Level 1

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:
FrogRP: Main (Applying)
SensoDojin: Alt
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
I prefer to be muted when in calls!
List your timezone and country:
Britain: (GMT)
Describe your activity:
4-6 hours at a time (normally)
Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
Banned on: 2021-01-07 Reason: Erotic Roleplay (I was an idiot...)
I was recently mistakenly banned, due to changing my account ign, this was sorted an hour after.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Shrine staff application [Accepted]
BMD application [Denied]
What is your motivation to apply for a reporter?:
Hello there! So, I've been a School Roleplay member for about three years. I know that my experience isn't as all-encompassing as some of the other applicants, however, I can honestly claim that I've dabbled in practically every sort of role-playing possible. My problem is that all of my role-playing experiences have centered on me as a student. I believe it is time for me to expand out and try out different types of Roleplay, particularly those that include adulting and working for the city. That's why I want to be a reporter. I really enjoy writing and am always looking for ways to improve my abilities. Being a reporter would allow me to do precisely that, as well as broaden my RP expertise and get out of my student RP comfort zone. I think I'd be pretty excellent at it, and I'm excited to try it!
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I've found myself writing more regularly as a result of my active engagement with SRP. This continuous practice has had a huge influence on my literacy improvement. I've spent the preceding year focused on detail roleplaying, and as a result, I've mastered this talent! Working as a reporter would be a fantastic way for me to hone my writing skills. Working in this industry will help me to broaden my vocabulary, improve my grammar, an having a better comprehension of written language
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I have read through the rules prior to applying, I'm aware of them.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I'm aware that as a reporter, my literacy skills can constantly be strengthened, and I'm willing to learn new things and hone my writing talents. However, my background as an art student and my expertise in producing art that is relevant to SRP are what really set me apart from my contemporaries. The FIGHTCLUB manga issue, logos for various criminal organizations like Seijutoma and Scorpio, and one-shot manga panels are just a few of the things I've worked on. As a reporter, I can't wait to combine my artistic abilities with my writing abilities. I want to produce aesthetically appealing reports that not only educate readers but also make the information simpler to understand by mixing manga art into them. This method, in my opinion, will raise my reporting to a new level of expertise and set me apart from other journalists who rely solely on textual information.
I used to have a strong desire to read vintage DC comics that my father would frequently give me as a youngster. As I explored further into the pages of these comics, I acquired a good understanding of how to employ "zinger" phrases to grab an audience's interest. This ability has been beneficial in my subsequent endeavours, allowing me to write fascinating storylines that attract readers in and keep them interested. Furthermore, my interest in literature has made me acutely aware of the significance of contextual signals in the narrative. By paying attention to these indicators I've been able to build characters with completely filled-out backstories and motives that feel real and multifaceted. As a result, I've been able to write more intriguing stories and engage my readers on a deeper level. As a journalist, I feel that these skills are essential for success. I can better capture my audience's attention and convey important information in a way that resonates with them while I can craft engaging and nuanced narratives. I can bring a unique perspective to my reporting and create stories that truly captivate and inform by drawing on my love of comics and literature.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand completely, I dislike Srp's meta aspects greatly! makes the whole situation unfair! resulting in less fun, and in my opinion fun always comes first.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Of course, Without a shed doubt
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
In my perspective, a reporter is someone who has pledged to reveal and disseminate the truth to the general public, even if it involves personal sacrifice and putting themselves in perilous situations. Reporters must be willing to sacrifice many things in their quest for the truth, as it is their responsibility to devote themselves entirely to the task and deliver groundbreaking reports to the conclusion, a reporter is in continuous service to the public, with the public relying on the information provided by the reporter and vise versa.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Full Name:
Uyri Gizen Sen
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Ms. Sen
Current Age (25+):
27 years old
Past job/work experience:
When Uyri was 19, she wrote (part-time) for a motor magazine
Uyri has received
A Master's degree in Criminology and a
in both phycology and journalism
Nationality and born location:
Yudanaka, Japan
Phone Number: 030-750-8113
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
If I had to describe myself... I suppose I'm knowledgeable, I enjoy niche topics, topics I wish to write about in my reports. though I prefer to isolate myself in my work; I wouldn't mind becoming a team player when necessary. I'm soft-spoken at times and friends describe me as rather "meek", however, I have a genuine love for writing, in which I express my true self in.
