruption, I’d put it all onto a pendrive, before handing it over to a higher-up, which I can trust, so a Commissioner. Once I hand it over, I’ll let them know I don’t want to be affiliated with this whole action, and that I want to stay anonymous."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"If I were to detain or arrest someone, and they attempted to bribe me with, for example, money, then I’d make sure my body-camera catches the whole situation, and then try to “go along” with the whole situation, as to get the most proof I can get. If the criminal was to go along, and offer me a price, I’d instantly deny that request, and throw in a Bribery offense on top of the other offense he has committed. There is a chance that the criminal will try to defend himself, saying that he didn't do anything, but I’ll let him know that I have a body-cam and that it always records."
IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
I am located in the GMT+2 time zone.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I used to be in the School Employee faction, but I quit, because I’m trying to find some more opportunities on SchoolRP, and try out something new.
- Lost item (denied)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/car-lost-during-reset.66137/ - Lost car (denied)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/black-mercedes-despawned.66188/ - Lost car (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/tyronerps-language-application.67276/ - Russian application (accepted)
- Faculty application (accepted)
2nd Forums Account: MidLizzy (forgotten after I temporarily quit SRP):
https://schoolrp.net/threads/unable-to-destroy-a-jukebox.56605/ - Bugged apartment (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/application-for-polish.50213/ - Polish application (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/car-lost-during-reset.66137/ - Lost car (denied)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/black-mercedes-despawned.66188/ - Lost car (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/tyronerps-language-application.67276/ - Russian application (accepted)
Accepted - findouticly Receptionist Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username? findouticly, used to be TyroneRP Do you have Discord? (If so, what is your Discord username?) Yes, zyley How old are you? (Optional): 15 years old What is your time zone?: GMT+1 Describe your activity on the server: I'm a...
2nd Forums Account: MidLizzy (forgotten after I temporarily quit SRP):
https://schoolrp.net/threads/unable-to-destroy-a-jukebox.56605/ - Bugged apartment (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/application-for-polish.50213/ - Polish application (accepted)
Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself a pretty active person on the server, as I am online almost everyday and available most of the time on Discord. Once I log onto SRP, I usually hang around online for 4 hours during the day, before logging off and going outside (wow). Once I come back, at around 10PM, I log back on for another 4 hours, before logging off at 2AM, and heading to bed. What I usually do, when I’m seen online, is some CasualRP, and some GangRP. Around 2 years ago, when I joined SRP, I was spending some unhealthy amounts of time on SRP, like 12 hours a day, but I realized it has put my mental health and physical health down, worsening my vision and my posture, I’ve decided to take a 2-month or so break, before coming back, and spending less time online, and more time outside with my friends.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM | 3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM | 3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM | 3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM | 3PM-7PM, 10PM-2AM | All day | All day |
What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve been interested in applying to KPD for some time. I’ve got some background in Police work, as I was one on a few FiveM servers, and I have some basic knowledge in the job itself. I’ve also used to watch some police series, like Rookie and 9-1-1. My main motivation which lead me to attempting to apply here, is that I want to try out something new on SchoolRP, and after looking thru all the factions, I’ve decided that KPD is probably the one that will fit me the best.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I have some basic knowledge of Police Work. As I’ve said above, I’ve been playing on a few FiveM [GTA 5 RP] servers, where I applied as a Police Officer, and got accepted. My highest achieved rank was Officer 3rd rank, which took me around 2 months to get. I’ve also been interested in some Police series which I’ve watched. I always used to enjoy to watch criminal documentaries and Police bodycam footages on YouTube, so I know how police acts in certain situations.
Once a person gets accepted into KPD, they start off as a Cadet.
Once a person gets accepted into KPD, they start off as a Cadet.
A cadet is an individual who was recently accepted into the Police. The main goal of a cadet is to learn about the basics of Police Work in the city, learn about the radio codes, how to pat someone down, arrest or detain someone ect.. They’re like a student who just got accepted into a school, they’re just starting out. A cadet cannot patrol himself, and has to be accompanied by a higher-ranked officer.
Once you pass the training and the exam, you rank up, and become an Officer.
Once you pass the training and the exam, you rank up, and become an Officer.
An officer is an individual who has been in the police force for some time know, knows how things work in the Police Department, and has access all of the equipment required to protect the city and themselves from the crime-part of the city (Depending on the officers rank). They are supposed to teach the cadets basic knowledge about the Police, how things work in the city ect.
