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Denied followingeden | Lore Team Application


Level 28


List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)
Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
I do have a working microphone, and I can speak via Discord.
Your time zone and current country of residence:
I currently live in the US, and I am within EST.
Link any previous community team applications if applicable:
Event Team | Denied
Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
I recognize that I could be removed from the community team anytime.
List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
Currently, I am not a part of any clubs, teams, or jobs ICly. OOCly, I am a full-time student, though, in the next month, I will be out of school for summer break. Even with school, I am pretty active on the server.
What makes you passionate about writing?:
While many discover their love for writing at an earlier stage, my own passion for writing was ignited later in life. To be truthful, I wouldn't label it as a passion, but rather a deep admiration for the opportunity to contribute to the historical narrative of familiar places through my words. I was always able to get great grades in my writing and research classes, but I never really noticed anything out of the ordinary with my writing. One day while reading Harry Potter, I realized that the universe expanded past the books. Harry Potter has lore and history that dates back to before 100 AD. I will admit that this next part is a little silly of me, but I realized that through fanfiction I could expand upon that lore. To summarize, my passion for writing was realized when I was reading Harry Potter, and I decided to write fanfiction.
Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I will admit, I have a bit of a fanfiction past that I am not exactly proud of. But in all fairness, I was pretty young at the time, just hitting double digits in age
In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore is history in a sense. It is the passage of knowledge through oral and written text. Lore is important in many different aspects of everyday life. Lore can be found all the way from school textbooks, to an animated TV show. Everyone can enjoy lore no matter what it is related to.


  1. You are expected to write in the third person and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

The unidentified individual fled from the KPD, turning every corner of the sewer in a desperate attempt to evade capture. Loud splashing echoed between the stone walls of the sewers, a result of heavy footfalls through pools of water lining the floor. It was a game of life or death for the man, and he did not plan on losing; time was racing against him, and he was ready to dance with the devil if it meant coming out victorious.

The individual, in keeping with the style of many criminals in Karakura, was attired entirely in black clothing. His countenance was concealed by a mask bearing the visage of a demonic spirit. A trio of officers, each armed with a Glock-17, trailed the individual. Among the group, a dark-haired gentleman appeared to be the de facto leader. The officer's countenance spoke volumes of his occupation's toll on him, with pronounced bags beneath his eyes disheveled from long hours spent on the job.

"Cease and desist at once!" the commanding officer bellowed, just managing to utter the words before the individual disappeared around yet another bend in the labyrinthine sewers. Without missing a beat, the trio followed suit, their firearms angled towards the ground, fingers poised on the trigger. As the officers rounded the turn, they were faced with a dead end. The individual they had been relentlessly chasing had vanished into thin air. Despite their tireless search, the fugitive remained elusive. The three officers paused for a moment, their hearts pounding with fear, wondering if the man was still lurking in the shadows.

The police officers were unaware that the man they were pursuing had not yet vacated the sewers. A cry for assistance echoed through the tunnels, originating from the smallest officer of the group - a diminutive woman with striking orange hair. The group immediately recognized the retired detective upon sight, though the details of his resignation remained shrouded in mystery and known only to the leading officer. The man had his hand firmly wrapped around her neck, his fingers digging into her pale skin. In his other hand, he held the very gun that had been pressed against her temple. She was clearly in great distress, her face twisted in pain and fear, her eyes wide with terror.

"Release her at once, Ito," the leading officer said in a low, urgent voice. With a clear line of sight to the man's face, he could now provide a detailed description. The suspect was a rough-looking Japanese man with light stubble covering his jawline, and heavy bags underneath his eyes. The two remaining officers had their guns held at a perpendicular angle to their bodies, their postures tall and poised to strike if necessary. Their eyes remained locked on the suspect and his captive, their focus unbroken despite the tense situation unfolding before them.

His hands maintained a tight grip around the officer's neck as he spoke, his voice emanating a low and menacing tone. "You know what I want, Kurasaki," he growled. "And you know why I want it." The sewers fell silent as the tension mounted, the only sound the soft gasps of the officer struggling to breathe under Ito's iron grip. Without moving a single body muscle, the third officer spoke up, “What in the hell is he talking about?”

