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Denied Giwebbed | Media Club-Leader


Level 0

"Don't hate the media, be the media."

IGN of Club Leader

RPName of Club Leader:
Aarya Rahmakumar

Discord Tag:

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position:
Media Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

Being appointed club-leader over other applicants is a large competition, a competition only the facts and statistics can win. My abilities and previous experience in factions factor in to my leadership and skills. Currently, I am a lawyer on my adult account, proving I know the activity and communication it needs to be a leader and be involved within the community. Not only that but having a previous basketball-captain tag under my belt also helps prove my case of being thoroughly prepared to run a team of individuals with the same interests, running practices, hosting try-outs, all the necessary events that took place as captain, I have been through. I bring the same things to the table ever other candidate that's applying and more. Factoring in the fact I've been a successful tailor previously in two of the largest tailoring servers (Cartier & Takagi) on SRP as well as being involved as a builder to help for restaurants, homes, team-homes, apartments, general stores, etc, though I was never on the build-team I was helping and giving creative input all around the server which is the same kind of input I hope to put into this position as club-leader.



"Whoever controls the media, controls the mind."

What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club
The whole idea of taking on the role of Club Leader from my point of view is to prove leadership while doing your passion or interest in a group or community while giving others the opportunity to learn. In my case, I enjoy leadership positions however, they rarely pop up when it comes to wanting to stay in high school. A large part of my motivation is wanting something to build my current high school character off of, letting her shine at her passion and allowing her to stay in high school and still have a purpose that isn't one of your usual sport teams. Not only that, but I have been all over SRP and spent my fair share in quite a few different factions and have never been super involved in the school from a students perspective which I think could be an eye-opening experience. I've had my eye on becoming a club leader in the past. Unfortunately, I was turned down the last time I applied as the club I applied for had been disbanded, however, when I saw that announcement ping I flicked over to the announcements channel and saw that the club's were active and able to apply for again, I took a leap and decided to begin the writing process.

What activities and events will this club do?:​
#1 FLASH EVENT - Turned into long-term event

Gossip Gone Rogue | In Collaboration with the Cheer-Team

[!] Bzzz. . bzz. . an unread notification from OnRain. [!]

As you can probably assume from the title, I have planned a flash event that is preeettyyy self-explanatory. Karakura has it's fair-share of drama, mainly revolving around high-school teams and to narrow it down, it's the Cheer-squad and Football teams.

The drafted plan I had for this event was to have somewhat of a flash event, a serverwide /me announcement getting a text that reads some sort of hot steamy drama that is revolving around at that time, some drama that nobody really knows about, yet something that'll shock the students of KHS. A few days go by . . another text? Overtime the texts become more and more frequent revealing more drama as the event continues.

The students are wreaking havoc, what the hell, all the cheer-teams secrets are out? Break-ups! Hook-ups! Such steamy-drama, why would they do that! . . but most importantly, who would do that?

For this event, I will be in contact with the Cheer-Team and run everything by them prior to the event to make sure this is not a breach of privacy in any way shape or form and work alongside my club-members and the team to spice-up the place.

I am hoping to run this event for the whole month and basically put an end to it with a twist, someone completely unexpected unveil themselves as the unknown user plotting on everyone's downfall. To involve the club, I would have someone from the club be the unveiled gossiper, however I understand if people don't want IC conflict with other players, so I am happy to take the fall.

"Meanwhile V. is stuffing her bra. ."
- XOXO Gossip Girl
#2 SCHOOL EVENT - One Time Event

Spirit Week | Pep Rally Week

[!] Pom poms shaken, glistening glitter shimmering in the sun. [!]

Over the course of two OOC weeks across KHS will be a Spirit Week that the Media Team will be hosting as a media-stunt to show the people of Karakura what's been happening in the school as well as giving the students a fun range of activities to show school spirit.