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I am enthusiastic about stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing past my limits to create exceptional reports. Despite my keen interest in criminology and personal experiences with crime that continue to mentally torment me, I think the portrayal of crime in Karakura is overly sensationalized. Therefore, I would prefer to work on slice-of-life reports that showcase everyday experiences and conversations with locals. These types of reports would serve as a reminder to the people of Karakura that normalcy still exists amidst the chaos of crime, and it would also provide a welcome change of pace from the constant barrage of crime-related news.
Even while I realise how important it is to cover criminal tales, I think that my skills lay in my capacity to relate to individuals and share their experiences. I can portray a more authentic picture of life in Karakura by highlighting common people and their experiences. These slice-of-life stories would also provide me the chance to experiment with new writing techniques and broaden my skill set. Overall, I'm pleased about the potential of writing interesting articles that provide a window into Karakura locals' daily lives.
What are your expectations for the job?:
My primary goal in my role is to provide reports that fairly depict the truth of current occurrences, whether they are connected to criminal activity or regular life. I think it's crucial to keep people informed about events in their city and to help them comprehend the problems that directly impact them. One of my personal objectives is to utilize my platform to tell the tales of those who frequently go undetected yet are performing outstanding work. By producing interviews with them and disseminating their stories to a larger audience, I want to show them the respect and love they deserve. I find this very rewarding
I want the audience to have a connection to the people and events that I write about via my art. I want to help people comprehend the world around them better and develop empathy and sympathy for individuals who are frequently ignored by giving my reports a feeling of realism. My ultimate objective is to utilize my position to make the world a better place by educating the public and bringing attention to the incredible work being done by members of our communities.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

Teenage Delinquency
by Uyri Gizen Sen
An unsettling epidemic is gripping Karakura, which is endangering the lives and safety of its citizens. Recent assessments indicate that teenagers are involved in over 80% of all crimes in the city, which is an alarming and concerning percentage. You should be uncomfortable as an adult just hearing about this frequent bad behavior. But what is the cause of this pandemic, and how can it be stopped? Join us as we explore the several possible origins of this concerning trend.
Step into the streets of Karakura, where the influence of creative media on the youth is undeniable. But just how far reaching are the effects of this modern day phenomenon? Dr. Yumaki Shimori, a leading expert on the subject, has a shocking revelation: the removal of guidelines controlling violent content on television has paved the way for a surge in teenage delinquency. Is this evidence of a generation's minds being fractured and their mentalities warped? With teenage crime rates on the rise, it's time to delve deeper into the impact of creative media on the young minds of Karakura.
Karakura, where teenage street gangs known as Bosuzuko rule the streets with an iron fist. Born out of desperation for a sense of belonging, these gangs have become a pervasive presence in the city, outmatching even the best efforts of the Karakura police department. Whether seeking a new family, a sense of control in their chaotic lives or just a place to fit in, the allure of the Bosuzuko lifestyle is hard to resist. But at what cost?
A great deal of Karakura's youth's mentalities are warped, corrupted by violence and brutality. It's a world where killing and mutilation have become a normalized part of everyday life, and where no child should ever be forced to grow up. While we may blame the pervasive influence of televised violence, there is another truth that your humble reporter believes lies at the heart of this disturbing phenomenon.
The impact that parents and other caretakers have on today's children cannot be overstated, It is true that how we raise our children may have an impact on their mentalities and development. It's perhaps plausible that this impact is the primary cause of juvenile criminality. Criminal organizations that target young people in need frequently exploit them as pawns, preying on their innocence and need for approval. The deadly and violent lifestyle of the yakuza may be adopted by young individuals who are lured to these organizations, only for their lives to be cut short when they are still in their prime. No parent or carer should have to make this awful trade-off. That's why it's so important to protect our children from these negative influences. Though some may call it teenage delinquency, I prefer to call it Adult manipulation.
The Miracle Johnson Interview
by Uyri Gizen Sen
[!] The video would with a cold open, Uyri Sen and THE Miracle Johnson would be sitting idol, facing each other, before going into a fury of quick-fire questions. [!]
