IGN (In-Game Name): funkyfreshmiku (I'm not sure if we still have to include ALTs- but my alt is toriflavouredgum )
Previous bans: I can't exactly recall them, but I am quite sure they were minor - the max being a week, maybe. It was a long time ago, and I can guarantee I have learned from my previous actions and will not repeat anything of the sort.
Describe your activity on the server: My activity is pretty high, however it has dropped in the past week or so because I've gotten quite sick - I will be going online much more starting tomorrow I believe as I have nearly recovered. I have a high play-time on both of my accounts, having I believe at least over a month on both. However, my main account - funkyfreshmiku, has a lot more activity than my other account.
Which timezone are you in? I live in England, so I use GMT.
Do you have Discord? I do, my discord is BIRD#2151
Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do - and I am willing to talk unless unable to due to certain circumstances.
List your current and past applications: I believe this is all I have applied for.
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/twentyonetoriis-library-assistant-application.12396/ - DENIED FOR BOLDING
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/rainbowfreckless-library-assistant-application.12615/- DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/drakomalfidus-russian-application.13205/- DENIED FOR LITTLE DETAIL
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/drakomalfidus-russian-application.13213/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/stalebreadx-spanish-application.15981/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/korean-language-application.16017/#post-53404 - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/stupidtori_-korean-application.16853/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/demisthumb-french-application.17116/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/rainbohw-albanian-application.17182/ - ACCEPTED
POLICE APPLICATION - ACCEPTED (It was in a conversation, cannot link)
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/onwaya-language-application.17536/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/ayawno-language-application.17601/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/towori-albanian-application.18182/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/towori-russian-application.18376/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/funkyfreshmiku-s-teacher-application.19935/ - ACCEPTED
What is your motivation for applying?: There are quite a few reasons I wish to be accepted once more. For starters, I was previously an officer - yet I quit due to school reasons, I thought it would be too overwhelming and at the time it was. However, I have managed to get everything together and I am positive that I will be able to be an active officer. I, of course, have missed the police work as it is probably the most interesting genre of roleplay I have experienced. I find police roleplay genuinely enjoyable and fun. I consider myself a good officer, even if there were times I had messed up - and I'd love to return if you see me fit to do so. I still adore each and every one of the people in the KPD, even if it doesn't seem like it - and I'm positive I can return as a much more mature person if you allow me to. I understand that many more people are applying for this, but I have noticed the number of resignations and demotions, and I am positive that if I were able to return, I'd give 110%. There may be better options than me, but I wouldn't be applying if I didn't think I'd do a good job. I can see how the KPD has changed over time and I would like nothing more than to be part of it once again. I have played this server long enough and have had enough roleplay experience to be able to apply for this role once again, and I know I will be better, more-focused and respectful than I was previously. I remember the majority - if not all of what I was taught from Cadet to Sergeant and I've made sure I have enough time for this role.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I completely understand them and have researched them in the past.
What are the Police ranks? They go in this order.
Cadet - You start as this rank, you will be trained by CPL+ and will take your test once you are ready.
Patrol-officer - You have passed your cadet test and can now lead a patrol, leave the station alone and take cadets out on patrol.
Corporal - You begin training cadets, you can now give orders to the ranks below you.
Sergeant - You may oversee training and do all of the above.
Lieutenant - Officially considered a higherup, you can do all of the above, you also get a glock and a car.
Vice-head Lieutenant
Head Lieutenant
Captain - The second-highest achievable rank in the force. A 'co-lead' to the force.
Commissioner - You are the leader of the force, everyone listens to you and you are mainly in charge.
There is also an investigator division.
