SchoolRP Forum Rules
Breaking any of these rules will result in either punishment on either your forum/discord/minecraft account. Any rules listed primarily towards forum posts will simply result in the posts' deletion.
Breaking any of these rules will result in either punishment on either your forum/discord/minecraft account. Any rules listed primarily towards forum posts will simply result in the posts' deletion.
1. Do not post any illegal content, threats of violence, NSFW content (18+ content).
2. No racism, flaming or discrimination towards others.
3. Keep posts civilized, swearing is allowed, however do not abuse this privilege.
4. No advertising or 'spam.' This includes
4.1 Other server IP Addresses.
4.2 Irrelevant links to places that have no contribution to the forums, or advertising of products.
4.3 Any posts containing content from other Minecraft servers.
5. Do not post your, or others, personal contact information.
6. Do not double-post, triple-post or quad-post (also known as chain-posting.) Edit your previous post in a thread instead.
7. Do not complain about a rating you have received to a user.
8. Do not necro-post (reply to a thread that is older than 1 month [unless it is still relevant]).
9. Do not spam the forums.
10. Primarily use English in the forums, and not any other language.
11. Give threads relevant titles, and be sure to post the threads in the correct category.
12. Only reply to threads if you have something relevant/meaningful to say, do not reply to threads with one-liners such as 'ok.'
13. Do not create alternate accounts to bypass a forum ban.
14. Do not post malicious content, links or software.
15. Do not link administrative or private stuff related to the forum.
16. Do not have a obscene/NSFW avatar or banner.
17. Do not create posts that are designed to instigate drama or to seek attention at all, e.g When leaving the community or taking a small break you are more than free to do so without creating a large document regarding it on our forum space.