[!] Clearing her throat, Uyri's gaze would remain sharp [!] "You have a lot of listeners in Karakura, eager to hear your music; say, how have you found the motivation to continue singing throughout the years?"
[!] softly, moving the mic towards Miracle Johnson [!]
Miracle :
[!] A gentle chuckle would be heard. Miracle clearly found something funny. [!] “The motivation is within the fans, baby. My fans are what inspire me to do the things I do, and the fact I have fans in my hometown? Only inspires me more. Cha cha.”
Uyri :
[!] Though finding Miracle entertaining, shifting her body towards him slightly. [!] "I see, you sure know how to capture an audience. We are all dying to know when your next performance will be, any news on that?"
Miracle :
“Look, lady. The entertainment business is like a jungle, and I am the god damn lion. If I were to let info like that slip!? The whole pecking order would be flipped upside down… but for you, Ms. Sen…” [!] Miracle hesitated. He let out a sigh, before: [!] “Well for you, I can make an exception. I’ve been considering returning to my roots a lot lately, and to show Karakura just how grateful I am to them, there are talks of a show in the works.”
Uyri :
"- that's great to hear Mr. Johnson," [!] an awkward chuckle followed by a smile [!] "Uhm... ah! within your community there seems to be some misconceptions regarding your genre, ready to clear that up, Mr. Johnson?" [!] she'd say hesitantly, before looking towards the camera with a sheepish charm. [!]
Miracle :
“Listen, darling. Miracle Johnson isn’t tied to simply one genre. I am the king of the rock. I am the king of the roll. I am everything, Ms. Sen. You can’t thrive in this business with an attitude like that. You have to be ready to own it all.”
Uyri :
"Uh-huh... a-" [!] moving swiftly on [!] "Rumor has it that i-in your youth, you... had a pet lion?" [!] squinting down at the piece of paper. Uyri would look back up at the lank musician with an almost worried yet bewildered expression [!] "What?"
Miracle :
[!] Miracle let out a grumble. He placed one hand above another, crossing his legs. [!] “Right. It’s about time I put this rumor to bed. I didn’t have A pet lion. I had TWO, Uyri. TWO. One was named Ryan and the other was Lars. So get your facts straight, okay baby?”
Uyri :
[!] Brushing off Miracle's comment, Uyri would sigh [!] "You understand I have to ask this. the people are dying to know; what are your feelings towards the controversial: Naseem Erqua, the boxer from the States, who recently got incarcerated? paparazzi shot you two together on numerous occasions."
Miracle :
[!] Miracle massaged his forehead, sighing once again. [!] “Naseem is my good friend, Ms. Sen. He is… the hot headed type, but I know his intentions are always pure-hearted. That’s all I’ll say in the matter.”
[!] You could cut the tension with a knife [!]
Uyri :
"moving back to your musical endeavors, Mr. Johnson. tell the audience the title of your upcoming song, and how you came about the name"
Miracle :
“We’ll, I suppose I could give an exclusive sneak peak preview into my upcoming song: ‘Friday Loving’, but you’d have to promise to broadcast it free of charge, Ms. Sen! I am a man of business after all.” [!] Miracle spun in his chair, chuckling. [!] “I’m kidding, darling. And as for the name? I thought of it late one Friday night, while me and my good friend Shaun Quinces were out partying.”
Uyri :
"That's wonderful, truly. everyone knows we can't possibly talk to you without mentioning Alvin, he was your musical rival in the 80s, a tragic car crash put him into early retirement. it seems he is making his comeback, what do you have to say about this, Mr. Johnson?" [!] She'd say looking inquisitively up at the musical genius [!]
Miracle :
[!] Miracle looks determined. His fist is clenched, and he hurls a first at the table. [!] “what happened to Alvin was a tragedy. Although we haven’t always seen eye to eye, the music industry is one that should be shared. I’d welcome Al back with open arms any day. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be faced with the challenge of Miracle Johnson.”
Uyri :
"I just love your rivalry, as do many. [!] smiling ear to ear [!] your style is so unique, who was your inspiration growing up?"
Miracle :
“My inspiration?” [!] Miracle pauses, clearly deep in thought. [!] “I’d have to say my father, Mark Johnson. He was in the music business big time, and I suppose that meant so was I.”
