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Frenzyyy | Performing Arts Teacher Application


Level 3

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Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes and will be happy to voice-chat whenever needed.

What is your time zone?:
British Summer Time.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge this and can assure you that I will be able to be active on the server.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am really active here on SchoolRP. I am online every day as my job entails working from home, this meaning that I can and am extremely active in game. I get on when I wake up and pretty much am on throughout the day, excluding eating time, trips out, etc.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
frenzyyy - [Grade-12][Baseball]
frenzyyy - [Grade-12] (Applying)


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Performing Arts.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
To begin answering this question, I want to express my love for Performing Arts. I have studied acting most of my life and have performed in some plays and gained experience through different clubs in life. During college, I studied acting and after leaving, I came back as an assistant teacher to help direct the college performances. From this, I have gained such a passion for the subject and a passion for teaching it, that I have considered this as a future job opportunity for me. Here, I would love to explore ways in teaching, create a fun environment to learn in and increase my skills in this area. I am motivated by my pure love and passion for this subject and sharing it with others, showing people that they can express themselves in any creative way they choose. Creativity for me is a huge thing, it is an outlet, a way to express emotion, feelings and storytelling. My motivation for becoming a teacher is to share this with others, to encourage creativity, to show people another path that they could take in life that isn't necessarily books and lectures. This server is in fact a roleplay server, however the things taught on here can actually be useful in life for a lot of people. With this subject in mind, the classes taught would be about inspiring creativity, bringing out the confidence that people have within and allowing people to have fun while expressing themselves.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
It is understood that I will be applying for the role of unqualified teacher. This is the first role as a teacher, you continue on with training for confidence, behavioural management and gaining respect from students.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand that if accepted, I will undergo teacher training and will attend with a positive attitude and a determined mind.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs are recorded to trace how many classes have been taught by a teacher for the out of character month. This is to ensure that each teacher is getting the correct amount paid for their work, ensure that each teacher is keeping up to their set quota (10 classes a month) and for senior teachers to check to see that each member of the team are doing their job actively.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Some rules that would be enforced in my classroom are as followed.

No vulgar language used.
Any vulgar language deemed inappropriate in my classroom will not be tolerated. We speak with a polite and respectful attitude to every student that comes in. Students are expected to follow the school rules here and any bad language will be handled accordingly.

No mobile devices.
Mobile devices are a main cause of distraction, all students are asked to switch off phones when coming into the classroom, so we can focus on the lesson at hand. There will be no texting, calling or distracting others with phones.

Conduct and attitude.
Students are expected to conduct themselves around the classroom in a civil and polite way. There will be a zero tolerance for bullying, fighting, talking over one and another and hateful behaviour. The classroom is a safe space for all students to learn and sit in without any fear of others taking away their opportunities. All students should be in their seats and raise their hands to speak. This allows everybody to have a fair chance at speaking, answering questions and talking. Any rule breaking of this will result in further punishment.

Eating or drinking.
This is a classroom, not a lunchroom. All food is to be eaten in your own time, not mine. The classroom is a place for learning, the teacher will not pull out a sandwich and start eating it in front of the class, so neither should anybody else.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying a lot of my life in different forms. For example, I used to play a Harry Potter roleplay server on Minecraft. One of my first experiences roleplaying was joining a School Roleplay using discord. There would be different channels for classrooms, areas of school, etc. In here I learned a lot about different types of roleplay, how to roleplay in different scenarios and fell in love with it. Over time I have been roleplaying on many different servers and have found a love for SchoolRP due to the serious roleplay atmosphere. It has a controlled roleplay environment. The way CriminalRP is handled, the use of FearRP is one of my favourite things as it makes it realistic and enjoyable. On here, I have roleplayed on a sports team, attended classes to roleplay in and been in different scenarios that have made me fall in love with roleplaying more!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department
↳ Description:
The head of a department is a teacher in charge of that specific department. For example, there is a Head of Performing Arts. This role is to ensure all teachers in this department are meeting their quotas, acting in a way that represents the school well and is doing a good job at teaching. They also are there for teacher support, this is to answer any questions they may have, help in different ways towards lesson planning and training other teachers around. The head of a department are usually the most qualified teacher in that subject, have the leadership skills to train and organise and oversee all teacher activity in their department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
A teacher that has been through the training and has been teaching for a while. They have been promoted over time and are qualified in the subject they teach. They are experienced and trained in their field and are able to successfully handle behavioural issues as well as teaching their subject to a high standard. Qualified teachers usually help unqualified teachers teach their classes. They support, step in if needed and help the teacher during classtime.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
A newly qualified teacher is somebody that has recently completed their teacher training. This does not mean however they have stopped training, they are still training and gaining experience as a teacher. They are able to host their own classes without the need of a higher up and have more knowledge and understanding of behavioural management, teaching their field and how to handle student welfare.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
An unqualified teacher is where you begin after the application process if accepted. These are teachers that are currently undergoing training, learning about behavioural management, dealing with student issues and teaching a classroom full of students. Underqualified teachers are usually teaching with a higher-up overseeing their class. This helps with any issues they need support with, any trouble they have and helps encourage them along the way.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

