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GoodbyeRanden- Science/Physics Teacher Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?)

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I’m using a condenser mic

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I Humbly accept the term and will do my best to be active

Describe your activity on the server:
3pm - 11pm3pm - 11pm3pm - 11 pm4pm - 11 pm3pm - 11pm1pm - 12pm1pm - 12pm

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: N/A

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[12 Grade] Reiji Kagami (One applying for teacher)
[12 Grade] Ameno Kagami


What subject are you applying to teach?:

My goal is to teach science, specifically Physics

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
In real life I've always been the one who helps out my classmates with the respective course work throughout highschool. And till now in college I still fulfill this personal obligation of helping our classmates the best I could teaching or tutoring them whenever they’re stuck on a subject. Additionally back when Omlet Arcade was still active, high school roleplays were common to see throughout the community, and with me personally I usually roleplay as the stereotypical mean teacher. All of this would happen back when I was 13-14 and now as an adult, it would be a good way to not only experience part of my teenage years, but also use what I've learned from tutoring irl and roleplaying to teach in SRP. Additionally I’ve worked on several passion projects with some being either mc role plays or light novels and having this character development would help me with a future project I have in mind. That being my own light novel story using my time on SRP as inspiration for a Slice Of Life.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes I am completely aware I'll be a UT (Unqualified Teacher) if I were to be accepted.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes and I would give it my all fulfilling the role as a teacher, even during training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Class logs are important if not essential to keep in mind whenever you're doing classes. It gives you a general understanding of how many classes you’ve done in the past and to keep track of whether you’ve done enough to meet the monthly quota. Teachers are expected to do 10 classes per month in order to get paid.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  1. No swearing/cursing​
  2. No eating or snacking in class​
  3. Don’t interrupt the teacher (no yell and always raise your hand)​
  4. Always be respectful to fellow classmates and Teachers alike.​
  5. Stay seated at all times (No running around)​
  6. No cellphone usage unless of emergency or being told so (This rule particularly is the most significant as being on your phone during class shows lack of care and respect for the teacher and the class)​

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have worked on many RP projects. Majority of the projects I would participate were mainly derived from Omlet Arcade, a mobile live streaming app where In terms of connections, I'm associated with a streamer who revolutionized the Highschool Roleplay From my recollection of I’ve been in 11 Roleplay projects with many of them being recorded however taken down as time went on. But ever since the app closed down, I’ve continued perusing Minecraft RP while also doing some light work within freelance writing for the anime industry. From there I've used my experiences in doing Minecraft roleplays to inspire my own projects, whether it's my own roleplay or writing a story in which was inspired by my past work.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The Head of Department has worked as a teacher for the longest amount of time. They are both qualified in teaching their respective subject and are usually the ones who are training on the Unqualified teachers.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Higher up on the hierarchy are Qualified Teachers. They are more experienced in their respected role then both Newly qualified and Unqualified teachers. These individuals also have a comprehensive understanding of any procedures from disciplinary actions to even helping with training for Unqualified teachers. And being higher up on the hierarchy, they’re expected to do their job flawlessly.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Newly qualified teachers have been working in their respected field for a good amount of time. They have a general understanding of certain procedures and would take the role of being a senpai figure for the Unqualified teachers. They would help assist the unqualified teachers after they’ve finished training and give them advice on things that worked out for them.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: This ranking means that the individual was recently hired or still new to the faction. All unqualified teachers are unable to host any class unless they undergo training in which from there, they would still be looking up to their colleague who's worked longer than they have. With that being said, even though they’re at the lowest ranking in the faction, they’re still qualified in the subject they teach, whether it’s math, science, history or even literature.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers on the server and outside of SRP are important if not essential for schools all around the world. They bring discipline and guidance towards students and players alike making sure they don't go out of control while on school grounds, while also guiding students as they are sure to give advice and guiding them on the right path once they graduate (whether it’s to prepare them for college or follow their ambitions). All while they would teach their respected subject and potentially spark a new passion for students. In order to spark a new passion for students/players alike, many teachers would adopt different teaching styles which bring out the interesting side of certain subjects and apply the lessons to real life and daily life. This part of being a teacher would sometimes be the hardest part of becoming one as it’s trial and error. Therefore outside of school, these teachers (OOCly) would sometimes work on preparing their lessons, sometimes making it their best intention to make it interesting for their students, on top of making homework and assignments or grading submitted work from the students. This also applies during holidays as in real life people who work in education would sometimes take up part time jobs over the summer, and even though they get the experience the summer break like their students, they still have to plan out their lessons and assignments even during these breaks and while working part time in different places. But even then there are still some teachers who still work for the summer semester for the summer classes/makeUp classes inwhich their schedule outside of school doesn't change all to much. As for their salary, every ranking is different. Every teacher would make ¥50k per 5 classes. However, different rankings would allow certain ranked teachers to host more classes. Newly Qualified teachers could make up to ¥ 300,000 after completing their quota, while qualified teachers could make up to ¥ 400,000, and max out being able to earn ¥ 500,000 a month. In retrospect, OOC Japanese teachers could make up to ¥ 200,000-¥ 250,000 a month which is less than what teachers on the server make a month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers represent education, discipline, and guidance, in SRP. Other than teaching players certain topics like math, science and writing, They play an important role of not only keeping order within the school, making sure the students go out of control and breaking the rules consistently, they inspire and encourage students to pursue what they want to do in the future for their character. Without any teachers the school would go into total anarchy in addition to them having no plans for the future, possibly going down the wrong path in life.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura’s school district follows MoSCoW, a system which abbreviates what the school “Must have, Should have, Could have and Won't have.”

