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GayCereal_ | Caretaker Application


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Gaytime (gayest_of_cereals)
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
AEST (Australian Eastern Time)
Describe your activity on the server:
Very active. I have taken many breaks from the server, mainly having nothing to do, which is why I am applying for this role. I am a part of IC families, causing me to constantly be online as well as being as social as possible. Friends constantly request for me to be online, which increases my motivation. Formerly I was a professor and a chef, having these roles motivated me more to be online constantly, I am now trying to pick up my activity on the server and be as active as I was back then. I am able to balance my life outside of the server while easily remaining active.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that completely.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The role of a caretaker is to patrol the school grounds at all times of the day and assist the students they find who are in need and separate the students in fights. Caretakers also roam around to find and clean up any messes that may have been caused by students or others. Caretakers also have access to CCTV, allowing them to have easier access to students' behaviour in the school and are able to quickly, and efficiently radio someone to go check out the incident or go to the incident themself. This is also useful with students who are unable to identify someone or are unable to be identified themselves if not at the incident, the CCTV will assist with that and can easily show who it is. The job of a caretaker is majorly focused on keeping the school clean and safe, as well as its students and staff members.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I joined SRP 5 years ago, in 2019. I did start off as any other, but I was guided a fair bit along the way. Told how to speak in Looc, how to do a description, how to do my roleplay name, and much much more! I found it and still do, very helpful that I was guided so I could get to where I am today. My roleplaying skills will never be as good as some others but I have definitely improved since 2019. Sometimes I get confused but in my opinion that would be normal in some cases. To conclude this small paragraph, I have definitely gotten better at my roleplaying skills. I have easily improved my skills and I am very confident in my capability of roleplay.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Being in the school faction is a fun, and rather interesting experience, I have been apart of the employee part of the faction previously, but I transferred to being a professor, the role of a professor can be quite difficult and frustrating at times, whereas the role of an employee is also, frustrating, the role I am targeting to get will hopefully bring more ease into my experience in the faction. Teaching other people in character is quite difficult at times, so I am looking for a solution in joining the employee side of the faction again.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Adult [Main Account]
Duck [Alternate Account]
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Dio would open with a rather calm but clearly offended response, To attempt to have the student back off slightly to make the argument that was most likely about to commence less brutal. In some cases if that wouldn't work he'd begin to just listen to what they were complaining about and call the student out for any profanities they used in the conversation. If the conversation went south, Dio would become more serious. Meaning that if necessary, he'd whisper into the radio for a bit of assistance. In the situation where Dio does not use the radio, he will give countless warnings and stand his ground. If the fight got too bad and wasn't cooling down, he'd pull out a detention slip and see to more consequences and action depending on what the student had said. Alternatively, if the students grew more aggravated at that, Dio would remind the student of the school rules, as well as reminding the student that they were given countless warnings and to refrain from repeating those actions next time.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
While on his patrol, seeing the sight of this, Dio would quickly rush toward the scene unfolding in front of him. Inching closer, he'd finally see more clearly, two students fighting, a grade twelve, and a college student. Dio would quickly make his way over, not yelling but speaking in an exaggerated volume. This would be to get the student's attention and to hopefully pause their swings at each other. Knowing he couldn't grab or attack any of the students to cause them to stop completely, he jumped in between them. He'd quickly radio for assistance while remaining in between the both of them while waiting for backup. At the sight of another employee coming to assist, he motioned to the highschooler. The employee took the highschooler away to be questioned while Dio questioned the college student. If the college student were to remain aggravated and continue screaming when the highschooler had gone, Dio would calmly remind them of the situation. After being questioned and calmed down, he would give the college student a detention slip. After doing so, he'd reiterate the rules and let the college student go.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Astonished, at the profanities and the language Dio's co-worker was using, he got up and pulled out his radio, whispering into it, informing the others about it. He then approached his co-worker and began to warn them about the language they were using and how inappropriate it was. If that hadn't worked, he'd hold his hands behind his back, refraining from snapping and using physical violence, he just would wait for one of the other teachers or employees to come and assist. While waiting, Dio would observe more closely at what the co-worker's state of mind could be at. After concluding that his co-worker was clearly aggravated and over-stimulated, he'd calmly try to speak to them, offering water before the other faculty members came.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
After a long few hours, Dio would greet the other employees and bow to them, respecting them as much as possible. Turning to the kettle he flicked the switch after making sure it was full. He then grabbed a cup from the shelf, after checking it was his cup, he'd pick up a spoon. Pouring the boiling water into the cup, he placed the tea-bag into the water, adding a spoonful of sugar he then stirred it for a little bit. Once it had mixed in nicely, he blew on it and took a little sip. Standing there taking small sips, he awaited for someone to scoot away from their seat. As one of his co-workers got up and said their farewells for now, he slowly made his way to the open seat and relaxed. While sipping his tea, he eventually made small-talk with the other faculty members, discussing student's behaviours, class activities and other things outside of the school. Once Dio had finished his tea, he'd wash his cup and place it neatly on the drying rack, still talking to the other faculty members before leaving the break room again.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Dio would walk with a little skip and hop in his step, keeping a friendly smile on his face, greeting the students as he passed by. Dio would wander through the school, from back to front and top to bottom. He'd remain active on the radio, chatting with the other faculty members politely and joking around. While on his patrol, he'd clean up any mess or rubbish left behind by the students or any previous activities that had commenced. While doing so, he'd greet the receptionist as he passed, going to each trash-can, emptying the rubbish into the large bins on the side of the school. While on his patrol, Dio would remind misbehaving students of the rules, sometimes handing out a detention here and there. As he patrolled the school. lunchtime approached, Dio had grown quite hungry, he made his way to the cafeteria, not yet eating. He carefully observed the long line of students, correcting anyone who dared to cut the line or try and get seconds. Once the line had cleared, Dio would wave to the chef and calmly walk away, going to the break room and getting himself some lunch of his own before heading back out into patrol.
