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goldfibsh's BMD Application

gold fish

Level 286


Describe your activity on the server:
10/10. I am on every day that I can be.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My Discord user is lilf_shy. I do have a microphone but I prefer not to use it, as of right now I don't have a pair of headphones either but I plan to buy some soon if I don't get any for Christmas.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
I feel that my character is well-rounded. He’s been in crime my entire time playing him, but, now, with no gangs to join or relations of his around. I think this is the way to go with him. I loved the roleplay-oriented gangs that I was in, I love the interactions that GANGRP can bring it’s just a matter of doing it right is all, and I believe that the black market is one of the right ways!

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I’m sure many of the dealers already have roleplay experience, which I have a lot of. I’ve been on the server since around October 2021 and spent those few years on SRP not being a very well-known player. My character is 2 years old and very developed, I prioritize roleplay over anything else, that’s what I’m here to do. I’d much rather bounce our actions over each other than rely on rolling as sometimes the outcomes of those roles can be downright unrealistic. I think me and my character could contribute to some really interesting roleplay!

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I have been a professor twice, and I currently work in the Shrine! The shrine is a close-knit faction and we work together constantly, icly it’s more like a family than a team!

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
One of the things I’d love to see right now is having weapons over a certain size, or weapons that have over a certain range you must have a bag item to carry it with, otherwise, where are you putting it? Knives and such I understand, but Naginatas and Bats of any kind are too large to hide on your person! I think it would bring a fun realism element to Gangrp considering that most stores sell a bag and when the auction is fixed they should be relatively easy to get!

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes! And I refresh myself often because my memory isn't so great.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:

Are you familiar with the fact that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to others?:


Full Legal Name:

Tobias Melissa King

Criminal Alias:
“Party Popper.” or simply “Popper.”

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role):
22, no occupation.

Gender & Marital Status:
Male, Married.

Ethnicity & Race:
African-American/Korean. Or.. Blasian.

Known Languages:
French, English, Japanese.

Former Associations/Occupations:
Formerly higher up of Otake-Tatsu, and part of Adobansu.

Highest Level of Education:
High school.

Physical/Mental Ailments:
OSDD-B1. Multiple Personalities. The simplest way to explain it is like DID with fewer memory issues. He also has a prosthetic leg.

Known Family Members:
Finneas King

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
A 5’3 Blasian male with round, squishy features, and loosely curled green and blonde hair. Staring at his face you’d notice many faded freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. His back is covered in a tattoo of wings shedding many feathers, they are jet black and sickly looking. He bore a winding snake tattoo on his right leg and a black rose sleeve on his left arm. He’s got a scar peeking out from underneath his hair, and a sort of fiery, aggressive look in his eyes, he’s nuts, you can tell just by looking at him. Despite the fire in his eyes he always has this sort of, freakishly positive grin on his face. Scars of many kinds litter his body but are invisible to most.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Tobias is, at his simplest, psycho. Cold and calculated, he’s good at doing what he needs to, but .. at least he does it in a fun way. Think, Jinx from Arcane. Calculated he is, but very emotional. He can become brash, and impulsive when clouded by his feelings. It can be dangerous. For him, and for others.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Born in Texas, Tobias had a hard life from the start. His mother, god bless her he says, perished in childbirth, from complications that ran in her side of the family. She gave birth to Tobias and his brother. His father never deprived them of their physical needs, but Father, Tobias thought, was a strong word for him. They

When He moved to Karakura at the age of 15, with his aunt. She let him run rampant around the city, pissing off anyone who’d listen to him. He fell in with a group of gang members around 16-17. They were in Kaku-Kai. Under their protection, he grew rasher, and more nasty, until he hit age 18. By now, he’s probably had.. 4 different sets of legal parents. Each disowned or abandoned him. Kaku-kai warred with Bonten. They lost. It pretty much killed their numbers and the gang dwindled on a threat, so Asher, a vile man, Tobi attests, created Adobansu. Many members followed him, and Tobias even joined himself, for a time, before falling out. Things dwindled for a while, and not much happened. Tobias grew into a new family. The O’learys. In idle conversation one day, he mentioned it to Asher, and. Just like that. It was set off. Asher had his lackeys attack Tobias, who felt utterly betrayed by the fact of his fatherhood. Things escalated and escalated until Tobias lost his leg to them. He knew who it was. They carved him and marked his body with crude writings. He was so angry. He disowned himself and fell out of gang life.. For a few months. Nobody can ever truly leave it.

He joined Otake-Tatsu, a secretive, violent gang run by his friend. One of its early members, he worked his way up through the ranks and wiggled himself into a higher position, but then everything exploded again. Otake-Tatsu was being phased out, and so everyone disbanded.
After Otake-Tatsu, he drifted. With no purpose in life, he joined and left gangs like a tick on dogs. He finished his high school career, somehow making up with his boyfriend a shocking three times after three different breakups. They are now married.

He’s back in the city, and he’s here to stay. What will he do now? Nothing good, those who know him are sure.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
Tobias sat in a corridor, just to the left of their arranged meeting space, waiting, watching, like a prowling cat. He waited until they stepped from the shadows, looking around aimlessly, until he chose to reveal himself.

“You here for me?” He grinned, behind a mask, obviously, but still, he couldn’t manage to keep the urge to smile away.

They nodded, stepping to stand shoulders square with Popper.

“You got my shit?”

“Sure. You got mine?”

Tobias pulled the goods from his pockets, something small, nothing he couldn’t hold without extra help. He held his hand out, position loose, almost like he was having fun doing nothing, in this moment, at least.

(The Rest of the interaction continues as normal. I haven’t dealt with the market in some time so I’m not sure how it rolls now!)

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
He’s been running in with gang members since I created him nearly 2 years ago. It’s time for a revamp. He’s always wanted to be a part of something truly great.


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your application, I have decided to
unfortunately deny your application to join the faction.

Why have I been denied?
This decision has been made based on the following reason(s)
Though we enjoyed your application, we have decided to go for other applicants. You're welcome to reapply in the future.

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