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Denied Gener - History Teacher Application


Level 21
Community Team
Event Team
OOC Information:
What is your Minecraft username?: MinisterFudge

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): crystallizedgene

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

How old are you? (Optional): 22

What is your time zone?: AEST GMT (+10) – Basically: Time in Sydney, Australia.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I do. I have been told apparently teaching positions are very awkward in that there is more comings and goings in this role than others a person might apply for instead.

Describe your activity on the server: I am online daily or every second day unless I am otherwise occupied. You can expect my upcoming obligations to include attendance at university classes, but even those do not go all day or occupy every day of my week.
I only use one account on the server: MinisterFudge

Do you have any previous bans?: No

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Grade 12.

What subject are you applying to teach?: History.

I would be expected to teach quite specifically about the History of Karakura, presumably using information developed by the LORE team or others as a guide. But I've also heard it can veer off that topic: with one person telling me they debated the merits of Hiroshima and Nagasaki so... (No idea if that's true but, yeah, I'm not going to do that)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I’ve always enjoyed history. At High School I elected to study Modern History and History Extension; the latter being less concerned with actual historical topics and more the study of history and also debates surrounding Australian History (dubbed ‘the history wars’). You can expect me to be that history teacher that gets students to debate, disagree and argue; challenging as well as learning about prescribed historical narratives vis-a-vis Karakura. It is my hope to instill criticality in the students of Karakura; while also recognizing of course that they have exams they will need to pass and so on.

Also, and I hope this is taken in the best way: after seeing what classes here are like I feel inspired in a sense. That is to say, I've seen it and am more or less of the mind that "Yeah, I could do that". Thus, here I am. Applying.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Of course, and I would look forward to it.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

In essence, they are a mechanism for teachers to prove they are in fact teaching and meeting activity requirements. They are significant given it would be difficult for a SchoolRP server to operate if its teachers could come and go as they pleased with little expectation they are actually consistently performing their role to an agreed upon standard. The practical result of that would be a school that seldom teaches it students. Moreover, I would suspect the evidence of classes being taught are useful for the purpose of remuneration; paying the teachers for their IC labor. The logs may be said to be important because, additionally, they ensure teachers are not teaching more than 4 times per OOC day as this is expressly forbidden.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

The Strict Rules when being in class may be thought of in two ways: rules for the teachers and rules for the students.

Teachers of course are expected generally to have clear expectations of their students and actually communicate these; they are expected to be prepared, good listeners and to uphold their duty of care.

Students are expected to meet the clear expectations communicated to them (or implied by the School’s broader code of conduct that most schools worth their salt have literally written down somewhere on the school premises). Typically, the strict rules when being in a class can be more or less summarized thus:

  1. Avoid Academic or General Misconduct: Students are not to engage in academic or general misconduct in class.
  • General misconduct can be defined as any behavior contrary to the accepted and reasonable standards of the teacher. This can include conduct that poses a risk to Karakura’s activities, systems, operations or property; or the welfare of other students; or disrupts the ability to access Karakura’s services (e.g. my teaching would be a service; preventing other students from learning properly by for example, bullying, harassment, etc. would be general misconduct). Common violations in class generally manifest in antisocial or offensive behavior; disobeying instructions from teachers or more serious violations like hazing or motting.
  • Academic misconduct is any conduct that compromises a student’s academic integrity. It may include, inter alia, plagiarism, cheating, gaining some unfair advantage over other students, unauthorized collaborations …
2. Courtesy and Decorum
  • It is a basic expectation that students will respect the authority of the teacher, the right of their peers to learn, and remain attentive in class. Failure to do so may constitute general misconduct. The classroom is a place for students to, ultimately learn and digest information to pass exams. This can not reasonably be accomplished if the relationship between teacher and student is not one of mutual trust and respect. However, any responsible teacher would acknowledge that schools are a key site where power relations are reproduced and reinforced (Foucault, 1986: 211). The onus may be on teachers to be sensitive to disciplinary techniques employed within educational institutions to create docile bodies and reinforce the exercise of power. Teachers are in a special position to adopt a dialogical approach to education that empowers learners and encourages critical thinking and reflection. But of course, this would require dialogue, mutual respect, and the co-creation of knowledge between teachers and students (per Paulo Freire 2000).
In practice, speaking over the teacher or disrupting your peers from learning is the most common violation of this rule.
These two twin rules, I should imagine, can just be broken down into more simple prescriptions like:

  • Raise your hand to get permission to speak and answer questions/contribute
  • Respect the personal space of others; Hands-Off policy etc. (In practice this could deter students from shifting on one another which, yes, I've seen several times already. Sad).
  • Be ready to learn, and ask questions if you do not understand …
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Ah, well. Let’s have a fun little discussion about a certain Garry’s Mod community that got butchered for copyright issues. I used to be a Gamemaker (event organizer) for ‘Hogwarts RP’ and now, here I am. I've come to SchoolRP. Greetings. Hello.

It is well worth mentioning given a key part of that Gamemaker role required… well, not just teaching hordes of ‘students’ but actually organizing school-wide events and so on. I shall not bore readers with extensive detail as to either A) Why the server shut down (this video did a good enough job of it: See YT: /watch?v=u7pgRoKL1xA) or B) Every single thing I did while the server was in existence.

It is sufficient to say that I have experience roleplaying as a teacher. Moreover, I have experienced disorderly students with chaotic energy that dare I say could only be replicated in fractions here: attached at the bottom of this application you will find clips where I was roleplaying as (inter alia) some stuffy old Minister for Magic and having a wee cheeky chat with RTgame (good times).

I would be delighted to compare and contrast my experience teaching on SRP with my past experiences if given that opportunity.
Naturally, I am well and fully aware that the eccentric teaching styles of Gmod properly are expressly forbidden here.
For the sake of transparency I will share some clips of my brazen teaching methods at the bottom of this application that TO BE CLEAR I will absolutely not replicate here if this application is accepted. Frankly, I'm putting it here if for any other reason than to give application reviewers something to chuckle at and ideally not cringe too hard. Plus it answers this question.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
The Head of Department, as the name suggests, is the teacher responsible for a specific subject taught at Karakura For example, there's an HD for English and an HD for History. Each department has its designated HD which manages those teachers working in that specific department. They are the go-to person for collaboration and assistance with hosting or managing classes; particularly (but not necessarily exclusively) classes in that department.

↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teachers (QTs) are highly trained and officially certified educators. They have completed their training and possess extensive knowledge on effectively handling various situations and conducting classes. They are experienced teachers who often remain in the profession for an extended period. This experience puts them in a good position to provide help or guidance to those teachers that are newly qualified or unqualified.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) are recently hired teachers who ‘passed their training’ as detailed below. They must meet activity requirements and teach classes. Although they now have the freedom to structure their classes as they see fit, they are not yet qualified teachers. With time and experience, NQTs progress and develop their teaching skills. As a result, you will see more Qualified Teachers in the future.

↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified Teachers (UTs) are newly hired teachers who, upon getting ‘a proper introduction and training for their role’ are presently undergoing training; they ‘cannot host a class until they’ve passed their training’. UTs cannot conduct classes until ‘they’ve passed their training; during which they receive feedback and assistance’. UTs generally spend their time preparing for lessons and learning about their role, powers, and responsibilities.

Teacher Knowledge
Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, and what purpose teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, and what they do in their spare time in general.


Teachers (IC) have the potential to earn up to ¥500,000 per month. NQTs begin with a base salary of ¥350,000 upon completing 10 classes, while QTs have a base salary of ¥400,000. For every additional set of 5 classes taught beyond the minimum requirement, teachers receive an extra ¥50,000 added to their paycheck until they reach the maximum amount. Teachers are limited to teaching a maximum of four classes per 24 hours (out-of-character 24 hours).

