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Denied Governor | screamingandcry's Application


Level 13

In-game Name:

(Was previously peepebaby)

Previous bans:

-I had been banned once, almost a year ago when I hadn’t been as familiar with all of the server rules, but I have not been banned again since.
Ban appeal. | SchoolRP

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:


Timezone & Country:

-North America, EST.

Links to any current & past applications:

Greek application, denied: Language Application | SchoolRP
Greek application, accepted: Language application | SchoolRP
Librarian application, accepted: Accepted - Librarian Application. | SchoolRP
German application, accepted: Language application. | SchoolRP
Russian application, accepted: Language application. | SchoolRP
JSL application, accepted: JSL Language App. | SchoolRP
Greek application, accepted: Greek Application. | SchoolRP
Russian application, accepted: russian app | SchoolRP

Describe your activity on the server:

-I have been playing srp for around a year now, during that time I have been a librarian for around ten months now on my main, and I had only not made the monthly quota once, and when I did, it was because it had been a bad month for me. Along with that, I have two other accounts, my grade 12 account that I have had for a few months now, but don’t use that much (which is the account I am applying with) as well as a grade 8 account that I have been using to try and finally do classes and such.
I have quite a lot of free time on my hands, so most days I am online for what could probably be considered an unreasonable amount of time, that being at least ten hours normally.
Although it should also be noted that I am not available most Sundays until after 8pm.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

-In general, some of my motivation for applying to be a governor is because of the fact that I wish to branch out and try different factions on the server besides just a school employee, I had been debating for a while on which faction I would like to try and be a part of before I had finally decided that I wish to attempt to work in the government faction.
I have really started taking interest in the faction recently after one of the recent court cases, and that interest has only continued to grow after I got to interact with a few of the government workers icly.

I understand that these reasons are very simple, however they are true, I wish to broaden my horizons and this faction is the one that has caught my attention the most.
I believe that it should also be noted that I have had too much time on my hands, and so I feel like something like this could be a good way to spend that time.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

-I have read and have an understanding of Karakura’s law & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

-Veniamin wishes to be able to make changes in Karakura when it comes to things like crime, there are way too many crime related issues that have gone overlooked and unpunished, and he wishes to be able to change that.
He also in general wishes to be able to make crime and gang related things in Karakura to be less popular, although he is well aware that such a thing is likely impossible to achieve, or at the very least, very difficult. However, that will not stop him from attempting to anyways.

-He wishes to be able to represent the people in the town, to be a person able to voice the needs and wants of the citizens to hopefully be able to get the changes that they need made, or to be able to be the person that listens to their requests even if he cannot voice them, so that they are at least kept in mind.

-My personal goals for this role are very similar to my character’s goals, however a goal of mine that is specifically oocly is that I obviously wish to be able to attempt something new, and hopefully succeed at it. (That thing being trying to work in the government faction.) I want to be able to broaden my horizons, and I want to be able to hopefully do something good as I do so, which will hopefully be able to be done as a governor.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

-Governors have many different jobs within the government. One of the more obvious jobs that governors do, which most people are likely already aware of, is how governors are the ones who hand out IDs to citizens.
Governors are also the people in the government who take care of the laws and constitution, as well as other government paperwork, like proposing or accepting new laws, or simply making sure that current laws and constitution is in order as times change.
It should be noted that governors are also the people in government who call the court to order.
Overall, like already stated, governors have a variety of different tasks that they must do, however for the most part, it is a governor's job to help the mayor with anything that they may need, as well as take note of whatever may be going wrong or what may need fixing within the town so that the government can try and make sure that things are done about it.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

-I am well aware that upon being accepted, I could be removed from the position at any time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

-I understand that I am expected to be dedicated to my position upon being accepted, and I am more than willing to put the time and energy into doing so.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

-I am aware that any display of ooc bias towards anyone on the job will result in punishment, yes. Bias in general is never good,

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

-I have.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

-Yes, however if I am unable to attend one for whatever reason I will of course let it be known to the faction head.


Full name:

-Veniamin Vinogradov

Preferred title:

-Mr. Vinogradov.

Current age:


Date of birth:

-July 13th, XXXX.
(I am leaving the year blank just in case I end up changing his age in the future.)



Academic Degree:

-Master's Degree in Criminal Justice.
-Master's Degree in Political Science.


-Criminal Justice.
-Political Science.


-Business studies.

Work experience:

-I had managed to get into college almost immediately after I graduated highschool, so I started just shortly before I had turned eighteen years old, and managed to graduate with my masters in criminal justice when I was only twenty, however from there I ended up going to a different college to get my masters in Political science as well, which once again only took me two years, so I was twenty two when I was finally done with school. From there, I had managed to get a job in my father’s law firm, and so from there I had worked as an attorney for six years, although throughout that time I had climbed the ranks, which was likely because of my father’s influence, however at the same time I chose to believe that it was mostly from my own skills. When my father passed away, his law firm was put into my hands. I had done my best to run the firm on my own, however after two years of doing so with the occasional help of my older brother, my brother moved to Karakura, and I had decided that I wished to move as well so that I can continue to live near my remaining family, and that is what has brought me here.

To sum things up, I took four years to get both of my masters by the time I was twenty-two, from there I worked in my father’s law firm for six years until he passed, and the firm went to me, and from there I ran the firm for two years on my own.

Political background:

-Like I had stated previously, I started working as an attorney at a law firm when I was twenty-two, until I had been put into the position where I had to become the owner of it, which allowed me all the experience that I needed. It should also be noted that besides just working at a law firm itself, I had been very well acquainted with the government workers where I am from, and while working at my firm, I have represented many people before, which of course means I have worked many court cases before.

Nationality & born location:

Nationality: Russian.
Born Location: Suzdal, Russia.

Fluent languages:


Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?

-I believe that despite the fact that I am on the younger side, that I am more than capable of becoming a governor.
I wish to be able to represent people in Karakura, to be able to listen to their issues, and voice those issues to the people who can make changes to hopefully fix them, or obviously be the person who can try and make those changes. I am well aware of the fact that I have never been a governor before, however I truly believe that as long as I am informed on what must be done then I will be able to make it happen, and if I cannot make it happen, I will still try my hardest to do as much as I can to get as close as possible to making it happen. I understand that there are likely many applications that are a million times better than mine, however if I am given the chance to be able to prove myself, I will not disappoint. And if I do disappoint? I will do everything in my power to improve so that it does not happen again.
I personally believe that I have the dedication and drive to be able to do great things as long as you are willing to give me the opportunity to try to.
However, if you do not believe that I am a good fit for a position such as this, that is understandable, and I wish you well, and perhaps in the future we will be able to work together.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to keep this application on PENDING

Your application was great, unfortunately we decided that others stood out a little more to us at the moment. I'll keep this application pending until more Governor spots open up, if you'd like to have this application removed/denied please DM me on discord at: oZinth#0001


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application as we are full on spots for this position.

You may re-apply in 30 days

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