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G. 'Ferri' Romano council application [College]


Level 60

What is your Minecraft username?: _Ferri

Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: I was banned for 1 day, a few months ago, for getting 2 warnings in less than 7 days (both warnings were for OOC reasons - trying to sell a glitched item and chaining in ooc chat) and 1 inactive warning for staying out of school grounds during school hours.

What is your timezone in GMT?: -3 BRT

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?: Leozsz#8214

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:



Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

I started playing SRP a few months ago and since I started, I have played it on a daily-basis. My main activity on the server is to roleplay the best way possible. As you can see I didn’t apply for many things to my character since I never, really, had a reason to or saw a way to develop my character with any of the jobs, which explain, as well, why my presence on the forums isn’t as active as my presence on the game. What I usually do here (forums) is to keep up with announcements and rules, making sure to be updated with the new changes and news on the server and, sometimes, I read applications, for the pure curiosity to understand the players around me.

summing up:

- Server: daily basis (regular roleplay)

- Forums: eventually, to read rules and updates and see any discussions and applications

- Discord: I’m, pretty much, always on


What is the student council?:
The council is made and managed by students that have the interest to speak and take decisions for their colleagues. The objective that they have in common: create a fun, safe and healthy environment to the people that they represent by organizing meetings and discussions on how to accomplish their goals and conciliate the young people's interests with the school place and rules.

Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):

The main reason I decided to apply for council is out of curiosity, my friend got accepted and I decided to talk and ask her on how the council works, since I knew very little about this organization and what kind of discussions and goals that you have(maybe because of a lack of communication between the group and the other students or maybe because of a lack of interest I had towards it). After hearing about it, and realizing that it’s not just a title that you carry around, but a responsibility and a very demanding work, I decided to learn and study about it and found a very organized job that, I believe, would suit my character’s lore. I also acknowledge that it’s going to be a hard task, but, I believe that I’m ready for it.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:

They promote and participate in school related events, monitorate the school hallways and grounds (making sure that all the school rules are being respected), they try to maintain a trust and friendly relation with staff and students and discuss ways to innovate and make a better school experience for everyone. The council also serves as a reference to all the people that they represent, showing excellence and respect, both inside and outside class.

How would you describe your work ethic?:

Work, for me, boils down to seriousness and compromise. From the moment that you commit to start a job, or any goal that you have in life, you must dive into it and invest your efforts to become better each day, or else, there’s no point in starting this activity at all, in my perspective. For me, this philosophy sums up into manipulating all the variables possible with the objective to make myself ,and the environment around me the greatest possible, whether it’s bringing new ideas to make jobs more efficient or creating ways to interact with my colleagues, trying to motivate and help them.

What interests you the most about the student council?:

Since I joined SRP, a few months ago, I realized an interesting, almost magic, experience that I didn’t have for a while, and, every day that passed, would give me more and more motivation to keep playing. After investing a lot of time and going through a lot of situations, I started to realize some things that I could make different, some actions that I would take, both in roleplay and ooc contexts, that I believe would make the whole SRP experience better, but I realized that I don’t have neither the means or the voice to do those acts, and that’s where the council comes in. From what I’ve seen, the whole organization is made out of experienced and motivated people that think, at least a little bit, in the same line as me and, being a part of this “team”, contributing and being in touch with the whole group, would be a dream coming true and that’s what brings a sparkle into my eyes and make me interested about the council.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:

My main experiences with roleplaying started a few years ago when me and a group of friends started to play a game of IRL roleplay that amazed me and created this interest that I have towards this type of “game”. A few months ago, I revisited this whole concept, again, by joining SRP. At first, I had a hard time understanding the rules and pace of the server, but, now, a few months later, I believe that I’ve learned a lot and the experiences that I gathered, collaborated for me to become a decent roleplayer with, still, a lot to learn.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:

I don’t think an awful idea is a bad thing overall, sometimes a bad idea can be developed and polished to a good one, or, serve as a lesson and help us to learn from our mistakes. The first thing that I believe councillors need to understand is that every idea brought to the table, got there with the best of intentions and from someone that is very capable and, probably, invested a lot of time to develop that suggestion, so it needs to be treated with the deserved respect and patience. With that said, I would try to do my best to suggest changes to ideas and try to make it work, always respecting the Council interest. If my suggestion doesn’t work or the whole concept of the idea, just, doesn’t goes with the organization profile, I would, politely, talk to the person and be honest, trying to make them understand that, at the given time, that idea doesn’t work but, depending on the situation, it might be useful in the future, encouraging the person to rethink the idea or put more effort in it, hoping that it develops into a good idea in the future, without demotivating my colleague.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?:

A lot of times, people will have ideas that, in their heads it is great and will add a lot to the environment, but it doesn’t work with the council’s profile or the concept just doesn’t work overall, so the idea must be abandoned or reworked. I understand that the person that had the “bad” idea can be me and, sometimes, the other members can hate it and express it in some ways that could make me angry or mad. With that said, I believe that I would need a time to breathe and calm down (if the situation demands it), and keep in mind the capability of my colleagues, and, if they hated it, I, probably, need to rethink the idea or, even, abandon it, always remembering to never take the critiques to a personal level.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:

I would deal with the situation the same way that I would deal with the last question, trying to calm down the nerves and take a time to breathe and rethink our actions. First I would try to draw attention to me (if the situation is in a VC I would ask to say a few words and wait for them to hear me) and would, politely, suggest to the president / vice president and my colleagues for a break, 5-10 minutes to drink a bottle of water, recover the breath and calm down the nerves, hoping that everyone that was arguing to calm down and understand that we are a group and we must help each other, not fight. If, when we come back, the situation is still on fire and everyone is still arguing, I would, calmly, ask to end the discussion or take the topic to another time, so we can have a more rational debate. After that I would try to talk to the people that were arguing (If I was the one involved in the argument I would start by apologizing to the whole council and the people that I was fighting with), and understand both parties, attempting to find common points with their arguments and try to conciliate it with the council’s interests.