Teachers (OOC) are widely known for just making abysmal pay (albeit, often the job has other good benefits like superannuation, job security etc). This will vary depending on which country is under discussion; the OECD provides a marvelous break-down that I will link and briefly summarize here:

Interestingly, it seems as though Australia is ahead in the OECD in terms of the annual salary of teachers starting out at the upper-secondary level, being at 46 987 USD.


(IC) To facilitate roleplay on the SchoolRP server generally, but specifically to perform a specific role unique to them which is teaching students in character on the server through Grades 7-12. College students by contrast are taught by professors, an entirely different role. To this end, they plan lessons in advance and show up to classes early to actually host them. Outside class their role involves upholding their duty of care; ensuring student welfare and assisting particularly newer students. Of course, teachers have personal lives and responsibilities; but their role as an educator may undoubtedly influence their hobbies and what they do in their spare time (e.g. reading, professional development, grading, and lesson planning outside school hours). Teachers need not come up with an entire syllabus on their own: their goal is to inevitably help students perform well during an inevitable examination and so they may see fit to reach out to their colleagues to understand Learning Objectives; what students actually need to be able to do, know and understand. This can assist teachers in preparing lessons (and incorporating opportunities to reward students in class).

(OOC) It is sufficient to say the role of teachers is to prepare students for life after school: in the workforce and to get a job. Though psycho-social development is also part of a teacher’s role, they are not just there to help students become good citizens and learn basic skills conducive to most employment; but to be good and healthy people. It’s why we teach things like P.E., philosophy, and, indeed, history.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because they fulfill the role of educators within the virtual school environment. Obviously, teaching classes is generally their role but it seems to me insufficient to point out the obvious that 'SchoolRP would hardly be a 'School' if there were no teachers in it'. To this end, I've drafted a list explaining the various contributions teachers bring to any SchoolRP environment:

  • Facilitating Lessons and Marking Student Work ('the obvious'): Teachers perform in-character classes and by doing this they contribute to creating a realistic school environment where students can engage in immersive roleplay experiences and potentially receive reward tokens.
  • Maintaining IC and OOC Boundaries: Teachers can use their authoritative positions to help ensure that their students and others distinguish between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) chat.
  • Enforcing Roleplay Rules: Teachers play a role in upholding roleplay standards and encouraging proper conduct among players. They can also report breaches of SchoolRP's rules, contributing to a fair and enjoyable roleplay environment.
  • Creating Realistic Learning Experiences: Teachers contribute to the authenticity of the school setting by delivering engaging lessons they actively plan beforehand and in so doing they may well help students prepare for exams held every 3 months.
  • Promoting Character Development: Through interactions with students, teachers can contribute to the growth and development of characters within the School environment by, for example, acting as a mentor or guide and creating opportunities for students to explore their characters' personal and academic journeys in and out of classes (NB: As classes can only be performed 4 times per OOC day it may often be the case this is done outside of class).
  • Enhancing Immersion: Teachers bring a layer of depth and richness to SchoolRP by playing the role of educators. They contribute to the overall atmosphere of the school, collaborating with other players to create engaging and realistic scenarios that foster character development and social interactions. This is to say, it is simply nice to see teachers going around and doing teacher things outside of classes.

I suspect more could be added to this list but I would like to think it does a good enough job at answering the question.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High School operates on the MoSCoW system, which categorizes requirements and tasks into Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Wouldn't or Would Have, allowing for effective prioritization.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Gener Governatore is 27 years old. He is 5'5 and his pale complexion is indicative of his time in the wet and cloudy atmosphere of England. His hair is bleached white and combined with his clothing makes him look overdressed, a bit uptight, old, and slightly manic in comparison to his colleagues. Gener wears a brown three-buttoned coat with matching pants and a black sweater. An intricately shaped beret of some sort resembling a brown leather book is perched on his head.