Now you may be wondering, what does the Media-Team have to do with Spirit Week? I had this idea of an event, interviewing students but it wasn't enough, which turned into a photo day and then I thought . . what if I combined them all into one? Across two OOC weeks, an OOC day in between each event day there will be a different mini event that will get players participating in events that includes a variety of different students. Below is the list.

The dates are just an example.
Monday 1st of July - Spirit Week intro (Funny costume photo day + school interviews)
Wednesday 3rd of July - Football Frenzy (A mini football tournament, taking home the "Spirit Cup Football" upon winning + cheer performances)
Friday 5th of July - Faculty Track & Swim Race (A faculty-staff involved track race, as well as a student track race same with the swim-teams)
Sunday 7th of July - Volleyball Versus (A mini volleyball tournament, taking home the "Spirit Cup Volleyball" upon winning + cheer performances)​
Tuesday 9th of July - Talent Show (Google form sign-up, hosted in Gymnasium with Media-Club judges)
Thursday 11th of July - Basketball Brawl (A mini basketball tournament, taking home the "Spirit Cup Basketball" upon winning + cheer performances)
Saturday 13th of July - Baseball Battle (A mini basketball tournament, taking home the "Spirit Cup Basketball" upon winning + cheer performances)
Sunday 14th of July - Outro to Spirit Week (Mini-games will be hosted, e.g dunk tank)

This is another somewhat scary looking event, however I promise you, I can execute it.


#1 CLUB EXCLUSIVE EVENT - Movie Production Event

Quiet On Set! | Media Club Production

[!] Beep! The recording light appeared to be on. [!]

Tussling of scripts, sets, and costumes. This idea is very generic and I hope that doesn't push you away from accepting this application. But when I write this idea of an event onto paper, it seems awfully scary, a movie recorded on mine-craft? I am planning to create a full-fledge short film, almost a silent one. Each club-member will have some sort of role, auditions will be held and players will be casted as both crew-members and characters in this "short" film.

Crew-members (x6):
The crew-members will be vital for this production, so will the cast but the crew are the backbone of this project. The crew-member will consist of a director, screen-writer, set-designer, costume producer, music producer/editor, and finally the camera-man. Each of this are self-explanatory with what they do, though there are a few requirements to be placed into one of these roles, as an example, costume producer will have to show their previous tailoring works to be "hired" as well as editors and set-designers.

Cast (x10):
Each cast-member will be almost as important as the other, I am planning on having around 6 full-time cast members and 4 extra's appearing in the background of our shoots. The cast members are pretty self-explanatory, the screenwriter writes and they read the writing of the film, and just act that out basically. The cast members will be chosen through a process of auditions, of course, biased opinions will not stand and being club-members auditioning the likelihood of them being turned away is very low. Each member of the club is almost guaranteed a spot on the cast or crew.

The script, costumes and sets will all have a dead-line and will need to be submitted prior to filming the movie so that they can be used during and the editors and camera-men will be used during and prior to the movies filming.

Post filming and editing, the club will have a watch party and watch the final result as a club!

This whole idea sounds pretty scary, but when I tell you I have it under-control, I have it under-control.

"And that's a wrap!"​

How will the club benefit the School?:
The club is very beneficial not only to the students of the school but to the social media and the face-of the school in general. What makes this club so unique is the limitless events and ways to be involved within this club, there are many different events that involve different students. The club that I am hoping to lead will be as open as possible, taking almost any students. The whole media side of the school is currently lacking at the moment, sure we have the journalists that are working away, but they're more of an annual type of club, whereas in the media club I am hoping to be pumping out fresh content whether it's short films, photographs, interviews giving insight of what the school is about as frequent as possible.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Requirements won't be super necessary however it is preferred that the player has 4 months of pre-played experience and is capable of detailrp'ing when possible.



Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- The events listed didn't hold much correlation with the clubs theme, it seems your are using this more as a platform to boost teams popularity more than the club's itself; it would meld better if you were recording team promotional videos for them but it seems too involved.

- The idea of a mass video project is nice though it fits more with the theme of a club members only event.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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