What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username?
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Italian Language Applicaton | Accepted
Tamil Language Application | Accepted
Third Language Slot Authorization Application | Accepted
Tutor Application | Denied
French Language Application | Accepted
Polish Language Application | Accepted
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m usually on daily, and since I’m out of school I have more time during the day. Below is a chart to show my times when I’m active.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am | 12 pm - 1 am |
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I’ve been roleplaying for almost a year now, and I’ve had a lot of fun on this server. Several players taught me how to roleplay correctly, and I’ve used that knowledge to roleplay with many people, and make many friends on this server. Before this, I used to play small roleplay games on Roblox, and this is very different from how the other games worked. I enjoy interacting more with people on this server, and there are a lot of things to do. One of the main things I do is gangrp, as I do know a lot about it, and I understand the concept of it well. I decided to apply for professor, as I want to branch out into another section of roleplay, that I haven’t previously partook in.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Visual Arts

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I want to partake in a new faction that I have never been involved with, and I feel as if this would help me increase my roleplay skills. Being a professor would allow me to interact with new people, and allow me to have fun roleplaying in ways I haven’t experienced before, like hosting classes, and patrolling school as well as helping students. I’ve had several friends who have been professors, and all of them told me that they have had fun being professors, so I want to experience what it’s like.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. After a student joins the class, they may take a seat while Kamil welcomes the students to his class. After they join, Kamil will begin to explain his plan for that class: which is to introduce the students to art by explaining the evolution of it. He’d start by talking about modern art, then explaining how art wasn’t always like that, before referencing prehistoric art. He’d eventually make his way up, until he reached modern art once again. While he explains each time period, he would ask students what they knew about that time period of art.
2. After a student joins the class, they may take a seat, while Kamil welcomes the students to his class. Once they take their seats, they would notice various supplies on their desk, consisting of fifty popsicle sticks, thirty centimeters of string, fifteen centimeters of tape, scissors, and glue. Kamil would announce that the assignment for that day was to make something out of the supplies provided. Kamil would grade each student by their creativity.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Kamil would host a field trip to the Shrine, allowing students to gain inspiration from the beautiful scenery. The students could enjoy what they saw and explore the shrine. Kamil would tell the students to take a picture as something they would want to illustrate. When the class arrives back at school, the students would take their seats, and open photos of what they saw for reference, doing anything from sketching to painting to recreate the photos.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Kamil would step towards the group, examining the situation. He’d say in a stern voice “What’s going on here?” as he pulls the bobcat jock away from the others. He’d ask the individuals “What happened?” attempting to assess the situation. After finding out, Kamil would lecture the college jocks for harassing a person younger than them, and explain how they have to be better examples. He’d give them detention slips if they were to be disrespectful towards him. He’d then look to the highschooler, warning them not to get into feuds with the college jocks. After he was done he would smile and finish with “Use that energy to play or cheer better, not to cause arguments and get physical over sports. Don’t let me catch you doing this again,” before letting them continue on with their day.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Kamil would ignore the student until he ran out of patience. He’d then sigh before looking towards the individual with a tired expression. “Continue asking stupid questions and then you can ask SLT the same questions. I think they have better answers for you,” before looking back to the rest of the students, and quietly observe them.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Kamil looked towards the cheerleaders, stating “Please put your phone away, and stay quiet. Since you guys have so much to say, why don’t you inform the rest of the class what I have taught so far?” If the cheerleader continued, Kamil would warn them once again, “Please put your phones away and quiet down. If I have to ask you again you will be asked to leave the class.” Kamil would continue to teach and if the cheerleaders continued to ignore him, he’d remove them from the class.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Kamil would radio for more faculty to arrive, before attempting to break up the fight again. He’d step towards the group again, attempting to get in between them once again. After more faculty showed up, they’d be able to successfully pull the students away from each other. Kamil would write out detention slips, handing them to each student and warning them not to get into another fight.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Kamil is a Polish male, standing at 6’1 and weighing around 157 lbs. His calm green eyes matched his sea turtle green hair, further expressing his relaxed nature. Kamil wore a simple dark sweater with jeans and smelled like pinecones. He is extremely kind, being optimistic about situations and often trying to be as lenient as possible. Kamil is respectful towards students, and tries to understand the way they learn so he can adjust himself to cater to their learning style. Around other teachers, Kamil will act similarly, being respectful and calm while talking to them. He tries to be friendly towards them, and will listen to what they have to say. Kamil’s optimistic and kind nature does him well with others, often making friends quickly. He is very inviting and friendly, and often listens for what others have to say before commenting. He plans to work hard and do his best at teaching art, which is something he is very passionate about. He will also try to take care of his kids, and maybe adopt more.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 100 words.
