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Denied General knowledge ICT Teacher Application

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IGN (In game name)
: Crazyb0y02

Previous Bans: Maybe twice (I can't remember)

Describe your activity on the server: At weekends i play for 4 to 6 hours everyday (I don't play on weekdays)

Do you have team speak3: No but i can get it

Do you have a microphone: Yes I do

List your current/past applications: None

What is your motivation for applying: I want to make sure students are given education that they understand and to make it an enjoyable experience whilst doing so.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise) : Having been a student i have had first hand experience of what teachers expect of me and i know that rules that i was expected to follow within each subject. This has given me an understanding of the day to day expectations of a student, also a family member is a teacher and they have given me an valuable insight of what teachers are expected to do daily.

Your teachers in game name: Mr.Crazy

Your teachers in game age : 22

Teachers subject : ICT

Have you read & understood the megathread : Yes I fully understand it.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the teacher group, why would you change that? : I would change nothing


Present to us your knowledge about teachers in game and out of game, what purpose do they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in spare time in general:
Teacher are there to make there students ready for the world.Teachers get around £20.000.000 a year ( in UK ).Teachers mostly plan there next class in there spare time and they mark jotters.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server : without teachers it's no longer a SchoolRP server it would just be a normal server.


Tell us everything you know about the character in a few paragraphs.What does he look like? What makes him unique? What is his outlook on students? What about other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?:
He usually wears a red jumper, grey jeans, black shoes and he has brown hair.He is very funny and creative.If a teacher needed help setting up a class he would help them.He plans to retire happily when he is 48 years old.


you find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing what do you do?:
I give them a warning but if i see them swearing again I will give them detention.

No-one is listening to a word you say what do you do?: I would tell them to concentrate because i may hand out a test about it.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me draws a diagram
/me picks up chalk
/me writes on chalkboard
/me hands out test
/me marks test


When he was in primary school Crazy got put ahead two grades, so he was terrified of everyone. By the time he got to high school he got bullied, a lot so his parents decided to home school him, it sucked but after two years of being home schooled his parents decided it was time for him to go back to high school ( it was called Takai High). After a couple of weeks he noticed that he wasn't getting bullied anymore! In class he would be the person Take that finished first on a test. Once a test was handed out in maths and he zoomed through it like lightening. Crazy was so fast at doing any work he was given. His uncle was the ICT teacher of Takai High so Crazy grew interest of computers so one day Crazy went to his uncle's office and asked him what is it like being a teacher? Is it stressful? Do you go home relieved the day is over? His uncle said yes to all the questions .That's when Crazy wanted to be a ICT teacher. Crazy studied extra hard so then one day maybe he could be a ICT teacher. After that Crazy started seeing his uncle after classes asking how to teach? How to set up a good class? His uncle told Crazy all of the answers that he needed to know after that Crazy definitely knew what he wanted to be a ICT teacher! After high school he went to university to find out more about computers. Crazy learned lots of new things whilst at the university so one day he applied to work as the ICT teacher and they said yes! Crazy was so relieved. The next day was exiting for Crazy because that day was the day he started his first job! The first he done when he got in his class was greet everyone. Everyone was so nice to Crazy so he started the lesson, he started to realize how stressful the job was so he quit on the 40th day of being there not because he thought it was too stressful but because he wanted to study more on computers so when he went home he drew a picture of what's inside a computer and after that he started to label it. After all that he finally started inventing things! That ended quickly though so he decided to meet up with his uncle. He mostly talked about general knowledge and how the computer works. That helped Crazy understand more about computers to this day.

Additional notes about your application (if any): Thanks for reading! :)
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Level 124
4-6 hours on the weekends is most likely not enough.
Describe your activity on the server: At weekends i play for 4 to 6 hours everyday (I don't play on weekdays)
You cant retire at the age of 48.
He plans to retire happily when he is 48 years old.
You are not following the guidelines for discipline.
you find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing what do you do?: I give them a warning but if i see them swearing again I will give them detention.
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