Level 22
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): FlamingSlushee (I don't plan on changing this, at least not soon)
Previous bans:
I don't have any previous bans.
Describe your activity on the server:
I like to think that I spend a fairly large amount of time on this server. I am usually able to play on the server from around 4pm to 10pm weekdays, depending on homework or other school related occupations. On the weekends, however, I can usually play more often spanning from around 12pm to 12am depending on my plans. I've played for a little over 20 days of playing time throughout my accounts and I feel as if I'll play more.(CST)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I'm fairly active on each of the discord servers, even if not discussing still looking over, seeing what's new and following whats happening with the server even if I'm not on. Even then though I reply to all that I feel comfortable to reply to. My tag on discord is (sleepy boi#2006) and I feel as if I'll keep this name, at least for a little while
Do you have a microphone?
Yes I have a microphone and I'm fairly comfortable using it. i'm aware that on occasion using a microphone and being able to discuss with the other members is a necessity and I see myself as fairly outgoing and willing to do so.
IGN (In Game Name): FlamingSlushee (I don't plan on changing this, at least not soon)
Previous bans:
I don't have any previous bans.
Describe your activity on the server:
I like to think that I spend a fairly large amount of time on this server. I am usually able to play on the server from around 4pm to 10pm weekdays, depending on homework or other school related occupations. On the weekends, however, I can usually play more often spanning from around 12pm to 12am depending on my plans. I've played for a little over 20 days of playing time throughout my accounts and I feel as if I'll play more.(CST)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I'm fairly active on each of the discord servers, even if not discussing still looking over, seeing what's new and following whats happening with the server even if I'm not on. Even then though I reply to all that I feel comfortable to reply to. My tag on discord is (sleepy boi#2006) and I feel as if I'll keep this name, at least for a little while
Do you have a microphone?
Yes I have a microphone and I'm fairly comfortable using it. i'm aware that on occasion using a microphone and being able to discuss with the other members is a necessity and I see myself as fairly outgoing and willing to do so.
List your current and past applications:
- Councillor application (Accepted)
- Spanish application (Accepted)
- Police cadet application (Pending response)
As I have stated to many people I wish to become more involved with SchoolRP and I plan to apply for more roles soon if I'm not enlisted into this one.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have many reasons why I wish to be a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. First off, I wish to be able to help the people even whenever not as many people are on. I commonly play late and by that time not a lot of people are on, police included. I often see no police online at all and I feel like being a cadet would just motivate me to be online even more often and provide a more stable Karakura. Another strong motivation for me to apply for police force would be my uncle. My uncle is a police cadet and I admire him more than anyone else I know. I feel that becoming part of the police force would serve as an amazing outlet for my overlying message to help people when they need help and to care for Karakura and it's citizens. I feel that due to police not being on during late hours has led to a increase in uncontested gangRP which I don't find fair to people who have an earlier time zone and are only able to play during the hours when only a few players are on. I feel as if I would be able to help these people more often and help them to have a more enjoyable experience whole they're playing on the SchoolRP server.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to look over and gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I'm aware of the differences whereas the laws might not all be the same and I've been sure to look over them so I can best suit the role.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of
Captain or Chief
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have a fairly strong knowledge of police work simply by examining the police that I see in my everyday life. My high school especially has well prepared me with knowledge of police work and the actions that they take. My uncle is among the police force, and he has taught me most of what I know and about what his job entails. I'm aware that the job is a dangerous one to have and that anything could go wrong, however depending on the type of police their duties can range from a large variety of events. Most importantly police are meant to protect and assist the people. These actions can be as little as controlling traffic but another common reason police take action is due to calls for help. A police officers most important job though is simply to help the community.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are essential to SchoolRP because they add a sense of protection. Police can be seen as the main combatant to gangRP and keeping it from going out of hand. The police help to protect Karakura and its citizens. Realistically as well, it wouldn't make sense for a densely gang related area to not have a police force. Not only going against gangRP though, police are simply a form of assisting Karakura and its citizens.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do. I'm aware that in any given point in time I could be demoted or kicked off of the police force, however I accept this and I will not go against them or blame their judgement.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My character is a decently built male standing at 6 feet tall with little to no fat on him but not a ton of muscle either. he'd weigh only 147lbs. Nate would have dark red hair, highlighting his dark grey eyes. What would make Nate unique is just how far he'd go for friends and family. Even in putting himself in danger, Nate still puts himself out there to try and protect the people he loves and cares about. Nate, recklessly charging in to protect his friends, had an eye scooped out and would have a glass eye as a replacement along with scars on his eye. Nate's most underlying personality would be his overall perseverance. Throughout his life, he had always made promises, and made sure to see them through. When his mother died, he promised to himself he wouldn't let that happen to another loved one and has been working his hardest to make keep that promise.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On and off the job you'd find Nate upholding essentially the same standards. Nate, even when off duty, has always been one to help others. Whether helping someone is as small as a simple favor, you'd find Nate there ready to help. He even went as far to join the council in high school to help to even further his passion to help others to comply with what they want life to be like. Often times you'll find Nate joking around but he is fully aware of when a time to joke around is and when you shouldn't be joking around. Nate is very passionate about almost any task he takes and doesn't let it go. Once Nate is given a task, he makes sure that that task completes and that he doesn't simply abandon something that he believes in.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Natsuo has always had a sense of respect toward everybody. Especially co-workers he recognizes the pain and the sacrifice they're willing to make and he admires them and their bravery. In the future, Natsuo plans to continue to work to help people no matter what path he goes down later on in life. Whether he helps as community service, helping the young of Karakura as a teacher, or simply helps them in his spare time, Natsuo will always help people in need.