Kurasaki's quick reflexes and steady aim served him well. As he exhaled slowly, he saw Ito's grip on the woman loosen just enough for him to pull the trigger. The bullet embedded itself deep into the criminal’s flesh, a strangled cry tearing out of his throat as the gun slipped from his twitching fingers. The clatter of it falling to the floor reverberated within the sewer tunnel, accompanied by a raspy breath as his other arm released the hostage. The woman, visibly shaken and with a pallid complexion, stumbled away from the scene in a state of terror. The officers sprang into action, swiftly restraining Ito, who was now writhing on the ground in agony.

Kurasaki approached her with a calm demeanor despite the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. The hat that she once wore sat beside her. Her face, once adorned with makeup, now appeared ruined due to the presence of sweat and tears. He inquired about her well-being and scanned her for any signs of injury. The officer, still reeling from the experience, nodded in response and was directed to sit on a nearby ledge. Ito was thoroughly searched for any additional weapons or associates before he was handcuffed and escorted away by the officers.

(739 Words; 4,333 Characters)

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

The spirits of early Karakura danced in the dawn light, their vibrant colors and graceful movements a testament to their inherent beauty. The priest and maidens of Shinsei Seinaru Monastery remembered this mystical time fondly when the spirits and the landscape fused in perfect harmony. Among the many spirits that called Karakura home, there was a select group that claimed the mountain upon which the shrine now stands. These spirits possessed a unique energy that set them apart from the others, and their presence could still be felt in the air.

The oldest member of the shrine staff was always delighted in sharing a story that he deemed, “as old as time”. It revolves around a captivating spirit by the name of Chihaya-Yamatsumi, who once stood amongst the ranks of the leaders.

Chihaya-Yamatsumi manifested in a stunning form, with a towering stature that commanded attention. Her appearance was a riot of colors, with vibrant hues intermingling to create a breathtaking sight. Her beauty knew no limits, leaving others to gaze upon her with rapturous looks. Due to her remarkable appearance, The Spirit was believed to have formed a connection with many individuals in the early days of Karakura. Chihaya-Yamatsumi's influence in early Karakura extended far beyond her striking appearance. She was widely regarded as the leader of the mountain spirits, who were believed to stand guard over the surrounding area.

On one faithful day, Chihaya-Yamatsumi felt something wrong within the forest. A sense of unease marked times of misfortune. The villagers began to take notice of markings on the trees surrounding their village, and it seemed as if the land was being mapped out by someone or something. News from neighboring villages reached the most respected elders of the village, who came from the most prestigious clans. Western travelers had just recently arrived on Japan's coastline, and while the other men went into the wilderness promising to gather supplies and materials for the village, a small group of them was taken in by a nearby village, only to discover it was a facade.

The group that stayed behind brought an arsenal of strange weapons that the early Japanese had never seen with them. A shocking accusation was made by a village daughter against one of the men, claiming he hurt her with a weapon. As word got out, things got worse, and the accused and the villagers ended up fighting. The formerly friendly locals soon developed a fear of the strange men and their unusual weapons, which caused a quick change in the group's fortunes. This resulted in banishment from the village.

The two groups stumbled upon each other once again, but their reunion was marred by a sense of bitterness and resentment stemming from the rude expulsion from the village. Fueled by their rage and thirst for retribution, the groups opted to utilize their skills in conquest, culminating in a decision to undertake Japan for themselves.

Several months elapsed before the men returned, armed with an impressive armada of ships. Unfortunately, the men made an error in their return to Japan, ending up in Karakura instead of their intended destination the village. They were driven by an unyielding sense of purpose, an unwavering desire to conquer, and a willingness to take whatever steps were necessary to achieve their goals.

The priest would always abruptly stop his story there, the threat of misfortune looming overhead like a storm cloud. Paranoia ran through the priests and maidens, worry that the vengeful spirit wishing to seek out those who dare speak of her past was potent in the atmosphere. Some say the rest of the story was lost to time, its details allegedly having been destroyed by Chihaya-Yamatsumi herself; leaving behind only bloody rumors and gossip among the townspeople as to what occurred during that time.

Perhaps the secrets may never be uncovered, the ending of the story left up for the interpretation of the reader. Nevertheless, Chihaya-Yamatsumi's existence and her co-existence with the timeline of Karakura remain a source of mystery, no matter how much discussion is generated upon the matter.

(679 Words; 4,133 Characters)


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Level 120
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
Unfortunately, we do not find you suitable due to your current history on the server.​

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