His voice is often accompanied by a touch of self-assurance and charm, employing a measured and calculated cadence, carefully choosing his words to convey authority. Clearly the product of private and tertiary education and very well-read; to the dismay of his colleagues he often refuses to let anyone forget this. Though he aspires to maintain amicable relations with the librarians as he hopes to encourage students to submit “not just fiction, but non-fiction to the library as well. I will not be satisfied until I get at least 20 students writing full lengthy treatises about mismanagement in Karakura”.

Though his time at Karakura may seem relatively brief, he has quickly taken to the history of the town and is deeply critical of its existing institutions and shortcomings. He is deeply ideological; though well aware of the exigencies of his position and so is satisfied, for the moment, with instilling criticality in his students. He is virtually always open to conversation and aspires to become (eventually) a Jurisprudence Professor, having once been caught stating that “Karakura will never truly advance until I can start yelling at college students about the majesty of legal theory”.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Gener would be generally disapproving. Not because he actually cares about hallway cursing or swearing, but because abstaining from these is a basic requirement of student conduct and to curse or swear constitutes general misconduct. It reflects poorly on the delinquents that they can not see fit to control themselves at least for a brief moment. It is the lack of self-control that would disappoint him and it is this disappointment that would be expressed in a caution he would issue to the students. This would come from a good place and be quite amicable initially, but repeated cursing and swearing after being cautioned will quickly see this goodwill replaced with more scathing disappointment. It could start with “Please stop swearing, I know you’re better than that” then escalate to “Stop swearing immediately” to “Use your words. You have a vocabulary don’t you?”.

Of course, Gener would not let his personal feelings prevent him from following the prescribed disciplinary practices of Karakura. His work is far too important for that.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

It is unbecoming to shout, but Gener is very skilled at dressing people down. Students simply have two choices, join him in building an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect or stay behind after class to receive a stern talking to. Classes are much too precious for time to be wasted on moral grandstanding and scene-making: there are students to teach! In a limited time!

There is simply no time for misconduct in his class. He repeatedly impresses upon students the need to do well because they “have a future to win”. He communicates with students in a fair amount of detail to prevent confusion and, by extension, most disruptions.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Gener typically elects to plan lessons from the teacher’s lounge as it is a great place to seek feedback from his colleagues to ensure he is not expecting too much from his students and that his expectations are realistic. He often engages in healthy philosophical debates with his colleagues and is eager to facilitate discussions. He is not one to remain quiet unless he is busy and is always seeking a conversation. This has caused some (but not all) of his former colleagues to avoid him like the plague from time to time.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me of your character inside a classroom:

Context: Greeting my class
/me Made a B-Line towards the blackboard before turning to students, standing upright and clasping his hands together.
“Hello, students. Today we shall learn about the fickle history of Karakura. I trust you will all be very diligent and, in our future classes together, I trust I will be impressed by the onward march of history! By all of you, of course. Now, let us all remain settled while I lay out my plans for this class.

Context: Handing out materials in class
/me Produces several copies of Karakura’s Constitution and begins distributing them to students
“Very good students. Now, today we will be examining the recent events on July 11, 2023, where former mayor Annabell Sturm was replaced by Ezri Akai and massive riots ensued. During such riots, one Governor came out to the steps of the town hall, faced citizens, and declared ‘Karakura is not a democracy’. Based on the materials I placed before you, please explain whether or not that Governor’s assertion should be resisted”.

Context: Organizing discussion in class
/me Bolts towards the teacher’s desk while blasting loud classical music on his phone to silence the class
“Students, the time has come for us to examine the flow-on effects of historical events. We will be briefly documenting major riots that have occurred in Karakura and the response from the Government and KPD. After having done so we will have a class discussion, where you all raise your hands and I call upon you to share your thoughts on the implications of this history for the present. For example, on community trust in the KPD or, more simply: what we should learn from this history”.