Uyri :
"How can you not just love a family business, Isn't that right? [!] she'd say looking directly at the camera, before sharply regaining eye contact [!] a follow-up question, Mr. Johnson, say Mr. Alvin is successful in his comeback, what would that mean for you? a repeat of the 80s?"
Miracle :
“We can never retake what we’ve lost, Ms Sen. The economic bubble of the 80s is long gone. But Alvin's return certainly sparks new waves for the industry within Karakura, IF of course the rumours are true.”
Uyri :
"Well said, Mr. Johson" [!] Uyri would state, shuffling through her pieces of paper. [!] "onto the last few now. are the rumours true that your son will be making his musical debut in one of your upcoming songs?"
Miracle :
“Look, Uyri. I cannot decide my sons future. But, I will say this. My son has the talent and ruthlessness needed to survive, and I will give him all the support he needs. The rest is up to him.”
Uyri :
"A respectable choice! finally: what was your favorite part of your career?"
Miracle :
“My favourite part..? The summer of 1986. Money was runnin’ rampant in the streets. Every young adult would pay n arm and a leg to see Miracle Johnson perform. And I made sure it was worth every penny. God, I miss those days.”
Uyri :
[!] Uyri would give a sheepish smile [!] "That is all we have time for, Mr. Johnson: anything you want to promote or say?"
Miracle :
“All I have to say is for Karakura to keep an eye on an Japans biggest idol, Miracle Johnson. Graphic Tee’s available now.” [!] Miracle Johnson took out a stack of 30 photographs, all signed with his name. He slid one to Uyri, bowed, and left the room. [!]
[!] Uyri would appear perplexed [!]
[!] Miracle would bump into the camera on his way out, causing it to collapse, ending the video feed in the process [!]

[!] the signed autograph of Miracle Johnson [!]
Nationality and born location:
Yudanaka, Japan
Phone Number: 030-750-8113
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
If I had to describe myself... I suppose I'm knowledgeable, I enjoy niche topics, topics I wish to write about in my reports. though I prefer to isolate myself in my work; I wouldn't mind becoming a team player when necessary. I'm soft-spoken at times and friends describe me as rather "meek", however, I have a genuine love for writing, in which I express my true self in.
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I am enthusiastic about stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing past my limits to create exceptional reports. Despite my keen interest in criminology and personal experiences with crime that continue to mentally torment me, I think the portrayal of crime in Karakura is overly sensationalized. Therefore, I would prefer to work on slice-of-life reports that showcase everyday experiences and conversations with locals. These types of reports would serve as a reminder to the people of Karakura that normalcy still exists amidst the chaos of crime, and it would also provide a welcome change of pace from the constant barrage of crime-related news.
Even while I realise how important it is to cover criminal tales, I think that my skills lay in my capacity to relate to individuals and share their experiences. I can portray a more authentic picture of life in Karakura by highlighting common people and their experiences. These slice-of-life stories would also provide me the chance to experiment with new writing techniques and broaden my skill set. Overall, I'm pleased about the potential of writing interesting articles that provide a window into Karakura locals' daily lives.
What are your expectations for the job?:
My primary goal in my role is to provide reports that fairly depict the truth of current occurrences, whether they are connected to criminal activity or regular life. I think it's crucial to keep people informed about events in their city and to help them comprehend the problems that directly impact them. One of my personal objectives is to utilize my platform to tell the tales of those who frequently go undetected yet are performing outstanding work. By producing interviews with them and disseminating their stories to a larger audience, I want to show them the respect and love they deserve. I find this very rewarding
I want the audience to have a connection to the people and events that I write about via my art. I want to help people comprehend the world around them better and develop empathy and sympathy for individuals who are frequently ignored by giving my reports a feeling of realism. My ultimate objective is to utilize my position to make the world a better place by educating the public and bringing attention to the incredible work being done by members of our communities.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

Teenage Delinquency
by Uyri Gizen Sen
An unsettling epidemic is gripping Karakura, which is endangering the lives and safety of its citizens. Recent assessments indicate that teenagers are involved in over 80% of all crimes in the city, which is an alarming and concerning percentage. You should be uncomfortable as an adult just hearing about this frequent bad behavior. But what is the cause of this pandemic, and how can it be stopped? Join us as we explore the several possible origins of this concerning trend.
