In-game Name:
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Absolutely, yes. If I'm needed in any vc at a moment's notice I'd be more than happy to join and speak if required.
(CST) Central Standard Timezone.
Being in this timezone should hopefully allow me to get on more frequently than others which I believe is quite important due to Lawyer being one of the roles that requires quite a bit of upkeep to ensure the role is not removed due to inactivity, although this timezone is subject to rare changes as I visit different area's of the states due to family.
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
As of right now, I'd consider myself an extremely active player within the community. I typically try my hardest to interact with all groups within the server since different genre role-players heighten my interest quite a lot. The way some people carry their characters due to the faction they're in makes me extremely interested in different factions in general—so interested, in fact, that it has led me to buy two alt accounts on top of the one I already had, totaling four.
This is one of the reasons I'm applying for this position. I'm hoping it can catapult me into a whole different world of SRP that I have yet to experience, and I'm looking forward to it more than ever.
What activities I find myself engaging in when online.
I'm currently on a sports team, so when I'm online, I'm typically engaging in some sort of large roleplay happening within the town—often including the occasional rivalry with Bobcat teams. This, as of now, has provided me with quite a bit of roleplay experience since large roleplays with my team are a common occurrence. This often leads to typically leading to more roleplay with different factions whether it be City, EMS, or KPD.
If, on a given day, I decide not to do anything sports-related, I tend to get onto my journalist account and roam the town with my notebook in hand, asking citizens for their opinions on specific story topics. This allows me to gather important and or crucial material for reports relating to the school or the town in general. These interactions often lead to deep, conversational roleplays where I get a lot of engagement from whoever I may be speaking with at the time. I believe this has prepared me for handling a variety of scenarios, and I fully intend to apply my experience and preparations toward being a Lawyer if accepted.
And finally if nor Sports or Journalist interactions interest me for that day then I tend to get onto my adult which has a family consisting of a wife, 2 daughters and a step son. Being the primary lead in a family full of active roleplayer's has also given me quite the amount of knowledge when it comes to interacting with the other adults on SRP, obviously this includes anyone whom may be an adult within a faction. Interacting with other adults in game has led to some of the most detailed and immersive roleplays I've ever experienced due to people generally taking their roles more seriously which in my eyes leads me to believe that gaining this lawyer position will add onto that without fault.
Active Roles Within SRP
As I mentioned prior, within SRP, I'm on Spartan Male FB, which requires me to be quite active within in the community. Not only that, but I've recently acquired a journalist role on another alt account which as mentioned before, has pushed me into a different subsection of roleplay in my eyes. Although these two positions aren't extremely crucial to the community, I believe they have provided me with plenty of interactions and experience through being in both which I believe has garnered me a sufficient amount of knowledge in interacting with all different groups within SRP.
With that being said, I'm hoping this will allow me to transition more easily into the world of governmental roles within the server, as people in government positions typically have a specific way of roleplaying and coming across which in my eye's leads to much more meaningful roleplay in all senses.
Activity Schedule
Typically, I find myself logging on around 11 AM when I wake up and staying on until about 11 PM, which is when the server starts to die down. However, if there's still roleplay happening past 11 PM, I'm usually still online. All in all, I'd say I'm able to log onto SRP every day, and as I mentioned before, if something were to come up preventing me from doing so, it would never be a long hiatus.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
12pm-10pm | 11am-11pm | 11am-11pm | 11am-11pm | 11am - 5-11pm | 11am-11pm | 11am-11pm |
What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for a Lawyer Position.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for this position stems from something I mentioned earlier. After nearly ten years on SRP, I’ve recently decided to expand my horizons and explore new types of roleplay. At first, I focused on gang and criminal roleplay, then transitioned into BusinessRP when it was at its peak. Eventually, I found myself drawn to roles that require more upkeep and maintenance—things like football, journalism, and now, government-related positions.
I’ve had friends in the government faction before, and their experiences piqued my interest. After doing my research, I took the time to really consider whether this was something I could see myself doing actively while maintaining its structure alongside my other roles. In the end, the answer was clear—absolutely.
