players online

Fleur Lupin


Level 1
Fleur Lupin

Basic Information

First Name: Fleur
Surname: Lupin

Preferred Name: Fleur

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'0

Build: slim

Skin Color: pale ivory

Eye Color: grey/black

Hair Style: straight

Hair Color: black

Fashion: black clothing

Abnormalities: sometimes speaks in French instead of English

Date of Birth: 7/19/2004

Place of Birth: France

Nationality: French

Sexual Orientation: straight

General Appearance

Appearance: almost always wears black

Personality: friendly

Diseases/Illness: none

Character Voice:
friendly and welcoming

school bag containing things

Clothes: black

Hobbies: sketching

Skills: sketching

Family: Fleur is very secretive of her family
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