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
For a guy Reiji stands slightly at average height of 5'10 which to him is still short compared to others who’re above 6 feet. He also has a rather slender body for his age, with brown hair that reaches down to his neck. Unlike others Reiji has heterochromia, his left eye being a dark green compared to the ocean blue eyes he and his sister possess. Reiji’s skin is also naturally pale which becomes more visible whenever he wears darker colored clothing. He would occasionally be seen wearing fake glasses or a scarf in which he wore for a long time.

If people could describe Reiji in one word, it would be passion. When it comes to the things he likes, he would work rather hard on the things he enjoys the most. From things like Physics to writing, and even gaming. Occasionally when he talks to others it’s usually related to his studies or something interesting he’s learnt. Despite this passionate personality having a tendency to scare off others, he makes up for it by being a very compassionate person. Due to his past Reiji would learn to show more compassion towards others from all of High School to University and would still show kindness towards others as an adult. Whenever he finds people who aren’t in their best mood, he’ll show acts of kindness whether it’ll by buying them something from the vending machine or giving them words of encouragement, Reiji is the type of person who selflessly cares about others before himself.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Reiji cares about students more than what his students think. Once being in a bad predicament himself, he sympathizes with those who are experiencing similar or worse circumstances than what he’s been through. Especially towards students with a bad track record. Therefore he would occasionally find a balance between being professional and authentic. Thus he would sometimes try to be a bit casual towards his students while still showing authority as a teacher at the end of the day. He believes that by doing this, his students would get along and respect him more in and outside of class. Additionally he also care about the well being of his students as he would become more understanding of tragedies either exempting an assignment or extending it's deadline. Whereas for his colleagues Reiji still balances professionalism and authenticity but leans a bit more on being formal. Not only does he want to set a good example for his students but to future teachers (UT).

What are their plans for the future?

