IGN: Flame_18
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mustang GT500 Otachi, Sunglasses "maverick", Duffle bag "Spraygrounds", Ballistic face mask and Katana
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: About the glasses i am really unsure if that is their name, I do not know the name of the specific ballistic I had but if I get a normal one I wouldn't complain, I'm unsure about the ruling with weapons for the katana, I was playing basketball when the whole server crashed and so did my game i got no chance to get a medal replay, when i logged back in i was inside the court with the leather outfit, when i walked off i still had it and i did not get my items back. (if im not able to get some stuf thats 100% fine but i would appreciate it)
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Mustang GT500 Otachi, Sunglasses "maverick", Duffle bag "Spraygrounds", Ballistic face mask and Katana