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Gang rp ideas


Level 12
What ever you are about to read was just me babbling about trying to improve gangrp as a whole, idek what it is in here, so you are free to take ideas from it as it is not a suggestion, Hira if you are reading this you can steal all of it if u want, idek if grammar is right but idc, i just wanted to post it.

Overall the idea is to make a big change to give the GangRp faction a good revamp of the rules (most of them, as I will be missing a lot of points that can be later figured by higher-ups if they want to add these or not) to promote and get people excited to try new things, that seem more interesting and different from what we have, motivating them to use and buy weapons as well as to do crime things with better odds. These are just a bunch of ideas connected to each other that don't need to be necessarily all added or liked, but I believe that they would work well together if we just aimed for a bigger change rather than small ones, if just a few of these were to get accepted it would be just fine!

(Note: some cursive words inside of paragraphs mean that their meaning will be explained further in the suggestion)

Rolling system
The rolling system we have now is very slow, and when you have to deal with KPD officers who have stun blasters or tranqs who work instantly it does look like the criminals are at a disadvantage, I believe it would be better to create a fighting system that is quicker so that criminals are less scared to act on perms and get caught. before anything I’d like to specify that the roll amount used is determined by a specific idea we had as well that’s below here;

First of all, we would have 3 kinds of rolling;
Offense rolls - every action where you are using a weapon or item to your advantage to hurt another person. (Roll amount determined by weapon)
Defense rolls - the amount you would roll to defend yourself from an offense roll. (Roll amount determined by gear)
And Movement - any action that involves, dipping, dashing, grabbing, pulling out weapons or such. (Roll 150 both parties)

Note KPD officers will only roll 200 in all 3 categories although they are not granted the powered attack privilege.

Revamping Weapons:
Give weapons another reason as to why they are superior other than the fact that they are weapons, when it comes down to it there are simply weapons that do better and result in the others being left untouched and almost unused apart from flashy screenshots; For example the Nagiata. My suggestion is to give weapons their advantages with rolls.

For Example:
Bare Hands | Roll 100
Metal Bat | Rolling 125
Spiked Glove | Rolling 12
Katana | Rolling 150
Spiked Bat | Rolling 150 | Insta KO
Nagiata | Rolling 200

When actioning with these, and when these weapons are involved you would be allowed to roll their amount (when stabbing, hitting, or trying to defend yourself from someone stealing the weapon from you) for grabs and other actions it would be a normal 100 roll.

Revamping Masks:
Together with weapons, masks would be granted a rolling on-defense perk, when someone’s trying to do some kind of offensive action against you the possession and current use of a mask would be giving you a rolling advantage.

For Example:
Mask-less | Roll 100
Rubber and other masks | 100
Gas Mask | Roll 125
Ballistic Mask | 150

These would only work for defensive actions.

Now the bigger ideas I have will be explained here:

Powered attacks would be a special ability given to items that can KO and fists to do situations faster whilst keeping them fair for everyone.

Player 1: /me Would swing his bat at the individual’s head

Before the other player gets to roll against Player 1, Player 1 will roll himself, and depending on the number he gets, He’ll be able to hit the player for 3 hits or just 2, how? ;

Player 1: rolls 120 out of 125

Player 1 now has the chance to hit Player 2 for 3 hits since his roll was above 90% of his rolling number rounded up.

Player 2: rolls 40 out of 100

Status: Player 1: 0 hits. Player 2: 3 hits

Player 1 just hit Player 2 for 3 hits since he won the roll against him first and then got more than 90% of his rolling number throwing a “powered attack” at the individual. If player 1 rolled above his 90% mark, making a powered attack, and then lost the roll it would be an unsuccessful attack and he’d gain no points.
I understand that at first, it may be hard to understand everything and do the maths for everything but with a bit of time, people will adapt to it and learn the percentages of each roll. This way u could get lucky and 1-hit KO someone with a metal bat or get a tight tough 2-hit fist hit to the head and well-spiked bats would remain the same 1-hit KO’s with a higher rolling amount only.

Behind, by being behind a player you no longer have to allow all kinds of actions, as you’ll have a chance to save yourself from these, the player that’s behind rolls normally, and the victim will roll half of his corresponding rolling amount.

I’ll introduce now the defense and how it would work, these would work in case you trying to loosen up the other individual until you wait for backup before attacking. Or just not being way too repetitive and only going for head hits all the time.

Chest hits, if someone were to hit you on the chest winning the role, you’d be denied from punching their head for more than 1 point with a metal bat or with your hands on the next turn, as you’d be loosened up, and still regaining your composture from such a strong punch. Does not apply to Spiked bats.

Sweeping someone, if you sweep someone winning the role, you’d now be safe of any hits with any kind of bat or punch if you are wearing a ballistic as they wouldn't be able to reach the side and back of your head, nor smack you with the same strength as if they were standing, take in mind that if the players have been sweeped and he is behind you, he’ll be able to hit you pretty easily, the only issue they’ll have is that they won't be able to do a powered attack until they stand up, now, a player doesn't fall for the same move twice, you’d be only allowed to sweep someone once per fight, per person, example;

It is a 1 v 3 situation, where all 3 other players surround the 1 player, the 1 player will be able to sweep every other player once and the 3 players will all be able
to sweep the 1 player once in that specific fight

If you fail your roll to sweep someone that wont count as your 1 time to sweep them, you are allowed to only sweep someone once successfully but you are allowed to try to do it as many times as you want.