Every aspect of being a lawyer seems both enjoyable and rewarding, despite the demands that come with it. I know I’m fully prepared to take on the position and all of its responsibilities at a moment’s notice, without fault. More than anything, I see this as my introduction into the world of government roleplay, and I’m excited to take on the challenges and achievements that come with it.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Absolutely. Through my desire to become a lawyer, I figured it was important for me to know all the rules and regulations associated with the role. Not only that, but I've studied for it outside of SRP to ensure that my roleplay within the server is nothing short of superb.
I believe holding a role of such significance—like a lawyer, governor, or judge—requires having a clear understanding of how that role should be portrayed at all times. A lawyer isn’t going around dressed as a chicken, pecking its beak at the curb, now are they? There’s a way to act and a way to represent the faction without trying too hard, and I believe my research—both within SRP and outside of it—has led me to be able to successfully reach this stage and portray my character as such.
What are your goals for being in Government Faction?:
My Interests.
I mentioned this before—exploring a new form of roleplay that requires more maintenance is something that really interests me. Beyond that, stepping into this position offers a whole new perspective on SRP for me—the people involved in the faction, the responsibilities that come with it, and just the experience as a whole will be a huge shift in what I’m used too. It's an opportunity to dive into something that demands both dedication, attention and the utmost commitment, and I'm ready for the challenges faced with taking on such a role.
My Hopes
Eventually, I want to establish myself deeply within the government faction and make it a regular part of my roleplay whenever I’m online. More than that, it would give my character the genuine and in-depth development I’ve been craving for quite some time. I’ve always been interested in evolving my character in a way that feels authentic & genuine, and this role would give me the perfect opportunity to do that. I’m excited not just to play a character with real responsibilities, but to experience everything that comes with it—the ups and downs, the relationships, and the unique challenges and hurdles that come with a government role within the server as a whole.
My Expectations
Even beyond my government duties and responsibilities, I know this role will allow me to engage in meaningful and immersive roleplay. Whether it’s dealing with other factions, interacting with citizens, or managing the day-to-day responsibilities of this role, I’ll be genuinely looking forward to the depth and connection this will bring to my SRP experience in totality. It’s a chance to be part of something bigger and to contribute in ways I haven’t yet garnered for myself to experience.
My Conclusion
Beyond those reasonings, I truly want to eventually cement myself as one of Karakura's top lawyers. I want to be the lawyer that everyone looks to pay for a case because they know my chances of winning are above the rest. I want to be the best lawyer—it's that simple. I want to be so good that player's will feel like their watching a Law show off of Netflix, I genuinely want people to be brought into the case itself and not only be a spectator but feel as though there the one awaiting the trial viewing.
I know for a fact that a lot of people apply to positions like this for the monthly reward money, but I truly couldn't care less. I genuinely believe that this faction will grant me so much enjoyment through its roleplay, unlike the rest. I want people to want to have court cases just because my lawyer RP will be so good. I want to immerse whomever my IClY client is into the situation, and I know I’m going to be able to accomplish that. That is why I want this position, not only to enjoy what it has to offer but also give the citizen's of Karakura what I have to offer as well, my studying on the matter will prove nothing less than perfection from my side, and if not perfection it'll be something that's on the edge of it.
In your own words, describe the different roles of the Government Faction:
Mayor Basic Responsibilities A respected leader, typically elected by the people of Karakura. This role is responsible for overseeing all subordinate positions, which involved but is not limited to-delivering speeches to the citizens of the town, making important decisions that may or may not shape the town's future as a whole, developing and implementing policies, strategies, and programs that benefit the city and its citizens positively and simply representing the city as a positive figure that anyone is able to look up to if genuinely needed. |
Deputy-Mayor Basic Responsibilities Another key role within Karakura, the Deputy Mayor serves as the Mayor’s right hand and or representative, stepping in to handle responsibilities whenever the Mayor is unavailable. They carry much of the same authority and respect, often playing a crucial role in decision-making when needed. Not only that but the Deputy-Mayor also takes over Overseeing Departments & City Operations if needed, this includes helping supervise municipal departments such as housing, emergency services, and or simply assisting and working alongside department heads. |