Once you become an officer, you can decide to become a detective.
Once you become an officer, you can decide to become a detective.
A detective in an individual, who instead of going patrolling, they handle investigations of crime scenes, check everything, looking for the perpetrator, who committed the said crime, but was unable to be found by the officers who arrived at the crime scene. He basically looks for any clues left by the criminal.
And last, but not least… A commissioner
Commissioner is an individual, who decides what happens with the force itself. They have the final word about everything, decide who joins, who quits, who gets fired and what happens to those who break the rules. They basically control the whole Police Department. They’re the highest rank achievable and they need to work very hard to climb to the top.
A police officer is REQUIRED to have equipment on himself to, for example, protect himself from the criminals. The standard issued equipment of an officer consists, but is not limited to:
Ranks are very important to the police faction, as they decide, how much experience you have as an officer. The deciding factors of ranking up are:
- Quota points
- Activity
- Knowledge
- Reputation amongst the other officers.

As an officer, you have to perform certain duties, which will allow you to protect the city from lawbreakers.
Once someone mentions a police officer, the first thing that comes to ones mind, is his patrol duty. During a patrol, an officer has to make a few rounds around the city, looking out for anyone breaking any laws, or endangering other people. A police officer, whilst on a patrol duty, has to be ready for anything, be aware of his surroundings and make sure the officer they're patrolling with is safe and sound.
Whilst an officer is on duty, one of his other responsibilities is to answer 110 calls. Once an individual is endangered, feels threatened or notices someone breaking the law, they should call the KPD hotline, letting the Police Department know, something is happening. Once an officer answers it, they need to know everything, like what's their location, how much people are there ect. and based on that information, an officer has to let other officers know something is happening, and if he needs backup or if he does not.
Once an officer arrests a felon, who is found to have illegal weaponry on himself, has to let his higher-ups know, whom will at that moment contact either the Commissioner, or the Judge, requesting a warrant for the felons apartment. Once a raid is in progress, everyone who takes part in it, has to be ready for anything to happen. You don't know who's inside of there, what type of weapons the criminal has. During those raids, an officer has to be equipped with a riot shield, to protect himself from any attacks.
Whilst an officer is located inside of the station, he has the right to check the CCTV, looking out for any crimes who haven't been already reported to the KPD through the hotline. Once an officer notices someone committing a crime, he has to let his co-workers know about it, and go towards where the offense is taking place.
An officers only duty isn't catching criminals, but also helping other citizens. Every inmate has the right to have a close friend or family to visit them, which an officer on desk duty can do. Officers can also help out citizens by answering questions about the law, so they will not break it. Desk duty is, in my opinion, one of the calmest parts of the KPD.
Once a criminal gets caught by KPD, and it turns out they are gang affiliated, an officer is obligated to interview the gang member about the gang, what they do, who is the leader, and what are their goals. The gang member has the right for a lawyer, which he can acquire from the government, if one is available.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
There are a lot of players who are a part of a criminal organization, or basically commit crime on SRP, and it’s basic knowledge that there has to be Police, to protect the citizens of a city from those criminals. Police is also important to SchoolRP, to add some immersion into the roleplay, as in all of the cities, there has to be police somewhere.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
"Hi, I’m Tyrone. Tyrone Takada… Tyrone Takada SANTOS!"
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
"I’m 27, I know, pretty young."
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I’m a male, and my pronouns are He/Him."
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"Oh, I finished College at the Masters.
I’ve got majors in Communication and minors in English."
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"I currently know English, Polish and Russian."
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
"What’s unique about me…? Well I guess I can say my skin colour can be unique, eh? What else… Oh! My dreadlocks! I take really good care of them… When I was a caretaker, kids used to pull on them, and once, they pulled so hard, they pulled them out from my hair! It hurt… mentally… I was bald for a month! I can sa- OH! RIGHT! My height… I’m 7’3”, I’ve got it after my father. Kids called me slenderman."

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
"Whenever I’m in a situation, which requires me to act professional, I try my best to do so. As I have ADHD, this can sometimes be hard for me, but after working in the School, I’ve learned how to control and refrain myself from acting unprofessional. If I’m to be found in a situation, where I have to be acting professional, I’ll listen to my higher ups, think quickly of the best outcome which can result from the situation, and try to control it as much as he can. Once I’m found in a casual situation, I would act… Well casually, speaking with my coworkers, other people, making a few jokes here and there… I swear to god, my jokes are funny! It’s just my nephews, who say that my jokes aren't funny… Anyways, getting off topic here, I try to let go of all my ADHD once found in that situation, so as to not make them show up in a situation where I have to act professional."