Context: Cautioning a student in class
/me Leans slightly over [student name]’s desk with both arms folded behind his back before looking down at [student name] disapprovingly.
“[Student name], please keep your eyes on the board and try to remain attentive. I know you can do better. We’re on a schedule here and I’d appreciate it if you stopped chatting so loudly with your friends while I am trying to teach”.


Gener Governatore was formerly a teacher in an exclusive and private English high school until it was foreclosed due to lack of funds after a lengthy lawsuit. Gener moved to Karakura sometime after graduating from university. His journey to becoming a teacher can be traced back to his formative years in a quaint English village, where he spent his childhood immersed in the pages of classic literature. From an early age, Gener displayed an insatiable thirst for knowledge, eagerly devouring every book that crossed his path. His background, which he is very reluctant to talk about was inordinately privileged with both his parents coming from a long line of successful surgeons. He had a standard upper-class education and attended elite Jesuit institutions. He elected to go to university so he might become a history teacher after becoming intellectually liberated by Friedrich Nietzsche's book ‘Untimely Meditations’ and the essay therein called ‘On the Uses and Abuses of History for Life’.

Though most of his early life saw him cooped up in libraries and seminar rooms, Gener is obviously a revolutionary figure and met with enormous popularity in England's elite intellectual circles. As Gener progressed through his academic journey, it became clear that his destiny lay in the realm of education. His charismatic personality, coupled with his vast knowledge and refined eloquence, made him a natural fit for the teaching profession. However, he didn't want to be just any teacher. He aimed to challenge conventional educational norms and foster critical thinking and intellectual curiosity in his students.

Sometime after completing his own tertiary education and a short-lived teaching position in England, Gener sought a teaching position in the vibrant town of Karakura. Drawn to the town's rich history and cultural tapestry, he felt a deep connection and an urge to make a difference in the lives of its inhabitants. Gener's ideological commitments are of a kind he is very reluctant to speak about; but it is fair to say he believes true human emancipation can only be achieved through, among other things, education and critical ****ysis.

Gener is very ambitious and seeks to establish himself as an influential figure among his students. With his unwavering commitment to instilling criticality, he challenges the existing institutions and encourages his pupils to question the world around them. Gener envisions a future where the youth of Karakura possess tools of intellectual inquiry and are empowered to challenge the status quo.

In his quest for personal growth and professional advancement, Gener aspires to transition into a position as a Jurisprudence Professor. He yearns for the day when he can passionately deliver lectures on legal theory, enlightening college students and igniting their passion for justice and legal discourse.

Gener Governatore's path as a teacher is intertwined with his lifelong pursuit of knowledge and his unwavering belief in the transformative power of education. With his distinctive style, intellectual prowess, and deep-rooted desire to provoke critical thought, Gener is destined to leave an indelible mark on the minds of his students and the community of Karakura.

In Character Information
SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): GENER GOVERNATORE
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): MR.
Given Name(s): GENER
Preferred Name: GENER

Age (Minimum is 27): 27
Gender: M
Religious Denomination: NOT DISCLOSED
Marital Status: N/A

Nationality: British
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 5
Academic Degree: Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Year of Graduation: 2015, Oxford University
Major(s): Criminal Law
Minors: Criminology and History
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: N/A

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No, I am trying to get one at the moment.

Application Notes about this Application


(vis-a-vis 'experience with roleplay' please refer to the frightful links below, just connect the links):

Me talking with RTGame, good times. /_9wnC4tEt_g?t=266
Me teaching a class and calling a student fat (I promise will not do it here) /0R6-cqXLuOw?t=5
^ On that note, I promise I will DEFINITELY not do something like this to students. You can trust me, I promise /y1NfRmv74Pk?t=291
Last edited:


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • The subject you applied for is currently capped
  • Please revise your application and follow the format rules

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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