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Gaming Club Application


Level 37
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Meisoa Ki-San

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?:

I believe I should be accepted over other applicants because I am confident that I would be able to help bring a new and exciting experience to the world of gaming on SRP. As somebody who has always enjoyed video games much like others on SRP, I was sad to find out that the gaming club was no longer around and would like to take it upon myself to help bring it back.

Along with this, I would be willing to put in as much time as necessary to help make this club work and bring it back! Possibly even money too in order to buy customs like game consoles, controllers or even just plushies and items from the games that could really help bring it to life!

I have been in multiple clubs throughout my time on the server which has given me a better understanding of how they work. I’ve also been a part of three teams and multiple jobs which, although different to clubs, has shown me how different people choose to run and manage their own team whether it be employees or just students and I believe that has also helped me really learn and prepared me for a role like this!

After around two years on this server and even longer roleplay in general, I believe that I am now ready for the role of club leader and have much more experience than many others! I am very enthusiastic and hopeful for this position and I hope you are able to see that through my application.


What is the official title of the Club: Gaming Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
(minimum of 5)

[Club-Leader] - 1

Meisoa Ki-San | kugia

[Club-Members] - 7
Camille Oshiroto | tamakiyo
Chiyoko Takahashi | Obsxssive
Kioka Akoiyara | LylaRose1
Gem Sadako | Jemushi
Dorris Kodama | glowss
Tsugi Miyoshi | guccichaee
Zhena R. Kinoshira | TaxEvasionFraud

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Kiyoka Amaya | dontpayurtaxes

What is your motivation for creating this club:

Karakura has a big gaming industry and this is evident through places and stores much like Joyoung, which has been a huge hit since the opening, and I want to bring that back to the students of the server so they are able to enjoy it during school hours too!

Gaming is something shared in common with most, if not all, players of SRP, who are quite literally living life in a game. People often create characters that reflect upon themselves, this may not be intentional but it is only natural for people to do this as it helps them get the most out of the server that they can and really enjoy it and I hope I can help them develop that and explore a new form of gaming along with the club!

I’m very passionate about gaming in general and that would be one of my main motivations! Like mentioned before, I want to help people explore a new form of gaming within the server. To clarify upon this further, I would like to somewhat re-invent gaming on the server and show others that it's possible to make fun out of what could simply be as little as a few actions to Mario Kart or a fake game of valorant!

What activities could your club do?:

I picked a few activities and events as some may be somewhat similar to each other!

Public-School Event

For the first school event, I think a tournament would be a really cool way to do this! Students and faculty could go head to head at video games such as Mario Kart, a brief summary of how I plan for this to work is that members of the club would direct the players through a game with /its, the players would then complete a series of actions, once done they would both roll out of a certain number and the highest score wins! This could be worked on and evolved further of course however if this method is used we’d keep track of the highest scores over a certain number and those people would be called back to play another round.

A second event we could put in place is a collaboration with the Cosplay Club to hold a Video Games x Cosplay event! One of the suggestions that I have also seen on forums was another cosplay event and as somebody who is also a member of the cosplay club, I think it could be a good idea but it would need something new implemented so that it does not seem repetitive. With the addition of Video Game themed cosplays, it would provide a new opportunity!

These two events could also be merged! The cosplay side would, of course, be run by the cosplay club and the gaming section and tournament would be run by us! We could also add photo booths which the photography club could assist with, The booths could contain videogame themed settings such as a Mario theme etc.

The final event would not be able to be done yet however I think it would be fun, This event would likely be somewhat pricey since people would either require VR’s or retrieve them at the event for a short period of time. The event would be simple, a group game, people would line up and queue to get in. There would be a maximum player limit and they could get early access to whatever the new VR game maybe or even just a chance to play! Ideally, these games would be short quests, mazes, puzzles or escape rooms!

(Although we could also have a system where only a certain amount of people could use them at one time, people could invade this with their own VRs so it would work better if it was planned before VRs were sold again to reintroduce them to the server!)

Club Only Activities

One of the main activities that would take place during club meetings and in general is that the members could meet up to play video games in general, we would do this through roleplaying it out together and actioning our movements in-game! This is a basic way I wish to help bring gaming further into SRP and make it more interactive.

Upon the re-addition of VR, I also hope for us to be able to go on virtual quests or adventures together as a group! I feel like this would give a bigger use for VR’s if/when they are eventually added although I expect that this may be a while away as it is in the red zone of the list on forums so this likely may not be added.

The final Club activity I have is that we could meet icly and play online games together like small online games such as Pacman or Tetris or maybe even bigger games like valorant although for meetups the smaller web-games would likely be preferably and we could compare scores! In addition to this, we could pool small amounts of money like a couple thousand yen and the winner would keep the pot, we’d have to send a screenshot and put it in the discord to assure nobody is lying, although I don’t believe our current members would do this!

How could your club benefit the School?:

My club would be beneficial to the school as it would allow students to have fun with a new gaming experience within the server which you can’t get from simply buying a neentendo. The gaming club would help bring people together under the interest of gaming, this may have been done before previously but I plan to bring it to a new level, bigger and better than before! I hope to evolve the world of gaming on SRP in a way that will benefit the community as a whole, not just for the club. I hope to bring new events that players will remember for a long time coming much like the cosplay event all the way back from 2019.

I believe this club will also serve as a safe space for many, although there is an acceptance club, the gaming club will accept any and all people too, both oocly and icly. The discord will be open to any members of the public to share their opinions, scores and even lore theories about any games they wish!

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?:

Hopefully, we would be able to use the club room to set up things such as a television and sofa where the members could play on whatever console we decide to be put in there. Alongside this, there would ideally be a set-up with a couple of laptops and in the corner maybe a small table or counter with a fridge where food could be stored to stop members going hungry during our many hours of gaming. I'd also like to include signs displaying high scores in simple games like Tetris and Pacman that challenge others to beat it!

We’d hold weekly meetings here where members would meet in order to help stay active unless they have provided me with a reason they will not be online or able to attend. During this time we could roleplay out gaming in general and discuss further the club while doing so. OOC club matters may be discussed in VC's, looc or in the discord! I will keep note of any important notes in vc or looc in a document to keep things organised! IC club matters will be coursed in regular IC chat and if necessary I would also keep notes, ICly matters would likely just be informing members of how events will work, introducing new members and discussing how the club will move forward whereas OOCly matters would be actually helping plan and organise events, discussing new members etc.

Although these are important things, not every meeting will be to discuss such topics and would be more laid back and meant to be somewhat of a team-bonding activity, simply playing video games together, discussing high scores and interests!

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

Currently, there are no major requirements as the gaming club would be for any and all who enjoy gaming and wish to apply! Despite this, upon joining the club there are certain rules and standards members will be expected to uphold in order to keep the reputation of the club and its members secure. If you do decide to give this a chance and join the discord you will gain access to the club chats, including the one with our rules/guidelines members are expected to follow.

The club also has basic requirements such as having discord and being a student over the age of 15. This is to assure we are able to keep track of members and we do not have characters that are overly immature or that haven’t been on the server long. As long as their application looks up to standard and we have space for new members then they will more likely than not be accepted! The only exceptions to this would be if I find out they have a history with things like drama that could interrupt the club however this is unlikely.

Thank you for reading my application!​


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
- You will be contacted through DM's about what's next! Congratulations!

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