For the time being, Reiji wants to live humbly in Karakura. Instead of becoming a part of some big research program, he would earn his fulfillment by teaching the next generation of students. If he really wanted to Reiji could go back to school to get a doctorate, but for the time being Reiji wants to take a step back from committing to more significant things. He would also be using his time to finding new hobbies or trying his luck again into a relationship while he's still employed. He's worked hard enough reaching on top, and he feels its time to take a step back and recollect himself and taking a stress free and humble life.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

When students are swearing Reiji tends to be more understanding and is rather patient, as he would normally just let them off with just a warning. He believes that everyone swears at least once in their lifetime and for teenagers it's bound to happen, in one way or another. Therefore he’ll only warn them once or several times and keep a mental note on the student who was swearing/cursing. When he finds a pattern with a particular student or a student is testing his patience, he’ll take the appropriate disciplinary action which would be giving them detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Reiji is aware that the subject he specializes in teaching being Physics tends to have a negative outlook of being a boring and overall difficult subject. To combat this Reiji would sometimes perform live experiments or make the students do hands-on activities over lectures and problem sets. He would still do the latter if it’s required for him to do so, but would still try to make Physics entertaining for anyone. Therefore if a student isn’t listening or is on their phone, Reiji would be upset and would remind the student only once to pay attention to class or if they’re using their phones only warn them once to put it away. If the student keeps up with their behavior or is beginning to disrupt class, he won't hesitate to take disciplinary actions either giving the individual a detention slip or sending them to the principal's office.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In the teachers lounge, Reiji tends to keep to himself, either reviewing his students assignments, checking his emails, preparing his next lecture, or eating lunch quietly in the lounge. Occasionally he would play games on his phone or go scrolling on social media if he has the freetime. That’s only if he’s alone. Whenever his fellow colleagues enter the lounge, he doesn’t hesitate to say hello or strike up a conversation, if they haven’t already. Sometimes he would have a math or science related conversation with teachers who studied it. But I would still have regular conversations with other faculty members.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Expresses excitement for his lesson for the class. “Good Morning class, who’s ready to learn?” He opens up his notebook looking into the lesson he has planned. “Before we start, we’ll have to go over the rules. No swearing/cursing, no eating, no cellphones, rules from your other classes apply to this class also” Closes the textbook one handedly making a loud thud “With that being It’s time for today’s lesson.” Place the book back on his desk in place of an apple where he tosses it upwards and catches it. “Now as a random question this might be, if you think of physics, what food do you guys think of?” Waits for his students to respond. “For those who said apples, you would think right, as we’re going over Isaac Newton’s laws of Physics, which all started with..” Would tilt slightly and tapping the apple on his head “An apple that fell on one’s head.”

/me “Let's do a question together.” Skims through his textbook for problem sets to do with the class Begins to read the question out loud while labeling down the given numbers. “If an object’s final velocity is 14 m/s with an acceleration of 3 m/s^2 under 4 seconds, what’s the initial velocity?” Would point at the given formulas on the board “First things first what formula would we use?” Waits for someone to raise their hand. “ Yes we would use the following. Vf = Vi + AT, as we’re given the final velocity, acceleration and time.” Would rewrite and fill in the formula on the board “And if we bring AT to the other side, 14 minus 12 would give us 2 m/s.”

Would grab a chalk eraser and hold it against the wall. “As you can see, when I press the eraser against the wall, there's a proportional force pushing back to me” Would slightly loosen his grip on the eraser. “And when I let go” Lets go of the eraser being pushed into the wall “There's no longer an applied force towards the wall thus it’ll fall.” Picks up the fallen eraser “That right here is Newton’s 3rd law of Motion, Action Reaction or what we’ll call it a Normal Force. "The same concept also applies when the eraser is on the ground, granted all of us in this room." Would point at the eraser and with his arms waving towards everyone. "As gravity which we all know is 9.81 m/s^2 is pulling the object and of course all of us down, while the normal force pushing us back up."

/me Carried a box full of materials “Today we’ll be doing something different we normally do lectures but” Opens and empties the box and pulls out a carton of eggs. “This time we’ll be dropping eggs.” Pulls out a reference sample of an egg drop box design “Before we start building, we have some rules. 1. Your design cannot be too big , nothing over 3 feet on all dimentions. 2. You can only use materials that are accepted by me. 3. Be respectful, don't sabotage another student and most importantly have fun with it.“ Has his arms cross while spinning a pencil. “If we have no questions, then you can start building.”


