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Glitched at Grade 7

I've been stuck at grade 7 for the past few days that I've been consistently playing the server and when I used the command /grade it said that I'd reached the maximum grade even though I'm still at grade 7 and I was hoping a moderator could upgrade my role to however long I've played or just promote me to next grade and hopefully that will fix the glitch. My username is EclipsedPlayz.IMG_5265 (1).jpg
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Level 330
Your role request has been denied!

We're afraid to see that you are having difficulties when playing SchoolRP,
but we have decided to deny your request due to the following reason(s)

You did not follow the proper format for Item Requests (CLICK HERE)

Moreover, if you're having issues with your grade, we recommend opening
a ticket in game to have this issue solved as soon as possible. Note that
we can only modify your role once you're online​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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