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Fix Suggestion for Sidewalk Vehicles!


Level 63
What's your Minecraft Username?: Oliverium
What's the title of your suggestion?: Fix Suggestion for Sidewalk Vehicles!

What's your suggestion?:
As a caretaker, I get to drive the school bus. Why this relevant? Because it's physically impossible for the bus to drive on the side walk! This is genius, allowing me to park on the side of the road at bus stops. This feature should be added for all vehicles (except bicycles).

Make it so cars and motorbikes physically can't drive onto the sidewalks. The curbs should physically stop your car/motorbike.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
1. No more side walk spamming messages!
2. Makes it easier to park on the side of the road to drop off people/pick them up if you're driving with friends
3. Easier time for bad drivers + people with turbo engines
4. More realistic visually than getting stuck on the sidewalk on accident.


Level 7
What's your Minecraft Username?: Oliverium
What's the title of your suggestion?: Fix Suggestion for Sidewalk Vehicles!

What's your suggestion?:
As a caretaker, I get to drive the school bus. Why this relevant? Because it's physically impossible for the bus to drive on the side walk! This is genius, allowing me to park on the side of the road at bus stops. This feature should be added for all vehicles (except bicycles).

Make it so cars and motorbikes physically can't drive onto the sidewalks. The curbs should physically stop your car/motorbike.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
1. No more side walk spamming messages!
2. Makes it easier to park on the side of the road to drop off people/pick them up if you're driving with friends
3. Easier time for bad drivers + people with turbo engines
4. More realistic visually than getting stuck on the sidewalk on accident.

Would be great as it would also prevent your car from getting stuck on those corners and having to travel half the street backwards just to be able to go forward again!

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