/me While on patrol, Dio would stop constantly to chat with students, watch outdoor classes or chat with any faculty members whom he passed. After his conversation with the receptionist he'd begin to scan the school again from top to bottom, this was his routine, constantly do this. After another round, he grew tired of doing the same thing, so he made his way to the boiler room and hopped onto CCTV to check any areas he may have missed or if anything had been picked up from where he had been. As he looked on the cameras, he spotted a little conflict between four students, he spoke in his radio, addressing the situation to the other faculty members as he made his way over. When he got there, two other staff members had made it there first, Dio would greet them briefly before turning to the students who were ignoring the faculty members. After getting in between them, he'd remain calm as he talked to them and while the other staff members handed out detention slips. After it was resolved and everyone was sent in separate ways, Dio would leave again, continuing to keep the school grounds clean.
/me As the hours passed, Dio kept patrolling throughout the school, listening to the bells as they rang for the next period. Dio would make his way to the football court, horrified at the sight of a Bobcats and Spartans ordeal. Paint was all over the seats, at the sight, Dio got a bucket of water and soap and began to clean it. Whilst doing so, he'd fix or take notes of any broken objects in the area. After finishing his cleanup, the end of school bell rang. Dio made his way to the detention room where two other employees accompanied him. Keeping the room alive, he made quiet small-talk with the other faculty members, while the students began to arrive. As always, there were a few skippers, Dio would exit the room and go to the boiler room, looking at the cameras to see if they were still in school. Once seeing them, he'd go onto the intercoms and remind them of the consequences of skipping detentions while calling the students by name. Once they had all arrived, Dio would continue the detention with the other employees, handing out tasks to the students and marking them once finished. Once everyone had gone, Dio went around the school once more, cleaning up anything left behind before leaving the school.
In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
Full Name (First & Last only):
Dìo Saōkō
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr Saōkō
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Physical Education and Psychology
Biology, History, Psychology
Known Languages:
French, Spanish, Dutch
Born and raised in France to Luarelle and George Saōkō, Dìo grew up with a deep love for his family, particularly his younger sister Darlene. However, tragedy struck when their parents passed away unexpectedly, leaving Dìo and Darlene to navigate life on their own from a relatively young age. Despite the loss of their parents, Dìo was determined to provide a stable and loving home for Darlene. He took on odd jobs and worked tirelessly to make ends meet, all while ensuring that Darlene had the support she needed to thrive. Their bond grew stronger through the years, as they leaned on each other for strength and companionship. As Dìo approached adulthood, he felt a calling to explore the world beyond France. Seeking new opportunities and a fresh start, he decided to move to Japan, a country that had always fascinated him with its rich culture and traditions. It was a bold move, but one that he felt was necessary for his own personal growth and for the future he wanted to build for himself and Darlene. Upon arriving in Japan, Dìo faced the challenges of adjusting to a new country and culture. Despite the initial difficulties, he eventually found his footing and began to build a life for himself and Darlene in the city of Karakura. He found work as a caretaker at Karakura High School, a job that not only provided him with a steady income but also allowed him to contribute to the well-being of the school community. Dìo's compassionate nature and strong work ethic quickly endeared him to both students and staff at Karakura High School. He took pride in his work, ensuring that the school facilities were clean, safe, and welcoming for everyone. His towering presence may have been intimidating at first, but his gentle demeanour and willingness to lend a helping hand soon made him a beloved figure around the campus. Despite the challenges he's faced along the way, Dìo remains committed to providing a better life for himself and Darlene. His journey from France to Japan is a testament to his resilience and determination, and his role as a caretaker at Karakura High School is just one chapter in the story of a man who has overcome adversity with grace and strength.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
My motivation for joining the faction again is because I have been increasingly bored, and I have missed the old faculty members who work there. After leaving my position as a professor, I realised my burn-out was because the position of a professor gets overwhelming at some points. This is why I've chosen to come back, but as a caretaker, I know that it won't be relaxing at all, but it will help me keep in contact with the people I met previously. I also did love the job, just needed a break, but I am confident I am ready to come back.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I am very easygoing, I listen to all instructions and rules and remain respectful of the other faction members. I know my boundaries and how to settle arguments easily. I remain respectful of my higher-ups and any other faculty members. I take the instructions I'm given and I follow them, I remain calm when in serious situations and always follow the supplied rules and regulations. I take pride in the job I am given and remain positive and polite when being spoken to in even the most harsh situations.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

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