'The Angel born in Hell'
Kamil Rei Yuogio was born in the small town of Karpacz, Poland. His parents, Reina Aikawa and Aoto Yuogio, were in their thirties and Kamil was their first and only child. After complications, Reina died shortly after giving birth, leaving Aoto to take care of Kamil by himself. Aoto wanted nothing to do with Kamil, feeling pain everytime he looked at his son, remembering his late wife. Aoto soon went back to being a criminal, dumping Kamil with someone who could watch his child, babysitters, friends, anyone except for himself. When Kamil was around seven, Aoto fully detached himself from Isamu not wanting to be near the only reason why his wife wasn't alive. Kamil lived at a small orphanage, being avoided as he was the son of a widely known criminal. He was rejected from school for the same reason, and learned by reading old textbooks a caretaker at the orphanage brought him. Kamil grew up being completely opposite from his father, being a kind gentle soul, cared about others, and detested the idea of ever hurting anyone. He studied scrapped textbooks for years, and in his free time he would sketch things he saw outside. His love for art grew each year, to where he told his caretaker at the orphanage that he wanted to be an artist. The caretaker wanted the best for him, so she decided to help him fulfill his dream. When Kamil was fourteen, the caretaker gave him some money, as well as buying him a plane ticket to Germany. Kamil cried, not wanting to be separated from his only friend, but she insisted, telling him ‘Go live out your dream. You have so much you can accomplish, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.’ Soon Kamil was a young teenager in Aachen, Germany, not knowing anything about the country and barely knowing the language.
'The Golden Times'
Kamil found a place to stay for the night, and got a job, working as he applied for school. After a few days, he was able to get a place to stay, a job to afford rent, and was even going to a school! Kamil worked hard at school and work, remembering what his friend had done for him and not wanting any of it to go to waste. As he got older, he thought about becoming a teacher, and thought about how he could influence kids and guide them away from crime, preventing more people from turning out like his father. After several years, Kamil graduated from highschool. He was young, only being seventeen, but he was excited. He could finally live out his dream. He was walking home one day when he was approached in an alley by two masked people, who attempted to mug him. A third masked individual stepped out, but this one was different. The third grabbed the other two and engaged in combat. Within a few minutes, the third had knocked out the original two, and looked back towards Kamil, who was terrified. The third pulled off her mask, revealing her identity. That was how Kamil met Nikara. The two quickly became friends, and soon they were dating. The two were inseparable, and perfect for each other. Kamil shared his interest in becoming an art teacher, and Nikara encouraged him to follow his dream, and told him that she’d be there to support him. They had an early marriage, both only being twenty when they got married. The two decided to marry under the name ‘Sawada’ as Kamil detested the last name he was given by his father. By the time they were twenty-one, they had twin girls, Nicole and Kara. After a couple of years, Kamil graduated school and took his family to Tokyo, where they lived for several years. Kamil applied for a teaching job, and was able to be a substitute for an arts class. Kamil enjoyed his job, and knew he wanted to become a full-time teacher.
'The New Era'
One day, everything was different. Kamil came home to a gruesome scene. His wife was left murdered in their home. His eyes widened as he dropped his bag, and slowly pulled out his phone, calling the police. Kamil hugged his two kids tightly as he watched the building, and eventually saw her body being taken out. The next few weeks were a blur, and the funeral went by quickly. Before he knew it, he had to take care of two kids by himself, and the person he loved most in the world was gone. It took him several months to get over her death, but Kamil decided that he was going to do the best he could for Nikara. He decided to move out of Tokyo, and discovered Karakura. After two months, Kamil took his two kids to Karakura and enrolled them into the school, while he researched teaching positions. After a bit of research he decided to apply to become a Professor. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he had several years of experience, and teaching art was his passion. After a few weeks, he was mailed a response. Kamil eagerly opened the envelope, to be ecstatic when he read his application was accepted.

Full Name:
Kamil Rei Sawada
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Kamil or Mr. Sawada
Gender & pronouns:
Male, he/him
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
7 years
Working Experience (# of years):
19 years
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Fine Arts
Art History
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, Italian
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Visual Arts
Do you like pancakes or waffles?
Additional notes about your application (if any):
If this gets accepted, could I have my college role (first slot) moved to my third slot (currently 12th Grade) please?
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