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Glitched Item


Level 1
IGN: mommyiissues
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Club Master Raynans Glasses
EVIDENCE: The first image was taken somewhere last week, the second and third image are screenshots from a recording I took yesterday at 1:37 AM; the second image shows the glasses in my inventory and the third one shows me wearing them. I received these glasses from my friend weeks ago, I think it's been over a month I've owned them. I could even ask my friend to so called testify, I was in a call with her and I had the glasses in my inventory and then the next second they disappeared. These glasses are very important for my char because she uses them to hide the fact she actually has an eyepatch, they're big enough to cover it which helps her a lot. She rarely takes them off.
-Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 2.34.37 PM.pngIMG_8489.jpgIMG_8490.jpg
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: this happened yesterday or the day before (Im not sure, I forgot; I had a lot going on) I was on for a little bit of time and no staff replied to me in /help until today; redirecting me here. Thats why Im coming fourth with this now.

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