A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do?:

As a council member, you compromise yourself to respect and assert a few rules and interests towards all the students. When you disrespect someone or abuse your position, you are disrespecting not only a person or a group of people, but the whole student community and council, once they trusted you a responsible position and you are making it a joke, or even worse, going against the main objective of the organization (create a fun and safe environment). My first act if I witness any act like that, would be to, obviously, take care of the person/people and apologize for my colleague’s act. After that, I would privately talk to the person and warn him about his acts and, if it happened again, take the situation to the president, so he/she could decide the best punishment to the responsible.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:

The first thing councillors need to understand about this business is that, once representing an organization, your opinion, sometimes, doesn’t matter, and you need to keep the Council’s interests above your own. With that said, I would, first, think if I am disagreeing with the president as myself (Ferri in this case) or as representative of the organization. If I’m disagreeing as a person, but the situation follows the Council interests, I would have to accept the decision and deal with the fact that, sometimes, things won’t go the way you want to. But, if what the president said is completely against the group’s interests, I would question him/her about the opinion and try to understand or debate (in a respectful way, accepting that people can have different opinions) over the point. If the situation is more serious, I would talk to my other colleagues and try to organize a meeting, trying to convince the person to change opinions, for the sake of the council’s health.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:

Even though this situation looks, terribly, tragic and chaotic, once it can generate a whole tension and, maybe, demotivate the whole group, we need to take a calm and wise approach so the scene doesn't get any worse. The first act that needs to be done is to call the two members and talk to each one alone, explaining, in a polite and honest way, how unprofessional their conflict is, going, even, against the main objectives of the council that were “hired” to defend (creating a fun and safe environment). After that, I would demand a change of profile to each one of them, reminding them that their personal and professional selves are different, so they must have a different approach once they decide to act as a councillor. After that I would try to talk to both of them, outside the council, in a personal way, trying to solve any conflicts and misunderstandings that the situation might have led to, trying to create a good environment between the two students.


Character Name: G. ‘Ferri’ Romano

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 20

Character phone-number: 861-270-730

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Ferri is a very polite, outgoing and friendly person, he loves to talk and meet new people but he loves, over anything else, to help others. This deep will to assist everyone that asks for help, combined with his hard working skills are the way that he found to accomplish his dream to, one day, make a difference in the world. Because of all those traits, Ferri has a big difficulty to understand that, sometimes, he can’t save everyone or solve all the challenges on his path. Overall, he is a very sweet and playful person that will always try to help the people that he cares about.

Character appearance/attire: The male would have latin traces and a soft accent. He would stand at 5’9 and would have a fit, slightly muscular, shape, highlighted by his muscular legs and strong core (indicating someone that runs a lot). His hair would be from a dark brown tone and his skin would be clear, but, a bit, tanned, both tones would contrast with his clear blue eyes. His Fashion wouldn't vary much, he would usually be found with a plain shirt, dark jeans and, always, a jacket, since he didn't get used to Japan's climate, in contrast with his past, living in a tropical, and hot, country. You could sense a delicate and elegant smell near him.


(after this I answered as an ICLY interview, so take the answers as my character responses)

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

“Since the last year, I have been working and studying a lot, trying to gather experience and knowledge towards my main focus area, business. I created a routine and was going, pretty much every school day, to the library and spending delightful hours reading books and researches about this type of subject and, after a few months, I started having ideas and drawing ways to innovate the environment that teached me a lot, and that’s when I found the school council. Studying a bit more about this organization and learning about your ideals and goals, I realized that my knowledge can be very helpful and might improve the functionality and processes that you have and, from the practical experiences that I had on the las weeks, working as a manager in Joyoung, I truly believe ,and hope, that I can add a lot to the council.”

Why do you want this position?:

“The biggest reason that i decided to apply for this position is to have a voice and power to make changes to the whole school community. Since I came to Karakura, my main focus was, and still is, towards studying and, because of that, the place that i spend most of my time is inside school, and, when you spend a lot of time in the same place, you start to observe some details and having some ideas and suggestions that, you think, can be helpful to the environment. And that’s where the council comes in, I believe that, once inside the council, I will have more voice to do these changes and suggestions that, hopefully, will add a lot to the whole student community.”

What interests you the most about student council?:

“I believe that when you are creating a team or a group there are a lot of important variables to take in consideration, like the strategies that you are going to take, the goals that you want to achieve and even the way that you deal with your mistakes but, for me, what differentiates an outstanding team from a regular / bad one, are the people who make it up and. The council, at least from what I’ve seen, has a lot of this, people who want to make a difference and have the capability to do so. Now, finally, answering the question, what makes my eyes shine and what motivates me to join the council is the group by itself and how skilled and capable it is.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

“I believe that the council has been doing an enviable job in this business, at least from what I’ve witnessed, always maintaining a respectful tone and taking the right decisions towards both students and school staff. But, sometimes, some students don’t understand the councilors' approach and, talking as one of the participants of this group, I can understand why. My first suggestion to this job would be to maintain a better contact with those people, once, sometimes, they have a preconception of the councillors, as people that just want to shove rules down their throats and “ruin all the fun” in school, when, it’s the complete opposite. My action would be to create a communication channel to share to all the students and show the council’s contributions to the school community, exposing, in a more clear way, the objectives of the organization and the commitment to the students. This way would be easier for everyone to understand the council’s acts and, maybe, it would reduce the conflicts between councillors and the other students.”

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