IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):
RPName of Club Leader:
Anzu Celty
Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):
Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

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Check out the SRP | Gambling Club community on Discord - hang out with 13 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
The reason why I should become a club leader over other applicants is due to the fact that I am known to be a well rounded and a respectable individual as well as a frequent member of SchoolRP, allowing many to be able to put their trust in me or can vouch for my abilities. I am an overachiever who puts all the effort in for my duties and responsibilities so that I only emit the best results and make sure that I am able to reach the expectations that are placed on me when I am given any opportunity to take on the roles that catch my interest and I apply for or even if it is just a small task that was given for me to do. I know my limits as well as capabilities so I am applying knowing that I will have the time to be able to create a joyous environment for those who join the club or partake in any of the events my members and I host. I am already a member of two clubs, this, may possibly be my final, and I have come to gain experience with how a club works and what goes on behind the scenes in order to be able to create an experience that everyone will be able to enjoy where I, already having many activities that I’d like to try with the players and topics I’d like to speak about during meetings with my members to better the clubs future. I am a sociable and energetic individual who loves to talk, so with this, I will be able to create a warm welcome to any new members and they will be able to become comfortable with me much easier and faster, to the point that they won’t be afraid to ask questions or even join random calls that I may be in, but, not only this, my current members are all the same as I. Each of them I can say are reliable and are a joy to be around as well, so not only will the events we host be full of energy and will be organized to the fullest extent, so will our meetings as well as anything else we all decide to do together with the new possible members.
What is the official title of the Club:
Gambling Club
Your current members RPName & IGN:
Club President [1/1]
Anzu Celty | MapleRei
Club Members [8/8]
Clair Luo Renzo | TaxH03_
Chris Chu Ammons | PotatoPuncher123
Melia M. Okum | Grap3Puncher123
Amidala Saioji | rreichii
Yoriyoi Kaiser | Taranga
Akello Blinder | TainyTea
Kazuki 'Cal' Miyata | Accyl
The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Octavio Kjaer | Shmellvin
What is your motivation for creating this club:
The idea of our own club has always intrigued me and my friends but we were never able to think of what type of club exactly until not too long ago. Why are we applying for a club exactly? Through this, we’ll be able to gain a place where we can all hang out doing fun activities together and it's the best of both worlds if we are able to start this club. Another intriguing club to the roster that will bring another roleplay opportunity to many of the players and it is a subject that I feel many will become curious of and will most likely apply for due to it, where we will gain a new safe place to talk, another priority to keep us occupied while online and an opportunity to meet new players who we can befriend, growing each of our friend groups. Every one of the current members that have decided to join the club are very active members so we’ll be able to make use of the club and the club room very often as we slowly grow in name and numbers and I’m sure the club will present and host wondrous creative school events for everyone else to experience. I want to see through this idea and make it a reality while I still can for the experience of everyone and I, as I and my current members know that we’ll be able to see to the club's growth and make everyone's experience in the club one they won’t regret. I want to be able to put my capabilities to use when it comes to events and organizing a group as well as the fact I am active, coming on everyday and am homeschooled meaning more free time than most would have due to public school or work. Placing this chance on me, my club members and the club itself will be a risky one due to it being a gambling club, I agree, but I am applying because I know I will be able to make it work and make all ends meet. I will acknowledge all expectations that will be placed on me if I become a club President and will not be scared to ask questions and will be sure to put in all the effort to show that we deserve this chance given to us. Now another question. . Why gambling out of all categories or topics? This is solely due to the fact that it was an idea that came out of nowhere but we were able to find more pros than cons of making it its own club. It is something unique that not most schools would allow but my team knows that we will be able to produce growth even if there are limitations we must follow.
What activities could your club do?:
#01 | Every-week Gamble!About:
I plan to host club meetings every week if possible unless OOCLY events intervene with my availability or I will have my Vice-Presidents take over but my plan is to appoint a game activity to every week where once I have finished discussing any needed information, we would spend the rest of the meeting to learn more about the history about casinos, gambling, and the games where we will get to play them after. I will attempt to host games that are beneficial to our brain growth, quick thinking and areas that are as well beneficial to the success of our education.
#02 | Character Chaos!