Investigator-trainee - You are training to be an investigator
Investigator - You are an investigator
Investigator division lead- You lead this division
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I have a lot of knowledge of police work, along with experience. I have been a police officer previously, and have learned a lot from watching the higher-ups working, too. Police officers are to always be serious on-duty, basic rules are set for them and they are expected to follow them. There are certain procedures they must remember, along with what they learned in training such as radio codes, what to do in different situations and even sometimes formations. There are certain rules to each item of police gear, these must be followed otherwise it can cause danger to both the officer but also citizens. I am aware of the many in-station routines, such as inmate care, reports, and interrogations. There is much more to police work than this but I believe I have covered the basics.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? Despite the rate of GangRP drastically dropping, people will not simply give it up - and there are many smaller crimes such as fights and such. It is the officer's job to stop all of these things from happening and make the guilty do their time if caught. Karakura would be chaotic if we did not have officers, the officers are feared and within good reason. If we did not have the KPD on the server, your casual everyday person would be carrying a katana around like it was nothing - and no one could punish them. It also adds a sense of realism, considering Karakura is a city, with a school and many other populated areas. Things are destined to happen, and often bad ones. It is utterly unrealistic if there is no one to protect the law, you rarely see an area with no police station, no matter how small it is. To reiterate my point, officers play a very large part in making the whole concept of this city realistic.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I am aware and I will do my best to make sure it will not happen.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? After resigning, I have had time to sort myself out and I am sure I will have time for this role and will be on a few times a week.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes, I am aware as I know it causes an inconvenience to the trainer.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? I acknowledge this, it is a basic SRP rule not to take IC into OOC.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? Vivianna Valentine is a 29-year-old woman who stands at approximately 5'11. She has long hair ranging from brown to black and often has it tied up to avoid it getting in her face. She often has a stern look, which suits her over-all serious look. She can make a joke and have fun but is serious when needed. Vivianna tends to not jump straight to being angry with someone, instead, she talks through it with them - and will only snap if necessary. Deep inside, she is very kind - even if she shows her tough side first.
What he's like on and off the job? On the job, she is much more likely to be serious and stern, aiming to get what she has to do done, and is very determined to fulfill whatever task is set before her. This is very different, as in contrast - she is much more 'silly' off the job, and will act very different from her stone-cold work persona.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? She sees people with higher authority as leaders, and will obey what they say - but will treat everyone with the same amount of respect - doing her best not to degrade anyone and making them all feel equal. She plans to stay as an officer until old age - unless something gets in the way to stop her.
Vivianna Valentine was originally born into the Giuseppes family - and was one of the older siblings. Her life as a child wasn't very significant, she was average at most things. Until about 12, the only subject she'd exceed was P.E - and she began to take up Japanese, considering it was an optional course she could go for. As she got older, she tried harder - she saw the effects of not really caring and what they did to her grades. Even if she was a no-one now, she didn't want to be one in the future. Her grades went up - not drastically, but just enough to get her into a good university in Italy.
Her life began to take many sharp turns. At 17, she had basically collapsed. Her life quality went down drastically and she was diagnosed with depression. As much as this had hurt her, she would still do her best - trying not to disappoint the people around her. In university, she met a very strange person who would be quite significant in her life. She took an interest in his trouble-some nature, and he would be a good laugh. Vivianna didn't have plans for the future. However, as mentioned previously - she wanted to be someone important. Someone who would help and not just be left behind, so she chose just that - a police officer. She would proceed to take up P.E and Criminology, believing the two were the most obvious options.
Graduation came too soon, and before she knew it - she was an adult looking for police training. Eventually, she decided that Italy had gotten too boring for her, so she took up police training in Japan. It wasn't an easy transition, she struggled a little with the language, but luckily she had knew some due to learning it in her younger years. The training was difficult, but Vivianna wouldn't give up - she wanted to be a perfect officer. It took her a long time, but she was eventually suitable for the Karakura Police Department. She joined as a cadet and unfortunately, did not listen as much as she should. Her time in the force was very interesting - it took her a while to pass her cadet test, but eventually did it. Patrol-officer to Corporal was much quicker and before she knew it, she was an S.A.T recruit. Being a recruit was difficult, they had a strict commander and had to learn to be in life-threatening situations. She was definitely not the best recruit but tried her best. She eventually quit S.A.T and the division soon got removed. Not long after, she had resigned to become a teacher. She believed it would be similar, as it was disciplining people - however, teenagers would be a challenge. P.E was one of her best subjects, so she chose to teach that. Her job as a teacher did not last long, and she soon found herself longing to return to the force. So - she began to get to sort herself out and make herself perfect for the job.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Vivianna Sonnet Valentine
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Vivi, Viv
Preferred Name: Vivianna
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Italian and Russian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3
Working Experience: 4
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in criminology
Year of Graduation: 2009
Major(s): P.E, Law
Minor(s): Finance
Native Languages: Italian
Other Languages: Japanese
Previous bans: I can't exactly recall them, but I am quite sure they were minor - the max being a week, maybe. It was a long time ago, and I can guarantee I have learned from my previous actions and will not repeat anything of the sort.