A teacher serves the purpose of giving a safe place to all students to learn, grow and interact. This meaning, teachers share knowledge they have learned to younger students to inspire. They help dispute issues and problems that arise in school areas and prevent bullying, harassment and bad behaviour in general. They prepare students for life after school, they prepare them in many different ways including but not limited to; social responsibility, how to act in different scenarios, how to act accordingly in a work environment, etc. The salary teachers get in game varies. After completing their quota, newly-qualified teachers will receive a base income of 350,000 yen. This can be increased depending on the amount of classes done, extra classes after the quota has been met can be 50,000 yen. The maximum income is 500,000 yen. A qualified teacher will receive an income of 400,000 yen. Teachers are given their own classroom to teach in, they have a maximum of 4 classes per day to ensure activity is kept throughout the month and are encouraged to make lessons as fun and exciting as possible for students. At the end of the day this server is still a game. Players do not want to go into class and be forced to read a bunch of boring information on a subject. Classes are encouraged to be fun and exciting, including games, different activities that involve your subject and to teach in a way that inspires people to take their classes again. In spare time teachers can audit the hallways, the lunch area, the fields and around school. This is to ensure that all students are on their best behaviour and no students welfare are at harm. They are not limited to just work though, they can interact with students in their spare time, socialise with their co-workers in the teacher lounge, plan future lessons and more! Outside of school teachers can go about their daily lives as normal, however are expected to stay out of trouble as they are still representing the school.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are incredibly important to SchoolRP. This servers main roleplay focus is going to school, to do that you need a team of teachers to hold classes, monitor hallways and areas of the school. Without teachers being apart of SchoolRP, the whole idea of a school goes down the drain. Classes and teacher interactions are what is so special about this server. Not only does it help newer players get used to the roleplay we do here but it helps give an understanding of how to better your roleplay by interacting in a classroom. Using DetailRP, interacting and roleplaying with actions and more.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High works with the MoSCo system with lesson planning. MoSCo is an abbreviation for the term,"Must have, Should have, Could have." This abbreviation helps teachers plan lessons by giving them a "must have" which is a lesson that must involve something. A "should have" which is a lesson that should involve something to meet standards and finally a "could have" which is a lesson that could involve something to increase the quality of it.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Kaito, at approximately 5ft 11 height is a Japanese male with dark brown, greyish hair that slicks back in an upwards angle. He has deep brown eyes with a charming smile. When he smiles he shows his dimples in which he is a little self-conscious about. He is quite a smart man, always wearing a tie no matter the occasion and a white collard shirt with a light brown, patterned blazer on top. Kaito has a confident and charming demeanour and has the smell of an old oak tree that mists around him. Hair tucked neatly behind his ears, he has a stance of authority and intelligence. Nevertheless, Kaito Kobayashi has a warm, inviting and kind approach to those who he meets.

Kaito Kobayashi acts in a responsible and authoritative manner. However, he has a fun and warm approach to life. He is full of joy and has a child-like sense to him. He act responsible and authoritative but he can see the humour in things, spread joy, encourage uniqueness and see things in a light way. Kaito is extremely academically intelligent but also emotionally intelligent. He has a way of understanding people and reading people. He will notice if somebody is not their usual self that day and can be a great judge of character. He enjoys the little things in life, a nice cup of coffee, a cosy, rainy day and beautiful flower on his walks. Usually, Kaito is energetic and full of life, he embraces quirks, talent and dreams. Described as a man full of dreams, he can zone out from time to time picturing his retired life, sat on a front porch swing in a quiet, small town. He has a love for animals and wildlife, he takes the time out of his day to feed the birds, pet the dogs walking down the streets and watch nature out of his window.