Governor Responsibilities Typically a figure that is quite often within the eye of the public, they are responsible for overseeing governance, policy implementation, and administration. Their duties typically involve managing governmental departments while ensuring public services run efficiently and appointing officials such as judges, agency heads, or advisory boards. Identification Cards. While this may seem simple, it's quite important due to every citizen in the city needing some type of identification. This typically involves being within the town hall at the front desk while doing paperwork and waiting for whomever may need a card to enter the building. Officiating Marriages. Although this occurrence is rare, governors take up an important role in ensuring that marriages proceed without fault within the town. A citizen may request a governor to officiate their marriage whenever, and once the marriage is official, it shall take place wherever the groom and bride choose to do so Attending Trials Although it might not happen quite often, governors often take a role within trials, especially if they are ones of importance and priority. This involves cases that may have a political impact, such as a case involving government officials or legal precedents. This also involves potential pardons, commutations, or executive clemency. A governor can follow the proceedings to gather a more positive insight into the trial at hand. Performing Shop Inspections Another role governors tend to take up is issuing inspections on shops. The shopping district within Karakura is quite large and active with people; therefore, it's the governor's duty to ensure the safety of the public with frequent inspections. This consists of making sure safety and health regulations are up to code and that no restaurants or shops are cutting corners to save costs. Surveying The Public. At last, but not least, the role of a governor is surveying the public. Like I mentioned before, they are typically in the eye of the public, not only due to them roaming about but also because they may be watching you too. They do this to ensure the public is in a good state and there are no indicators of stress or mishap within the town. |
Judge Responsibilities Judges are typically always seen within a courtroom, usually the powerhouse of its hierarchy, primarily responsible for decision-making in a trial. Judges tend to take more of a directive role within Karakura, such as handing out warrants and filing restraining orders. However, aside from the more judicial approach of a judge, they tend to adopt the same responsibilities as a governor in a sense. This involves... Attending Trials Obviously, if there's a trial, there's a judge. A judge's duty is to take force over the trial at hand while keeping the courtroom in orderly conduct as both stands make their case. At the end of a trial, a jury will come up with a verdict, which will enforce the judge to make a decision on what the punishment is. Issuing Warrants Not only that, but judges partake in issuing warrants to police if needed. This is required if an investigation or raid needs to take place, for which the KPD needs permission. They will come to the judge for approval to proceed with their ongoing investigation or raid in question. Reviewing Cases While a judge's duties are quite self-explanatory, they also involve reviewing whatever trial cases may lay upon their desk. This may result in findings that were not present during the trial and may often lead to a retrial taking place. This is a crucial part of a judge's job. Officiating Marriages Officiating marriages for judges is slightly different compared to a governor since they typically swear marriages into legality within a courtroom. Sometimes, couples choose to have their marriage in a courtroom to avoid later documentation, so a judge will usually take up that responsibility if asked. File Restraining Order As everyone knows, judges take up a role where they issue out punishments, but it may often result in something more positive for someone in need, such as a restraining order. If someone brings a case to the judge with valid reasoning as to why a restraining order would be beneficial for the citizen, then that order will be issued. Front Desk Work Although it may seem boring, a large part of being a judge is dealing with a lot of paperwork. Whether it be paperwork for a trial, an adoption, or a marriage, a judge is always kept busy with some sort of documentation. If you can't sit at a computer for long periods of time and write, then this simply isn't for you. Approving Adoption Paperwork In rare cases, some citizens might need to adopt a child. If this takes place, then it's the judge's duty to write the adoption into legal documentation, making it truly official. While this may seem unimportant, it is crucial in ensuring that the family in need gets what they desire. |
Lawyer Responsibilities And finally, Lawyers. The role of a lawyer is one of the most, if not the most, demanding positions in government due to the vast number of responsibilities they must uphold. Not only must they possess the correct legal knowledge to answer clients' questions, but they may also need to visit clients in prison, gather case details, and represent them in a manner that does not negatively alter their lives. Lawyers are present at every single trial, often seen as the guardians of their clients within the courtroom. Attending Trials Lawyers attend trials; they present the judge with any and all information they have. They have to defend their clients with the utmost importance. This is extremely crucial to any case, as if you have an incompetent lawyer, you're more than likely not going to win the case. This will often result in the case being flipped on the client or end up in them taking a plea deal due to the lawyer giving the client inadequate legal representation. Client meetings Client meetings are also another extremely important duty that all lawyers must partake in. This allows lawyers to gather evidence on the case and discuss possible legal options with the client at hand. This typically allows both parties to communicate as much as possible, which is very necessary when their life is at stake. File Restraining Orders Filing restraining orders is another part of something lawyers do regularly. They have to make sure the order is within legal rights and has all the necessary documentation and reasoning to provide the order up to a judge to accept or deny it. This often includes providing the judge with as much info as possible on the order in general. Front Desk Work Paperwork is something everyone within a governmental role does. However, with how many tasks a lawyer takes up, it is not uncommon for them to be busier than most. Although this allows them to gain incredibly important insight on cases, files, trials, and any other documentation of importance. Building Clientele Lists And finally, building client lists. This is another action lawyers have to do a lot, considering they're constantly working with or around a client's schedule to provide the best support possible before a trial is necessary. There may be several clients on a client list with different needs or wants for each of them. |
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have.