An activity where everyone chooses a character or individual that they'd like to act out from a selection where they will not have prior knowledge of, all characters relating to the clubs concept and must figure out the solution to the conflict that I will give them BUT. . even if they know the right answer, they must continue acting like their character and if it deems that the traits of their character should not know what is right from wrong, then they must not break character. This fun little activity will improve everyone's ability to maintain face around others and test their abilities to stay professional without cracking a smile or laugh or even attempting funny jokes.
#03 | Take Back Control!
Aha! An activity to see how well they can take conflict and convince, influence, and well, change others opinions! Two individuals will be given a topic and then they will be tasked to argue with one another but they won't be taking turns . . Oh no no- In order to be able to test their control, they must take back the spotlight by cutting in but as well give the other party time to speak. Although it will seem like a mess at first, their words will decide the outcome and to the party that gets the most votes or members on their side, they win. You see, all the many activities such as this are beneficial not only in school, in casinos, but as well as out in society. They will be able to improve their current abilities that will much surely come useful ICLY and OOCLY.
#04 | Double Fun!
With this, I plan to team up with another club president, specifically the Performing Arts club, so we can both host a small activity with both our members, one being a massive sleepover for all of us or a group outing just so that everyone can get to know or meet new people and make more friends as well as enjoy what we will have planned for them. It will be a great way to get everyone out of their comfort zones and to branch out to different group settings and improve any possible social disabilities or troubles they may have step by step, if not by a little.
#05 | Meditation!
As we know, school life ICLY may be stressful for the characters and all have different personalities, traits, and ways of doing things but through this activity, it will help them be able to maintain stability and keep calm when faced with any situation, allowing them to be able to relax or have more control over their actions and faces they show when facing tough situations, but how does this go in hand with gambling? You have to be able to hide your emotions from your opponent because any slight visible hesitation can lose you a game as well as it will take stress and weight off their shoulders while we do the activity in a safe and comfortable area with friends or possible future friends.
[SCHOOL CLUB EVENT] | Casino Escape!
The gym will be built to resemble a casino where all the students will be locked inside, with no way to escape except for /spawn in which they will be told beforehand that it is recommended they dress for the occasion, as if they were truly going to a fancy casino. To fit the eerie and mysterious setting, all the windows will be slightly blocked where only sources of light will be around the booths or games in which we will prepare. Once they are entrapped, a masked individual will walk up to the stage's podium where they will announce further information.
Masked Individual [!]
“What an amazing turnout . . WELCOME to all! I know you may all be confused or even scared right now . . but do not fret as this is ALL a part of the game we’re about to play. .”
“From here on . . you will be trapped in here UNLESS!- You are able to meet my demands . . If you all would turn to the booths and play areas . . You can see all my men!- And what will you need to do in order to escape? Beat them at their own game!”
“Before you begin . . All winners will gain a pamphlet of confirmation every time you win a game either against my men . . or against the fellow citizens surrounding you now . . You must gain a total of 10 pamphlets before we open the doors for you . .The individual who hands in the most pamphlets by the time today's event ends will win a prize!”
“All pamphlets must be given to me as I walk around eyeing each and everyone of you down . . For what reason am I doing this? Oh . .Who knows? To creep intimidation? Make you break out in cold sweat? Though . . if you’re not a game type . . You may walk around and purchase snacks, ask questions to our info booth members . . or take a photo with your friends before your impending DOOM!. .”
“ Now to no haste, you may begin! Have fun . . .”
[!] Here, you will be able to ask any questions you may have about the event, where you can gain club applications or speak about any of your concerns.
Booth 2: BLACK-JACK | 4 players each game including dealer
[!] Aim of the game is to get a hand total that is closer to 21 than the dealer without having to bust.
Booth 3: BIG WHEEL CASINO | 1 player at a time
[!] A player is to choose a number 1 through 12, then the wheel will be spun and if the wheel lands on the number they bet, they win though the more players try at the wheel, the less chance of winning as it will go from 1 through 12, to 1 through 15 and increasing every after every few people.
Booth 4: ROULETTE | 1 player at a time
[!] A wheel will be spun for whichever bet the player places and if the ball lands where they first predicted, they win.
Booth 5: JEOPARDY | Not limited
[!] The players will have categories to choose from where each consist of points, 200 to 1,000 and from them, will be questions they must answer correctly in order to gain said points. The players will be up against each other but all will be playing with the same goal, to achieve a pamphlet.