He has been described as someone you could go to with your problems, a great listener and a great problem solver. He often evaluates situations, people, and actions from afar before coming closer. He has a spark of life in him, a joy to be alive and a love for emotion.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Kaito believes that a connection between teacher and student is important. It is important to make students feel heard, to be listened to and to be helped. His classes would be filled with pushing students to their full potential, to their full confidence and making them feel like their dreams are something that can and will be accomplished if enough hard work, resilience and time is put into them. He believes it is important to create a friendly bond with students as this can help inspire them to learn, encourage them to have fun in lessons. After all, the best way to learn is through enjoyment, a feeling of safety and a feeling of security.

He wants to be a positive, trustworthy and helpful figure in his students lives. Someone they can go to if they are having issues, somebody that can help them during tougher classes, someone they can talk to if they need to. This is important as learning efficiently can not be done when somebody is under stress, anxiety, pressure or is going through mental health issues.

Kaito also believes it is integral to socialise and communicate with his co-workers. It is important to create these healthy bonds in the workplace as after all, these are the people you are seeing on a day to day basis. From simple things of catching up on how classes went over a cup of coffee in the teachers lounge to planning lessons together, working with other teachers to incorporate and combine ideas. He believes if you have a healthy bond and can work together, your class quality and work quality improves. Teaching can be a challenging job, it can be mentally draining as well as physically draining at times. A simple chat, a problem solving talk and a friendship can help ease the drain that this job can have, it can help boost the workplace environment and boost the passion for teaching that everybody here has.

What are their plans for the future?
As mentioned above, Kaito has a lot of dreams in mind for his future. One of these dreams is to perform in a play somewhere mainstream. This has been a dream of his for the longest time, he would like to be back on stage just like his early years of growing up and show the world who he truly is. Kaito would like to make a name for himself on the stage, work with directors, production crews and be in front of a large audience. He would also like to retire at a certain point, move to a small town somewhere, settle down and have a family. He is very family-orientated and has always dreamed of some day being a father.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Kaito would evaluate the situation as walking over, he would evaluate the severity of it all and take a look at who is involved. He would take a calm and sophisticated approach to these students. He would first ask what the need for such vulgar language is and remind them of the schools policies on this sort of behaviour. He would listen to why they are cursing and swearing and ask them to refrain from using such terms in future. If continued after his initial warning he would give a final warning to stop. In a scenario in which they continue further there would be a detention threat given to them if caught swearing again. If they do not stop at that point, he will hand out detention slips to those involved and they will be called to reception at the end of the day to serve their detentions. In that detention he would explain why use of vulgar language is inappropriate and not tolerated here at Karakura High.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Kaito would initially refrain from speaking. He would evaluate the situation and the room to look for what it is that is distracting everybody from the class. He would ask them to all stop speaking and listen to the lesson that has been planned. In doing so, he would remind them that this is a classroom and there are certain rules and expectations that they are to follow. If these instructions are not followed, Kaito would look at the main culprits for the interruption. He would remind them of the class rules and warn everybody to stop talking, he will warn them that if they do continue they will be kicked out of the classroom and will not be able to partake in the lesson any longer. Usually in situations like these there is somebody in particular being loud and causing the disturbance. Kaito would warn them and if they do not listen to any of the warnings he would threaten them with a detention for interrupting the class.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In the teachers lounge, Kaito would first brew himself a coffee. He is a huge fan of coffee and it is his first thought when taking a break for himself. He would socialise with any other teachers in there, asking how their recent classes went, sharing any issues they have both had and evaluate how they think they have done. He would sit down with his class binder and work on any future lessons he would like to do. Discussing ideas and different ways of teaching with his colleagues.

However, the teachers lounge is a place to take a break and a breather, so Kaito would just socialise with his colleagues, ask them how their days are going, if they have any fun plans ahead of them and have a laugh with them. He would use any spare time in the lounge to catch up on any grading he has to do and any activity plans.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Would take a look around the room at the friendly faces in his classroom. He would give them a smile and begin talking. "I hope you are all feeling energetic this morning, because boy do we have a busy day today!" He would take a look at the rows of students and count how many students there were present, it seemed as if he was sorting them into groups... "I will be putting you in groups of two, you will work with your partner in crime to perform a scene and we will watch them back at the end of class. I would like you to choose a role and begin rehearsing after I have given you an extract from a script." He would pick up some books from his desk with an extract from a script in them. "Each of you will work with a person that is sat beside you and we will all watch and (&o) support (&r) each others performances."