Full name:
Joumei Kagetsu
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr, He, Him
Current age:
Date of birth:
Febuary 22nd, 1989
Academic Degree:
Doctor Of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) & Masters of Law [LL.M.]
Bachelors in Business Management.
Political Science, Pre-Law, Economics & Psychology
Paralegal Studies & Legal Studies
Work experience:
I've always known I wanted to be a lawyer, but not simply just any lawyer-I wanted a global perspective on what I'd be able to accomplish.
Growing up in Tokyo, I admired my father, a well respected lawyer within the firm at the time however in my mind I knew I had to forge my own path. So after completing my law studies in japan, I decided to study abroad in the U.S. The change was demanding & challenging at the same time but I pushed through regardless. After graduating I langed a position at a top law firm in California. Although the early years at the firm were quite rough between balancing long hours, intense cases and adapting to a new culture, but my hard work eventually earned me the role of Senior Attorney.
Whilst my position as Senior Attorney didn't come easy, it was well worth it. Before reaching that role, it didn't come without its faults and hardships. For nearly two years, I was an Associate Attorney, primarily responsible for conducting legal research, drafting legal documents, and occasionally engaging with clients when needed. This experience drastically boosted my chances of eventually gaining my senior position, and I'm glad I went through it all and didn't give up, because now I'm exactly where I envisioned myself.
Although my success at the firm was evident, I felt incredibly disconnected from my Japanese heritage. So disconnected, in fact, that I decided to move back to Karakura and leave my Attorney position in the States for a chance at a new law firm. I knew in my heart that if I could succeed in a foreign country, I’d be more than able to do it back home. So, I studied—long and hard, hours upon days—until I had it all packed tight. All the effort I put into myself, and into my position at the law firm in the States, has led to this moment right here: a chance for me to be my best. And I'll be damned if I don't take it.
Nationality & born location:
Japanese, Nikko Japan
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Italian & Serbian
Criminal record:
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
To whomever this writing may come across. .
I know I'm not the best in the world, as perfection is imaginary but please take my words as a direct sign of Compassion, Benevolence & Tenderness.
Although I know there are more qualified individuals for this position, I feel that my drive sets me apart from the rest. Everyone knows that experience is a key factor in securing positions of importance, as it ensures a solid understanding of the subject at hand. However, if one has the experience in question but lacks the drive or ambition to go beyond what they've already known & learned, they have reached a plateau—one that, in my eyes, results in lackluster performance.
In law, performance should always be measured against perfection as the bare minimum. It is a strict endeavor with extremely specific, by-the-book regulations that must be adhered to—something I believe I can execute not just well, but near perfectly and that's what law is truly about, reaching an end goal that in your mind couldn't have been improved upon because it's your duty to give your absolutely best 200% of the time for the sake of your clients, at times their life may be in your hands and it's your duty to prevent their life from being altered in a way that is simply unfair.
I know I may come across as just another average Joe waiting for his big shot at a law firm, but I can assure you—I am much more than that. Every step of my journey, from my time at a law firm in the States to the long, sleepless nights I spent studying in college, has led me to this very moment. For anyone whom may be reading this letter, these may just be words but in my head every single word I'm writing out right now is a symbol of years of my dedication, drive and ambition that I wish so desperately to show if I get offered this position.
I may be older than some applicants, perhaps even more frail or weak however the only thing that my old age has given me is pure Wisdom, Passion and the absolute most intensity in this town. And I can promise you this—I am more determined, more loyal, and more driven than any other applicant in this town. And if you, Mayor Brown. . help grant me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I will prove myself to be the best lawyer this town has ever seen whilst always. . Always putting my front foot forward no matter what situation I find myself in.
