Level 32
IGN: Sxtanic
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Plushie on a lead "Shreky" (I want to change the name to the name I ordered it to be )
EVIDENCE: Screenshots attached, Yonio modeled.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: when I purchased and ordered this custom, I asked for it to be called "Shrexy" however it was named "Shreky". If I could please have the name changed to what I first asked then that would be awesome please! :)
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Plushie on a lead "Shreky" (I want to change the name to the name I ordered it to be )
EVIDENCE: Screenshots attached, Yonio modeled.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: when I purchased and ordered this custom, I asked for it to be called "Shrexy" however it was named "Shreky". If I could please have the name changed to what I first asked then that would be awesome please! :)