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
"First of all, who’s a co-worker…? In my opinion, a co-worker is an individual with whom you can freely speak with, joke with sometimes, but obviously, one who is serious about their job, not just someone who came here for some ‘’Easy Cash.’’, but one, who actually cares about his job and about his coworkers. I think there are less people who are like that, whereas there is a rise of people who are forcing themselves to work in a job which pays out the most. There should be more people who actually care about what they do, and know what they’ll do in the future. I think that that teamwork and co-workers are essential in police job, because if you were to ever be alone, in a raid.. or for example, an arrest, you’d surely loose, as the criminal could easily call for backup, whereas if you enforce teamwork into your job, you could easily pacify a criminal, making sure its safe to detain/arrest them, and then, being alone in a job could end up badly on one's mental health. I know, because of my past history of working as a receptionist… All I used to do is to be sitting in a chair, alone, speaking with no one for the whole day. I think that teamwork and co-workers are one of the most important parts of police work."
What's your character's backstory?
Tyrone is a 27-year-old male who was born on September 22, 1998. His childhood was a mixture of love and challenges as he lived with his loving mother, Imani Wright, and younger brother, Tyrell Wright, but also had a difficult relationship with his abusive father, Denzel Wright. Most of the time, Denzel hasn't even spent time with his own family, mostly visiting the local bars and coming back to the house drunk most of the time. When they were living in England, they lived in the slums because of a lack of funds. Tyrone was surrounded by criminals. The family chose to start again when Tyrone was 7 and relocated to Florida, USA. Tyrone, at the age of 15, found a gang, which he joined. He was taught the ways of crime. A tragedy occurred when Tyrone's father and 15-year-old brother got into an awful vehicle accident, leaving Tyrone heartbroken by their untimely loss. Looking for a fresh start, Tyrone took a part-time job and made some extra money; thus, he made the decision to move to Karakura, Japan, at the age of 20 years old, hoping to find comfort and fresh opportunities in this dynamic city. One Tyrone moved to Karakura. He found out his other brother's family, Takada's, had been living there as well. Once meeting them, Tyrone became attached to the family, being around them a lot. Yet, Tyrone hasn't known a few secrets about the family. One day, when he was out with them, they would be jumped by masked individuals. Tyrone attempted to protect his brother, yet he failed to do so. Once he was found later on, his leg was missing. Tyrone rushed him to the ER, and the EMS took care of him. Once out of recovery, Tyrone demanded explanations. He was told that the Takada family had connections with a gang known as Rokuhara Tandai. After finding out, Tyrone begged to join it; there was no other option other than joining it. Tyrone was forced to KO people, fight with them, even cut off limbs, and murder. Tyrone grew angry towards people who had hurt his brother, attempting to pay them back for the crimes they'd committed, but a realization came to Tyrone’s head: "He became one of them, hurting other people." Tyrone has tried to quit the life of a criminal, but it was hard to do so, being associated with a crime family. After some time, Rokuhara Tandai unexpectedly disbanded for no known reasons. Tyrone could finally rest from the life of a criminal. After around a year, a new gang was created by a higher-up in Takada, "Black Dragons." Tyrone was once again asked to join BD; he couldn't decline the offer because the higher-ups were his brothers. He’d joined the gang but wasn't as contributing to it as he was to Rokuhara Tandai. After some time, Tyrone decided to quietly quit Black Dragons, attempting to rehabilitate himself in the community once again.
When Tyrone was now 27, he would be sitting in his apartment, living off of his allowance. He got a bit hungry, so he decided to go out on a walk to a local shop. Whilst on the way there, he noticed a group of delinquents bullying a younger kid on school grounds, when a caretaker was behind the corner, scrolling on his phone, ignoring the miscellaneous screams coming from the direction of the incident. Tyrone then went to the principal of the Karakura High School to report the caretaker, yet the principal said:
"There's no proof of this happening, so sadly we cant do anything about it..."
Then something hit Tyrone... The urge to fix all of the problems of the modern school system, he decided to apply to become a Receptionist, to maybe help out the kids in need. He decided to apply as a Receptionist, because from when he was in the High School and College, he remembered that all of the incidents happened in the front side of the school, since most of the students spent their time there.