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I am given this position—this chance—it will result in nothing less than excellence. Striving for perfection has always been my goal, my passion. And it will remain for the rest of my days on this earth to have the utmost commitment to my firm, my clients, and anyone I interact with to remain within my skill to adhere to the level of perfection I've so desperately desired through all areas of my life to reach.
Sincerely, Joumei Kagetsu. .
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have.

Full name:
Joumei Kagetsu
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr, He, Him
Current age:
Date of birth:
Febuary 22nd, 1989
Academic Degree:
Doctor Of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) & Masters of Law [LL.M.]
Bachelors in Business Management.
Political Science, Pre-Law, Economics & Psychology
Paralegal Studies & Legal Studies
Work experience:
I've always known I wanted to be a lawyer, but not simply just any lawyer-I wanted a global perspective on what I'd be able to accomplish.
Growing up in Tokyo, I admired my father, a well respected lawyer within the firm at the time however in my mind I knew I had to forge my own path. So after completing my law studies in japan, I decided to study abroad in the U.S. The change was demanding & challenging at the same time but I pushed through regardless. After graduating I langed a position at a top law firm in California. Although the early years at the firm were quite rough between balancing long hours, intense cases and adapting to a new culture, but my hard work eventually earned me the role of Senior Attorney.
Whilst my position as Senior Attorney didn't come easy, it was well worth it. Before reaching that role, it didn't come without its faults and hardships. For nearly two years, I was an Associate Attorney, primarily responsible for conducting legal research, drafting legal documents, and occasionally engaging with clients when needed. This experience drastically boosted my chances of eventually gaining my senior position, and I'm glad I went through it all and didn't give up, because now I'm exactly where I envisioned myself.
Although my success at the firm was evident, I felt incredibly disconnected from my Japanese heritage. So disconnected, in fact, that I decided to move back to Karakura and leave my Attorney position in the States for a chance at a new law firm. I knew in my heart that if I could succeed in a foreign country, I’d be more than able to do it back home. So, I studied—long and hard, hours upon days—until I had it all packed tight. All the effort I put into myself, and into my position at the law firm in the States, has led to this moment right here: a chance for me to be my best. And I'll be damned if I don't take it.
Nationality & born location:
Japanese, Nikko Japan
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Italian & Serbian
Criminal record:
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
To whomever this writing may come across. .
I know I'm not the best in the world, as perfection is imaginary but please take my words as a direct sign of Compassion, Benevolence & Tenderness.
Although I know there are more qualified individuals for this position, I feel that my drive sets me apart from the rest. Everyone knows that experience is a key factor in securing positions of importance, as it ensures a solid understanding of the subject at hand. However, if one has the experience in question but lacks the drive or ambition to go beyond what they've already known & learned, they have reached a plateau—one that, in my eyes, results in lackluster performance.
In law, performance should always be measured against perfection as the bare minimum. It is a strict endeavor with extremely specific, by-the-book regulations that must be adhered to—something I believe I can execute not just well, but near perfectly and that's what law is truly about, reaching an end goal that in your mind couldn't have been improved upon because it's your duty to give your absolutely best 200% of the time for the sake of your clients, at times their life may be in your hands and it's your duty to prevent their life from being altered in a way that is simply unfair.
I know I may come across as just another average Joe waiting for his big shot at a law firm, but I can assure you—I am much more than that. Every step of my journey, from my time at a law firm in the States to the long, sleepless nights I spent studying in college, has led me to this very moment. For anyone whom may be reading this letter, these may just be words but in my head every single word I'm writing out right now is a symbol of years of my dedication, drive and ambition that I wish so desperately to show if I get offered this position.
I may be older than some applicants, perhaps even more frail or weak however the only thing that my old age has given me is pure Wisdom, Passion and the absolute most intensity in this town. And I can promise you this—I am more determined, more loyal, and more driven than any other applicant in this town. And if you, Mayor Brown. . help grant me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I will prove myself to be the best lawyer this town has ever seen whilst always. . Always putting my front foot forward no matter what situation I find myself in.
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I am given this position—this chance—it will result in nothing less than excellence. Striving for perfection has always been my goal, my passion. And it will remain for the rest of my days on this earth to have the utmost commitment to my firm, my clients, and anyone I interact with to remain within my skill to adhere to the level of perfection I've so desperately desired through all areas of my life to reach.
Sincerely, Joumei Kagetsu. .
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