Booth 6: DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION | 1 player at a time
[!] Score more points dancing than the booth manager but as a handicap. . the booth manager will roll higher than the players.
Booth 7: CRAPS | 3 players at a time
[!] Aim of the game is to roll a 7 or 11 where though, if you roll 2, 3, or 12, you lose. Any number that hasn't already been listed is called a ‘point’, it must be rolled again in order for you to try and roll for a 7 but if a 7 is rolled before you roll your ‘point’, you lose.
Booth 8: MURDER MYSTERY/RIDDLES | Not limited
[!] Mini scenarios will be prepared for the players and they will each have a time limit in which they must figure out a solution to the mystery or riddle in order to win.
Booth 8: SNACKS/DRINKS | Not limited
[!] Hungry or thirsty after raging on in the game booths? Rest up after purchasing some treats before getting your head back in the games.
Booth 10: PHOTOS | Not limited
[!] Take some photos with your friends to commemorate your experience!
Extra Information:
All members beforehand will be taught how to play and run their booths as well as be given a book with instructions or game rules but they will as well have the discord, where I will there too, post rules and how-to’s for the event that they can look back at if they get confused or gain hesitation on how to play the game they were assigned to but some of the games may be a bit different from the actual real life games due to it being a Minecraft game.
This is all a brief idea on how the events/activities would go down if allowed but more information will be implemented if given the chance to host.
How could your club benefit the School?:
Not only will this be a new genre club, but it will also be a place beneficial to teachers and the faculty. Our activities will improve the brain process of the students because I plan to host activities that aim towards the progression and abilities of the students and all through gambling! Gambling is not just about wasting money, testing your luck, or betting for your life, it can as well reduce stress, increase happiness, help with social networking in the society as well as sharpen one's mind as it improves the performance of our brain. Though it brings pain to some because of the amounts of money they lose each time, for those who play the right way and with strategy can actually gain good mental health. I’d like to spread the pros, tips and tricks of gambling and would like to give everyone the opportunity to be able to experience it through this club. I feel it would be a rather enjoyable club for many as well as that the club will allow new opportunities, something new in the club category and something that will benefit them with growth and education wise as well as be a place to occupy the kids who usually go about causing trouble. The idea of a gambling club will intrigue many and as long as the applications are well written and the individual meets requirements, anyone can join, meaning, though the rate of troublesome students and their activity will only decrease slightly, it will still help immensely to keep the students occupied, as long as they enjoy the clubs concept, and away from gaining detentions or suspensions.
How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
The club room is where the club would most frequent or meet up every time a meeting is being hosted where I hope to host a meeting every week. It is where most of our activities will take place and without it, we would not be able to have our own safe place to go about the club's concept and the multiple games we’d like to play and learn about. Not only will it just be a place for meetings but I hope the club room can be somewhere the members can go to, to just freely converse with one another in any case they have nothing else to do or nowhere else to go, to relax or even, if they'd like to gamble! I hope the interior of the club room will one day consist of a few small stations we can use to host games and couches where the spectators can sit and watch as well as a mini podium where I, as President or the Vice-Presidents, can have a stand where they can speak from to relay any information, where all attention will be on us as everyone sit around.
What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Common requirements will be that they join having an interest in the clubs concept and not just because they were forced to by a friend or classmate so that during meetings, they will be able to participate with interest and as well that I hope all future members stay committed to the club or join, ready to participate or come to meetings every time unless given a valid excuse for absence. Not only that, I also hope that all that join follow any and all strict guidelines in the discord, in the clubroom and so on, not using this club as a way to commit illegal activity as we hope this club will become a fun space for all, not a criminal hotspot to rob money in which we will not condone whatsoeverFinal requirement, that may ruin the hopes of many, is that only students who are 18 and older may join. Though this club is just for fun and will not become a serious place to gamble money or anything of the sort, I would rather mature and experienced as well as individuals who have been playing SchoolRP for a long while to partake so that there will be no fooling around, messing with any game equipment, immaturity as well as I’d like to limit how many join as much as I can in hopes that the club is just a small space for those who share the same interest to gather and hang out in, rather than 20 different members all gathered in one club room for a meeting because they think by joining this club, they will be allowed to gamble illegally and gain large amounts of cash.
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