Describe your activity on the server: My activity is pretty high, however it has dropped in the past week or so because I've gotten quite sick - I will be going online much more starting tomorrow I believe as I have nearly recovered. I have a high play-time on both of my accounts, having I believe at least over a month on both. However, my main account - funkyfreshmiku, has a lot more activity than my other account.
Which timezone are you in? I live in England, so I use GMT.
Do you have Discord? I do, my discord is BIRD#2151
Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do - and I am willing to talk unless unable to due to certain circumstances.
List your current and past applications: I believe this is all I have applied for.
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/twentyonetoriis-library-assistant-application.12396/ - DENIED FOR BOLDING
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/rainbowfreckless-library-assistant-application.12615/- DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/drakomalfidus-russian-application.13205/- DENIED FOR LITTLE DETAIL
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/drakomalfidus-russian-application.13213/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/stalebreadx-spanish-application.15981/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/korean-language-application.16017/#post-53404 - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/stupidtori_-korean-application.16853/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/demisthumb-french-application.17116/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/rainbohw-albanian-application.17182/ - ACCEPTED
POLICE APPLICATION - ACCEPTED (It was in a conversation, cannot link)
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/onwaya-language-application.17536/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/ayawno-language-application.17601/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/towori-albanian-application.18182/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/towori-russian-application.18376/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/funkyfreshmiku-s-teacher-application.19935/ - ACCEPTED
What is your motivation for applying?: There are quite a few reasons I wish to be accepted once more. For starters, I was previously an officer - yet I quit due to school reasons, I thought it would be too overwhelming and at the time it was. However, I have managed to get everything together and I am positive that I will be able to be an active officer. I, of course, have missed the police work as it is probably the most interesting genre of roleplay I have experienced. I find police roleplay genuinely enjoyable and fun. I consider myself a good officer, even if there were times I had messed up - and I'd love to return if you see me fit to do so. I still adore each and every one of the people in the KPD, even if it doesn't seem like it - and I'm positive I can return as a much more mature person if you allow me to. I understand that many more people are applying for this, but I have noticed the number of resignations and demotions, and I am positive that if I were able to return, I'd give 110%. There may be better options than me, but I wouldn't be applying if I didn't think I'd do a good job. I can see how the KPD has changed over time and I would like nothing more than to be part of it once again. I have played this server long enough and have had enough roleplay experience to be able to apply for this role once again, and I know I will be better, more-focused and respectful than I was previously. I remember the majority - if not all of what I was taught from Cadet to Sergeant and I've made sure I have enough time for this role.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I completely understand them and have researched them in the past.
What are the Police ranks? They go in this order.
Cadet - You start as this rank, you will be trained by CPL+ and will take your test once you are ready.
Patrol-officer - You have passed your cadet test and can now lead a patrol, leave the station alone and take cadets out on patrol.
Corporal - You begin training cadets, you can now give orders to the ranks below you.
Sergeant - You may oversee training and do all of the above.
Lieutenant - Officially considered a higherup, you can do all of the above, you also get a glock and a car.
Vice-head Lieutenant
Head Lieutenant
Captain - The second-highest achievable rank in the force. A 'co-lead' to the force.
Commissioner - You are the leader of the force, everyone listens to you and you are mainly in charge.
There is also an investigator division.
