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Ghost Stories


Level 53
Thread about ghost stories, here we will all share our "unexplainable" experiences if they are ok with it as, I am still bored and still trying to be active on the forums without being on the server.

Theres this legend in my town of a man on train tracks, I was once on the same exact train tracks where that accident took place and I saw the male walking fast along the tracks, he was hunched over like he was on a bike but if he was he wouldn't be able to ride on the train tracks, dark blue shirt with blue jeans, male about in his 50s or 60s. He vanished though after he reached the bridge.

I was 6 or 7 years old at the time, I wasn't able to sleep and I had a stuffed animal from when I was younger woke up to seeing it on the floor sitting in front of my TV stand and had no eyes long hair and a tail, my parents say its a dream but I doubt as I remember turning off the light.

Once was in my parents old store front when at first it started with stuff moving when my mom was alone, it continued on to the point where you would walk by the stair case that has a light and it would be off and you wouldn't touch it, you walk by it again and the light would be on and heard a door shut randomly and my dog even barked randomly at a closet door that leads to nothing.

Heard footsteps in my moms friends old shop, high heels in an empty office area upstairs, things would go missing and you would see figures standing next to you when you look no-one is there as well as you open up for the day and stuff is on the floor but no-one broke into the building.

Women standing in a hallway at an old historic home, white dress and was there for about 10 seconds them vanished out of no where never to be seen again.

Feeling of someone watching you in the exact same historic home in one of the bedrooms where the owner used to live.

Be sure to make it appropriate for the forums, I want to hear all your stories and these are all mine!
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Level 183
My cousin traveled to us (Me and my twin) so we all slept together in one room and whilst sleeping we've been talking until they completely fell asleep and I was left alone. The room was fully dark, and I stood up and headed to the door giving them my back, and as soon as I did so I heard my twin humming and my cousin chuckling. Though, it didn't seem realistic like out of human, nor they seemed by any chance awake.

I basically turned around staring then said "What a stupid ghost, is that how you tryna be scary." then turned back and left the room.

I was uncomfortable sleeping with them because I don't like sleeping with anyone so I went to a room myself, turned the light off, and slept.​
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