"Hey, are there any free spots as a receptionist?" - Tyrone said to the principal
"Uhh... Not now, but we're planning on kicking some people out, due to inactivity..." - answered the principal - "Why?"
"Could you hand me the application form, please?" - he said, with a serious tone in his voice
"Uhh... Sure!" - said the principal, with excitement heard in his voice, followed by a little bit of a worried tone, knowing well Tyrone from when he used to attend the college.
The principal would now ride with his chair towards a big cabinet filled with paperwork to the brim. After a few seconds of scattering inside of it, he would pull out 3 pieces of paper, before getting up from his chair, walking up to the desk, and taking out a stapler, stapling the 3 pieces of paper together.
"Hand me over the paperwork, when you're done filling it out." - said the principal. "Good luck, Tyrone."
"Thank you, sir." - said Tyrone, before walking out of the principal's room.
Tyrone, a few days later, would come back to the school, wanting to hand over the application to the principal but- someone, stopped him before walking in.
"The principal isn't here today." - said a voice, coming from behind.
As Tyrone turned around, he noticed an unfamiliar face... someone who he has never seen.
"I'm the vice-principal, you can hand me the paperwork, I'll make sure to hand it to the principal"
"Uhh... Sure." - said Tyrone, with an unsure voice, walking up to the vice-principals desk, handing the paperwork to them.
"Okay, I'll make sure the principal sees this." - vice-principal answered.
"Goodbye." - answered Tyrone, with a straight face seen on his face.
Here was now Tyrone, awaiting for the results of the application to come on his email.
After waiting more than a month for the application results, Tyrone finally go an answer. He would slowly open the results email… before noticing a big, green text in the middle, which read…
After finally getting accepted into a job, Tyrone was proud of himself. He started the work as a Receptionist, yet after 2 months, Tyrone realized that this job wasn't for him and didn't fit him very well… So he decided to switch up to a Caretaker, which fit him alot better, after all he’s got a history of breaking rules in school, knows how the students act in certain situations, and knows where they hide from the faculty. He would try the best of himself at the job, and it certainly worked out. He had made a lot of friends at work, not only fellow coworkers with whom he could speak freely, but also the students, who looked up to Tyrone, listened to him and understood him. Tyrone didn't instantly try to resolve a problem with SLT, he tried to speak with the students, and make sure they know that if they continue to break the rules, someone else will not be as nice as me, and will instantly go to SLT to report them. After around 5 months of working at the school, Tyrone would quit the job, to find something new, a new job, something that would interest him as much as Caretaker did. After looking, he found a similar job to the one he had earlier… There, you had to take care of the city, protect the people of it, catch rulebreakers, and make sure it's safe… Tyrone would take his time to write an application to the Karakura Police Department, where he’d start an interview with the commissioner…
When Tyrone was now 27, he would be sitting in his apartment, living off of his allowance. He got a bit hungry, so he decided to go out on a walk to a local shop. Whilst on the way there, he noticed a group of delinquents bullying a younger kid on school grounds, when a caretaker was behind the corner, scrolling on his phone, ignoring the miscellaneous screams coming from the direction of the incident. Tyrone then went to the principal of the Karakura High School to report the caretaker, yet the principal said:
"There's no proof of this happening, so sadly we cant do anything about it..."
Then something hit Tyrone... The urge to fix all of the problems of the modern school system, he decided to apply to become a Receptionist, to maybe help out the kids in need. He decided to apply as a Receptionist, because from when he was in the High School and College, he remembered that all of the incidents happened in the front side of the school, since most of the students spent their time there.
"Hey, are there any free spots as a receptionist?" - Tyrone said to the principal
"Uhh... Not now, but we're planning on kicking some people out, due to inactivity..." - answered the principal - "Why?"
"Could you hand me the application form, please?" - he said, with a serious tone in his voice
"Uhh... Sure!" - said the principal, with excitement heard in his voice, followed by a little bit of a worried tone, knowing well Tyrone from when he used to attend the college.
The principal would now ride with his chair towards a big cabinet filled with paperwork to the brim. After a few seconds of scattering inside of it, he would pull out 3 pieces of paper, before getting up from his chair, walking up to the desk, and taking out a stapler, stapling the 3 pieces of paper together.
"Hand me over the paperwork, when you're done filling it out." - said the principal. "Good luck, Tyrone."