Investigator-trainee - You are training to be an investigator
Investigator - You are an investigator
Investigator division lead- You lead this division
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I have a lot of knowledge of police work, along with experience. I have been a police officer previously, and have learned a lot from watching the higher-ups working, too. Police officers are to always be serious on-duty, basic rules are set for them and they are expected to follow them. There are certain procedures they must remember, along with what they learned in training such as radio codes, what to do in different situations and even sometimes formations. There are certain rules to each item of police gear, these must be followed otherwise it can cause danger to both the officer but also citizens. I am aware of the many in-station routines, such as inmate care, reports, and interrogations. There is much more to police work than this but I believe I have covered the basics.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? Despite the rate of GangRP drastically dropping, people will not simply give it up - and there are many smaller crimes such as fights and such. It is the officer's job to stop all of these things from happening and make the guilty do their time if caught. Karakura would be chaotic if we did not have officers, the officers are feared and within good reason. If we did not have the KPD on the server, your casual everyday person would be carrying a katana around like it was nothing - and no one could punish them. It also adds a sense of realism, considering Karakura is a city, with a school and many other populated areas. Things are destined to happen, and often bad ones. It is utterly unrealistic if there is no one to protect the law, you rarely see an area with no police station, no matter how small it is. To reiterate my point, officers play a very large part in making the whole concept of this city realistic.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I am aware and I will do my best to make sure it will not happen.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? After resigning, I have had time to sort myself out and I am sure I will have time for this role and will be on a few times a week.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes, I am aware as I know it causes an inconvenience to the trainer.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? I acknowledge this, it is a basic SRP rule not to take IC into OOC.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? Vivianna Valentine is a 29-year-old woman who stands at approximately 5'11. She has long hair ranging from brown to black and often has it tied up to avoid it getting in her face. She often has a stern look, which suits her over-all serious look. She can make a joke and have fun but is serious when needed. Vivianna tends to not jump straight to being angry with someone, instead, she talks through it with them - and will only snap if necessary. Deep inside, she is very kind - even if she shows her tough side first.
What he's like on and off the job? On the job, she is much more likely to be serious and stern, aiming to get what she has to do done, and is very determined to fulfill whatever task is set before her. This is very different, as in contrast - she is much more 'silly' off the job, and will act very different from her stone-cold work persona.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? She sees people with higher authority as leaders, and will obey what they say - but will treat everyone with the same amount of respect - doing her best not to degrade anyone and making them all feel equal. She plans to stay as an officer until old age - unless something gets in the way to stop her.
Vivianna Valentine was originally born into the Giuseppes family - and was one of the older siblings. Her life as a child wasn't very significant, she was average at most things. Until about 12, the only subject she'd exceed was P.E - and she began to take up Japanese, considering it was an optional course she could go for. As she got older, she tried harder - she saw the effects of not really caring and what they did to her grades. Even if she was a no-one now, she didn't want to be one in the future. Her grades went up - not drastically, but just enough to get her into a good university in Italy.
Her life began to take many sharp turns. At 17, she had basically collapsed. Her life quality went down drastically and she was diagnosed with depression. As much as this had hurt her, she would still do her best - trying not to disappoint the people around her. In university, she met a very strange person who would be quite significant in her life. She took an interest in his trouble-some nature, and he would be a good laugh. Vivianna didn't have plans for the future. However, as mentioned previously - she wanted to be someone important. Someone who would help and not just be left behind, so she chose just that - a police officer. She would proceed to take up P.E and Criminology, believing the two were the most obvious options.
Graduation came too soon, and before she knew it - she was an adult looking for police training. Eventually, she decided that Italy had gotten too boring for her, so she took up police training in Japan. It wasn't an easy transition, she struggled a little with the language, but luckily she had knew some due to learning it in her younger years. The training was difficult, but Vivianna wouldn't give up - she wanted to be a perfect officer. It took her a long time, but she was eventually suitable for the Karakura Police Department. She joined as a cadet and unfortunately, did not listen as much as she should. Her time in the force was very interesting - it took her a while to pass her cadet test, but eventually did it. Patrol-officer to Corporal was much quicker and before she knew it, she was an S.A.T recruit. Being a recruit was difficult, they had a strict commander and had to learn to be in life-threatening situations. She was definitely not the best recruit but tried her best. She eventually quit S.A.T and the division soon got removed. Not long after, she had resigned to become a teacher. She believed it would be similar, as it was disciplining people - however, teenagers would be a challenge. P.E was one of her best subjects, so she chose to teach that. Her job as a teacher did not last long, and she soon found herself longing to return to the force. So - she began to get to sort herself out and make herself perfect for the job.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Vivianna Sonnet Valentine
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Vivi, Viv
Preferred Name: Vivianna
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Italian and Russian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3
Working Experience: 4
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in criminology
Year of Graduation: 2009
Major(s): P.E, Law
Minor(s): Finance
Native Languages: Italian
Other Languages: Japanese
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