Step into the streets of Karakura, where the influence of creative media on the youth is undeniable. But just how far reaching are the effects of this modern day phenomenon? Dr. Yumaki Shimori, a leading expert on the subject, has a shocking revelation: the removal of guidelines controlling violent content on television has paved the way for a surge in teenage delinquency. Is this evidence of a generation's minds being fractured and their mentalities warped? With teenage crime rates on the rise, it's time to delve deeper into the impact of creative media on the young minds of Karakura.
Karakura, where teenage street gangs known as Bosuzuko rule the streets with an iron fist. Born out of desperation for a sense of belonging, these gangs have become a pervasive presence in the city, outmatching even the best efforts of the Karakura police department. Whether seeking a new family, a sense of control in their chaotic lives or just a place to fit in, the allure of the Bosuzuko lifestyle is hard to resist. But at what cost?
A great deal of Karakura's youth's mentalities are warped, corrupted by violence and brutality. It's a world where killing and mutilation have become a normalized part of everyday life, and where no child should ever be forced to grow up. While we may blame the pervasive influence of televised violence, there is another truth that your humble reporter believes lies at the heart of this disturbing phenomenon.
The impact that parents and other caretakers have on today's children cannot be overstated, It is true that how we raise our children may have an impact on their mentalities and development. It's perhaps plausible that this impact is the primary cause of juvenile criminality. Criminal organizations that target young people in need frequently exploit them as pawns, preying on their innocence and need for approval. The deadly and violent lifestyle of the yakuza may be adopted by young individuals who are lured to these organizations, only for their lives to be cut short when they are still in their prime. No parent or carer should have to make this awful trade-off. That's why it's so important to protect our children from these negative influences. Though some may call it teenage delinquency, I prefer to call it Adult manipulation.
The Miracle Johnson Interview
by Uyri Gizen Sen
[!] The video would with a cold open, Uyri Sen and THE Miracle Johnson would be sitting idol, facing each other, before going into a fury of quick-fire questions. [!]
[!] Clearing her throat, Uyri's gaze would remain sharp [!] "You have a lot of listeners in Karakura, eager to hear your music; say, how have you found the motivation to continue singing throughout the years?"
[!] softly, moving the mic towards Miracle Johnson [!]
Miracle :
[!] A gentle chuckle would be heard. Miracle clearly found something funny. [!] “The motivation is within the fans, baby. My fans are what inspire me to do the things I do, and the fact I have fans in my hometown? Only inspires me more. Cha cha.”
Uyri :
[!] Though finding Miracle entertaining, shifting her body towards him slightly. [!] "I see, you sure know how to capture an audience. We are all dying to know when your next performance will be, any news on that?"
Miracle :
“Look, lady. The entertainment business is like a jungle, and I am the god damn lion. If I were to let info like that slip!? The whole pecking order would be flipped upside down… but for you, Ms. Sen…” [!] Miracle hesitated. He let out a sigh, before: [!] “Well for you, I can make an exception. I’ve been considering returning to my roots a lot lately, and to show Karakura just how grateful I am to them, there are talks of a show in the works.”
Uyri :
"- that's great to hear Mr. Johnson," [!] an awkward chuckle followed by a smile [!] "Uhm... ah! within your community there seems to be some misconceptions regarding your genre, ready to clear that up, Mr. Johnson?" [!] she'd say hesitantly, before looking towards the camera with a sheepish charm. [!]
Miracle :
“Listen, darling. Miracle Johnson isn’t tied to simply one genre. I am the king of the rock. I am the king of the roll. I am everything, Ms. Sen. You can’t thrive in this business with an attitude like that. You have to be ready to own it all.”
Uyri :
"Uh-huh... a-" [!] moving swiftly on [!] "Rumor has it that i-in your youth, you... had a pet lion?" [!] squinting down at the piece of paper. Uyri would look back up at the lank musician with an almost worried yet bewildered expression [!] "What?"
Miracle :
[!] Miracle let out a grumble. He placed one hand above another, crossing his legs. [!] “Right. It’s about time I put this rumor to bed. I didn’t have A pet lion. I had TWO, Uyri. TWO. One was named Ryan and the other was Lars. So get your facts straight, okay baby?”