"Thank you, sir." - said Tyrone, before walking out of the principal's room.
Tyrone, a few days later, would come back to the school, wanting to hand over the application to the principal but- someone, stopped him before walking in.
"The principal isn't here today." - said a voice, coming from behind.
As Tyrone turned around, he noticed an unfamiliar face... someone who he has never seen.
"I'm the vice-principal, you can hand me the paperwork, I'll make sure to hand it to the principal"
"Uhh... Sure." - said Tyrone, with an unsure voice, walking up to the vice-principals desk, handing the paperwork to them.
"Okay, I'll make sure the principal sees this." - vice-principal answered.
"Goodbye." - answered Tyrone, with a straight face seen on his face.
Here was now Tyrone, awaiting for the results of the application to come on his email.
After waiting more than a month for the application results, Tyrone finally go an answer. He would slowly open the results email… before noticing a big, green text in the middle, which read…
After finally getting accepted into a job, Tyrone was proud of himself. He started the work as a Receptionist, yet after 2 months, Tyrone realized that this job wasn't for him and didn't fit him very well… So he decided to switch up to a Caretaker, which fit him alot better, after all he’s got a history of breaking rules in school, knows how the students act in certain situations, and knows where they hide from the faculty. He would try the best of himself at the job, and it certainly worked out. He had made a lot of friends at work, not only fellow coworkers with whom he could speak freely, but also the students, who looked up to Tyrone, listened to him and understood him. Tyrone didn't instantly try to resolve a problem with SLT, he tried to speak with the students, and make sure they know that if they continue to break the rules, someone else will not be as nice as me, and will instantly go to SLT to report them. After around 5 months of working at the school, Tyrone would quit the job, to find something new, a new job, something that would interest him as much as Caretaker did. After looking, he found a similar job to the one he had earlier… There, you had to take care of the city, protect the people of it, catch rulebreakers, and make sure it's safe… Tyrone would take his time to write an application to the Karakura Police Department, where he’d start an interview with the commissioner…
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, a citizen can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. If one is found with a pocket knife, they could end up with the minimum sentence of 3 months for Possession of Illegal Weaponry."
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"Here’s a small list of the medical items that don’t require a prescription:
- Melatonin
- Multivitamins
- Iron Supplements
- Cough Syrup
- Paracetamol"
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"If I were to ever notice my co-worker physically abusing an inmate, I’d make sure the cameras have a visible view of it happening, if not I’d next make sure no object is obstructing my bodycam from noticing the situation, next thing I would do is make sure that they’re actually abusing the inmate, and not just self-defending themselves from an aggressive prisoner. After making sure, that it is 100% abuse, I’d try to distract the co-worker away, to speak with them about their behavior, and what they’ve done, later I’d speak with the inmate, on what has happened beforehand in there. After getting answers from both sides of the story, I’d instantly contact my higher-ups, to speak about the behavior of my coworker."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"If I were to ever see my co-worker being attacked by other individuals, the first and most obvious thing I’d do, is to jump into the fight, as to protect them from being hurt. Instead of directly attacking the assaulter, I’d try to pull them away from the interaction, letting them unholster their taser, to stun the individual, or try to pacify them. If none of that works as planned, and they still try to attack us, we’d be forced to take out or batons, and try to counter-assault them, in self-defense. We’d also make sure that our body-cams are online and are connected to the cloud storage, as to have video evidence of them assaulting police officers. If we were to pacify them, or disarm them from weapons of any sorts, we would put them in cuffs and arrest them for assaulting a police officer."
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Instead of instantly reporting them to the higher-ups, I’d try to collect as much evidence as I can over a few days, as to have enough proof of him, and on the criminal organization which he is helping, as to ‘’kill two birds with one stone’’. Once I’ve got enough proof of the corruption, I’d put it all onto a pendrive, before handing it over to a higher-up, which I can trust, so a Commissioner. Once I hand it over, I’ll let them know I don’t want to be affiliated with this whole action, and that I want to stay anonymous."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"If I were to detain or arrest someone, and they attempted to bribe me with, for example, money, then I’d make sure my body-camera catches the whole situation, and then try to “go along” with the whole situation, as to get the most proof I can get. If the criminal was to go along, and offer me a price, I’d instantly deny that request, and throw in a Bribery offense on top of the other offense he has committed. There is a chance that the criminal will try to defend himself, saying that he didn't do anything, but I’ll let him know that I have a body-cam and that it always records."
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