Chest stomp, a chest stomp would have to always go after a sweep or if a player is already laying or seating, a chest stomp would send the rival to lay right away to the floor if the roll is won, on a chest stomp you wont be able to hit the rival on the floor with short weapons as you wouldnt be able to reach, but a long weapon will be just fine, you’d also stand in a compromised situation as you are just one leg pull from falling on top your opponent (close combat) unless you are holding onto someone or something (friendly grab), your opponent wont be able to hit you no matter what until he sits back up or stands up following the rules on when sweeping someone, with these 2 actions (sweeping and then stomping him) your opponent will have to first of all remove your feet off their chest, then sit back up, and just then he’ll be able to stand up, take in mind that players can be pulled away from this scenarios by other members or friends that action to do so, once the rival’s foot has been removed from their chest in any way possible. Your leg will get tired and you’ll get uncomfy after a while so after 2 own actions your leg will leave their chest with no action.

Friendly Grab: a “friendly grab” is a grab that you or some friend can do to grant you or themselves help from sweeps or leg pulls or any action that makes you lose balance, when 1 player is holding onto another player tight those 2 players will be safe until the grab between them is broken, 2 players cant walk into a situation grabbed onto eachother, they’ll have to action to grab onto the other one when being in a fight or predicting for another party to engage with them, when you are friendly grabbed, you and your grab partner’s arms that are being hold onto are denied from hitting someone they’ll have to do everything with their other hand and arm until they loosen up the hold. You can also hold onto some kind of structure yourself if actioned correctly, holding onto a pillar or stiff structure will grant you the perk to avoid any sweeps and such. You cant dip from a situation whislt grabbing something or someone you’ll have to act first to let go and then act to dip.

Close Combat: close combat would be triggered after a tackle, leg pull or any action that would end up with the 2 individuals that are fighting very close to each other to the point where they don't have enough room to have long weapons for their advantage, although if you carry a short weapon such as a knuckle duster or a pocket knife you’ll be able to use it freely. Close combat is triggered when you are fighting someone with a long weapon and you go for an attempt to try and stop them from doing so, and gaining time or a chance to beat them.

Tackle: a tackle is a way to engage in Close Combat to try to save yourself from getting Ko'd, you’d jump towards the individual that has to be infront of you, with your head ahead, granting you one head point against you but also you’d stand in a greater fighting position as you’d sit on your rivals stomach.

Criminal zones

Better “powerplant”, No one likes powerplant now, it is repetitive and there arent much changes, but the door change that honestly made it worse, I say we give players a bigger zone to commit crime in, something wayyy bigger, easier to hide in, go inside and outside of it and adding a few other special rules to it, it is all about innovating, people rarely go commit crimes at powerplant as it is so easy to get caught by the KPD, with a bigger place people would spread around and some people would be able to dip instead of getting caught. With that I think we could add many more instresting things and roleplay and work with the environment and objects around, for example rusty metals or spikes scattered around where you can major people on the spot, metal sticks that can be picked up to use as a bat and more items or things like this. Even thi this place can be really big with plenty of things, as it could perhaps be the size of the SD, it could have a half built building that went abandoned after one of Karakura’s earthquakes, some smaller and rusty houses, and abandoned hotel perhaps and many more interesting buildings that have that spooky and freaky vibe where people can hide, and blood or leftovers are just casuals, in a place.

Gang hangouts, would be small places where verified and unverified gangs could have their own spot with a few cool objects, graffiti’s and games, places like behind the 11/7, skate park, right side of Block I, and others, these wouldn’t be illegal nor anything it would just give gangs cool places that they have “claimed” icly as their spot to chill and do their own thing, together with a quick sewer entrance they would spark the map with colors and make it feel more alive whilst giving gangs that feeling of growth by having some “property”, as this would be “their” zone, they would be granted special permission to press other players and engage in exotic roleplay scenarios before getting to beat up the other party if they end up going the wrong way, although this is something I want to explain later.

Gang and criminal perks

There aint much things or advantages for verified gangs compared to others, so I have a few ideas to grant them as bonuses for being Karakura’s top gangs, these are designed to bring crime rates back up and motviate gangs to do things like they are supposed to.

Personal BMD, A Black Market Dealer would be linked indirectly with every verified gang, where both parties will be down to help eachother, sharing information and others, a personal BMD could also have lower prices for their gangs, hand them custom weapons with special stats and overall motivate them to commit crime, while still being a higher up rank for most of the people on the gang, they will supervise and punish possible snitches or people that do not comply, the gang would also pffer something on the table to close a deal with the BMD, helping them with stolen crates or people they are trying to find, or doing head hunting tasks for them, aswell as willing to risk their lives for the BMD’s.

Stronger Leaders, Gang leaders or/and 2nds in charge in gangs tend to be the most powerful, therefore they lead the gang, otherwise someone else would take over, they should be smarter, stronger and outstanding people, so a rolling bonus would be given to them, this way they have a small perk when fighting and are harder to beat up, I believe this would be fair as it wouldn't be normal to see a casual beating up a gang leader.
Gang leaders would be granted a +25 rolling perl on every situation.
The gang mate that comes after the gang leader would be granted a +10 rolling perk on every situation.
(For Verified Gangs only)

Event organizers, (im unaware if they have any or if it is just the faction leader) but something like what we have in the sports faction, a channel where every team has their own event member that can help plan events, the CrimeRP faction would have event leads like Jayla for college and Zinth for HS, whom people can reach out to and to ask and organize big events for people that are not related with crime to see and live so that there is a bigger sense of criminality around.

After the point above I believe every verified gang should be granted the idea to have an event made where they are the protagonists once every 2-3 months so that they can organize it correctly, something like a bank heist, bomb set down on an apartment block, the kidnapping of someone relevant, this way even the KPD would be benefited with interesting cases and situations that can last long without a planned ending and letting things flow, now even reporters are involved with cool and innovating news and reports.


I would start be completely eliminating all minor, major and KPS perms. Doing a complete new model, where there is more role

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