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Accepted fourmis2020 Nurse App


Level 2
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP has been growing ever since I restarted playing it from quitting back in 2017. I have been active a lot and I plan on keeping that activity going for as long as I can. I play around like 2-3 and more hours on the week days and the week end I am on for a while.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned nor warned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I do acknowledge that.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
I am applying for the Employee that takes care of students when they get hurt, they provide aid to them and care for the students well being along with health.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Most of my experience when it comes to SRP is combatRP, crimeRP, romanceRP and detailRP. I've been focusing on trying to get better at all of them when it comes to SRP but now I want to experience other kind of RP's, which is the main reason why I am applying For nurse!

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I chose to join the School Employee Faction because I felt like it is a great place to start off with to learn more things when it comes to Roleplaying. I have had my fair share with crimeRP, gangRP and such and I will continue to do those but I feel like it would be better if I also introduced more thing's to one of my characters, making him a nurse was what I aimed for since I already know I wouldn't do an amazing job at all the other Options I have.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: Language apps:
[Awaiting Answer.]
[Accepted!] (When I actually started to understand how to do detailRP and good backstories)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12 Highschooler.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: My character would react calmly, there is no point on him to get angry at a student. He'd ask them to stop swearing and to be more Polite. Acting like this isn't a good look to them and there is no reason to Cuss him out for doing his job or just being a person in general.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: My character would step between the two before giving out warning to stop, he does not want them to get even more physical than what they have done. After getting in front of them he'd ask them to separate themself and take a few steps back from each other, after doing so he will hand out a detention slip to each of them before sending them both to the nurses office for their possible wounds.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: My character would call them out for it, not yelling it out, just calling them out for what they are doing can harm other people and isn't professional at all and he can easily get punished for doing so. If the Employee stops he'd just keep an eye on him making sure it won't happen again. If he continues my character will be forced to attempt and stop him before they harm anyone else and warn them to SLT or anyone in charge.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? My character act's like he normally would, knowing all of them there are Adults and mature he doesn't have much to worry about a fight breaking out or anything, it will be the place where he hangs out talking to the other teachers and chill around when he doesn't have anything to do.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me (Student Having A Breakdown)

Quickly running to a student that was having a break down, Vahalo gets on his knee hugging them immediately before telling them "Hey hey, it's okay kid, calm down." Rubbing the side of their arm. He'd than sit down in front of them still hugging them he'd say "Focus on your breathing for me alright? You need to calm down." He'd say in a quiet and calm voice. Pulling them closer making sure they don't go anywhere in this state. "Take deep breaths alright, it's ok." He says rubbing their back this time. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He say's as calm is he can, giving them comfort and company was all he could do at this time
/me (Head Injury)
Grabbing some Gauze and a Bandage roll, Vahalo swiftly prepares everything before rushing over to the injured student that was bleeding due to a head injury. "This is going to sting, alright?" He says in a soft tone, waiting a moment for the student to prepare themselves, he than applies the gauze to his wound. "Hold tight to it please." He says before turning to his side grabbing the bandage roll, quickly wrapping the head wound with the bandage roll he'd make sure it was tight enough to prevent any discomfort and swelling. After wrapping the wound were Vahalo felt satisfied enough he'd take out scissors snipping the bandage before taking everything back to its rightful place. Before walking back he'd take a flashlight to check the students Pupil with a light to see if they had a concussion, after wards Vahalo goes to put the light back, walking back to the injured student with a little present to cheer them up. "I got you a little something, I hope you aren't allergic, if you are I can get you something else." He says handing him a cookie.

/me (Allergic Reaction)
seeing the student having an allergic reaction Vahalo quickly runs into the office grabbing an EpiPen. Running back to the student Vahalo lift's their pants before telling them "This is gonna sting" quickly putting the EpiPen in their leg. After the fluid goes into the student he removes the EpiPen setting it on the side. He'd get up before dialling the emergency number to get EMS at the school to get the student medical care. After he called them he sits down next to the student checking their pulse and symptoms. Putting them on their back he lift's his leg up. Checking constantly to see if he is breathing correctly until EMS arrives.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
My name is Vahalo Kojima
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
I'd prefer to be addressed as Mr. Vahalo, thought Mr. alone or Mr. Kojima is quite alright.

Age (Minimum is 25):
29 years old.
I am a Male.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Science
Biology, Science, Physics


Known Languages:

Growing up on an Island called Fiji, Vahalo moved at a young age of Three years old to Karakura. When he moved there his Mother worked in the government as a lawyer and his Father as a teacher art teacher at the high school. His father used to teach him how to draw and how to use his imagination to his fullest while his mother kept him away from breaking the law. When Vahalo reached the age of Eight his parents were killed in a car crash. After that experience he went into depression when he got therapy for about a year and went through rehab. After he was released he was sent to an Orphanage. When he became Eleven, the Kojima family took him in, Vahalo would go on with his education before doing things he is not proud of due to all that had happened when he was a child, he broke what his mother thought him and broke some law getting himself arrest. After facing consequences for his actions and spending some time away he'd lay low going back to rehab to become a better person. After a many months he finally gets out. Continuing his education he finally knows what he wanted to become, focusing on the more scientific side, the thing Vahalo liked the most after rehab was helping people, Vahalo graduated with a Bachelor of Science. Finally grateful of himself at succeeding and getting his life back together he still had to do some things. Getting enough money he buys an apartment that he is able to sustain. He get's to know people though out his time and gets a hold of them, finally catching up. After a couple months Vahalo finally decides he needs to use the Bachelor he obtain and apply for a job.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
After my bad past and past actions.. I wanted to get my life back and fix it once more, taking one step at a time going through rehab and getting my Bachelor I wanted to have use for it. After my rehab that I had a couple years back I wanted to start helping people. Knowing that going straight to EMS was not the bests of choice I am shooting my shot of applying to become a Nurse and help out the students. I might not seem like the greatest of guys looking back at what I have done but, I have paid my time and gotten help to put my life back together brick by brick.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I feel like I should be accepted over the other Applicants due to my motivation I currently have for SRP. For the past few months I finally decided that I wanted to grow more into SRP due to mostly boredom but I also thought it would be also fun for myself and a way to grow my creativity. Sadly I'm not a "known" person in SRP but for my small time that I've been here I've grown a lot more than what I was planning on doing, I found RP subjects that I enjoyed a lot and met countless people. And I still want to grow into the RP categories that I can do and such I am fully motivated on taking a bigger role in SRP, it might not be a big role since it is Nurse, but it will be a new experience and a big step to my RP's, it will be a bit of a journey and new experience if I get accepted and I am willing to take that big step.

Another reason why I should get accepted is the time I have! Even if school is creeping around the corner I know knowing the past few years even if school should of taken most of my time it didn't, I did mostly focus on school and my education but I still had hours to spend afterwards. And knowing that I am certain that even if I might be occupied during the day with school I will have spare hours to spend my time RP as a Nurse and play on SRP. Due to some reasons and political things I can't work at the moment since the government did up the age by one year when I was planning on working.. But now that it already happened I still have a bit less than a year of free time, but knowing that when I work my work time wont be as long as some people older than me, which makes it so I have a tone of time in my hands and since I don't have anything else to put it I am willing to dedicate some of it to SRP!


Additional notes about your application:

Not sure if I will want the character Vahalo to be 29 or in his 30's yet. (Most likely around 34-38 if I do change my mind)

Do you have any questions?:
Not at the moment, might have questions in the future IF I get accepted.
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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