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girlfr1qnd's Lore team application - unfinished


Level 7

List your discord: (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
It really just depends! If its an absolute must I can use my phone to voice call but if it's not I will be using my computer.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)

Current country of residence is Australia.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
There are quite a few things that could obstruct/distract me from making progress on the lore team. However, being able to quickly make up time for all the time I had wasted and lost is probably a big thing about me.

Writer's block:
Writer's block is something everyone on the lore team most likely dreads, but i've learned to write a little at a time, taking it slow and still making progress while being on the writer's block still aiming to write quite a bit every chance I get. Sometimes I focus on smaller goals in my writing-sometimes just a paragraph when I am really unmotivated. The smaller things may be working on grammar, structuring the already written paragraphs and changing some things around to make it make sense, all these small things can change one's writing by a lot. When feeling unmotivated or unsure of what to add/write, I read books. They can vary from romance, dark horror, school life, adulthood and much more. Reading these books can give me a lot of motivation out from just the idea of adding some horror here and there, or maybe writing a whole new doc about that person's/things backstory, it makes the writing longer, more interesting, and if you add cliffhangers it gets the read hooked on the idea that the new lore is going to be amazing. Setting small goals when in writer's block has helped me a lot with my psychiatrist applications, Priest, doctor and finally this one. I may be slow when writing but I have the passion to write.

In real life school/work:
In real life school or work could obstruct my writing progress/development on the team in several ways:

Mental fatigue:
While balancing school/work with lore writing might make me burnout. I'd be mentally exhausted from studying long and tedious hours, working long hours after studying and school, Eventually having to come home and write lore for the team! Although I love writing some days I like to sleep early which may result in less lore writing for the week. But also being burnt out might drain my creativity and brainstorming for the paragraph I would of been going to write the next day, this means that sentence/paragraphs would be dull and I'd just have to redo it all again, making it hard to consistently write for the team.

Lack of focus:
I tend to get very unfocused with a task. I often get distracted in the middle of serious tasks, writing, and roleplaying. Whether it's watching a movie, making skins, writing, fiddling with random things I find lying around my room, or even just falling asleep, my attention always shifts off to the next thing instead of the thing I am doing in the moment. At times I find it hard to stay on track and often have to get reminded to do things, especially when I had been writing for a long time without a break it can make me very unfocused by the time I'm onto the next sentence/paragraph. Its gotten to the point where i've needed to set goals for myself to get a little bit done during a specific period of time and then having a few minutes to watch youtube or play minecraft before I go back to writing.

Time constraints:
With having a busy schedule it can be hard to get onto my computer at times, that means I'd have less time to dedicate myself to lore writing or developing ideas for writing lore. School project deadlines could overlap with lore writing deadlines which would have me working tirelessly to finish both, and prioritizing one over the other is quite hard as it may result in delays to submitting the lore, and school work. Team discussions, meetings, or mandatory voice calls may be a bit far fetched with my timezone but I'd try to make it work, but with the difference in time zones it would be hard, because I might have work or school mid vc and have to leave which might make me miss out on important information and opportunities.

Holidays can impact my involvement and development on the lore team, both positively and negatively. During a holiday, I might have more free time away from the stress of school or work which could allow for extra focus on writing lore, catching up, or even just going through the sentences to make sure the spelling and grammar is right. But this can be a great opportunity to focus without usual time constraints. On the opposite side of positive, holidays can also be packed with more social events, family gatherings, and personal plans and it can lead to increased distractions. It would make it hard for me to stay committed to writing lore or team activities during the break. Buttt... since I'd be on holiday, I'd also be traveling to another state/country which can limit my time on discord, leading to less communication to discuss important lore ideas and decisions would be delayed. That can also lead to missed opportunities.. While the team works during the time I'd be on holiday, i might miss out on key information, brainstormings or updates. Andd finally!! potential burnout recovery! Doesn't that sound like music to your ears? Another positive from being on holidays can offer a MUCCCHHHH-NEEDEDD mental break, helping me to refresh and recover my creativity and motivation! If i was feeling drained or having that icky writers block, stepping away for a while could help me renew focus and energy to keep writing.

What makes you passionate about writing?:
Books have been a HUGEEE part of my life, and they're my major source of inspiration. The more I read, the more I discover new ways to express my emotions or character emotions, tell stories and build up my own secret lore! Storytelling and writing lore, specially after losing oneself in books is definitely something i've always been passionate about since the start. Through literature i've learned the art of entwining intricate characters and creating lore so fascinating I can't help but think I didn't write it at all. The experience of seeing how authors build up their own world and others encourages me to push through my boundaries and explore deeper within my own talents and limits. I love challenging myself to write complex lore that is still ongoing to this day!

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I'm not really sure if I have much experience with lore writing as a whole but I do have experience with creative writing and writing backstories.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore: To me lore could mean anything. It could mean the simple backstory of an sacred object or even a normal backpack that has been passed down for centuries, frozen in time. Lore is a very open-minded thing, you can't just limit it and say its for character writing only, or objects, buildings, plants, history, etc etc. Being able to tell the difference in these different writings is very important because it will help your understanding a lot. Again lore could mean anything, literally anything in the world, so long as it has a backstory to it and is important to someone or something. It really just depends on the person thinking about it and how they choose to interpret it.



You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.


Her voice barely above a whisper as her heart raced, her mind violently submerging her with lost memories of the past. The gritting from her teeth ear-piercing in the silence as she struggled to look up to meet her father's cold, murderous eyes. Her own were wide with shock and fear, unmasking the very facade she had built.

There he stood- A very well built and refined man, a looming silhouette that not just overpowered her in strength, but also in every way imaginable. The very man she had come to fear and hate, stood before her. The memories she had forced herself to bury so far down resurfaced with just a glance.

"How did you find me..? I thought-.."

Her words sharply cut off by a hard slap to the face, the bitter sting of his hand echoed through her skull. The force of the attack had knocked her off her feet, her knees buckling underneath her as she went crashing to the ground, her head whipped to the side as the metallic taste of blood lingered in her mouth. Surprise and pain threatened to take over her body, she clutched her cheek, shaking like a leaf as she stared up to meet his eyes.

"You are a fool to believe you could ever escape me."

He'd shift his stance into that of a disappointed father, glaring down at her with a hatred that need not be spoken- it was palpable, suffocating even. Every line of his face, every rigid muscle shrieked his contempt, the air between them was tense, full of fear and hatred.

(thought i'd do some before I go inactive for a week...!)
Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

writing !
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