Being born in a shanty town in Mexico, Natsuo has had a rough childhood. He grew up with little to no education having to focus on his mothers health for a majority of his time. At a young age though, his mother got murdered while she was out getting groceries. Natsuo took the blame upon himself for not being there to protect him, and to cope with the pain he and his father moved to Karakura Japan in hopes of a better life. Ever since getting there he continues to carry on his heritage and hopes to carve a path for a better future in a more protected society, which he hopes to assist in making that a reality by becoming a cadet and hopefully making Karakura a better place for the people he cares about.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Natsuo Saito (has no middle name)
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Saito
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name: Natsuo
Age: 27
Gender: male
Religious Denomination: Athiest
Marital Status: none
Nationality: American (United States)
Current Location: I currently live in an apartment I share with friends in the Kamakura shopping district.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Over his academic journey he accumulated 2 full years of training as well as summers between school years
Working Experience: Two semesters during college where he studied off campus with the police department from his home town.
Academic Degree: A bachelor degree with Human service
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Human Service
Native Languages: English and Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have many reasons why I wish to be a Karakura School Role-play police cadet. First off, I wish to be able to help the people even whenever not as many people are on. I commonly play late and by that time not a lot of people are on, police included. I often see no police online at all and I feel like being a cadet would just motivate me to be online even more often and provide a more stable Karakura. Another strong motivation for me to apply for police force would be my uncle. My uncle is a police cadet and I admire him more than anyone else I know. I feel that becoming part of the police force would serve as an amazing outlet for my overlying message to help people when they need help and to care for Karakura and it's citizens. I feel that due to police not being on during late hours has led to a increase in uncontested gangRP which I don't find fair to people who have an earlier time zone and are only able to play during the hours when only a few players are on. I feel as if I would be able to help these people more often and help them to have a more enjoyable experience whole they're playing on the SchoolRP server.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, before starting this application I made sure to look over and gain an understanding of the Japanese laws and Basic Conduct. I'm aware of the differences whereas the laws might not all be the same and I've been sure to look over them so I can best suit the role.
What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks from the highest power to lowest power consist of
Captain or Chief
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have a fairly strong knowledge of police work simply by examining the police that I see in my everyday life. My high school especially has well prepared me with knowledge of police work and the actions that they take. My uncle is among the police force, and he has taught me most of what I know and about what his job entails. I'm aware that the job is a dangerous one to have and that anything could go wrong, however depending on the type of police their duties can range from a large variety of events. Most importantly police are meant to protect and assist the people. These actions can be as little as controlling traffic but another common reason police take action is due to calls for help. A police officers most important job though is simply to help the community.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are essential to SchoolRP because they add a sense of protection. Police can be seen as the main combatant to gangRP and keeping it from going out of hand. The police help to protect Karakura and its citizens. Realistically as well, it wouldn't make sense for a densely gang related area to not have a police force. Not only going against gangRP though, police are simply a form of assisting Karakura and its citizens.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do. I'm aware that in any given point in time I could be demoted or kicked off of the police force, however I accept this and I will not go against them or blame their judgement.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My character is a decently built male standing at 6 feet tall with little to no fat on him but not a ton of muscle either. he'd weigh only 147lbs. Nate would have dark red hair, highlighting his dark grey eyes. What would make Nate unique is just how far he'd go for friends and family. Even in putting himself in danger, Nate still puts himself out there to try and protect the people he loves and cares about. Nate, recklessly charging in to protect his friends, had an eye scooped out and would have a glass eye as a replacement along with scars on his eye. Nate's most underlying personality would be his overall perseverance. Throughout his life, he had always made promises, and made sure to see them through. When his mother died, he promised to himself he wouldn't let that happen to another loved one and has been working his hardest to make keep that promise.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On and off the job you'd find Nate upholding essentially the same standards. Nate, even when off duty, has always been one to help others. Whether helping someone is as small as a simple favor, you'd find Nate there ready to help. He even went as far to join the council in high school to help to even further his passion to help others to comply with what they want life to be like. Often times you'll find Nate joking around but he is fully aware of when a time to joke around is and when you shouldn't be joking around. Nate is very passionate about almost any task he takes and doesn't let it go. Once Nate is given a task, he makes sure that that task completes and that he doesn't simply abandon something that he believes in.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Natsuo has always had a sense of respect toward everybody. Especially co-workers he recognizes the pain and the sacrifice they're willing to make and he admires them and their bravery. In the future, Natsuo plans to continue to work to help people no matter what path he goes down later on in life. Whether he helps as community service, helping the young of Karakura as a teacher, or simply helps them in his spare time, Natsuo will always help people in need.
Being born in a shanty town in Mexico, Natsuo has had a rough childhood. He grew up with little to no education having to focus on his mothers health for a majority of his time. At a young age though, his mother got murdered while she was out getting groceries. Natsuo took the blame upon himself for not being there to protect him, and to cope with the pain he and his father moved to Karakura Japan in hopes of a better life. Ever since getting there he continues to carry on his heritage and hopes to carve a path for a better future in a more protected society, which he hopes to assist in making that a reality by becoming a cadet and hopefully making Karakura a better place for the people he cares about.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Natsuo Saito (has no middle name)
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Saito
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name: Natsuo
Age: 27
Gender: male
Religious Denomination: Athiest
Marital Status: none
Nationality: American (United States)
Current Location: I currently live in an apartment I share with friends in the Kamakura shopping district.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Over his academic journey he accumulated 2 full years of training as well as summers between school years
Working Experience: Two semesters during college where he studied off campus with the police department from his home town.
Academic Degree: A bachelor degree with Human service
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Human Service
Native Languages: English and Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish
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