Before stepping foot in Karakura, Reiji was born in Sapporo, the southernmost and largest city in Hokkaido Japan. Growing up he and his sister Ameno Kagami were expected to become as successful as his parents, with his father being a civil engineer and his mother being a locally known freelance writer, publishing several popular books local to Sapporo. Where there’s strict parents also comes forth huge expectations to do well in school, but to Reiji all he wanted was to live life without stress, not wanting to go beyond but rather do enough to live humbly and enjoy the things he does. Due to this mindset, Reiji’s grade would be within the C-B range; scoring overall average from his peers, would come home after curfew despite the colder climate, and would hang out with friends more than seen studying.

However the breaking point of Reiji’s and his parents' relationship would be when Reiji would be into a relationship with a girl in his school. Due to how strict Reiji’s parents are, being in a relationship could ruin the chance of attending a good school. Aware of that fact, Reiji kept his relationship with his girl a secret from his parents for 2 years until one fateful accident. One day Reiji and his girlfriend Akane had a bad argument and by impulse Reiji offended Akane which caused her to run away from him. On that same day, Akane would get into a car accident, passing away from the trauma, and leaving Reiji emotionally scarred. Word of Akane’s death eventually made it to Reiji’s parents where instead of berating him like they’d normally do, Instead they told him to pack up his things and move out. Even though his father no longer wanted anything to do with Reiji, his mother suggested he move to Karakura as it’ll give him a chance to start a new leaf.


In Karakura, Reiji had a hard time fitting in as he knew no one and the fact he’s in grade 10 when he first moved made it much harder for him to fit in with a particular group. His heavy uses of Hokkaido dialect and habit of always wearing heavy winter clothing in the hot tropical Karakura would make him an outcast amongst rejects. Everyday he would be picked on verbally and physically for the way he's dressed and what little social time he gets to have would be shut down due to his side job as an actor recommended to him by Alice Kagami (Reiji’s Mother). Reiji originally didnt like his job as an actor and was forced to do it because he has no other work he can do on the city. Not being from Karakura Reiji also has a hard time being accustomed to the traditions as he would stick out like a sore thumb for bullying with one occasion he nearly died while in the sewers by himself. Reiji’s new life in Karakura then became a wakeup call for him to work hard both in school and in the studio in order to leave the island. Overtime life slowly became more bearable for Reiji as he would finish his contract with the studio and made friends with people who experienced their own hurdles in life. As for academics Reiji would begin to take his education seriously go above and beyond. All of his hard work paid off, getting accepted and enrolling into The University Of Tokyo along side making enough money to pay off his tuition with also having some money left to spare. While in University, Reiji Kagami would work just as hard to earn his Bachelors in Physics and a minor in performance arts.

After graduation, a new set of problems arose for him. At the time Reiji worked at a space agency in Tokyo being the same agency he did his internship. But due to budget cuts, he was laid off. As for the many other companies he tried applying for also rejected him, leaving him no other choice to go back into Karakura. For the longest time, he never really like the place, and simply leaving the city was enough motivation for him to leave. As he thinks back on the past, Karakura made him who he is today. As he pays a visit to Karakura and meeting up with his old friends, he would also find that there are other people in high school who're under the same circumstances and some cases in a worst position where he was once at. Knowing that there are people going through their own struggles, shifted his mindset and motivating him to become a teacher at the highschool. With the encouragement of his past teachers like Mikasa Akiyama (The one who inspired him to do well in his acting job) and John Thornberry (who've taken him in, when he first moved to Karakura), Reiji would give up on the opportunity of a high paying job in a space program, to instead guide and lead the future generation to a better future, using himself as an example to work hard.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Reiji Kagami

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Kagami

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Tokyo acting agency during HS and College: 5 years
JAXA (including internship years): 6 years

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Mathematical Physics

performance arts

Native Languages:
English & Japanese

Other Languages:
Very little Russian and other east Asian language (Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No, due to living in Japan for all my life.


Additional notes about your application:

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I'll give it my all if I ever get accepted.

Do you have any questions?:

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