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Giweb | Verified Business | Dech Designs


Level 0

"Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art."



Describe your activity on the server:
Being a lawyer on the server accompanies benefits like getting the hang of vital communication and organization skills. Still, not only that I spend my fair share of time on the server completing quota, role-playing, and tidying up my legal knowledge. As I am sure you know, the town faction is a faction that requires next to a lot of effort when it has to do with trials and cases so you should believe me when I say I spend up to 4 - 6 hours on the server at least a day. However, if I am being completely honest, I've found myself with little left to do besides sitting behind a counter at the town hall so I curated this business idea! My activity is flawless and I am ready and dedicated to put aside a few hours of my time into this business.

What is the name of your business?:
Dech Designs

Attach a discord link to your business here:

In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:
The main outlined responsibilities of the business I want to create would be renovations, extensions, interior designing, and restorations. The designers (an employee whose main focus is interior design), architects (an employee who specializes in exterior), and builders will be discussing and meeting the principles of the client's interest VIA DM's and channels created in the business discord and finally using their experience and expertise to create a finalizing product within the actual server and site, each of these services comes with a cost which is clearly stated in the business discord.

• The business will act similarly to a tailoring service whereas builders will replace the tailors

Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:
• As mentioned before it'll be like a tailoring service so each employee won't have an annual paycheck but a pay from the client for each of their custom services

What is your business’s mission statement?:
"Versatility is key at Dech Designs, offering you a wide range of flexible home renovations and designs at an easy and quick rate. Get your home restored with just one conversation with our designers."

What do you plan to accomplish with your business?:
My initial idea to create this business in SRP is because I haven't seen an ICly ran store that offers what Dech Designs does, so a big goal of mine would be letting the builders who may not have enough experience to join the community build-team but still want to be incorporated with building in some shape or form. Using this business as an experience or stepping stool to let people channel their inner creators.

Another achievement I hope to reach is being the place where if someone does need to decorate or furnish their home but they don't entirely know how to build, we are their first option, being known throughout SRP and people having common knowledge that they can easily send a message in the discord and they're property is furnished within a snap of a finger, which will come at a cost, but that's beside the point.

Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:
Open House | Dech Designs Event

The general idea of this event is the title, an open house, where citizens of Karakura can explore unowned furnished property and even express their interest in buying the home through a bidding war.

I'll run you through the main concepts of this event:
• Pre-event / setup wise
The very first step would be locating and using the real-estate GUI in-game to purchase these properties before the event. This event will have multiple locations scattered across the town in which I am hoping to get lots of versatility with the spaces and the furnishing of the properties. We hope to have houses, apartments, and penthouses so that there is a fair variety to exceed customer's wants, whether they'd rather have something near the business park or the shopping district. After purchasing the homes, specific employees will be assigned to each property given a theme, time frame, amount of rooms, etc, so that they can furnish them and properly decorate each to the best of their ability. Now that the homes have been scouted, furnished, and completed this is when the announcement will be sent out that an open day has been organized and in basic terms explain how it will work, the locations (coordinates included), and times that each property will be opened to the public, as well as including the bidding information which is explained in the third stage. Behind the scenes in the employee channels, each employee will be asked for their schedule to be rostered on specific open house times that best suit them.

• Open House Day
Now, coming to the day of the open houses, the schedule of opening times which is in the announcement sent VIA discord will commence. As an example, we'll say the first open house is at House #7 at 3 pm EST, on Sunday. When the time comes around, the employees will be scattered through the home, watching over everything and seeing that everything is going smoothly as well as welcoming the guests, etc. This open house will be open for about 15-25 minutes to ensure everybody gets a good look through, though bigger properties will have more leeway for open times. Once everybody has left the property, anyone who is interested will be directed to the discord.

• Bidding war / Buying stage
You've opened Discord, gone to the Dech Designs server, and found yourself in a bidding channel whose name corresponds to the property you looked at. In the channel will be a short guide of the rules, the times of the bidding starting and the bidding closes, the starting price will be the amount the property cost originally, and bids can only increase by 50,000 yen each bid, and, you not allowed to edit your bids, as well as screenshots of the property just to get a reminder of what you saw to help you correlate what bidding channel you'll need to be in. Preferably the bidding will be done across 5 or so hours leaving time for those who didn't originally find it and the winners of each bid being pinged in the Discord.

The concept may seem a little scary on paper, however, I can assure you I have thought this through.

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:
I acknowledge that to keep my verification afloat my business must stay active throughout the running time of it being owned.​
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