/me Sits down on the stage, making himself eye level with them all. "Confidence. It's something that we all need to work on. Lucky for you, our good old friend Meisner is here to help. We discussed Meisner in our last class, Meisner was an actor that came up with some techniques to help performers, like me and you. Today, to help with our confidence, we will be trying out one of his techniques. The Mirror Technique." He would take a brief moment before continuing, letting them take the information in. "This technique is essentially to take your focus off of yourself on stage and focus on somebody else. This alleviates self consciousness. The activity we will be doing will involve you mirroring somebody else's actions. You should focus on what they are doing and simply, copy them. If they put their right hand up..." He puts his right hand up. "You put your right hand up. And so on."

/me Gave a wild grin at the student. He then jots something down in the notebook in his hand. "Precisely! That is an incredible take on Stanislavski's method of acting. Just what I was looking for, you have impressed me." He nods his head and notions towards the stage he is standing on. "I want everybody to come sit in a circle on this stage now, we are going to be using one of his methods of acting. Emotional recall is one of the many ways to express emotion on stage, I do ask that if this activity gets to much for anybody or you are not comfortable in doing this, you sit at the side and watch. You may also speak to me at any moment if you need to talk." He gestures to the stage to get everybody up.

/me Grabs the blank pieces of paper on his desk and holds them up to the class for everybody to see. "A blank canvas. Right now this is just a bland, meaningless piece of paper. However, we will be passing this piece of paper around the room. Each of you will make it a different prop. For example, this piece of paper to me is a sword that has it's own mind and won't stop swinging!" He swings around the piece of paper as if it is a real sword and it is controlling itself. "However, when I pass it to somebody else, they may see this piece of paper as a boat, and use it to sail the seas!" He laughs a little at this, finding himself funny. "The aim of this, is to get you to improvise and think on your feet, when that paper comes to you, make it the first thing that comes to mind! You can then use the paper as that prop for 20 seconds before passing it along." He looks at the piece of paper and starts poking it. "I will begin, this to me, is my phone!"

Kaito Nakamura grew up in Japan, Tokyo. The capital of Japan, he grew up with his father and mother and were relatively close. His mother was a huge fan of the theater and so the family would often have trips to watch different performances growing up. They would go to see many different performances and his mother had always told him stories of the dreams she had growing up. She had told him that she would’ve loved to be an actress. This inspired Kaito from a young age to begin acting. He had the support off of both of his parents leading him to getting roles in small amateur dramatic performances around Japan. However, at the age of 10, Kaito’s mother had unfortunately passed due to an illness and this had left a hole in their family. Kaito’s father had begun to grow distant and quiet after the passing, this left Kaito to lean on himself when growing up. A few years later, at 13 years old however, his father had decided he needed a change of scenery, a new place. Which brings us to Kaito and his father moving to a smaller island in Japan, known today as Karakura. This was a fresh start and helped get Kaito’s father out of a rut. They became closer over time, holding board game nights, movie nights, going to watch plays again and endless nights filled with laughter and joy. Kaito found it difficult with the switch of places growing up, but his new bond with his father made that a little easier.

Through his school years, Kaito was judged heavily, he was what others called a “theater kid” and would get mocked for wanting to be on stage. His teachers were not supportive of this dream. They would often tell him that their subjects were more important and he needed to stop dreaming and think realistically for his career. Kaito would ignore them but still found it difficult… After leaving school, Kaito started to study performing arts at a higher level, specifically, acting. He would join improvisation classes, join amateur dramatic performances again and continue working on his acting abilities. He would often keep to himself through these years, he didn’t really grow up with many friends, they came and went throughout the years. Kaito didn’t mind though, he loved meeting new people, introducing himself and even loved spending time alone.

Kaito knew he needed to make his mother proud and keep working towards his dreams. He became really invested in acting and it became the only thing he would talk about with people. He would begin to find a love for talking about the different acting techniques he had learned, the different methods he used and the brilliant minds behind it all. He got introduced to Karakura High where he could see that students here had a drive and a passion for learning, just as much of a passion as he had for teaching. He wanted to share his knowledge and inspire others to think outside of the societal norms of jobs and dare to dream. So, he took the leap forwards and applied for a job at Karakura High.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Kaito Nakamura

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Nakamura

Age (Minimum is 25):
27 years old.


Religious Denomination:
Not Applicable.

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Teaching Assistant: 4 Years.
Stage Performer: 2 Years.

Academic Degree:
Theatre, Acting and Performance BA (Honors)

Year of Graduation:

Acting Major

Dance Minor

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
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