Uyri :
[!] Brushing off Miracle's comment, Uyri would sigh [!] "You understand I have to ask this. the people are dying to know; what are your feelings towards the controversial: Naseem Erqua, the boxer from the States, who recently got incarcerated? paparazzi shot you two together on numerous occasions."
Miracle :
[!] Miracle massaged his forehead, sighing once again. [!] “Naseem is my good friend, Ms. Sen. He is… the hot headed type, but I know his intentions are always pure-hearted. That’s all I’ll say in the matter.”
[!] You could cut the tension with a knife [!]
Uyri :
"moving back to your musical endeavors, Mr. Johnson. tell the audience the title of your upcoming song, and how you came about the name"
Miracle :
“We’ll, I suppose I could give an exclusive sneak peak preview into my upcoming song: ‘Friday Loving’, but you’d have to promise to broadcast it free of charge, Ms. Sen! I am a man of business after all.” [!] Miracle spun in his chair, chuckling. [!] “I’m kidding, darling. And as for the name? I thought of it late one Friday night, while me and my good friend Shaun Quinces were out partying.”
Uyri :
"That's wonderful, truly. everyone knows we can't possibly talk to you without mentioning Alvin, he was your musical rival in the 80s, a tragic car crash put him into early retirement. it seems he is making his comeback, what do you have to say about this, Mr. Johnson?" [!] She'd say looking inquisitively up at the musical genius [!]
Miracle :
[!] Miracle looks determined. His fist is clenched, and he hurls a first at the table. [!] “what happened to Alvin was a tragedy. Although we haven’t always seen eye to eye, the music industry is one that should be shared. I’d welcome Al back with open arms any day. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be faced with the challenge of Miracle Johnson.”
Uyri :
"I just love your rivalry, as do many. [!] smiling ear to ear [!] your style is so unique, who was your inspiration growing up?"
Miracle :
“My inspiration?” [!] Miracle pauses, clearly deep in thought. [!] “I’d have to say my father, Mark Johnson. He was in the music business big time, and I suppose that meant so was I.”
Uyri :
"How can you not just love a family business, Isn't that right? [!] she'd say looking directly at the camera, before sharply regaining eye contact [!] a follow-up question, Mr. Johnson, say Mr. Alvin is successful in his comeback, what would that mean for you? a repeat of the 80s?"
Miracle :
“We can never retake what we’ve lost, Ms Sen. The economic bubble of the 80s is long gone. But Alvin's return certainly sparks new waves for the industry within Karakura, IF of course the rumours are true.”
Uyri :
"Well said, Mr. Johson" [!] Uyri would state, shuffling through her pieces of paper. [!] "onto the last few now. are the rumours true that your son will be making his musical debut in one of your upcoming songs?"
Miracle :
“Look, Uyri. I cannot decide my sons future. But, I will say this. My son has the talent and ruthlessness needed to survive, and I will give him all the support he needs. The rest is up to him.”
Uyri :
"A respectable choice! finally: what was your favorite part of your career?"
Miracle :
“My favourite part..? The summer of 1986. Money was runnin’ rampant in the streets. Every young adult would pay n arm and a leg to see Miracle Johnson perform. And I made sure it was worth every penny. God, I miss those days.”
Uyri :
[!] Uyri would give a sheepish smile [!] "That is all we have time for, Mr. Johnson: anything you want to promote or say?"
Miracle :
“All I have to say is for Karakura to keep an eye on an Japans biggest idol, Miracle Johnson. Graphic Tee’s available now.” [!] Miracle Johnson took out a stack of 30 photographs, all signed with his name. He slid one to Uyri, bowed, and left the room. [!]
[!] Uyri would appear perplexed [!]
[!] Miracle would bump into the camera on his way out, causing it to collapse, ending the video feed in the process [!]

[!] the signed autograph of Miracle Johnson [!]
Note: Im unsure on how to fix the "bachelor's degree" from being on the side! sorry for that absolute eyesore. ruins the whole feng shui of the app.
If I were to be accepted, Id love to produce more panels like the Johnson autograph, I believe that will make my reports more visually interesting- being able to depict events and give the audience a clear narrative
If I were to be accepted, Id love to produce more panels like the Johnson autograph, I believe that will make my reports more visually interesting- being able to depict events and give the audience a clear narrative
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